Save My Soul (25 page)

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Authors: K.S. Haigwood

Tags: #romance, #love, #angels, #god, #demon, #guardian angel, #betrayal, #angel, #devil, #demons, #monster, #lust, #die, #deceit, #photography, #soulmate, #souls, #guardian angels, #soulmates

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He shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me
how you spend the next few hours or so. Tomorrow, you'll be

I lowered my head. "I

"And you're okay with that?" He was
getting angry again. I didn't know why, and I really didn't

"No, but what choice do I have? I've
done all I can do, and it wasn't good enough. So if you would be so
kind as to leave me and Adam alone, I'll see you

He turned his head to the side and
looked at me through squinted eyes. I think he still thought I was
hiding something that I would use at the last minute to win Adam's
soul and save my own. It was all up to Adam how this turned out,
and I knew that no matter how much he loved me or how great his
surgical skills were, it wouldn't be enough to save me. I wondered
how Adam's sanity would fare when he couldn't bring me back. I knew
it wouldn't be good. I was the first person he'd loved in almost
twenty years. Coen had been right; his soul would totally be lost.
Murry finally nodded. "I'll leave you and Adam alone until
tomorrow. I have no problem with that."

"Would you consider giving me another

He laughed. "I would not," he replied
with an evil leer.

"Could you not make it too gruesome?
I'd like an open casket for my family."

He smiled as he nodded. "Your body
will stay intact, and it won't be too painful. I'll grant you that
wish. After tomorrow, you will never feel pain again. I

I lowered my gaze. "Yes I will. I will
always feel the pain of my broken heart. You can't take that away
from me, and I wouldn't want you to. I'll savor every moment of the
pain because then I will never forget how it felt to

He looked up to the ceiling like he
was watching something, or listening to something I couldn't hear.
He stood and growled. The room began to shake and then the dream
shattered all around me.

I woke to Adam softly kissing my lips.
I didn't open my eyes, I just responded back by opening to him and
kissing him back. I didn't know if it was because we were meant to
be with each other or if he was just a really good kisser, but the
butterflies in my stomach fluttered their little wings every time
our lips met.

He pulled back, and when I opened my
eyes he was smiling. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked
at me. "You were crying in your sleep. I thought I could make your
tears go away with a kiss. I was right." His smile broadened,
making me smile back at him. Smiles are contagious. If you don't
believe me, try smiling at someone and see what happens.

"Why were you crying?" he

I looked away from him and he
immediately took my chin with his finger and brought my eyes back
to his. "Tell me, please. I want to know what's made you so

I frowned at him. "Your guardian demon
likes to visit my dreams to rub it in that he's going to win. He's
keeping my soul for himself after I die, and I'm not too happy
about that. That was the reason for the tears."

He lost any hint of a smile. His
expression became frantic. "What?"

I rolled my eyes. "Do you think I
would be happy about belonging to Mason for all eternity? We won't
exactly be living here on Earth." The realization clearly showed on
his face. "You really didn't believe me when I told you that I was
losing my soul tomorrow, did you?"

He shook his head as his eyes grew
wide. "If he's taking your soul tomorrow, does that mean he'll kill
me too?"

I shook my head and thought for a
moment. "I don't think so. That was in the deal I made with your
guardian angel. I had a week to regain your soul, or I would die
again." I shrugged. "I took the deal because I didn't have anything
to lose. I got to live another seven days even if I failed, but if
I succeeded, I'd get to go on living my life. I didn't find out
until later that I would lose my soul to Murry if I failed. I
raised hell about it. Believe me, I did. Your guardian angel was
the one who caused my first accident to happen. He figured if our
souls met, that would be the only way to get you back." I lowered
my gaze. "Coen's soul was sent into Hell for what he did to me. And
believe me when I say that I'm going to kick his ass when I get
there tomorrow."

"You aren't going to Hell, Kendra. I
promise to bring you back if you die." He said it so sincerely that
I almost believed it myself.

I smiled through unshed tears and
placed my hand on his cheek. "I know you think you'll be able

He put his hand on top of mine and
turned his head into my palm, kissing it lightly. "He knows how
good a surgeon I am. I won't let him take you. You have to believe
me." He was pleading with me.

"I believe you, Adam," I lied then
kissed his lips before he could see the truth in my


Chapter Forty


Adam took to the kiss and I forgot
about my losing my soul. We had this time together. I knew it
wouldn't last, but Adam still seemed to have faith in his surgical
skills, if nothing else. I would let him believe that, if it meant
we could be happy until it happened. I didn't want to fight with
him. I wanted his last memories of us together to be the best
memories of his life, and I wanted good memories of us together
that I could look back on when forced to become Murry's

Adam kissed me tenderly; it was
nothing like the kiss from last night. It was still hungry with
eagerness, but there was a softness there that hadn't been there
before. I had never experienced anything so pleasurable. He seemed
to explore every part of my mouth with care and utter preciseness;
pulling and sucking my lips with his, then sliding his tongue in to
tangle with my own. His hands only touched my face, and only so he
could change the angle of the kiss. I had never had a kiss this
intense without touching, and I wanted more from him. I wanted to
explore for myself, but every time I tried to touch him, he would
take my hands away and place them gently on the bed.

He moved from my mouth and ran a trail
of delicate kisses down my neck and over my collarbone, then untied
my black satin robe so he could open up more of the package that
lay before him. I wanted to touch him, and I knew that he would
eventually let me. The urge was almost too strong now. I was about
to burst from my need to have him.

He looked up at me in surprise. "You
sleep alone in this kind of stuff?"

I let out a little gasp and covered my
mouth with my hand in embarrassment. It took me a few moments to
regain my composure enough to speak without bursting into tears or
fits of laughter. I wasn't completely sure what would happen when I
opened my mouth, but he was looking at me now like he wanted to rip
the thin sheer material off instead of laugh at me. I removed my
hand and took a deep breath. "Kobhye dressed me for bed. I wasn't
able. I suppose she thought I'd have a midnight rendezvous with
someone. You should see how she preps herself for sleeping

He smiled. "Remind me to thank Kobhye

I blushed, and he resumed the task at
hand. He slipped the slim strap of my lingerie down and didn't
waste any time baring my breast. I ran my fingers through his short
black hair and he either let me do it, or was too enthralled with
his discoveries beneath my lingerie. He captured my hardened nipple
between his lips and suckled gently. I gave a soft moan which he
echoed. My entire body quivered under his experienced touch. He
became more determined to get rid of my top.

I ran my hands over his shoulders and
he didn't object. I assumed I was getting total access to him. I
took advantage of the free pass with an overwhelming sense of
anticipation, and ran my hands further down his unyielding but soft
back. Then I relocated them to the front of his upper body so I
could feel the thumping of his heartbeat with my

Passion doesn't come close to
explaining what I was experiencing; desire couldn't touch it
either. It was unlike anything I had ever heard defined, let alone
experienced. I had been with men before, but this was different. I
can't explain how it was different, because the way he was touching
me had my head reeling. The only thought I could wrap my mind
around was, I Needed Him Now!

He was still trying to be gentle when
he moved to take off the panties, but his self-control was slipping
away quickly. I heard him grunt in frustration, and then the soft
material ripped. He looked up like I might be angry with him, and I
laughed. He smiled and continued to remove the fabric. "The sexy
sleepwear was nice, but I prefer you without it," he said with a
mischievous smirk.

The bottom half of his body was under
the comforter, but I knew he was still wearing the flannel pajama
bottoms. I wanted him out of them. I placed my hand on his stomach,
and he closed his eyes and sighed. I slowly moved my hand down to
run along his waistband. His breath caught in his throat and he
shivered. I smiled, then moved my body in alignment with his. I
began to place kisses down his neck when I was close enough. He
pulled me closer, and my hand slipped beneath the soft flannel to
find him hard, aroused, and very ready for me. I wrapped my fingers
around him and he gasped. He scrambled to remove the material from
his body.

He finally got them kicked off his
feet, and in one swift motion, he had me on my back, was in between
my legs, and sliding into my hot core. I screamed out his name, and
he screamed out mine as I hit my climax and fell into oblivion. I
couldn't think about anything but the intense feeling his body was
giving mine. We fit together perfectly, and why shouldn't we? We
were made for each other.

"Again, Kendra…do it again." He
crushed his lips to mine and rolled us over so I was straddling
him. I moved forward and back, slowly at first, but he quickly took
control, grabbing my hips and moving me faster and faster while
watching my face with extreme concentration.

I could feel the orgasm building, like
a rubber band that was stretched to its max. He pushed and pulled
my body faster still until it broke free. I screamed. It wasn't a
sigh or a moan, but a full-blown scream. I didn't have a choice in
the matter. The excessive pleasure radiating through my body
brought a sound from my throat so violent I thought I might have
trouble speaking later. I couldn't move. My muscles had gone limp,
but that didn't stop Adam. He grabbed me and scooted off the bed,
still carefully cradling my body in front of him.

He laid me on the edge of the bed and
I looked up at him with a lazy smile. "We aren't finished, Kendra.
I'm nowhere near finished with you."

An hour and a half later, we were both
collapsed in a tangled, sweaty mess and breathing hard. The
comforter must have found better comfort on the floor, because that
was where it ended up. The pillows were there as well, and the
fitted sheet wasn't exactly fitted to the mattress any longer. I
opened my eyes. That was the only movement I could manage at the
moment, and I looked out my bedroom window. The sun was only about
thirty minutes from setting. How long had we slept

Murry had promised to leave us alone
so we could enjoy our last few hours together. Even without him
interfering, I knew I was running out of precious time. It made me
sad to think I couldn't be with Adam everyday like this. It didn't
need to be this intense all the time; just waking up to him every
morning for the rest of my life would be enough. That was the
problem; I only had one more morning left of my life.

If I'd have known he wouldn't believe
what he needed to at the end of the week, I would have just seduced
him that first day so I could have had more days with him. With
Adam, my soulmate.


Chapter Forty-one


Adam regained movement in his limbs
before I did, but he didn't look a hundred percent as he stumbled
to the bathroom.

"Would you like to shower with me?" he
shouted from the bathroom, and I heard the water come

I found my voice and managed to get
out, "I would love to, but I have this little problem of not being
able to move my legs."

I didn't hear him coming, and I let
out a girlie squeal as he picked me up in his arms. I started
laughing as he carried me to the shower. "That problem can be
remedied. No worries." he said, with a broad smile plastered across
his face.

He stood me under the hot spray then
steadied me until I could stand on my own. It wasn't as bad as I'd
thought, so I didn't have much trouble with my balance. "I thought
we could go out for a bite to eat. You feel up to it, or would you
rather go back to doing other things?" He gave me a sexy seductive
look. Sex with him was definitely in my immediate future, but I
needed a little break. Food sounded good.

"We can eat and save the other things
for dessert." He grinned at me as he lathered up my shower puff
with body wash. I thought he was doing it for him, so it surprised
me when he began to wash my body. He washed every inch of me, quite
thoroughly in some places, I might add. I blushed, and he just

I realized he was aroused. How could
he be, after what we'd just done? He bent and kissed my lips
tenderly, and I became conscious that I wanted him just as
ardently. My eyes were still closed when his lips left mine. He
didn't touch me anymore, so I opened them to find him soaping his
own body. He made slow, circular movements with the shower puff
over his shoulders, pecs, and his stomach. I had to look away when
he went lower; he was driving me crazy. He had that sexy smirk
plastered on his face the whole time. How could anyone get so
aroused from only watching someone wash their own body? I didn't
know, but it was driving me insane.

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