Save Me If You Can (6 page)

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Authors: Christina C Jones

BOOK: Save Me If You Can
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“You can put the gun down,” he said, lifting his hands. “It’s not that serious, we’re on the same side.”

She moved her finger to the trigger, then lowered the gun to point at his groin. “
Who are you

. Special Agent Harrison Cole, DEA. And I really am on vacation, goddamn. Can you point that somewhere else?”

“Fine.” She raised the gun, aiming the barrel at his chest. “Take off your clothes, Agent Cole.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “The hell? I’m not about to—”

Take off your clothes,
” she said, loudly enough to speak over his refusal. “In case you’re wearing some type of transmission advice. Take off the clothes, or I can just put two between your eyes. Your choice.”

Harrison looked at her for a long moment, his expression blank, and she moved the gun in a
hurry up and get to it
motion. He hesitated, then began muttering curses under his breath as he stripped out of his clothes. “Your ass is lucky I have a sister and a niece to look out for.”

Savi smiled. “How noble of you.”

“Whatever,” he muttered as he pulled his shirt over his head.

Savi watched him with an odd sense of satisfaction as he tossed it to the floor, then toed his way out of his socks and shoes. His belt and shorts were next, and when he stood in front of her in nothing but his boxers, still straining with the erection that had started back at the hotel room door, he paused.

“Those too,” Savi said with a shrug.

He shook his head, and dropped the boxers.

He was… incredible.

Special Agent Harrison Cole, DEA, was covered all over in a rich, honey brown tone, tall and solidly built, with mouthwateringly chiseled arms. His chest was mostly smooth, just a tiny sprinkle of hair, but lower, there was more, leading to a thick, gorgeous, heavy-looking erection.

Also mouthwatering.

“Turn around,” Savi whispered, and Harrison narrowed his eyes, even though the corners of his mouth twitched like he wanted to smile. He did as she said though, and Savi bit her lip at the sight of his muscled ass and back.

Damn, he is delicious

While his back was turned, Savi reached for her phone, plugging in the secure code to unlock it. She navigated to her CIA database, typed in another series of passwords, then typed in
Harrison Cole
when the screen she wanted came up. There was indeed a hit, but she frowned at the information that came up.

“This says you’re a cop. A
, but that’s still not the same thing as DEA.”

“I know what my files says,” he replied, his voice edged with annoyance. “There’s a reason for that. Can I put my damned clothes on?”

“No.” Bringing her phone to her ear, she make a quick, hushed phone call. When it was over, she smiled. “Come around here, to the couch. Sit down.” She wiped the grin from her face before he turned around, and pointed the gun at him again even though she’d already decided she didn’t need it.

It wasn’t that hard to figure out that Harrison was probably deep under cover, hence the deception in his file. He probably
on vacation, with whatever piece of shit criminal he was supposed to be shadowing, and seeking a break. Searching for respite, just like she was, and as far as
was concerned… now that she knew who he was, they could get back to what they were doing before.

She tossed her phone back onto the table, placed his gun beside it, then rounded the couch to stand in front of Harrison. He didn’t look at her, keeping his eyes pointed toward the ceiling as he relaxed his head on the low back of the couch. Without a word, Savi started stripping off her clothes, and
he gave her his attention.

Even though he watched until she was completely nude in front of him, his expression didn’t change. He looked positively bored, if she only went by his face, but he couldn’t hide the reaction of his body. His body was hard – impressively so – and he was sticking straight up, ready and waiting. With her Ruger still in her hand, Savannah lowered herself onto his lap, with his erection between them.

He draped his hands behind his head, swallowing hard as Savi pushed the barrel of the gun against his jaw. “Special Agent Savannah Briggs, CIA. I won’t hold you here against your will, Agent Cole. If you wanna get your gun, get dressed, leave… you can.
…” she smiled, biting her lip as she glanced down at his hardness pressed against her flat stomach, then reached over him, pulling a condom from her purse on the table. She held the little plastic package up in front of his face. “You can stay.”

Harrison scoffed, shaking his head as his eyes drifted over her body. “You are
. Sexy as hell… but crazy.” Still… he made no move to remove her from his lap, lowering his hands to instead cup handfuls of her ass and squeeze. “Or maybe
ass is crazy, for not getting the fuck out of here.”

Giggling, Savi leaned forward, trailing kisses over his neck and chest as she gripped him in her hand and gave a gentle squeeze. “It’ll be worth it… promise,” she whispered into his ear, then pulled the soft cartilage between her teeth.

In one swift motion, Harrison disarmed her, then flipped her on her back on the couch, positioning himself between her legs. Savi may not have been as in charge as she thought, but that didn’t matter, not any more. All that mattered was the sweet, sweet friction between her thighs as Harrison sheathed himself and then pushed inside of her, burying himself deep as he propped her legs around his waist.

It was
good, skirting the line of pain and pleasure, filling her up, igniting a gratifying tingle that touched her all over as he began to move. Slow, confident, deep strokes that made her whimper a little just before he pulled back, and dig her nails into his back as he did it again, and again, and again.

He lowered his chest until they were skin to skin, then went to work sucking and nibbling her neck. She opened her mouth, but couldn’t form words, only desperate little gasps of pleasure.

“What’s wrong, Agent Briggs?” Harrison shifted so they were face to face, then grinned as she met his eyes. “Cat got your tongue?”



Present day…


“So you’ve got a little girlfriend or something, huh? What’s her name?”

Harrison remembered that question like it had been posed just yesterday, instead of six years ago. He’d been grinning at his phone after a particularly filthy email from Savi, when somebody walked in, and immediately figured out what his smile was about.

He’d been careful. Very
careful not to let any information about Savannah slip. Damien Wolfe was a man who had many enemies, and could easily become an enemy himself. The last thing he wanted was his
involvement with Wolfe to become a liability for Savi.

Harrison had kept to himself. Wolfe’s other cronies wanted to hit the strip clubs, do lines, all kinds of other stupid shit, but they did it without Harrison. He kept his nose clean – literally – and his head down, proving himself loyal, and doing what was required, but being smart
about it. Especially once Savi was in the picture. Once she meant everything, he had too much to lose.

For a long time, Harrison had held a particular goal as paramount in his life. Justice for his mother, retribution against his father, payback on his sister’s behalf. That goal had driven him, for most of his life. Through police academy, his time as a detective, and eventually his move into the DEA. There was too much at stake, too many lives to save, too many that needed to end, for him to slip up.

He needed to focus. He didn’t need a distraction.

The love affair with Savi… that was definitely a distraction.

It was one thing to find a woman to fulfill his physical needs. There were
of those around. But the thing with Savi… they couldn’t be together very often because of the limitations of their jobs. The times when they could were absolutely about touching, fucking, exploring each other like it was the last opportunity. But it was the in-between times that made it all so dangerously different.

The times when she was so far across the world that it was the middle of the day where she was, and the middle of the night for him, but they spent hours talking about whatever came to mind, from foreign policy to holiday dinners, from Super Bowl picks to reality TV. The times when he would randomly get an email from their secret encrypted account, and whether it was a sweet message about missing him, or a picture of her as she pleasured herself, captioned that she wished he was there… he lived for those moments a little too much.

too much.

He felt too deeply for her, for a man who barely had a family of his own. How could he know what love really was? His feelings had grown too strong for a woman who’d been willing to put a bullet through his head the first night they met. The relationship had evolved too much, from a one night stand, to something that he… something that it physically hurt to think about losing.

It was a vulnerability he couldn’t afford. A
he couldn’t afford. So… it had to be eliminated. He didn’t insult her by just cutting off communication, which would have maybe been easier. They actually talked, there were tears, and curse words, and… it wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have. But they had
to have it.

Afterwards, even though they agreed to dissolve all communications, agreed to take away nothing except the memories and leave each other in the past… he couldn’t. Savannah Briggs was the only person on the planet who loved him without pretense, without preconceived notions. She didn’t pity him, she didn’t judge him, she just…
him, and that was a hard –
– thing to let go.

And that’s why Savi was at the door now.

In the confusion after the attack, they hadn’t had the opportunity to talk. There hadn’t been any quiet, but now there was. Savi had slipped into the room and just stood there, not verbalizing anything, but the weight of her silence said so
much. Her emotions were thick in the air, and every trembling breath she took, trying her best not to cry was like a knife through his heart.

“You are so goddamn selfish,” she whispered, finally, taking a step toward his bed. “Harrison I have ached
for you. Wondering where you were, if you were okay… if you were alive. If you had somebody to love, and take care of you now. It was hard as hell, but I figured out how to live with not knowing. So find out that you
all this time, that I left the CIA, that I’ve been
in the US, living a normal life… and you… you couldn’t even bother to leave a note in the mailbox, letting me know that hey…
‘I’m okay.’
I… how
you?!” Her bottom lip was trembling by the time she stopped, and she pulled it between her teeth, biting down on it, hard, to hold back a sob.

Goddamn it.

“Savannah, I

Don’t you say that shit again
!” she yelled, closing the distance between herself and the bed. “Don’t you give me that cliché bullshit, about… what? You didn’t want me to wait for you? You didn’t want me to think about you, wanted me to let go, so I could just forget? Well guess what, asshole – that isn’t what happened!”

, Savannah. That’s
why. I wanted to…” – he stopped, taking a deep breath himself to swallow his own emotion before he continued – “If I’d done that… I risked letting someone know what you meant to me. It’s one thing to pay somebody to find you, or watch you. It’s something else entirely to fucking pass secret notes. It puts things in a whole new light, a light I couldn’t afford to shine on you. At any time, I’m taking a chance on being followed, so it’s not like I could sneak and meet up, or leave a note myself, without somebody seeing it. You think this shit was
, Savi?!”

She sucked her teeth. “I think it was better than wondering.”

“It wasn’t.” Ignoring the sharp pain in his leg, Harrison sat up, looking Savi right in the eyes. “I
you. Seeing you happy, sad, seeing you garden, and shop, and have lunch like you couldn’t kill a room full of people… like you were just a regular girl. Seeing you get married, seeing you mourn your husband when he died. Not being able to touch you, laugh with you, comfort you… make love to you. It
was not easy.

Silence lingered between them for several long seconds, only broken by Savi’s stifled sobs. “When they were talking to you,” she said finally, sniffling, “in that interview… you said it like it was nothing. You made it seem like it was no big deal to you.”

“Because I was trying to protect you. I don’t know what you’ve revealed about us, but nobody will know
unless you clear it. I will not betray you, or our history, like that.”

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