Save Me From Myself (3 page)

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Authors: Stacey Mosteller

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Save Me From Myself
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“Mmm, that man makes jeans and a button up shirt look
!” Anna says, not moving her eyes away from his behind.

I smack her on the arm, “Anna!”

“What?” she asks indignantly. “You know you were looking at his ass too!” I blush, knowing it’s true, and turning to the others at the table, she asks, “Where’s Bastian?”

Ben snorts, “Where can you always find Bastian? Work of course. He’s making sure everything is ready for tomorrow’s issue. You had to know he probably wouldn’t show. He doesn’t ‘hang’ with the little people.”

Anna scoffs, “That issue was ready to go when we left
ago. He’s such a perfectionist!”

They continue to talk while I zone out and study everyone at the table. Ben’s a handsome guy. He has blonde, highlighted, surfer-boy hair with pale green eyes and an easy smile. Watching him and Toby, you can instantly tell they aren’t only work partners. Toby is as dark as Ben is light, with shaggy, inky black hair - think vintage Bieber hairstyle - and eyes so dark I can’t tell where his pupils end and his irises begin.

Alex has short, spiky, light brown hair and chocolaty brown eyes. It’s obvious by watching him and Brandi that he adores her. And from the smirk on his face, and the flustered look on hers, he is clearly trying to get frisky under the table. It’s so much like Matt and I were in the beginning that it makes my heart ache for what used to be, but no longer is.

I am brought out of my trance by a hand placing a bright bluish-purple drink in front of me. “There you go,” his voice says. I jump and the hot blonde guy - David? - puts his hand on my shoulder. “Sorry darlin', didn’t mean to startle you.” He says with a knowing smile.

I am instantly embarrassed. “You didn’t,” I snap. “I just wasn’t expecting someone to be up in my personal space.”

He removes his hand. “Well sorry princess, I tried to get your attention, but you were in your own little world,” he says with a defensive edge to his voice. “It won’t happen again.”

“Mmmm David, this is amazing!” Anna moans. It sounds like she is auditioning for a porno, but it takes David’s attention away from me and I’m grateful. “What is this drink called? It tastes like grape Kool-Aid!” Anna asks as I take a huge gulp of mine.

I hear him say with a laugh, “That’s my famous Blue Balls.” I start choking as soon as the words ‘blue balls’ come out of his perfect mouth. This night can’t possibly get any worse.

“Well honey,” Anna starts in a voice full of laughter, “I will gladly drain your Blue Balls.”

The entire table, including David, bursts into raucous laughter and Terra fist-bump Anna saying, “Chica, that was classic!”

David shakes his head and turns back to me. “Let me know when y’all are ready for another round. There’s other people here who need me too.” He smirks and I stutter out an okay while praying the floor will open up beneath me and swallow me.


After three of David’s ‘Blue Balls’ concoctions, I’ve loosened up enough to move to the dance floor with everyone. Anna’s been trying to get me out there since she’d “drained her first blue balls of the night” - her words, not mine, I promise.

Rhianna’s “Cheers” starts playing right as Anna and I enter the dance floor and she immediately abandons me to grind on Brandi and Terra, holding her arm up like she’s toasting us all every time “Cheers to the frickin’ weekend” plays. She looks so funny acting out the song that I am almost doubled over with laughter in between Toby and Ben twirling me around. Alex had told me earlier that his dancing is scary, so he was content watching us from the table.

When the music changes, Anna moves back over to me and I somehow end up sandwiched between her and Ben. I had completely forgotten about my earlier embarrassment with David until Ben leans down and whispers, “Don’t look now, but Hottie Bartender can’t take his eyes off of you.” Of course, my eyes immediately snap up to meet his hooded gaze. He’s leaning with his elbows on the bar talking to a dark haired guy, but he’s watching me.

I unconsciously lick my lips to re-wet them and can see his eyes darken clear across the room. A shiver goes down my spine and Ben whispers in my ear again, “Damn girl, the two of you are making MY panties wet. And I don’t wear panties!” And just like that, the connection is broken as the mental image of Ben in a pair of women’s panties has me dissolving into laughter again.


Finally at almost ten thirty, Anna has danced and eaten enough to sober up and drive us home. I head to the bar to settle our tab, and David is the only one behind it. He looks up from wiping the bar down as I walk up to him.

“I’m ready to cash out our bill,” I say, struggling to look up at him. He’s easily six inches taller than me even wearing low-heeled boots.

“Sure thing princess,” he says, giving me my total. As I hand over my debit card, I risk a glance up at him and he’s looking right into my eyes. As cliche as it sounds, it felt like we were the only two people in this very crowded bar. He breaks the connection first to run my card, and when he hands me my copy, he says, “Have a nice week Lyric.”

I look at him warily, “How did you know my name?”

“Well princess, it’s on your card
your receipt,” he says raising an eyebrow. “Is me knowing your name a problem? If so, I can easily forget it.”

Well, that stung a little. “No,” I say hastily. “It’s fine. I just wasn’t thinking.”

With her epically perfect timing, Anna appears next to me, “Come on Chickie, work comes early tomorrow.” Turning to David, she says, “See ya soon, Hottie Bartender!”

With that, she links arms with me and leads me to where everyone else is waiting near the door. When we walk outside, Toby and Ben each kiss my cheek and say they’ll see me tomorrow, and Brandi and Terra hug me, saying we have to do lunch one day this week. I agree as Anna and I turn towards where the car is parked.


We walk back into the apartment and Anna falls back onto the couch, pulling me down beside her. “So, you and Hottie Bartender huh? So much for ‘I’m not looking for a relationship.’ But, at least you picked the smexiest guy in the place!” Anna smacks me in the arm as she says this.

“Ow! What are you talking about? He’s a bartender! The more they flirt, the better their tips are. There was no ‘picking’ anything.” I say with a scowl, rubbing the spot on my arm where she hit me.

“Uh-huh, sure hon. You keep telling yourself that. Guys just flirting for tips don’t keep their eyes on you all night. And their eyes definitely don’t promise to murder the guy grinding on you every time he runs his hands over your body. I thought Hottie was going to jump the bar and attack him!” She is completely serious as she says all this.

“Even if he was looking at me like that - and I’m not saying he was Anna - it doesn’t mean anything is going to happen. I came here to heal, not to get my heart broken again. And getting involved with a guy like that is just begging to get it broken all over again,” I say, and even I can hear the disappointment in my voice.

Anna sighs, “Lyric, not every guy is like Matt. Yes, there are a lot of cheating assholes, but not every guy cheats. Lots of guys are faithful. You’re going to have to give someone a chance to prove that sometime.”

Okay, this conversation is officially too deep for after eleven on a Sunday night. Especially when I’m starting a new job in the morning. Standing, I say, “I’ll think about it. But for now, I need my beauty sleep before I meet this perfectionist boss of yours tomorrow.”

Anna stands up too, and wraps her arms around me. Laying her head on my shoulder, she says softly, “I love you Lyric, and I hate seeing you cut yourself off from everyone because of what Matt did to you. This is your chance to start over, to be the Lyric you used to be. Promise me you’ll keep an open mind, alright?”

Smiling sadly, I tell her, “I’ll do my best. I promise.” Then, after hugging her a final time, I go to my room and shut the door, resting my back against it. The girl I used to be. I don’t think I can ever go back to being her. Too much has happened in the past year and a half.

After washing off my make-up and changing into pajamas, I can’t stay away from my new bed any longer. I lay down, pulling the comforter up to my shoulders, and close my eyes, waiting for sleep to claim me.

You know that feeling you get on the first day of school? Yeah, well, that’s how I feel this morning. I’m standing outside the building I will now be working inside of, and avoidance is definitely my friend right now. The longer it takes me to get in there, the longer it will be before I have to meet my new boss. Starting a new job and having to get to know a new boss makes me nervous.

But, of course, Anna isn’t going to let me procrastinate any longer. She’s noticed I’m not behind her anymore. Walking back to me, she cocks her head and asks, “Are you planning to work today? Or are you just going to stand here and watch the building?”

Pretending to think about it for a second, I just look at her. When she narrows her eyes at me, I respond, “That depends, are you actually going to leave me out here watching?”

She shakes her head, “Definitely not. This is your fresh start, so go get started! Bastian hates when people are late, and you don’t want to be on his bad side on your first day.” She grabs my hand and drags me towards the door.


The first thing I notice when we walk in the door, is that Nashville Nights is not your typical office. The room is filled with bright colors. Blown up pictures of Nashville’s nightlife and concerts cover the white walls. Two comfy ash colored couches, decked out with fuchsia and bright citrine throw pillows face each other in the middle of the room. A white marble coffee table sits between the two, with neon green glass bottles overflowing with champagne colored flowers on top. Mustard yellow curtains frame the windows.

Anna bypasses the empty reception desk and walks through the entrance behind it. There are a few offices along each side wall with a cluster of desks in the middle of the open room. I follow her as she heads straight for one of the offices.

I’m dreading this meeting and can already feel my palms becoming damp. I’ve spoken to Sebastian before. We did three phone interviews prior to him hiring me. He made sure to explain to me the only reason I was being hired, without meeting me in person, was his trust in Anna. If I don’t perform, it will be her ass on the line along with mine. No pressure right?

Anna knocks on the door as she walks in. A slim, blonde man looks up from behind the massive desk sitting in the middle of the room that’s the complete opposite of the colorful reception area. There’s absolutely no warmth in his blue eyes as he shoots me a dismissive glance. “Is this her?” he demands, glaring at Anna.

Anna rolls her eyes as she leans against the desk, “Yes Bastian, this is Lyric. Your new music reviewer.” She grins down at him, which just seems to irritate him further.

He scowls at her, “How many times do I have to tell you Anna, it’s Sebastian. I don’t care for nicknames.” The iciness of his voice causes me to cringe, but Anna isn’t fazed.

“I know, but getting under your skin is just too easy. Stop trying to make Lyric think you’re a hardass. We all know you’re all bark and no bite Bast.”

“Damn it Anna! Sebastian. Not Bastian, not Bast. Just Sebastian. She needs to think I’m a hardass. Maybe then she won’t act like the rest of you.” He growls at her, but he doesn’t sound as cold, or as angry anymore. Turning to me, Sebastian says, “Lyric, I hope you work harder than your friend over there,” he glares at Anna. “And, I trust you’re not going to be as big of a pest as her either?” He stands up and extends his hand to me.

I wipe my clammy palms on my pants and place my hand in his. “Oh, trust me, I’m nowhere near as annoying as her.” I say as I move quickly out of the way when she tries to smack me.

“I’m not annoying, I’m adorable and you know it! Come on, let’s go see your new desk.” She says, when I cough trying to hide my laughter. Turning, she motions for me to follow her back out into the desk area.


After Anna’s done giving me a tour of the building, we head to the conference room to get this week’s assignments. When we walk in, all conversation stops. Looking around the room, I see Brandi and Terra giving me pitying looks, Ben’s outright grinning at me, and most everyone else just looks bored. I slide into the first empty chair, which happens to be next to Ben.

Sebastian enters the room, and everyone straightens up. After calling the meeting to order, his eyes focus on me. “Ah yes, everyone,” he starts, “We have a new team member. This is Lyric and she’ll be covering all the local acts.” He motions towards me, and I smile shyly at everyone. I hate being put on the spot like this. “Tell everyone a little bit about yourself Lyric.” Great, so we’re back in high school.

I stammer, “Uh, well, hi. My name is Lyric, and I just moved to Nashville from Manhattan. I graduated in December from Columbia and I’m excited to be working with you all. I can’t wait to hear Nashville’s local talent!” Thankfully, after that lackluster description, Sebastian says nothing as I sit down. Ben must be silently laughing at me because his shoulders are shaking uncontrollably. I know it’s not because he’s crying for me!

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