SAVAGE LOVE (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) (17 page)

BOOK: SAVAGE LOVE (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)
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s enough of this talk,

Ava said.

This is why they get mad at us.
We sit around and speculate. Then we cry. Screw that. Let

s be happy. Tell us everything
about being a mother, Ella. About being pregnant. Just

be happy right now.

So that

s what Ella did. She drank and she told stories.
She laughed as she told  stories of how she used to watch horror movies and pee
herself each time she jumped when getting scared. She dove into personal
stories of her body changing. Her boobs swelling, filling, leaking.

By the time she stopped talking,
she felt close to Emily, Mia, and Ava. They talked and the hours went by with
ease. The two bottles of vodka were then gone and Ella stood up, wanting to go
get more. When she stood, that

when she realized she was drunk. A reach for the dresser proved useless. She
missed the dresser and went right into a wall. Ava yelled and Emily grabbed at

you okay?

Emily asked.

Ella started to laugh.


drunk. Not puke drunk, but I


you are,

Mia said.

Should I go get another bottle?


Ella said.

I don

t want to be rude. I

tired. I was going to get more to drink but I

tired. I

m drunk and I

m tired.


Emily said.

Hey. You

re amazing, Ella. For everything you

re going through and doing. You
are strong and beautiful.


re really cool,

Ava said.

Soon Ella was being hugged by all
three women. Sandwiched between them and their drunk words.


Ella said.

I needed tonight.


Emily said.

Now go wait for Miller to come
get some.

Nate will be ready to go for hours,

Mia said.

He gets drunk
and talks about fighting and then he comes to me to relax him.

Ella was a little grossed out about
it. Then she said,

sleeps on the cot in the hall.

thought that was for a prospect,

Ava said.

He won

t sleep with me.
Like next to me.

paused and swallowed. Her mouth was really dry.


s good. We don

t need that. Me and him. No way.
It can

t happen this time.
Not again. He

s got to
focus and kill Jerry. Then I have to go.


t say that,

Ava said.

You never know

I know,

Ella said.

We talked about it. I can

t break up this MC.

Ella pushed from the women.

I have to check on Beck now. I
have to go. Thanks for the drinks.

Ella didn

t look back until she opened the door to Miller

s room. And when she did look
back, the women were gone. Gone to their rooms to get ready for bed. Maybe wear
something sexy or just sleep naked, waiting for their men to come to them.

That wasn

t Ella

fate though. She was going to check on Beck and then fall asleep. Go right to
bed. She

d wake up to the
soft cries of her son and start another wonderful fucking day in this madness.

As Ella stood and watched Beck
sleep, she gripped the railing of the crib to keep her balance. And she cried.
Silently, she cried. It felt good to do though. To let it out while she was
drunk. Her honest emotions showing forward. Her heart and mind able to be open.

Beck was supposed to be Miller

s child.

I shouldn

t have married Jerry.
Ever. Never ever.

I was supposed to wait for
Miller. I was supposed to prove my love for him.

Where the fuck was he? What was
he fucking doing?

Ella stepped back and sat down on
the bed. She put her head back and let herself collapse down to the bed.


she whispered.


d you never show up that night? Where were you? You

you broke

my heart

Ella shut her eyes and slipped away
into sleep.

The next thing she felt was someone
touching her. She jumped and groaned.


a voice said.




m just moving you up the bed.

t worry.

Ella felt her body move and then
felt Miller kiss her forehead. His breath smelled of whiskey and smoke.


sleep tight, darling. I

see you in the morning. I

here. Right outside the door if you need anything. Beck is fine. Just checked
him, too.

Miller kissed her again.

Ella wanted more but Miller was
already gone. She forced herself up on her elbows and watched the door shut.


she whispered.


Ella swung her feet off the bed.
She stood and braced herself. It was four hours later already. Shit, it was
almost time for normal people to wake up and get ready to go to work.

The sleep had helped with the

Ella was still buzzed but far from
stumbling drunk. She saw the silhouette of the crib. Walking to it, she saw the
figure of Beck, still sleeping.

Miller had checked on Beck. He came
into the room to check on the baby. That was more than
someone else
did for the baby.

Ella opened the door and there was
Miller, on the cot. Two feet from the door. No blanket on himself, just his
large body. Boots pointing up. Jeans. His leather cut still on. His head was
turned to the left, his right hand covering his eyes.

By far, one of the sexiest things
Ella ever saw in her life. A biker just there, right before her.

She walked to the end of the cot
and dropped down to her knees. Her hands came forward and she grabbed the belt
buckle. Tugging at it, she watched Miller, waiting for him to wake up. But Miller

t move. Ella opened

s jeans and pulled
at them, bringing them down just enough to see the root of his thick cock. She
reached her hand into his jeans and pulled, feeling his thickness in her hand.
His dick plopped back to his shirt, filling up by the second as he got harder
and harder. She gripped him at the base of his shaft and slowly pumped, making
sure he was fully hard.


when Miller started to stir. He put his feet on the floor and moved his arm
from his face.

it out,

he grumbled and
wiggled his hips.


Ella whispered.

I fucking want you.

It was the most seductive Ella
could remember being in a long time. Maybe not since Miller. Maybe not since
their wild nights outside, her stripping naked against the moonlight, rocking
her hips as she danced to no music, so she could turn Miller on.

Now, she propped herself up and
moved over Miller

s dick.
Her hand squeezed at the fleshy tip of his erection, squeezing, seeing a
droplet come out of him. Her mouth was hungry and her tongue quickly lapped up
that droplet.


Miller whispered.


Ella said, letting her breath
cascade down his shaft.

She came down, her lips touching
the tip of his cock. She opened her mouth and slid down. Ella made it down
barely an inch before he pulled back. She closed her lips and kissed Miller,
then pulled away. Taking a breath, she prepared herself again. He was full and
thick, and her mouth needed to open wider for him.


Miller asked.

She looked at him. His eyes were half

Ella grinned and then bit her lip.
Her hand squeezed at the root of his cock and then she went back to work.
Opening her mouth again, she took him into her mouth. Down over the thick head
of his cock to his steel hard shaft. She sucked and moved her lips up and down
on him. Her tongue pressed against the bottom of his shaft, adding more
pressure, coaxing and pleasuring him, wanting to taste everything.

Her hand started to pump again,
meeting her lips as she sped up. Her mouth was instantly comfortable with

s thickness.
Goddammit, she missed this. Loving him. Tasting him. The way his fingertips
touched the back of her head and pushed, testing her limits. Her body started
to rock as she sucked him. Between her thighs she was moist, her body warming
and aching for attention.

But this was about Miller.


Miller groaned.

His rock hard stomach lifted and
lowered. Planting his feet to the floor, he thrust up, starting to fuck her as
she sucked him. He reached down and peeled her fingers off his shaft and put
her hand to his stomach.

your mouth, darling,


Keep going.

Ella looked at him while she kept
going. He was awake now, and he was back in charge of things. She groaned with
her mouth full, her other hand touching his leg. Each time she pulled back
against his cock, she felt his leg muscle tense and jump. He was getting
fuller, too. Almost ready to go.

Ella sped up.

Moving harder and faster, she

t get enough of
Miller. His big hand dug into her hair and pushed, keeping her mouth way too
far down on himself. She felt her body quivering, her mouth and throat wanting
to call it quits.

No. Keep going

Her toes curled in her socks as she
moved even faster. Her hair was everywhere, bouncing. She was a fucking mess. Everything
was a fucking mess.

But it was a beautiful mess.


Miller groaned.

Right there, darling. Fuck.
Right fucking there.

Miller put his other hand to her
head. His fingers pulled at her hair, moving it from her face. A hand on each
side of her head, Miller guided Ella

mouth up and down on him. He then lifted his body, pumping faster at Ella. She
had no choice but to stay with him. What was supposed to be her offering to
Miller quickly flipped gears. Miller was in complete control, as always.


Miller growled.


Ella dug her nails into his leg and
his stomach. She moved down and held there, feeling the first shot of his
release. He throbbed and she pulled back, feeling him go again and again and
again. Ella stayed right with Miller, listening to him grunt each time she
sucked with his pulsing cock. She took all of him, refusing to leave his body
until he was done. And even when he finished, Ella didn

t move. She pulled back to the tip of his beautiful
dick and slid right back down one last time.

Miller let his hands fall from her
head as he was completely relaxed.

Ella then came off him and watched
his cock fall back, still mostly hard, still throbbing. She took a few seconds
to catch her breath. Miller reached for her face, his thumbs caressing her


ve missed that,

he said with a grin.


re drunk,

Ella said.

are you. Heard about your night.


t worry about my night,

Ella said. She pushed on the
cot and stood up.

Go back
to sleep.

This was her way of taking some
kind of control and stay seductive. She moved toward the door and Miller shot a
hand out, grabbing her leg. Even that touch alone made her body melt. She
looked back and down at him.


Miller said.

You have no fucking idea. No fucking


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