Savage Conquest (47 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Savage Conquest
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"Tell me something, Mandy; how long did it take
for you to fall in love with Reis? How long before you
knew you wanted him beyond caution or wisdom?
How long before you knew you couldn't live without
him? How long after meeting him did you two
marry?" When Amanda sighed heavily at her
inability to argue those points, Miranda asked
quietly, "Did you make love to him before you wed?"

Amanda went scarlet with modesty more than
guilt. She gasped in shock at her sister's bold query.
"Miranda Lawrence!" she panted reproachfully.
"How could you ask such a question?"

Miranda had gotten her answer. She glued her gaze
to Amanda's and made her confession of love and
passion. "After experiencing such emotions for Reis,
Mandy, can't you see how I feel? He is my destiny, my
one true love. Like you did with Reis, I must pursue
him, whatever the price or danger. Don't you
understand that one day with him is worth any

"But Reis loves me in return, Randy. Sharing
passion isn't enough. What about your future, your
happiness? What if you can't have him? You can't
force this man to love you," she explained sadly.

Miranda considered those words, then replied, "I
believe he does love me and need me. I just have to
make him realize it."

"How do you plan to do that?" Amanda asked

"I don't know, Mandy. I wish I did," she admitted
hoarsely. "When I think of never seeing him or
touching him again, it's like fiery arrows are being
shot into my body. It's such an awful feeling of
loneliness and pain, worse than when Mama and
Papa died," she confessed. "Do you remember how
you felt when you thought you couldn't have Reis?
Imagine how you would feel if you lost him this very
' ,

Amanda stood up and went to her sister. She
hugged her affectionately and comfortingly. "I wish
there was something I could say or do to help, Randy.
I'll just have to trust you to do the right thing, as you
did with me where Weber was concerned. Will you
promise me to act slowly and carefully?" she

Miranda smiled and hugged her tightly. She had
never loved or needed her sister more than she did this
very moment. "I promise. Just stand by me, and I
know everything will work out fine."

That night, Miranda slept on the cot in the living
area while Reis and Amanda used the small bedroom. She could hear them whispering far into the
night. She knew Amanda was revealing their
conversations to her beloved husband, but that did
not matter to Miranda. Later, she ached for Blazing Star while her sister made passionate love to Reis,
their muffled cries escaping beneath the closed door.
Finally, all was quiet; still, Miranda found it difficult
to get to sleep.

Two days passed while Miranda and Amanda
shared each other's company. After announcing
himself as the liaison from President Grant to the
commanding officers in this area, Reis was busy
asking questions, making observations, and writing
reports, reports which he concealed in the same
hiding place which Lucas used for his critical and
secret papers.

Each time Miranda remarked on Reis's assignment
and curious actions, Amanda would shrug and say it
was a covert mission and they should not discuss it.
But Miranda caught her sister's longing gazes over
the area beneath the eating table several times. When
Miranda laughingly suggested they sneak and read
the reports, Amanda was horrified. She warned
Miranda never to attempt such an unforgivable act.
When Miranda asked if Reis's work was dangerous,
Amanda grimaced and said she did not know but
suspected it was from his dealings with Weber. Even
more confusing and intriguing was the second set of
papers which he wrote upon, then intentionally left
on the table near the bed.

Reis sent a telegram to Lucas, relating their arrival
at his cabin. Again, he stated he was here as a liaison
for Grant. He asked Lucas to send word of the
impending locations of several important officers.
When an'answer came the next day, Reis informed the two women that Lucas was on his way home.
Arriving with their cousin would be Brody Sheen
and Custer. Apparently, Custer was piqued with
curiosity about Reis and his business.

Miranda did not know what to think when Reis sat
her down at the table and began probing her for
answers or speculations about the Sioux Indians,
especially the Oglala tribe. He seemed particularly
interested in learning all he could about Crazy Horse,
Sitting Bull, and Blazing Star. He even exhibited a
keen interest in the Indian agencies which she had
seen, and anything she had overheard about them.
She wondered why he did not ask any questions
about her grandfather or her Indian cousin, Bloody
Arrow. Oddest of all was the fact that he had sent
Amanda to the sutler's shop to prevent her from
hearing their talkl

Miranda started asking questions of her own,
wanting and needing to understand Reis's desire for
facts and figures. Obviously, these questions and
facts had something to do with his mission. Yet he
evaded her probes and went on with his interrogation.

"No more, Reis, until you tell me why you need
such information," she eventually declared, eying
him intently, oddly.

"Just tell me all you know, Randy, then I'll
explain. First, I need a clearer and larger picture to
study. This area's like a volcano ready to explode,
and Grant wants to know why and who's furnishing
the molten lava," he hedged.

"No. Not until I'm assured of your intentions. I
can't betray or endanger my grandfather and his
people, or ..."-She-did not finish.

"Or Blazing Star," he completed the name which
worried her the most. "If I'm to help your mother's
people, Randy, and possibly avert more bloodshed, I
need facts for President Grant. I have to be careful
who supplies such information; too many people are
profiting from lies and greed. What's so unique
about this area? The land isn't that good for ranching
or farming. The game is as good anywhere else. There
has to be something else to inspire the whites to crave
it at any cost. Do you think it's possible to speak with
the Sioux chiefs? Would Tom Fletcher take us there
without any questions?" he asked shockingly.

"You want to see Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull?
Why?" she pried.

"I can't explain my mission right now, Randy.
You've got to trust me and help me. Can you get me
into the Oglala camp? Naturally it has to be in total
secrecy," he urged her.

"You want to spy out their strengths and defenses
for Custer I" she surmised coldly. "You expect me to
help defeat them?" she sneered.

"I expect you to help save their lives and lands.
You know the kind of men in charge out here, the
ones Luke is writing about. Custer and Grant aren't
friends. You've seen what's taking place at those
agencies. There's corruption and fraud here, Randy,
and Grant wants to know who's behind it and how to
stop it. Evidently there are plenty of reasons behind the continual hostilities. That's all I can say. Will
you help me?" he coaxed gravely. "You could see
Blazing Star," he tempted in order to sway her. "And
I don't work with the cavalry or army," he declared

"I hope I'm understanding you correctly, Reis. If
you're lying to me or misleading me. . ." she hinted
ominously. She abruptly asked, "Did you know
about this mission before you married my sister? Did
you know we were Sun Cloud's granddaughters?"

A frown lined his handsome features. "Please
don't even think such things, Randy. But to answer
you, no and no. I swear to you I'm no threat to the
Oglalas. My investigation isn't for military purposes. Anything I learn is for the ears of Grant

"All right," she finally acquiesced after studying
him intently. "Tom seems completely trustworthy.
But just in case, I'll take you to my grandfather's
camp; I know the way. If anyone sees us, you can say
we were out riding and got lost. I can get you in and
out, but don't betray us. What about Mandy? She
would increase the danger of getting caught. Besides,
she sounds afraid of them; she might accidentally
insult one of them. Then, we'd be in big trouble."

"This mission could be very dangerous for both of
us, Randy. I've already explained matters to her; she
knows she can't tag along. She's going to remain here
and cover for us. If it appears safe, I'll take her back to
visit Sun Cloud later. She's a little miffed, but she
understands why we have to leave her behind. I'm glad you agree."

Miranda guessed from her sister's gaze and voice
that this idea did not suit her at all, but she would
follow her husband's wishes. Just after midnight,
Miranda and Reis walked their horses a safe distance
from the settlement, then mounted and rode away at
a swift gallop. All went as planned until dawn when
they halted to water and rest their animals. Miranda
had brought along her Indian dress but had not
changed into it yet. To avoid being noticed as a
woman, she was wearing jeans, a blue cotton shirt,
and a floppy hat to conceal her chestnut locks.

Reis and Miranda were strolling around, loosening stiff muscles, when they were suddenly surrounded by ten painted braves. Reis did not have time
to draw his weapon, fortunately. It required three
men to hold Reis under control as he fought to save
Miranda. A fourth brave was standing before Reis
with his lance pointing directly at Reis's heart, yet,
Reis showed no fear of him or death, gaining the
brave's respect.

Miranda was seized and imprisoned between two
strong males and lost her hat during her brief
struggle. When the leader spoke, Miranda recognized
his voice. In Oglala, she shouted, "Bloody Arrow, it's
me, Tamaha. We're heading to speak with Grandfather and Crazy Horse."

Her cousin whirled and glared at her. He asked
why she was here and who the white dog was with
her. She explained Reis's identity and asked her cousin to take them to camp. A quiver of alarm raced
over her, for she read contempt and reluctance in
Bloody Arrow. Yet there were others around to
witness his actions, to control them and his hatred.

Reis stayed quiet and alert. He assumed Miranda
knew this brave and was reasoning with him.
Although taken by surprise that she could speak
Sioux, Reis waited until she could explain. The
leader appeared to recognize her and to listen to her
words. He wondered if it was Blazing Star, then
hastily concluded it could not be.

Suddenly Bloody Arrow nodded and agreed to take
them to the Oglala camp. Everyone was ordered to
mount up and follow him. Miranda hastily explained the circumstances to Reis, her eyes hinting at
more news to come later. Riding in the midst of the
group, they were escorted to the entrance of Crazy
Horse's teepee.

The noted chief observed this curious sight as
Bloody Arrow informed him of Miranda's words and
actions. The imposing chief looked at her and asked
why she had brought a white man into their camp.
Miranda asked if he would speak with Reis alone, as
his words were important and private. She gave her
word of honor Reis could be trusted. When the stoic
leader did not respond, she actually pleaded, saying
Reis was from the white chief far away.

"If he speaks false or his words are not important
to the ears of Crazy Horse and the council, you may
kill me where I stand. For the lives of all we love, hear him," she urged.

Crazy Horse agreed to see Reis, in the company of
Sitting Bull. The three men went into his teepee and
the flap was sealed. Bloody Arrow was furious when
she refused to reveal the meaning of Reis's visit.
Miranda apologized but held silent. She headed to see
her grandfather while the critical meeting took place.
Bloody Arrow followed her, to see what she would
tell Sun Cloud. When she asked about Blazing Star,
Bloody Arrow lied to her, claiming he was off
chasing a wife. Her startled reaction confirmed his

"So it is true you seek the eye of Blazing Star. It is
foolish, Tamaha. He loves honor and battle, not a
woman. He takes a wife to give him his teepee and a
son. He would not stain the blood and skin of his
child by mating with a girl with white blood. Seek
your kind, Tamaha; the blood of your mother's
dishonor and shame runs within you. Do not come
again," he warned coldly. "What does the white man

"I don't know. But if I did, I wouldn't tell you.
Don't you think I know you would have killed both
of us if you'd been alone today? Why do you hate me,
Bloody Arrow?" she asked bluntly.

"Your eyes are clouded with lust for Blazing Star,
Tamaha. He joined with Black Buffalo Woman of
the Cheyenne. He lies upon her mat this moon. His
neck carries the joining necklace to match hers. The
white man can do nothing to win Blazing Star for you," he baited her.

"I didn't come here to capture Blazing Star's heart
or eyes. Stay away from me; your heart is cold and
evil," she murmured softly, to avoid being overheard.
Her heart was aching at his news. Could it be true? Or
was it a cruel and malicious joke? Dare she ask her
grandfather and risk having her very soul lacerated?
If it were not true, why would her cousin speak a lie
so easy to unmask? Blazing Star had made no
promises to her, no commitments, no vows of love
and loyalty. He had done all he could to prevent any
contact between them. Perhaps that hurt the most; he
had not lied or tricked her. She had surrendered
willingly, eagerly, wantonly, helplessly.. .

Sun Cloud was ecstatic to see her. He hugged her
and kissed her cheek. He scolded her for leaving him
without a good-by, but understood her generous
motive. She told him that Amanda and her husband
had arrived at Fort Sully. She told him Reis had come
to parlay with the chiefs and he would learn of the
meaning in council later. After promising to visit
again if possible, she asked about Blazing Star. It was
silly to be a coward; it was silly to allow hazy words or
a simple misunderstanding to come between them.

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