Savage Chains: Captured (#1) (12 page)

BOOK: Savage Chains: Captured (#1)
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The audience gasped, crying out in shared ecstasy as well.

The slave, now free of his manacles, whirled the woman in his arms and with his hips pistoning hard drove relentlessly into his owner.

This time, he bit into her neck, returning the favor, grunting as he pushed inside her in heavy, powerful thrusts.

The woman’s face looked pained at first; then her arms wrapped around him and she began to moan, then utter cries of ecstasy.

Finally, the man lifted off her neck and pounded into her so that her whimpers turned to screams as she came and as he shouted his release.

Reyes watched unblinking as both pairs of hips settled down, the music subsided, and the lights grew dim. The couple on stage breathed hard.

Reyes gripped his thighs, his fingers digging in deep.

A single spotlight followed Eve to the front of the stage. She met and held Reyes’s gaze. “May you know the pleasure one day of release through domination. And may you break free of your bonds.”

The lights went out and the audience applauded wildly.

Reyes could have adjusted his vampire vision, but he didn’t want to; in fact, he couldn’t. He sat, unable to calm his erection, his body trembling.

Angelica’s voice once more slid through his mind.
You’re shaking.

He couldn’t speak, not even telepathically, as though the nature of the show had scrambled his neurons.

The crowd had already started moving around. Someone stood in front of him speaking his name, but he couldn’t make it out, couldn’t focus, couldn’t think.

He lifted his gaze slowly and in the recess of his mind recognized that Engles now stared at him.

“Reyes?” His name sounded as if spoken underwater, only with long echoes.

The performance had taken him back at least a century in time, to the middle part of his captivity when despair had made him contemplate chewing off his own hands, halting the healing process, and welcoming death.

He felt a hand slip around his elbow and squeeze, a tender touch that startled him blinking.

Reyes, come back. You’ve got to come back. Engles looks suspicious. I don’t know what you’ve got planned, but you’re about to blow this whole thing.

He turned slowly to stare at her, horror-stricken.
Why are you touching me?

He couldn’t believe anyone would want to touch him. He was a filthy slave, used so many times by Sweet Dove and her friends that he was unworthy of ever being touched again. But then Angelica didn’t know the complete truth of who he was, how many times he’d orgasmed on command for Sweet Dove, or how many men he’d fucked during his captivity in hell.

And with that his mind shut down completely.

Chapter Six

Angelica watched Reyes turn away from her to stare blankly at the now empty stage. Something had happened to force his mind inward. Maybe the performance had been too much.

She glanced around and saw that all eyes had turned to them, waiting expectantly.

She used telepathy again.
Reyes, come back to me. You have to do something.

When he didn’t respond, panic set in—not just that his plans might be disrupted but for her own safety as well. If Engles attacked right now, Reyes wouldn’t be able to defend himself, and she knew enough about the bastard to know that Engles would take command of her if he could.

She made a quick decision and aloud, said, “Yes, master, I’ve heard your command within my mind and I’ll do as you say. I’ll obey you in everything.”

With all eyes in the theater now on her, she felt nauseated as she rose up slightly, trembling, and moved in front of him. She lowered herself to her knees as so many other slaves had already done that evening.

She spread his legs, moving between to undo his pants. Not surprising, he was firm and ready for her. Without allowing herself to think about the horror of the moment, she focused on Reyes, knowing that if he didn’t get with it, he’d lose his standing with Engles and the rest of the Starlin members and she’d be caught in a madman’s power.

She slid her mouth over his cock, shutting out the movement and increased groans all around her, even the nearby approving comments.

Reyes, you feel so good in my mouth. You’re a big man and hard as a rock.
She reached between his legs and fondled his balls as she sucked, then stroked the length of his stalk.

I’ve wanted you from the first moment I set eyes on you.
I’ve hungered for you, craved your cock.
She tongued his crown, sliding over the ridge, teasing the most sensitive parts.

She kept her ministrations tender, hoping that the feel of her tongue would bring him out of his mentally locked-up state. Maybe then they’d both survive.

She also blocked everything else out of her mind. She recalled her fantasies of having his body beneath her hands and let herself go there again, pretending she was alone with him.

You have a beautiful cock, thick and long.
She took as much of him in her mouth as she could, working him with her hand at the same time, slow upward pulls.

Reyes, I’ve wanted to do this for months now.
How many times I’ve longed for your body moving over mine, your cock buried deep, your hips thrusting harder and harder. I could come like this. I’d only need the pressure of your hand pressed between my legs and I’d be screaming with pleasure.

She moved faster, her head bobbing up and down.

He started to respond, his hips rocking slowly.

Yes, that’s it. You like what I’m doing. Come back to me, Reyes. Let me know I’m pleasing you.


Reyes began the long journey back because pleasure rode his thighs, his abdomen, and his cock. A warm, wet mouth worked him.

With his eyes closed, he heard a voice in his head, a woman’s voice. With a start he recognized Angelica, but what was she saying? His mind felt muddy and strange. She talked about loving his cock, wanting to come like this.

Like what?

He strove to make sense of what was happening. Mostly, he felt like he was waking up very slowly from a sex dream.


I’m here. Just enjoy what I’m doing. That’s it. You’re so hard. I can feel you’re close to release.

Her mouth sucked a little harder, but her hand worked him faster at just the right pressure. He slid his palm to the back of her head and flexed his hips, pushing as she sucked.

He loved that she was sucking him.

Other images intruded, of Eve and her red leather, of the dominance show, of the theater in Engles’s home.

Tension flowed through him, not in a good way, as reality returned.
Angelica, what the hell is happening?

But she didn’t pause in her movements.
Just go with it, Reyes. I’ve got this. Engles is watching and you need to come for me.

This isn’t right.

With her free hand, she dug her nails into his abdomen, drawing his attention low.

He opened his eyes as her voice once more penetrated his mind. She met his gaze, staring up at him.
I’ve wanted you like this. Did you know that? I’ve wanted all of you in my mouth from the time I first saw you. I’ve pleasured myself repeatedly with thoughts of having your cock right here, my tongue swirling over you.

Reyes finally returned to reality and in a brief flash realized all that Angelica was doing for him in this moment, the sacrifice she was making. As a slave, he’d been in this position, having to perform against his will, against his morality. But she’d chosen to do this for him.

He stroked her head and set his mind on nothing but the woman on her knees in front of him. He recalled the kiss she’d given him in the foyer of the Ocean Club, the way she’d looked in her red silk dress, the hopeful expression in her eyes.

She was so damn beautiful and he wanted her. He let his desire for her take over. Aloud, he said, “Suck me harder now, slave.”

She responded, moving faster as well.

“You’ve obeyed me, slave. That’s all that matters.”

Angelica, your mouth is like fire.
He thrust his hips now and she moved even faster. His balls tightened.
I’m coming.

I can feel it.

She stayed with him, with his movements, holding her head and the suction of her mouth just right as he pumped all that he had straight into her mouth. The orgasm had him shouting at the cavern ceiling, eyes closed, refusing to acknowledge anyone else around him.

As he settled in his seat, Angelica drew back, swallowing and wiping her lips. But she wisely kept her eyes downcast. He saw tears on her cheeks as she tucked him back inside and carefully zipped up his pants.

He’d had enough, and he was sure she’d just reached her breaking point.

Ignoring the sudden burst of applause all around him, and not caring what repercussions might follow, he caught her up in his arms.

In a loud voice, he said, “I need you in my game room. Now.”

More applause.

Shifting to altered flight, he flew through the cavern walls, taking it slow for her sake as he sped in the direction of his home. He dropped down into his master suite once more.

He laid her on the bed, but she turned to her side, swiping at her face, to look up at him.

The crowd’s approval still worked like a sickness in his gut, twisting him up. His guilt rose, heavy guilt over his past, over all the things he’d done through the decades. And now an innocent like Angelica had performed in public, sucking him off.

The erotic show had messed with his mind, making him long for things that couldn’t exist, like breaking free and having power over what had controlled him for so long.

After the first months of his freedom, he’d thought that if he could track down Sweet Dove and kill her, then he’d be free.

But Sweet Dove wasn’t to be found. He quickly learned that very few people even knew of her. Even the men who’d visited her, who had also used his body, had disappeared from the vampire world.

He now believed that Sweet Dove had killed them, or ordered the killings, though doing the job by her own hand would have suited her equally as well. Since then, nothing he’d done to try to locate her had worked. She’d slipped into some well-disguised cavern system and disappeared.

Maybe she was dead. Or maybe finding Scorpion would help lead Reyes to her. After all, Sweet Dove had been with Angelica. She’d known all about her. It was highly possible that Sweet Dove knew Scorpion.

Angelica shivered.

“Are you cold?”

She nodded.

He moved to the fireplace and lit a well-constructed stack of newspaper, kindling, and logs. When the fire burned hot, Angelica shifted to sit on the side of the tall bed. She stared up at him, the comforter loose about her waist as firelight played over her perfect cleavage and the red sequins covering her nipples.

“Angelica, I’m so sorry for what happened just now, but I’m beyond grateful, too, because you saved the situation. I got lost for a few minutes, and you brought me back. Is there anything I can do for you?”

She released a weary sigh. “I know this is going to sound odd, but I’d really like a shower.”

He nodded. “Actually, that makes perfect sense.” He’d been there a thousand times.

She pushed the comforter back and headed to the bathroom.


Angelica let the water flow over her head for a long time. She soaped up repeatedly, trying to scrub some of the experience off her skin and out of her pores.

Her job was over, the part she’d agreed to, and sometime the next morning Reyes would take her home. He’d even said he’d do all that he could to keep her safe from Starlin in the future.

She should have felt relieved, and maybe she was. But a large part of her was still stuck at that horrible party where at least a hundred slaves had milled around dull-eyed and on leashes like hers. Except their obedience and submission were real, unlike hers. She only had to feign her captivity. She shuddered, trying hard not to think about what the rest of the night would be like for the other women.

Despite this brutal reality, she was proud of what she’d achieved tonight. She’d saved Reyes’s reputation and protected his cover. He could go forward with his plans and fulfill his mission, and in the process save tens of thousands of future slaves.

Then why didn’t she feel more satisfied?


Reyes leaned his forearm over the tall mantel, drawing deep breaths. He could recall everything now, how he’d watched the show and fallen into a strange trance as images of Sweet Dove’s torture had overtaken his mind.

Engles had stood nearby watching him like a hawk, waiting for a sign of weakness, hoping to tear him apart.

Dream-like, he could even see the moment Angelica had made the decision to go down on him, pretending that she obeyed his orders.

Horror rolled through him in waves at what might have happened had she not jumped in and played her slave role as brilliantly as she had. But it wasn’t the possibility of failing at his mission that distressed him; it was the simple fact that Engles happily would have appropriated Angelica as his slave once he was assured that Reyes wasn’t up to the task.

He couldn’t be certain exactly what had happened to him, why he’d checked out for those few minutes. He supposed Eve’s show had been too real for him. Or maybe the overall stress of the evening had finally gotten to him.

He squeezed his eyes shut and for the present worked at letting it all go. Angelica had saved the situation and now he had her home, safe and sound.

In the morning he’d take her back to Newport Beach, to her apartment, back to helping her mother and working all the long hours at her accounting job. Maybe it wasn’t a great life, but it sure as hell wasn’t the dangerous and potentially fatal one he’d brought her into.

He ignored certain other thoughts that had stolen into his mind as well, ones that involved keeping her with him for the next few weeks.

He had no right to ask anything more of her.

Even so, he moved to the wall unit to the left of the fireplace, laden with a host of books on shelves. A set of drawers made up the lower portion of the unit.

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