Saturday (Timeless Series #6) (20 page)

BOOK: Saturday (Timeless Series #6)
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I knew I needed to tell him the truth. Last night shouldn’t have happened without everything out in the open. It was my business and my past, but I felt deceitful hiding it from him. Deep down inside, I still didn’t want to tell him.

I was afraid I would lose him.

Now that I’d fallen so hard for him I wasn’t sure if I could walk away. Kyle had become such an intricate part of my life. He pulled all my walls down and showed me how to trust again. Not all the men in the world were evil—only a few.

“You look great in that dress—but I think it’d look better on my hotel floor.”

The cheesy line made me smile. “Does that line usually work?”

“It worked on you, didn’t it?” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

I chuckled and kept dancing with him, loving the way he cradled me as we moved. He gripped me tightly but with just the right amount of softness. His lips brushed passed mine every few minutes, teasing me. “Thank you for taking me along.”

“There’s no one else I’d rather share this moment with.” He turned me slightly, passing his mom. She gave us a smile before she kept dancing. “And I don’t think anyone else would have made my mom happier.”

I smiled and felt the redness in my cheeks.

“When we get back home she’s going to hammer me about marrying you.”

“You think?”

“I know,” he said with a laugh. “She thinks I’m old and need to settle down. But she doesn’t understand people of our generation aren’t getting married young anymore. We take our time and explore the world before we choose a partner. Perhaps I’m picky but I was waiting for the right girl.”

“I don’t think that’s picky. I think it’s romantic.”

“Well…I think I have found the right girl.” He squeezed my waist as he continued to dance with me. He completely led our direction because I was physically unable to do anything. He watched my reaction, searching my eyes deep down into my soul.

His words were so beautiful they were heartbreaking. The sincerity in his voice washed over me in waves, exciting me and terrifying me at the same time. In my heart, I knew I felt the same way. It was obvious.

But now I had to tell him the truth.


When the night ended it was after midnight. For older people, they sure didn’t go to bed early.

“Where are they going on their honeymoon?” I walked inside our room then set my clutch on the table.


“That’ll be nice.”

“Yeah, I’m sure it will.” The second he was inside he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pinned me against his chest and kissed my neck, devouring me like I was his.

I couldn’t get over how good it felt.

Kyle pulled my hair over one shoulder and continued to kiss me. Then he grabbed my chin and turned my neck toward him, kissing me hard on the mouth and guiding me further into the room. “You looked so beautiful tonight. That was all I could think about.”

I gripped his hips behind me, latching onto him. “Not as beautiful as you.”

He pulled off his jacket and quickly yanked off his tie. His shirt was gone in a nanosecond then he was back to kissing me. “Now that I can kiss you that’s all I want to do.”

Now there was no turning back. I’d fallen hard for this man and couldn’t picture myself with anyone else. He brought me back to life and he didn’t even realize it. He made me whole by putting together all my broken pieces.

So I couldn’t make love to him without telling him the truth.

He had the right to know.


He stopped kissing me and pressed his lips to my ear. “Sweetheart.”

I turned around and faced him head-on. Now I had to look at him I realized how hard this was. It might be the last conversation we ever had. It could be the last moment he would ever look at me like that. All that affection would die away, and nothing but disgust would remain. “There’s something I want to tell you.”

He turned serious, but his eyes were still hungry for me. He kept his hands to his sides but they shook slightly, like they wanted to grab me by their own will. His obsessive need to touch me was romantic and sexy. No man had ever treated me that way. “I’m listening.”

“I didn’t want to be with you in the beginning because I just wasn’t ready. I didn’t want to date anymore than I had to, and there was no one I was interested in anyway. But that was before you came along…”

His eyes were locked to mine, hanging on to every word I said.

“You’ve changed my life in so many good ways. Reality became better than my dreams, and I longed to be with you every chance I got. I never thought I could feel that way. I never thought…I could fall in love.”

His eyes immediately softened and he looked at me in a new way. Now his look was full of an entirely new emotion altogether. Our relationship had changed irrevocably in that moment and there was no going back.

“And I—”

“I love you too.”

My entire body stopped functioning. My heart stopped beating, my lungs cut off my air supply, and even my brain turned off. All I did was feel—feel everything. This incredible man loved me.

He loved me.

Kyle closed the gap between us and cupped my cheeks. His mouth was on mine quicker than I could stop him, and then a beautiful kiss ensued. It was soft and gentle, but it was strong and full of angst. He needed to kiss me because he would die if he stopped.

My lips trembled under his touch, and my hands gripped his to hold onto something. The passion and fire between us was enough to burn down everything around us. It was the kind of love I thought only existed in fictional worlds, not real life.

Kyle unzipped my dress as he continued to kiss me, and then he pulled each strap down, letting it snake down my body until it fell to the floor. He unclasped my strapless bra, and when it came loose it thudded softly against the carpet.

The more articles of clothing that fell, the deeper I fell into him. Our kiss became heated and desperate, like we needed each other then and there just to survive.

He grabbed my thong and pulled it down, kissing my hips as he helped me step out of the material. When he rose to his feet again I undid his slacks and pulled them off. He kicked off his shoes then everything else, including his boxers. All that was left were his socks.

He guided me on the bed and moved on top of me, pulling off his socks as he went. His mouth was on mine again, and he kissed me harshly. It was as gentle as it was yesterday, but it somehow felt better.

We moved together in our heated embrace, kissing and touching one another. The area between my legs was soaked and ready for his entrance. The past was irrelevant and didn’t enter my mind once. All I thought was Kyle and how much I wanted him. I wanted to be with him, to show him just how much I loved him.

He stopped kissing me and separated his legs with mine. He pressed his forehead to mine and breathed deeply, the sweat already on his chest. “Can I make love to you?”

“Yes.” The words were out of my mouth before I could even think them. My body wanted him as well as my heart. I knew this was right. I knew Kyle was the right guy to share this moment with. He stole my heart a long time ago, and now I wanted to fall even further into him.

He grabbed a condom and rolled it on his length before he positioned himself over me.

Instead of being afraid I was excited. What we were about to have was beautiful and pleasurable. It would be just like last night, but better. I gripped his arms as I waited for him to enter me.

He pressed his tip inside me and slowly stretched me apart, taking his time and giving me a second to acclimate. I was soaked down below so he was able to move inside easily.

The second I felt him I bit my bottom lip.

He pushed further inside me, stretching me wide as his entire length penetrated me. He moved until he was balls-deep. He studied my face, making sure it felt good.

I ran my hands up his chest and enjoyed his fullness. It didn’t hurt in the least. In fact, it felt unbelievably good. He was big for my small size, but my body handled him because I was so aroused.

He kissed my forehead before he slowly rocked into me, giving me gentle thrusts. The pace was irrelevant. He took it slow, enjoying every movement we both felt.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and gripped him tightly, holding on as I moved with him. I rocked my hips from below, taking in his length over and over. He never increased his speed, going as slow as possible.

But I liked it that way.

Kyle looked me in the eye as he moved inside me, watching every reaction I felt to him. He seemed to be paying more attention to my enjoyment than his own.

I fingered his strands of hair and felt my lips brush past his. I couldn’t control my breathing because everything felt so magnificent. It was the first time I had sex that was beautiful and sexy at the same time. Neither one of us cared about getting off. All we cared about was sharing the moment.

“You’re okay, sweetheart?” His chest and arms were covered in sweat, making his skin shiny and slippery.

“More than okay.”

He positioned my legs over his shoulders then leaned far over me, his head pressed to mine. He gave me the same slow thrusts but now he went deeper inside me.

It felt too good to be true. “Kyle…”

“You’re going to come.” He increased his pace slightly. “I can feel it…”

I didn’t know how he knew that but I didn’t ask. I dug my nails into his skin as I felt the distant burn I’d recently become familiar with. It flushed through my entire body and made me come alive like a white, hot inferno. My entire body shut down just for a moment to accommodate the feelings.

And then it hit me.

“Oh my god…”

Carnal and aroused, he looked into my eyes with the same expression. Watching me explode around his cock brought him to the same level where I was placed. After a quiet groan he buried himself as far inside me as he could go and he released.

I pulled him further into me, loving the fact he was experiencing what I just felt a second ago—and I was the one who made him feel that.

He depleted himself entirely before his breathing returned to normal. He kept his body on top of mine like he didn’t want to leave anytime soon. “I’m sorry. I could go longer but my stamina isn’t what it used to be.”

“It was perfect.”

“Yeah?” He kissed me, tasting salty.


He rubbed his nose against mine, the first time he ever did that with me. “I’m satisfied but I still want you…”

“I want you too.”

“Then I’m not going anywhere.” He kissed me again, his embraces soft and gentle. He stayed on top of me and ran his fingers through my hair, loving me with everything he had. Within minutes he grew hard inside me once more, and then he slowly started to rock.

Our plane was leaving in the morning, but it didn’t seem like we’d get any sleep prior to that. But neither one of us seemed to care. Maybe we would miss our flight altogether. Maybe we would just do this—and never stop.

Rainbows and Butterflies


I was going to tell her the truth.

I swear.

But then she told me she loved me.

And I forgot about everything else.

I knew she was fond of me and we were going somewhere, but I hadn’t expected her to say those words out loud. And I didn’t expect her to say them at the night of my mother’s wedding.

When she did, everything else faded away. I’d spent my whole life looking for the right woman to settle down with. That cliché image, the house with the picket fence, two dogs, and a wife and two kids was exactly what I wanted. I kept trying to force that on Francesca because I loved her, but in the end I realized she wasn’t the right one for me.

It was Rose

Now that I’d found her everything made sense. We may not have a marriage and kids right away, but they would happen someday. She was the person who completed me.

And I couldn’t believe my luck that she was so perfect.

We returned from France and got back to our regular lives. Rose had a project to work on, and I was due in court.

The trial was starting

Now that Rose told me she loved me the trial was even more difficult. I was personally invested in this case, and if I didn’t win I’d kill myself. Both Rose and Audrey needed justice, and I was going to make it happen.

“How are you doing?” Mark walked into my office and watched me gather my briefcase. It was early in the morning, too early for everyone else to be there. I was only there because my case started at nine and I had to get my things together.

“I’m ready to nail this piece of shit to the wall. So, I’m great.” I pulled the satchel over my shoulder then adjusted my tie. The idea of handcuffing myself to my desk didn’t seem like such a bad idea. I wasn’t sure if I could stop myself from strangling Peter with my bare hands.

“I hope you’ve decided to use Rose as a witness.” He stood with his hands in his pockets, quickly overstaying his welcome.


“Kyle, let me sit in on this. I can help you.”

“I don’t want any help.”
I didn’t need any help

“I went through this with Rose the first time. I’m a behemoth of information.”

“I read all your files, Mark. I appreciate the offer but I can handle this solo.”

Mark bowed his head, deterred.

“I’ll get him, alright?” I clapped him on the shoulder before I walked out.

“And I think Rose is the best way to make that happen.”

I wasn’t bringing her into this. And honestly, I didn’t think it would make a difference anyway. It would only remind the jury that he’d been claimed innocent once. I wouldn’t want to give them another reason to think he may be innocent. “With all due respect, you lost her case. And I’m going to win this one.”


The trial began with the opening statements. Since I was the prosecutor I went first. I paced around the courtroom, in perfect view of the jury. My good looks and nice suit were bound to make an impression on them. But it was my words that would carry the most weight. “Peter Gamble isn’t the innocent man you hope he is. He’s the kind of man you fear for your daughters. He’s a predator, lurking on the Internet under a false name and good looks. Once he snags something in his net, he pulls it in. To make things worse, he charges money for other men to get in on the scheme.” I swallowed the lump in my throat because this was becoming more difficult than I anticipated. “Audrey Frank was an innocent woman who thought she was going on a blind date. Instead, she was tied down and raped by four different men. Once they were finished, they beat her until she barely clung onto life. I have the evidence, the testimonies, and the witnesses to prove this man is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Thank you.” I walked back to my seat and took a long drink of water. Audrey sat beside me, her head down and her eyes downcast. I patted her on the shoulder. “I’m going to get him, Audrey. I promise.”


I was physically and emotionally drained to the point of exhaustion. All I wanted to do was go to bed and never wake up again. It was difficult for me to be in the same room as the man who assaulted the woman I loved.

It was suffocating.

Having to talk about the evidence out loud and recount everything that happened that night was agonizing. These things happened to Audrey, but I knew they also happened to Rose. When I pictured them holding her down and doing these things to her bile came into my mouth.

I wanted to shoot him in the head.

Somehow, I stayed calm and did my best work. There was no one who wanted a conviction more than I did, and I was going to get one if it was the last thing I did.

I’d only been home for thirty minutes when there was a knock on my door.

I knew who it was.
“Come in, sweetheart.”

Rose walked inside with a bag under her arm. Her smile lit up the room like it usually did. “How’d you know it was me?”

The trial was forgotten the moment I looked at her. “Just a hunch.”

She set the bag on the table then wrapped her arms around me, giving me a hug that told me how much she missed me that day. “I brought you dinner. I know you must be tired from working on your case.”

“It hasn’t been bad.” It was easy to lie through my teeth about this since I was protecting her from the truth. “But thank you for dinner.” Instead of kissing her forehead the way I used to I kissed her on the lips. I loved having the liberty to do whatever I wanted, when I wanted. I could take her into the bedroom and have my way with her if that was what I really wanted.

“You’re welcome. It was just an excuse to see you anyway.”

I dug my hand into her hair and yanked her back slightly, forcing her to look up at me. “You never need to make up an excuse, sweetheart. You can see me whenever you damn well please.”

“Yeah? I like that.”

I kissed her hard on the mouth and felt my dick immediately spring to life. Now I didn’t care about anything else except having her on my bed. I wanted her right then and there—and all night long.

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