Sated (8 page)

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Authors: Charity Parkerson

BOOK: Sated
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“I’m the one who’s sorry. You know this place better than I do. I don’t know why I reacted the way I did.”

A sad look passed over his face. “Because you had every right to,” he answered, making it sound so simple. “I want to keep seeing you and I’m trying hard not to fuck this up. Being overprotective of you is something that I can’t promise to control.”

“You have gorgeous eyes,” she said, cutting him off before he could take any more of the blame. His teeth snapped together at the compliment as if he had no idea what to make of her words. Since she enjoyed his reaction more than she cared to admit, she didn’t stop there. “I sort of want to run my fingers through your hair right now too.” His eyes crinkled in the corners, proving she’d chosen the right attack.

“Is that all?” The heavy humor in his tone made it hard for Arbor to keep a straight face. This was too important to blow it now with a smile. Instead, she made a show of slowly shaking her head.

“This gun you’re carrying is a real turn on as well.” Running her hand down his back, she didn’t stop until she reached his handcuffs. “I’m dying to get you out of this shirt because you have an amazing body. It shouldn’t be hidden. Not to mention, you come equipped with toys. It’s distracting.”

Reaching behind him, Trey snagged her hand and brought it around to his mouth. He touched his lips to the inside of her wrist while holding her gaze. Arbor held her breath in anticipation. She wasn’t disappointed. His tongue swiped over the spot where his lips had been. A massive wave of déjà vu swept over her. An image of Trey wearing only a pair of well-worn jeans and nothing else flashed through her mind.
You make me hope and dream.
She could hear his phantom words ringing in her ears.

Trey’s eyes fell closed. “You make me hope and dream.” The air left her lungs. She blinked rapidly, attempting to wipe away the crazy coating her vision. It simply wasn’t possible that she’d known what he was going to do and say before it happened. He stepped back, out of her hold. In her shock, Arbor let him go. A smile touched his lips. She tried to return it. It must have passed muster. Trey didn’t seem to notice that she was totally flipping out on the inside. “Have lunch with me again tomorrow.”

Arbor nodded, since she wasn’t capable of doing anything more, but she had no intention of missing out on spending time with him. After all, if she was seeing his future, then she already knew more about him than she did about herself.

Chapter Five

“Poor Trey. He must be the most put-upon personal guard ever. All he does is listen to me ramble on non-stop. Even though he doesn’t complain, I wonder sometimes if he gets tired of not having a life outside of being with me. I try to make a point of doing things I think he’ll enjoy, simply to give him something to do. His happiness matters to me for some reason. Yesterday, I tried talking to Killian and Lyric about it. After all, Trey has a degree in forensic science and he’s been talking about getting a job in that field. I don’t want him to leave because he’s sick of looking at my face. Of course, when I said as much, Killian laughed until I thought he was going to pass out. Lyric shook his head and called me an idiot. Thankfully, he said it in a loving way, so I wasn’t forced to unman him. That would’ve sucked for everyone. Either way, I give up. I want everyone to be happy, but I don’t know how to make that happen.”—Feb. 10

Eight months earlier…

It was rare for her to drink. Tonight was a bit of a celebration for the guys, and maybe a little pouting for Arbor. She went far to hide it. With the house now empty of all guests—except for Hunter and Echo—Arbor was trying hard to keep the room completely in focus. Her men would be leaving her in the morning. It was only for three days, but it was the first time they’d been apart. After they did a quick round of interviews across the country, they’d be back to get her, and the real fun would begin. They were going back on tour. Arbor wasn’t feeling it yet.

She’d played her part, keeping up the smiles. Lindsay, the new backup singer, had been the final person to leave. There was something going on with Hunter and Echo in regards to the new chick. Arbor was too tired to try to puzzle it out. She kind of wished the three of them would fuck and get it over with, but Arbor kept it to herself. If there was anything she understood, it was not wanting everyone discussing an odd relationship dynamic. Still, considering the way she lived her life, she didn’t understand why the three were playacting as if they didn’t want to give it a go.

With Killian and Lyric out in the studio, doing a final equipment check, she was allowing Echo to soothe her nerves. The woman had magic fingers. As Echo dragged her fingers through Arbor’s hair, pulling it into a braid, a moan rumbled from her throat. She meant it too. This was the only reason she let Echo treat her like a human Barbie. For some reason, the gothic woman enjoyed testing out different hairstyles on Arbor. Arbor loved having her hair played with. It was a win/win. Hunter’s phone chirped.

Peeking one eye open, Arbor eyed the brown-haired giant who served as the band’s drummer with malice at the interruption. He chuckled, snagging Lyric’s jacket.

“I’m out.”

Arbor sighed. “How are you going to steal a woman’s coat?” She was only half-joking. There might be nicer jackets in the world, but there wasn’t a replacement for the one he was holding. It was priceless to her.

A dimple showed in his cheek as he tossed her a wink. “No worries, mate. It’ll be back covering your delicious body before you have time to miss it.”

Slightly mollified, she toned down the pout. Trey snorted, catching her attention. When he had it, he rolled his eyes to let her know he wasn’t fooled. He’d been with her too long. Echo slid out from behind her, intent on joining Hunter at the door. Arbor snagged her arm, pulling her to a stop and kissing her cheek before she could get away.

“Please be careful tonight?”

“No worries, chicky. Hunter’s hooch is driving.”

Hunter sighed like a man doomed. “Trina is a good woman. Would you stop calling her a hooch?”

Echo blinked innocently. “I’ll be good.” Seemingly satisfied, Hunter tossed Arbor a wave as he headed out.

Flashing a mischievous smile Arbor’s way, Echo followed in his wake, calling, “Good at it!”

Left alone with her thoughts, Arbor eyed the mess of empty liquor and beer bottles sitting around the living room. With a weary sigh, she pushed to her feet. After locating a box of trash bags, Arbor began the tedious task of putting things to right. The instant the first bottle went in the trash, Trey was at her side, holding the bag open for her and following her around.

“Are you nervous about the tour?”

She was, but Arbor also felt disloyal for admitting it. Instead, she shrugged and changed the subject before Trey could question her further.

“Does it get old having to hang out here with the band all the time?”

It was Trey’s turn to shrug. “I don’t hang out with anyone.”

Something about his tone seemed odd to Arbor. It only caused her to want to know more. “I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean. You’re here and they’re here.”

He eyed her with a closed expression for a full minute before answering. “I have better things to do than pay attention to a group of spoiled rock stars.”

Arbor smiled at his description. Nonetheless, curiosity still ate at her. “Like what?”

“Watch you.”

This time, he didn’t look at her as he answered. Even though she couldn’t explain why, his answer was important and missing his expression as he gave it mattered even more. She needed to see his eyes. Searching for a way to keep digging, she said the first thing that came to mind.

“Sounds boring.” Really. It did.

Finally, she had his attention. Turning his head, he held her gaze. “Why?”

Because she was boring, but she didn’t have time to say as much. Reaching over, Trey snagged the rubber band at the tip of her braid and tugged. After tossing it in the trash, he ran his fingers through her hair, working the braid lose. He kept the same physical distance as before. There wasn’t any part of their bodies touching other than his fingers in her hair, but the way he stared at her felt the same as having his hands running over her skin. She caught herself holding her breath, wondering what he would do next.

“You shouldn’t tease Echo by letting her touch you. The poor woman is already infatuated.”

“She’s not.” Arbor didn’t know why she was arguing, except it gave her something to concentrate on other than the way he was looking at her.

“Oh, babe. You’re so clueless.”

Before she had time to feel insulted, he dropped his hand and took a step back. “There’s a question I’ve been dying to ask.”

The forced humor in his tone let her know he was going to pretend as if nothing happened. She was cool to let it drop. “Shoot.”

“How did these people meet?” Arbor snorted at the wonderment in his voice. “I mean, seriously,” Trey added, obviously working up to being outrageous. Arbor recognized the ploy. She let it happen. No good could come of anything more. “Lindsay is from God only knows where.”

“Very flat American accent,” Arbor agreed with a serious nod.

“Exactly! Now, Hunter and Echo are obvious Aussies while Lyric couldn’t be more of a New Orleans’ native.” He said Orleans like O-lens, making her chuckle. She finished his thoughts.

“And Killian is a Londoner. I get you. The story isn’t as exciting as you’d think. To use Killian’s exact verbiage, talent scouts and all that rot, but they’ve been together since their teenage years.”

“Then they grew up and won you—lucky bastards.”

With her arms laden with empty bottles, Arbor froze at Trey’s statement. She met his gaze. The muscle in his jaw flexed. His lips pressed into a flat line as if he regretted the words. Her thoughts rushed to her lips. Saving her ass, Killian and Lyric filed in, both shirtless, sweaty, and sexy as sin. Their impact on her heart never lessened. Tattoos and confidence were oh so delicious. Killian’s gaze swept the room, obviously taking in every detail. Arbor knew from experience that he never missed anything. His attention to detail was one of the qualities she couldn’t resist.


At Killian’s demanding tone, Trey snorted. “Yep. I know. Get out.”

A whisper of a smile passed over Killian’s lips. “No. Sit down. I don’t pay you to clean.” Even though he was shaking his head, Trey dutifully set aside the trash bag before securing the chair closest to the front door. No doubt, he expected to be dismissed at any moment. Arbor dumped the two bottles she held in the trash. Killian snorted. She smiled at the sound. There were few things he hated more than her cleaning, but he’d given up trying to stop her months earlier.

“Leave it, Arbor.”

For some reason she couldn’t explain, she was incapable of disobeying Lyric’s quietly spoken order. However, she did glance around at the huge mess one more time. The horror of it must’ve shown on her face because Killian chuckled. He gave his knee a pat.

“Come here, baby. I want to hold you.” Nothing could’ve gotten her feet moving any faster. Curling up in his lap, she tucked her head beneath his chin. As Killian wrapped his arms around her, she pressed even closer, hoping to hear his heart beating against her ear. She loved the sound. For all his exotic looks and wildly inappropriate words, Killian was steady as a rock. It was comforting.

Lyric grabbed the ottoman, carrying it with him as he crossed the room. Setting it between Killian’s knees, he sat down, facing them. As Lyric’s palms slid up Killian’s outer thighs, reaching for Arbor, Killian’s cock hardened beneath her ass. Damn. The three of them together were like a smoldering flame always on the verge of becoming an inferno. Her breathing had already turned heavy. She cast a nervous glance in Trey’s direction. It wasn’t like Killian to let him stay for such a private moment.

Trey was openly watching them. She wasn’t surprised. What did astound her was the way her heart sped up at the look on his face. Every line had hardened, turning sharp. She’d only meant to ensure he wasn’t staring. Now that she knew he was, she couldn’t look away.


Lyric pulled her attention his way. As always, he pitched his voice low. It was powerful in its softness. Lyric had a way of using his tone alone to seduce her. Using only his voice, he could make her feel as if nothing was more important than her, even when he was touching Killian.

“We’re going on tour soon. This can’t continue.” With her mind fogged by alcohol and lust, she couldn’t grasp his words the way she should.


“If we don’t clear the air now, this is going to explode the moment we’re under an ounce of stress.”

Killian’s knuckles ran down her arm as if comforting her against whatever Lyric was trying to tell her. A hint of panic wormed its way into her heart. Lyric was always serious, but this was different.

“I don’t understand,” Arbor said, choosing to go with the truth.

“You know I would never do anything to disrespect you, right?”

She didn’t as much as hesitate. “Of course.”

“I would hate myself if you ever felt like I was putting you in a position that made you feel as if you’re anything less than my whole fucking world.”

“You belong to us,” Killian said, adding his thoughts, even as Lyric continued.

“I don’t give a shit what anyone outside this room thinks, but we need to clear the air in here.”

The vise clamping down on her throat eased enough for her to force a single word out. “Okay.” She wasn’t going to be sick. Maybe.

Lyric glanced over his shoulder. “Trey.”

Fuck. She’d forgotten there was a witness. His arms were crossed over his chest. The muscles flexing his forearms and ticking in his jaw made her wonder if he was getting ready to explode or attempting to keep himself from doing so.

“Yep.” The one word sounded so tight, Arbor couldn’t look away. He was going to spring. She just knew it. The only thing she couldn’t decide was if he was going to rush from the room or beat someone’s ass.

“When I hired you, what did I tell you would be your one and only priority?”

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