Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series)
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Chapter 14

He searched all over her
kitchen but he couldn’t find a tray. So he wasn’t going to be able to take both
plates and glasses of juice in at the same time. He didn’t want to make two
trips thou. So he piled his pancakes on top of hers they can share a plate.
Hell last night they shared a lot more intimate things. He could hold the two
cups and balance the plate on top. Walking slow and steady so as to not have
the plate of pancakes tumble to the floor; Eric made his way back to the
bedroom to wake Sara with his breakfast surprise.

At the end of the hall
he came upon an unexpected problem.


The door was shut. His
only option was to set down the food. Trying not to spill the juices and tip
the plate over, he carefully got down on his knees and with great delicacy
placed the dishes down. Back on his feet he tackled this little road block
opening the door soundlessly. Loaded once more with his offering he moved to
Sara’s side. Doing his amazing balancing act again he got down on his knees
carefully placing their breakfast to the side. Wanting to wake her gently he
bent down kissed her lips softly, caressed her cheek with the back of his hand
and in a low soothing voice woke her up.

“Baby, baby.”

Sara slowly woke up,
stretching out her arms out above her head. After rubbing her eyes her gaze
focused on Eric. Clutching the sheet and holding it against her chest Sara sat
up on one elbow. Her voice hoarse with sleep she croaked out a distorted
version of good morning. She looked so cute fresh from sleep Eric planted
another kiss on her lips.

“Good morning baby, hope
you’re hungry.”

Reaching back he picked
up the plate piled high with pancakes and fresh cut strawberries and set it in
front of her.

Looking down Sara saw a
plate stacked with syrupy buttered golden brown pancakes with freshly sliced
strawberries. The sight of this simple breakfast and the fact that he did this
of his own volition put a big smile on her face. Her eyes glimmered with
appreciation and she let out a girlish giggle.

“You made me breakfast?”
She asked wearing a Cheshire cat grin. “You must think I’m a big eater.” She
chuckled, shaking her head “I can’t eat all this.”

“I’m made us both
breakfast you’re gonna share with me.” Eric brightly replied handing Sara a
fork so she could eat.

Sara sat up fully,
careful not to hit the pancakes with her sheet. Glancing around the room she
spotted what she was looking for. Doe eyed and bashful Sara asked.

“Uhhmmm could-could you
please hand me my robe, I feel funny eating naked.”

Eric chucklingly replied
“I’d love to watch you eat naked, your body is beautiful; but I don’t want you

With a small huff Eric
scooched back got up and retrieved her robe. Robe in hand he returned to his
spot on the floor and passed it to her. Fumbling for a minute Sara was able to
put on her robe without dropping the sheet. Once on she closed it, tightly
knotted the sash and then looked up to see a very amused Eric.

Wearing an amused smirk
on his face with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, Eric caressed Sara’s face with
his fingertips saying.

“Baby, you know I saw
you last night, all of you. There’s no reason to be shy around me.”

Sara’s down casted face
began to flush red as she remembered all of what they did last night. Fidgeting
with the sash on her robe embarrassed and unable to meet his eyes she
sheepishly replied.

“I know but that was
last night and...”

Eric didn’t give her a
chance to finish her sentence; cutting her off. With his forefinger he lifted
her chin up forcing eye contact with him. In a taut gravelly voice Eric spoke.

“I told you last night,
I want more than one night with you. I asked if you wanted me, you said yes and
you took me into your body. You’re mine now baby, just mine.” He emphasized
this with a kiss on the lips.

Sara not knowing what to
do merely nodded her head in acknowledgment.
“Mine? His? What does he mean by that? Does he want me to be his
girlfriend? How do I ask without sounding stupid?”
Not knowing how she
would broach the subject she just started to eat the wonderful breakfast he
made for her. While stabbing a piece of pancake and strawberry at the same time
still chewing she covered her mouth with her other hand so he wouldn’t see the
food rolling around in her mouth as she complimented him.

“This is so good; did
you add something to the pancake mix?
Mine never taste like this.”

Eric swallowed his food
and took a sip from his juice before he answered.

“Yeah, I added some
cinnamon and vanilla.”

“Mmmmmmm I’ll have to
remember that.” Sara replied as she continued to eat with gusto.

After taking another drink
of his juice to wash the pancakes down; Eric trained his eyes on Sara when he

“So besides our date
what plans did you have for today?” Eric was trying to act nonchalantly,
cutting off another piece of pancake; he needed to make sure that she would be
home to receive his surprise gift to her.

“Oh uhm nothing really,
my dinette is supposed to be delivered today between 12-2p.m. After that I was
just gonna run down town to look at some of the antique shops for a bedroom
set. Since you stunned me and won the lot I wanted.” She finished with mocked
annoyance, squinting her eyes and jabbing her fork in the air at him.

Eric roared with
laughter, his entire body shaking as he did. “All I did was wink at you baby.”
Eric countered innocently, eyebrows raised, eyes big trying to look as contrite
as possible. He failed miserably; he just couldn’t hold back that smug smirk of

“It wasn’t just the wink
and you know it; you looked so wolfish, like you wanted to eat me up.” She
piped out.

“I did want to eat you
up and I got to last night. You taste delicious and I’ll be doing it again

The dubious look he was
giving her made her body warm, her face flush and a tingle start right down
there where she was a little bit sore. His eyes flickered and he grinned seeing
the effect he was having on her. He speared a big strawberry slice and popped
it in his mouth; still grinning as he chewed. She swung and playfully punched
him on the arm for being such an arrogant ass.

“Ouch” He mockingly
cried while rubbing the spot she had hit. “I didn’t take you for the violent
kind, anything else I should be aware of?”

“Yes” Sitting up a
little straighter she cheekily replied. “I’m a sucker for romance movies, the
classics and animals. When I’m upset and moody usually chocolate, gummy bears or
ice cream helps. I get road rage I hate back seat drivers and I HATE liars.”
She emphasized on the word hate.

“Good to know...what
type of ice cream?”

“Butter pecan or mint
and chip and if those can’t be found anything smothered in hot fudge will do.”
She stated matter of factly as she picked up her juice for a sip, gazing into
his eyes.

“Butter pecan huh? I had
you pegged for a strawberries and cream kinda girl; at least that’s what you taste
like to me.” He said lecherously, while leering at her.

Beat red with
mortification, Sara ignored his last comment and continued with their

“What’s your favorite

Knowing that she was
self-conscious and trying to keep their talk PG rated; He decided that he loved
the way she looked when she blushed so he was going to purposely steer their
conversation towards NC-17. Trying not to snicker at his devious plan he

“Well, next to the
delicious cream between your legs, I’d have to say rocky road.”

He was doing this on
purpose now, she knew, his dubious look and the devilish glint in his eyes told
her everything. He enjoyed stunning her and seeing her blush at his salacious
answers. Breakfast finished, she ignored him once again and licked the
lingering syrup off her lips and placed her fork onto the empty plate.

“Thank you, that was
delicious, you’re a good cook.” Sara sweetly told Eric.

Pushing the empty dishes
to the side he arrogantly replied while leaning in for a kiss.

“Cooking isn’t the only
thing I’m good at. Now if I remember correctly I told you I would taste you
again and soon; well I’m a man of my word”

He bent forward and
latched onto her lips. Being a proficient muti-tasker he was able to untie her
sash and remove her robe all without breaking their connection. His next task
was to remove his boxers. Now both naked he pushed her back onto the bed. And
slowly worked his way back down her body and did just what he said he would.

Chapter 15

“Oh my God, he’s like that old energizer bunny; he just
keeps going; I’m gonna be so sore I know it. I’ve never had this much sex in
such a small period of time”
Sara was resting her head on Eric’s chest, her arm draped
across his belly thoughts flying through her mind. Their skin was glistening
with light perspiration from their lustful endeavors; both trying to calm their
breathing enjoying their post coital bliss. Eric ran his fingertips up and down
her spine drawing nonsensically on her skin just enjoying the feel of her. Their
intimate moment was ruined by the shrill of Eric’s cell phone.

“Ughhh” Eric
distastefully groaned. “Sorry baby I need to get that.”

Sara pulled herself off
his chest and sat back as he stood up. Looking around Eric spotted his boxers,
bent over snatched them up and pulled them on. Annoyed that someone was calling
at an inopportune moment he stalked out to the kitchen where his phone was
lighting up vibrating and ringing nonstop. Reading the caller ID he was even
more annoyed.

“Gio! I told you’d I’d
call you later.” Eric snarled at his cousin.

“I know but listen; the
auction house said their delivery schedule for today is full. You should have
scheduled it yesterday but knowing you wanted it delivered today I called Juan
and told him to bring the moving truck from Poway. I’m gonna go with him to
pick up the set and we’ll deliver it within the next two hours. Are you gonna
be at this address or is there someone I need to get a signature from?” Gio bit
back a cutting remark he had on his tongue he was almost as exasperated as his cousin
was. He didn’t need this shit; it was Sunday and here he was moving things
around last minute and for what? He didn’t even know.

Pulling his phone from
his ear to look at the time he saw that it was almost noon. Putting his phone
back up to his ear he ran his free hand through his disheveled hair; Sara had
been pulling on it again. It seemed she was a hair puller and screamer which he
absolutely loved; the feel off her nails scratching against his scalp just sent
those quivers down his back and aroused him more. Dragging his thoughts away
from Sara he answered Gio.

“Ok, yeah I’ll be here.
Sorry I snapped at you, thanks for making it happen cuz.” Hearing everything
his cousin was doing for him Eric’s attitude made 180 degree turn. He knew Gio
was off Sundays; Aunt Sofia made it mandatory for her kids to come over and spend
the day and have dinner. Since his mother was always over on Sundays she
usually hounded him too.

Hearing the pang of
guilt in Eric’s voice Gio sucked in a deep breath and huffed out.

“It’s not a problem; I
had already told mama I’d be a little late. Truth is I’d use any excuse not to
go today. Mama’s trying to match me up again.” He complained “This time it’s
the daughter of a women in her book club. I just know it’s a disaster waiting
to happen. Just like the last three were. But she won’t give up I’m 34 she
thinks it’s time I settled down...whatever. Any way we’ll be over in a few.”

Eric snickered at his
cousin’s misfortune.

“Ah sorry man.”

“Yeah, yeah, just wait
till your mom starts.” Gio sardonically replied.

Gio couldn’t see the
grin plastered on Eric’s face as he smugly answered.

“Nope, I got that

“Covered? What do mean
covered?” Eric had Gio’s full attention now.

“We’ll talk about it
later, I gotta get back.” Eric impatiently responded; he was done with
conversation he was ready to get back to Sara.

Nosily Gio asked “Get
back? Get back to who? Cuz don’t hold out, did you get some strange? Is that
where you are?”

Eric’s temper blazed as
he heard his cousin using their term for a meaningless one night hook up. Sara
was more than that. Gio heard Eric’s voice tense up as he answered him.

“Don’t say shit like
that again she ain’t a strange and when your ass gets here you better not say
any stupid shit either.”

“Hey, hey, calmarse,
sorry didn’t mean to piss you off. Look Juan’s rolling into the parking lot
now, so I’ll see you in a bit.”

As Gio hung up with Eric
and headed out to the parking lot he wondered what had gotten into Eric. He had
never blasted him over a chick, ever. Walking up to the truck he waved at Juan;
grabbing hold of the handle he opened up the door and climbed into the
passenger side. He didn’t know what was up but he’d find out soon.

Eric couldn’t believe he
had wasted so much time on the phone. He went back to the bedroom but it was
empty. Then he heard the shower running. He opened the bathroom door and went
in to join her in the shower; only he was gonna dirty her up a little more
before he washed her clean.

Sara with her eyes
closed was shampooing her hair, the warm spray of the shower streaming down on
her body it felt so good. Sudden she let out a blood curdling scream as she
felt an arm around her waist.

“Oh God, Eric you scared
the shit out of me. Don’t sneak up on me like that.” She chastised.

“Sorry baby, I didn’t
mean to.” He apologized, moving his hands from her belly to her breasts.
Twisting and pulling on her already over sensitized nipples he breathed in her
ear. “How about I make it up to you.” He finished his quandary with a sharp
bite on her neck right next to the purple love bite he gave her last night.

“Ahhhhhh Mmmmmmm Eric
how am I supposed to say no to you?”

Going down on his knees
he turned her around to face him and answered her as he knelt before her on the
floor of the bathtub. “That’s just it baby you’re not supposed to.” With that
said he took one of her legs and lifted it up setting it atop his shoulder, opening
her up perfectly for his amorous assault. Sara’s hand clutched onto his
shoulder to help hold her steady as Eric spread her nether lips lapping and
suckling and working her over. Sara started to moan in pleasure; and when he
plunged a finger into her warm hot seeping slit he simultaneously grazed his
teeth on her clit the way he knew she liked. Knowing by her whimpers and her
cunt squeezing his finger that she was near her peak he stuck in a second
finger and lightly bit down on her hooded pink pearl.

“Fuck, Eric, Mmmmmm God
Ahhh.” She wailed slapping her hand on the wall to hold herself up and grabbing
tightly at the only thing in front of her; Eric’s hair. Enjoying her screams and
the obscene curses coming from her sweet mouth he continued to lick up all the
sweet nectar oozing from her cunt. Rubbing her bundle of nerves with his thumb
he kept his mouth on her not relenting, wanting to coax another orgasm from
her. He knew he could and so he kept lashing at her with his tongue; in, out
and around he set a rhythm.

Her breathing strained
she begged “Please oh please.”

He loved the sound of
her begging him, giving her what she needed to push her into her second orgasm.
He pinched her clit hard between his fingers. She sky rocketed over the edge so
over taken by her climax her knees weaken and he had to catch her before she

Sitting on the tub floor
water pouring down on them with Sara cradled in his arms, holding her while she
was sated by his love making, resting his head on hers, he realized he was
happy, honestly happy. All he needed was Sara in his arms; he needed her to be
his, she would be, he already told her and he’d make sure she accepted it.

Sara’s brain was inhabiting
a whole other universe, completely sated her body totally limp she just cuddled
in Eric’s arms. As her mind started to lose its blissful haze a thought kept
buzzing around in her head. She wanted to reciprocate what Eric had done to her
but she’d only done it a handful of times and Michael would never let her stay
on him for long. She didn’t want to offer and then be horrible. But she really
wanted to take control and give him the same sexual satisfaction he’d given
her. She needed to get over her fear and embarrassment. Eric hadn’t criticized
her for her ignorance so far; so why would he now? If she didn’t do that good a
job she just wouldn’t offer again.

Enfolded in his arms
Sara started to fidget as she nervously told Eric what she wanted to do.


“Yeah, baby.” He
answered kissing her head

“I want...I want to do

Eric took note of her
nervousness and the way she was fiddling with her fingers. He tugged at her
chin forcing her to look up at him as they talked.

“What do you want baby?”
He looked deep into her eyes trying to figure out what she was thinking.

Sara let out a big sigh.
“Ok, I know I’ll probably suck at it.” Hearing her own words she laughed at
herself and then she continued “Pun not intended, I wanted to use my mouth on
you.” He was holding her chin so she couldn’t turn her head so she averted eye
contact while she spoke.

“Head? This was about head? She wanted to give him head?”

Her giving him head
hadn’t even passed through his mind, but now that is was out there, the thought
of her plump lips wrapped tight around his cock as he fucked her mouth. If it
was possible to get harder than he was he would have.
“Oh hell yeah!”

“Baby” He cooed kissing
her lips. “With a mouth like yours I doubt there is any way you’d be bad.”

Her eyes flitted back to
his, showing him all the insecurities she had. With another kiss he added.

“Honestly baby the
thought of your lips wrapped around my cock has me almost ready to cum now.”

“Really?” she asked

“Baby, you’ve casted a
spell on me, everything about you makes my cock swell.”

He helped her off his
lap and onto her knees then he stood up his cock jutting out hard and proud. He
took hold of himself and stroke once his tip dripping with precum.

“Come closer baby and
open your mouth.” He instructed his voice hoarse with desire.

Sara did as told;
kneeing in front of him his cock in her face she realized she was not going to
be able to fit him all in her mouth. She began to get a little anxious. She
looked up at him waiting to see if he would give further instruction or just
let her start. He watched her down on her knees and he waited for her to take
him into his mouth. When she didn’t move he let go of himself and reached for
the back of her head. Taking hold of a fist full of her hair he urged her

Picking up on his cue
Sara grabbed his cock with one hand and placed her other on his thigh for
balance. She gripped him tight and licked the dribbling crown of his shaft. His
precum was clear and a little salty but not bad. She looked up to Eric one more
time he had started to breath more heavily and his eyes were full of lust and
wanting. Seeing how aroused he was gave her the confidence she needed.
With that last look fresh in her mind
she opened and took him into her mouth. He hissed at the first touch of her
tongue. Moving up and down she sucked him. Tightening her lips and sucking
harder when she was at his crown. She heard him let out a strangled moan.

“Fuck baby your mouth is

With his encouragement she
started to work him more vigorously. Unable to fit all of him in her mouth and
not knowing how to deep throat; she started to use her hand. Stroking and
sucking him at the same time she made it into one long movement. He liked this;
the hand that was in her hair tightened and his hips jerked.

“Yes baby just like
that.” He murmured “Oh fuck ya baby.”

He had both hands in her
hair now; he had taken over thrusting in and out of her mouth chasing his
climax. She had to put both hands on his thighs so she could push back to not
gag on his massive cock. She guessed that he was close because his pace
increased and his movements became erratic. Thinking about what he had done to
her she decided to try his tactic. She pulled back her lips and let her teeth
graze his shaft; that did it.

Throwing his head back
Eric growled out. “Fuck! Ahhhhh baby I’m gonna cum.” His mind fogged with his
climax he forgot that he didn’t ask her when they started if she wanted to try
and swallow or not. It was too late now he was pulling on her hair plunging in
her mouth crying out as he spurt his cum on the back of her tongue.

Sara wasn’t prepared for
the warm spray of his cum shooting into her mouth. She swallowed it down
without thinking a natural reflex so as not to choke. When the last drop of him
was released he let go of her hair and pulled her to her feet. Holding her face
in both his hands he gave her a smoldering kiss. Her head was a little tender
from him pulling on it, but it was worth it to see him climax and lose control
like that. Using her teeth had done him in; it seemed both of them like a
little pain with their pleasure. Touching forehead to forehead still a bit
winded he spoke softly.

“Baby that felt so
fucking good I can’t tell you, I’m sorry I didn’t pull out; I didn’t even asked
if you wanted to swallow or not. You just felt so damn good I couldn’t stop.”

Sara was wearing a big cheeky
smile at the praise he was giving her.

“I didn’t mind. I
enjoyed doing it, all of it.” She replied meekly looking at him with her eyes
big and bright.

BOOK: Sara's Unyielding Lover (The Lovers Series)
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