Sarah Woods Mystery Series (1-6) Boxed Set (8 page)

BOOK: Sarah Woods Mystery Series (1-6) Boxed Set
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Chapter 18



It was 5:30 by the time I headed home, and my mind was swimming with all the information it was trying to assimilate. Whatever Beth had been working on could have something to do with her death, but, then, how did Lindy tie in? Or did she? I couldn’t picture sweet, little Beth snooping around in other people’s affairs, for money or not. But that was precisely, according to Melissa, why she was so good at it. She’d never be suspected. And what about Carter? If things had gone sour with whatever she was working on, he must have known about it.

When I got home, Brian and Nick were playing a game on the X-Box. They looked up briefly when I walked in.  

Hey, boys, are you hungry?” I asked, removing my jacket.  

Already had some hot pockets, Mom,” Brian said, continuing to bang away on the hand held controller.  

With my appetite being pretty much non-existent, instead of making myself dinner I popped a few Ativan and headed to my bedroom to spend a mindless evening immersed in a trashy romance novel. After a long shower, I got into my pajamas and lounged on the bed, decompressing from the day’s events. Two chapters into Ravaged By Love, my eyes grew heavy and the book fell to the floor.







Chapter 19

Thursday, November 11



I arrived at the office at nine and immediately put the buzz imparted by the three cups of coffee I’d had before leaving home to productive use. I cleaned and refilled oil bottles, washed doorknobs, walls, surfaces, and anything else that might potentially be smudged, organized the music CDs, emptied trash, and folded laundry. It was ten when Gabby walked in.  

The place smells so clean,” Gabby said, smiling, her curly hair damp, clothes wrinkled.  

You seem chipper today. But you look like you slept in your clothes last night.”  

I had an amazing evening,” she said, fluttering her generous eyelashes.  

Oh, really? Do I dare ask?”  

It had been two months, three days, and six hours since the last time I got laid, and last night the spell was finally broken.”  

Well, congratulations, I guess,” I rolled my eyes and she laughed. I could appreciate the bounce in her step without hearing the details. But I wasn’t to be spared entirely.  

Sarah, you should have seen this girl. She had tits out to here!” Gabby held her hands out at least a foot from her chest.  

That’s nice.”  

Seriously, she was stacked. It was love at first sight. I met her at the new gay bar, and let me tell you, there were plenty o’ lovelies to gaze at. But she caught my eye, and I knew I had to have her.” She rubbed her hands together.  

So you lured her to your bed with your charming ways,” I said, with just a touch of sarcasm.  

That’s right. She didn’t stand a chance. She was goosed, juiced, and seduced,” she said, licking her lips.  

Okay. That’s way too much information,” I said, shutting my eyes and bringing my hand up to stop her from saying any more. She laughed and walked down the hall towards her massage room.  

While trying to exorcise the images of Gabby and her girlfriend from my mind, I heard my cell phone ringing in my purse. I took it out. Didn’t recognize the number.  


Hey, Sarah. It’s Max.”

Hi,” I said. The sound of his voice made my heart skip a beat.  

Just calling to see how you’re doing?”  

I’m back at work, so keeping busy. How about you?”  

Well,” he paused and cleared his throat, “I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner tonight.”  

Had I heard him correctly?  

I hesitated, not sure how to respond. Was I being asked out on a date? Or was it just tit for tat, dinner for dinner?  

Sounds nice,” I said.

Have you been to Angelina’s Ristorante?”

Don’t think I have, but I adore Italian food, so that sounds perfect.”

Meet you there at seven? Or I can pick you up.”  

I’ll meet you.”  

Great, I look forward to it.”

I placed the phone in my lap, transferred some of the guilt I felt to the device, and slipped it back into my purse.


Chapter 20



My first client was new. A heavy-set woman in her early fifties, Tina arrived, promptly at ten-thirty, complaining of a pinched nerve in her shoulder. I had her complete the required client form that solicited her personal information and medical history, then showed her around and led her to the treatment room.

I’ve never had a real massage before,” she said, looking nervously around the room.  

It’s natural to feel a little apprehensive at first.  Let me explain how I work. I’ll leave the room while you get undressed. You can leave your underwear on if you prefer, but either way this sheet will be covering you throughout the entire treatment.” I held up the oversized, white cotton sheet that covered the massage table.  

We’ll start with you face down, resting your head in this little donut face rest. I’ll guide you through some breathing techniques to help you relax. Then I’ll apply this warm oil to your back and neck. The pressure will be light at first, then gradually increase up to your comfort level. Let me know if you feel pain at any time.” She seemed a little less anxious when I left her.  


The next two clients after Tina being regulars, I was able to slip back into my relatively effortless routine. At the end of the day, I sat at the reception desk and checked the messages on the answering machine. I was returning a call to a potential client when Gabby came out of her room.  

Busy day?” she inquired.  

Yeah, and now I need to get ready for my date.”  


Max is taking me to dinner at Angelina’s.”

See? What’d I tell you? He wants your hot ass.” Gabby performed a little bump and grind number.

Max has no interest in my ass,” I said. “But if he wants to treat me to a night out, I’m game.”  

Why can’t you just accept the fact that a younger man finds you attractive? You deserve to be appreciated. Let Max do that for you. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should jump in bed with him. Just have a little fun.”  

Okay, I’ll keep that in mind,” I said, getting up and gathering my things. As I walked past her, I planted a big kiss on Gabby’s forehead.  

All kidding aside, Gabby, you’re the best, you know that? What would I do without you? Life would be so incredibly dull.”



Chapter 21



At home, I showered and changed into a casual but stylish outfit of dark indigo jeans, an ivory cowl neck sweater, and high-heeled black boots. Inspecting myself in the mirror, I decided that a few more miles on the treadmill each day were in order. Checking the clock and finding I still had an hour to kill, I paid some bills and checked my e-mail. Brian had texted me earlier to say he was eating at Nick’s, so I didn’t have to worry about feeding him. A good thing, considering I’d neglected the grocery shopping. At six-forty five, I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out the door.  


Angelina’s was the kind of place you take someone on a first date to make an impression. There were no more than a dozen tables in the whole place, over which were draped crisp white tablecloths. Each table had a fresh flower arrangement and votive candle. The place oozed romance, and I began to feel a bit intimidated. But if it had been a mistake to accept Max’s invitation, it was too late to back out now.  

Hey, stranger.”  

Hearing Max’s voice behind me, I turned just as he came through the door. “Hey, yourself,” I said.  

When he reached me, he kissed my cheek, then turned to the hostess and gave her a look that brought a smile as she showed us to a table near the back. Max pulled out my chair.  

Thank you,” I said, lowering myself demurely into it.

Max sat across from me and smiled. His eyes glimmered in the candlelight.

You look beautiful, tonight,” he said, his smile never fading.  

Thanks,” I said, averting my eyes. “You, too. I mean, you look handsome.”

He laughed quietly. When the waiter arrived, he ordered a bottle of red wine without so much as glancing at the wine list. When the waiter departed, he turned his attention back to me.

You’ve been here before,” I said.  


Is it that obvious?” He smiled. “I might have been here a few times before.”  

Well, I appreciate the invite. I can’t remember the last time I was taken out for a fancy dinner.”  

The waiter materialized with a bottle of wine and two long stemmed glasses. Max ordered appetizers and two entrée specials of lasagna with some kind of special cheese. The details of the meals escaped me, my mind being preoccupied with the awkwardness of the situation in which I found myself.

Max, I had a talk with Melissa yesterday,” I said.

Melissa? You mean Beth’s housemate?” He sipped his wine.  

Yes. I stopped by her house. She told me all about the business you had. And the special jobs Beth did for a guy named Carter.”

Max’s expression instantly changed to one of disbelief. He set down his glass and leaned across the table.  

Why would she tell you about that?” His voice was low.

She’s frightened about something, Max. Beth was working on something for him right before she died. Would you know how to find him?”  

Max closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I haven’t seen or spoken to that bastard in months,” he said, trying to keep his voice low as he straightened in his chair. “I thought Beth had stopped working for him.”

Guess the money was too tempting.”

Did Melissa know anything about her last job?”  

No. But if we could find Carter, we might be able to get him to tell us.”  

Won’t be that easy. He’s the kind of guy doesn’t like to be found. But if you think it might help us find her killer, I’ll find a way.”  

The waiter reappeared with our appetizers. We ate in silence for a few minutes, not making eye contact.

Hey, Sarah?” he said.  

I looked at him. His expression was sullen.  

I’m so sorry you got mixed up in this mess. And I’m sorry I didn’t mention the nature of my business before. I guess I was a little ashamed. I had no idea Beth was still involved with Carter.”

It’s okay, Max. I understand.”  


After dinner, Max and I went for a stroll. It was mild for a mid-November evening. I fastened the top button of my coat and breathed the night air deep into my lungs. “So, Max,” I said, continuing to look straight ahead, “I’m surprised you don’t have a girlfriend.” I was trying to lighten the mood. “Or is it just that you don’t want Marsha Brady to get jealous?”  

I don’t know. It just seems like most women my age are in a hurry to get married. What’s so wrong with wanting to take time to make sure it’s right?”

When was the last time you dated?”  

Months ago. I tried an online dating service for a while. That was disastrous.” He shook his head and laughed.  

We walked in silence for a minute or so before Max spoke again.  

What about you, Sarah? I know it’s none of my business, and you can tell me to go to hell, but I think you deserve better. I don’t know your husband, but I get the sense you’ve been settling for a long time. Why do you stay with him?”  

Our son, Brian.” I said. “He would be devastated if we split up. Plus, the fairy tale love story of happily ever after doesn’t exist. Anyway, let’s face it. I’m over forty. If I were single, I’d be competing against women in their thirties. I wouldn’t stand a chance. Most men my age and older want someone younger and hotter. I’m not bitter about that. It’s just a fact of life.” I smiled and raised my hands in mock surrender.  

Sounds like a cop out to me. No offense, but you only have one life to live. Don’t waste it.”  

I stopped, and he turned to look at me.  

Easy for you to say,” I said, hands planted firmly on my hips.  

Yes, it is easy for me to say. My whole family is gone, taken from me. If anyone can talk about how fleeting life can be, it’s me!” He started to walk off.  

Wait, Max.” He stopped, but didn’t turn around.

I walked up to him and gently took his arm. He turned and, without warning, kissed me solidly on the lips. One hand slipped around and cradled the back of my head, the other clasped my waist. I closed my eyes and let my body be pulled into his.His lips were soft and warm, and tasted like wine. Then he slowly withdrew, without releasing me. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was smiling, his eyes searching mine.

Okay. All I can say is ... wow.”  

I hadn’t planned to do that, but I can’t say I regret it,” he said, withdrawing further, but continuing to hold my hand.  

All I could do was look at him and smile.  

I don’t want to make your life more confusing than it already is, Sarah. I know your family is important to you. I guess I just need to keep my feelings in check.” He gently squeezed my hand before letting it go.  

Thank you for understanding,” I said. “Honestly, I’m not sure which way is up. My husband is gone most of the time, and my son no longer needs me. I feel a little lost these days, you know? And, as much as I would like to see you, I feel like I would be wasting your time.”  

I don’t see it that way. If all we can be is friends, that’s better than nothing.”  

But hadn’t we already crossed the line? Maybe I didn’t want to be just friends anymore. Maybe I was tired of waiting around for something fabulous to happen to me.

I thanked Max for a wonderful evening, and he offered to walk me to my car. Before I got in, I reached up and gave him a hug, but turned my face away as we embraced. He took the not so subtle hint and backed away, allowing me to get in. As I drove off, I couldn’t resist the urge to look back at him standing alone in the dark.  



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