Sara, Book 1 (10 page)

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Authors: Esther And Jerry Hicks

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BOOK: Sara, Book 1
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It’s no wonder you’re mad at them, Sara, for you’re in a terrible trap. In fact, that is just about the worst trap in the world.

Sara didn’t much like the sound of that. She’d seen enough of Jason and Billy’s homemade traps, and had freed many little mice and squirrels and birds that they had gleefully captured. The idea of someone putting her in a trap made Sara feel awful. “What do you mean, Solomon? What trap?”

Well, Sara, when your happiness depends on what somebody else does or does not do, you’re trapped, because you cannot control what they think or what they do. But, Sara, you will discover true liberation—a freedom beyond your wildest dreams—when you discover that your joy does not depend on anyone else. Your joy only depends on what
choose to give your attention to.

Sara listened quietly with tears running down her pink cheeks.

You feel trapped right now because you don’t see how you could respond differently to what you saw happen. As you witness something that makes you feel uncomfortable, you’re responding to those conditions. And you think that the only way you can feel better is if the conditions are better. And since you cannot control the conditions, you feel trapped.

Sara wiped her face with her sleeve. She felt very uncomfortable. Solomon was right. She did feel trapped. And she wanted to be free of the trap.

Sara, just keep working on appreciating

and you’ll begin to feel better. We’ll sort this out a little bit at a time. You’ll see. This will not be difficult for you to understand. Keep having fun. We’ll talk more tomorrow. Sleep well.


olomon was right. Things did seem to just get better and better. In fact, the next few weeks were the best that Sara could ever remember. Everything seemed to be going so well. The school days seemed to be getting shorter and shorter, and to Sara’s surprise, she was actually beginning to like school. But Solomon continued to be the very best part of Sara’s day.

“Solomon,” Sara said, “I’m so glad that I found you here in this thicket. You’re my best friend.”

I’m glad, too, Sara. We are birds of a feather, you know?

“Well, you’re half right, anyway,” Sara laughed, looking at Solomon’s beautiful coat of feathers and feeling that warm wind of appreciation flowing through her. She had heard her mother say, “Birds of a feather flock together,” but she had never thought much about what it meant, and she certainly never expected that she would ever find herself flocking with birds.

“What does that mean, anyway, Solomon?”

People use that expression to point out their awareness that things that are like one another come together. That which is like unto itself is drawn.

“You mean, like robins stay together, and crows stay together, and squirrels stay together?”

Well, yes, like that. But really, all things that are alike do that, Sara. But the likeness is not always what you think it is. It is not usually something obvious that you can see.

“I don’t understand, Solomon. If you can’t see it, how do you know that they are alike or different?”

You can feel it, Sara. But it takes practice, and before you can practice, you have to know what you’re looking for, and since most people don’t understand the basic rules, they don’t know what to look for.

“Rules, like in rules of a game, Solomon?”

Yes, sort of like that. Actually, a better name would be ‘the Law of Attraction.’
The Law of Attraction says: ‘That
which is like unto itself is drawn.’

“Oh, I see.” Sara brightened. “Like birds of a feather flock together.”

That’s it, Sara. And everyone and everything in the entire Universe is affected by this Law.

“I still don’t really understand this, Solomon. Tell me more, please.”

Tomorrow, as you’re moving through your day, watch for the evidence of this Law. Keep your eyes and ears open, and, most important, pay attention to the way that you feel as you observe things and people and animals and situations around you. Have fun with this, Sara. We’ll talk more about it tomorrow.

Hmm, birds of a feather, flock together,
Sara pondered. And as those words rolled across her mind, a large flock of geese flushed up from the pasture and flapped above Sara’s head. Sara had always loved watching these winter geese, and she was always amazed by the patterns they made as they flew across the sky. Sara laughed at the seeming coincidence of talking about flocking birds and then immediately finding the sky filled with them.
Hmm, the Law of Attraction!


r. Pack’s shiny old Buick slowed down as it passed Sara. She waved at Mr. and Mrs. Pack, and they smiled and waved back.

Sara remembered her father’s comments about their elderly neighbors. “Those old geezers are just alike.”

“They even seem to look alike,” her mother had added.

Sara pondered,
they are very much alike.
Sara thought back over the time she had known these neighbors. “They are both as neat as a button,” her mother had noticed right from the beginning. Mr. Pack’s car was always the shiniest in town. “He must wash it every day,” Sara’s father had groaned, not appreciating the contrast that Mr. Pack’s, always clean car struck with his own usually dirty one. Mr. Pack’s summer lawn and gardens were always trimmed and planted to perfection, and Mrs. Pack was every bit as tidy as her husband. Sara didn’t have much opportunity to be inside their house, but on the rare occasion that she had run an errand for her mother that had taken her inside, Sara was always impressed with the house, always tidy and clean, never even one thing out of place.
Ah, the Law of Attraction,
Sara concluded.

Sara’s brother, Jason, and his rambunctious friend, Billy, sped by Sara on their bicycles, each coming as close to Sara as possible without actually bumping her. “Hey, Sara, better watch where you’re going,” Jason chided. Sara could hear them laughing as they raced down the road.

Sara thought, as she reclaimed her place back on the roadway, irritated that she had scrambled to get out of their way. “They were made for each other,” Sara grumbled. “They take such delight in making trouble.” Sara stopped dead in her tracks. “Birds of a feather.” Sara brightened. “They are birds of a feather! This is the Law of Attraction!”

And everyone and everything in the Universe is affected by it!

Sara remembered Solomon’s words.

The next day, Sara spent as much time as possible looking for evidence of the Law of Attraction.

It’s everywhere!
Sara concluded, as she observed adults, children, and teenagers moving about her town.

Sara stopped at Hoyt’s Store, a sort of general store right in the middle of town and only slightly out of Sara’s way to school. She bought a new eraser to replace the one someone had borrowed yesterday and had not returned, and a candy bar to eat after lunch.

Sara had always liked coming into this store. It always felt good. The store was owned by three cheerful men who were always ready and willing to play with whoever walked into the store. It was always a very busy place, since it was the only grocery store in town, but even when the lines were long, these three men managed to joke and kid with anyone who was willing to play along.

“How’s it going, Kiddo?” the taller of the three quipped at Sara.

His enthusiasm startled Sara a bit. They had never played much with Sara, which had always suited Sara just fine, but today, they clearly intended to make Sara part of their fun.

“It’s going fine,” Sara replied boldly.

“Well, that’s what I like to hear!

Which are you going to eat first, the candy bar or the eraser?”

“I thought I’d eat the candy bar first. I’ll save the eraser for dessert!” Sara grinned back at him.

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