Sandra's Classics - The Bad Boys of Romance - Boxed Set (71 page)

BOOK: Sandra's Classics - The Bad Boys of Romance - Boxed Set
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The Greek restaurant on 15th Street was, as Cade had promised, a warm oasis in the damp November evening.

‘We both have to eat, don’t we?’ he’d said. ‘It might as well be together—unless you can’t bear the thought of real food instead of a TV dinner.’

‘I suppose I can survive one night without dining on plastic chicken,’ Shannon had laughed. After all, she’d thought as she clung to him on the back of the Harley, what harm could come of having dinner together?

A string of tin bells strung over the door tinkled as they entered the restaurant, the bright tones barely audible over the soft buzz of conversation coming from the small bar to the right.

A few gnarled faces looked up as the door closed behind them, glancing at Shannon and Cade with indifference.

Beyond, dark wooden booths clung to rough, whitewashed walls. The air was delicately scented with garlic and rosemary.

‘Are you sure we’re in Manhattan?’ Shannon whis
pered as Cade slipped her jacket from her shoulders.

‘Every sea voyage should end at a foreign port,’ he said softly. ‘Just wait until you taste Elena’s grilled lamb.
Nico,’ he called, stepping towards a straight- backed old man with a fierce smile and a headful of white curls. ‘It’s good to see you again.’

The old man smiled. ‘
, my friend. It is a long time.’

Cade smiled as he slipped his arm around Shannon. ‘This is Shannon. I’ve been telling her all about the magic of Elena’s kitchen.’

Shannon smiled as the old man took her hand in his.

‘Cade’s managed to make everything sound wonderful, although I’m afraid I don’t know much about Greek food.’

‘Then it will be our pleasure to teach you.’

‘Where is Elena?’ Cade asked.

Where am I always?’ a musical voice chuckled. ‘Kalispera, Cade. We have missed you.’

Cade kissed the cheek she offered him. ‘Good evening to you as well, Elena. You’re beautiful, as always.’

‘You are a good liar, as always.’ Her dark eyes slid to Shannon and she smiled. ‘Nico, why do you let our guests stand here like this? Take Cade to his table and bring them some
while I go to the kitchen. What would you like, Cade? I have some wonderful little fish I can grill, and those meatballs you love, with the lemon sauce. And I made
just this afternoon.’

‘Whatever you choose, Elena. I put myself in your hands.’

‘I can see why you like it here,’ Shannon murmured as they settled into the farthest booth. ‘They act as if the prodigal son’s returned!’

Nico and Elena bought this place about the same time I put the Marauders together. Elena’s half-convinced I’m their good-luck charm, although I keep telling her it’s the other way around. Thank you, Nico,’ he said as the old man brought them a bottle of
. ‘This is just what we need on such a cold, wet night.’

‘I think I’ll pass,’ Shannon said, watching as Cade poured the yellowish liquid.

‘It tastes better than it looks,’ he said. ‘Try some of mine.’

She leaned forward obediently, sniffing at the glass he held out to her, and then she took a sip.

‘Paint thinner,’ she said, wrinkling her nose. ‘With a touch of licorice added so you can get it down.’

Cade laughed. ‘It’s easy to tell you’ve led a sheltered life, Padgett. I’ll order some white wine.’

‘No, don’t, please. I have to confess—I’m starving, and anything I drink will go right to my head.’

‘That’s a tempting prospect. A foggy night and a beautiful woman, her head reeling from a bit too much to drink.’

Shannon grinned.

‘I hate to ruin that little scene, Morgan,  but when this woman has too much to drink, she tends to fall on her face. At least, that’s what they tell me.’

‘You mean you don’t remember? It’s bad enough to be drunk, but to be drunk and not remember is positively sinful.’

‘I remember just enough to think it’s a miracle I lived,’ she said, smiling at him. ‘I was in my third year at college


Her smile broadened. ‘Kansas State,’ she said. ‘Where else?’

‘So, tell me the rest. You were in your junior year... ’

‘... and I hadn’t eaten anything for three days... ’

‘Three days without eating? What were you doing- trying out for a part in
The Invisible Man

‘I was cramming for final exams,’ she said with dignity. ‘Do you really think I’d starve myself just for a part?’ Cade’s eyebrows arched and she
smiled. ‘OK, so I would.’ She paused as Nico placed a platter on the table. ‘Umm, that smells wonderful. What is it?’

‘A little of this, a little of that,’ the old man said with a shrug. ‘Eat—but save room for the rest.’

‘You mean, there’s going to be more?’ Shannon asked Cade in disbelief.

‘I should have warned you. Elena never forgot the early days when I’d pack in a meal here in hopes it would hold me for a while. Try those little round things—the cheese pastries. And have some of the stuffed grape leaves, too.’ He watched while she took her first bite. ‘Good?’


‘I’m glad. Now, tell me about Kansas. Do you miss it?’

Shannon swallowed a mouthful and smiled wistfully. ‘Sometimes. But I get home for holidays—well, usually. I couldn’t make it last year—I was in an off-Broadway play—so my Dad packed up what looked like half the dinner my mother had cooked and shipped it to me Air Express. The cast and I feasted for days!’

‘Your folks sound like nice people.’

She nodded. ‘They are.’ She looked down at the table and then back at him. ‘Do you want to know something funny?’ she asked softly.  ‘I was a little concerned about... well, about this new part. I didn’t know how they’d feel, seeing me—I mean, seeing you and me…’


‘And,’ she said smiling, ‘my  mother called to tell me they were proud of me. She said I was giving a great performance.’

‘Your mother and I agree completely.’.

‘She said it was an improvement over seeing me play a toadstool in first grade.’ Shannon laughed.  ‘So much for the sheltered folks back in Kansas, hmm?’

‘Would you believe that the Marauders have never given a concert in Kansas? We gave one  in Kansas City when we first started, but for some stupid reason, that’s in Missouri.’

‘You guys have been together a long time.’

‘An eternity. But we’ve been lucky. We like each other.’

‘What are the other Marauders doing while you’re on
our soap? I can’t imagine the music business is any different from acting—you’ve got to keep busy or they forget your face.’

‘That’s the truth. But we’d been talking about dis
solving the band.’

Shannon stared at him. ‘Dissolving it?’

‘You sound like our manager. And maybe “dissolving” is a bit strong. It isn’t as if we’d vanish. But we’re all ready to try our hands at other things. Jack and Phil have been talking about opening a club and Tommy’s into  painting.’

‘And you decided to take a shot at acting?’

Cade pushed his plate aside. ‘It wasn’t quite that simple, but I’d been thinking about it and thinking about it… So, when  Jerry gave me a spot,  I figured if I were ever going to try, the time to do it was  while they still know my name out there.’ He smiled disarmingly. ‘It’s called capitalizing your assets.’

She smiled in return. ‘Take the money and run, huh?’

‘Everything moves fast in this business. If something feels right, you’ve got to go for it. If I’ve learned nothing else in all these years, I’ve learned that much.’

Shannon sat back as
Nico set down fresh platters of food.

‘Elena says to please notice she’s sent over your favorite beer, Cade, although she thinks only a barbarian would drink Mexican beer with Greek food. Still, she says you are to enjoy your meal.’

Shannon smiled as the old man shuffled off. ‘Elena and Nico really care about you. Thank you for bringing me here.’

Suddenly, Cade reached across the table and put his hand over hers. ‘
Does that mean you’re glad you let me talk you into having dinner with me?’

Her eyes met his. How could she not tell him the truth?

‘Yes,’ she said softly. ‘I’m very glad. This has been one of the nicest days 1 can remember.’

‘Baklava, ’ Elena interrupted proudly, ‘brandy, and coffee. Have you ever had Greek coffee, young lady?  No? Well, you will love it, I am sure.’

Half an hour later, Shannon eased herself from the back of the Harley.

‘I may never eat again,’ she said solemnly. ‘I’ll bet I have trouble fitting into my sexy black Alana Dunbar funeral dress Monday.’

‘I wish you hadn’t reminded me,’ Cade groaned. ‘I’d almost forgotten that damned scene. We were going to run through it one last time.’

‘We still can. Would you like to come up for a cup of coffee? Plain, black American coffee, that is. No sugar, no brandy, no calories. How does that sound?’

Surprise registered on Cade’s face. ‘It sounds wonderful.’

Why had she done that? Shannon wondered. The in
vitation had surprised her as much as it had surprised him. For a second, she thought of rescinding it, but Cade had already chained the motorcycle and started towards her doorway.

‘Shannon?’ he called, and she smiled at him.

‘Coming,’ she said. ‘Just getting my breath for the long climb up.’

And it was a long climb, seemingly longer than ever before, but then, she’d never made it with Cade behind her, watching as she trotted up the stairs, brushing against her on the narrow landings, even once reaching out and grasping her waist when she stumbled on a loose step.

‘I’m okay,’ she said, but she wasn’t. Her heart was tripping crazily, and she knew it had nothing to do with the effort of climbing the stairs.

Once in the apartment, she hurried from lamp to lamp, turning on the lights as if to exorcise the darkness. Cade sat quietly in the living-room, watching her. She glanced at him and smiled nervously.

‘Coffee coming up,’ she said brightly. ‘I was only joking about the no sugar part. You can have it any way you like.’

Those amazing eyes of his darkened.

She swung away from him and headed towards the kitchen.

‘Coffee,’ she said brightly. ‘Not instant, like last time. ‘This is going to be the real thing.’

‘Yes, I hope so,’ he said, and she froze in her tracks.

‘Cade, look,’ she said tentatively, turning to face him, ‘maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.’

‘You promised me a rehearsal and a cup of coffee,’ he said easily. ‘Give me both and I’ll leave quietly.’

A hesitant smile tilted at the corners of her mouth. ‘Promise?’

‘Scout’s honor,’ he said solemnly. ‘Trust me.’

Hours later, Shannon tossed the script aside and put her hand to her throat.

“Yes, Johnny, yes’ she said melodramatically. “Make me fly away, make me forget this awful place... Aaagh!  I can’t. I can’t do it!  I’d rather kill myself than say those lines.’

‘I know what you mean,’ Cade groaned. ‘I think I have brain rot.’

‘Do you think Jerry would accept that as an excuse Monday morning? “Look, Jerry,” we could say, “we spent Friday trying to breathe some life into this stupid thing, and guess what happened? Our brains rotted out...” No, huh? How about we  kidnap the writers and hold them for ransom?’

‘They’d just go to the asylum and hire new ones.’

She sighed and lay her head back against the couch. ‘Isn’t that the truth?’ There was a companionable silence, and then she gave him a quizzical look. ‘Promise not to laugh?’ He raised his eyebrows.  ‘I know it sounds crazy, but I'm hungry. Hey. You promised you wouldn’t laugh!’

He wasn’t just laughing, he was guffawing.

‘I didn’t promise anything. What happened to you, swearing off food forever?’

‘Maybe brain rot affects the stomach. Tell the truth— wouldn’t you like something?’

Cade grinned. ‘It’s a miracle you don’t weigh two hundred pounds.’

‘You can’t make me feel guilty,  Morgan. It’s two a.m. and we’ve been at this for hours. That’s hard work, and hard work burns up lots of calories.’ Shannon  got to her feet and stretched. ‘I can make us some sandwiches.’

‘There must be a Chinese take-out in the neighborhood. Or a fried chicken place.’

‘They’re all closed at this hour. How about some eggs? Do you like yours scrambled or fried?’

‘A Morgan Special sounds better,’ Cade said as he followed her into the kitchen. ‘Have you got any cheese? Mushrooms would be good, too.’

‘I’ve got something that used to be cheese,’ she said, peering into the depths of her almost empty refrigerator. ‘What’s a Morgan Special?’

She turned as she asked the question.

A quick flutter of panic caught in her throat.

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