Sanctuary (Family Justice Book 3) (69 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #A Family Justice Novel

BOOK: Sanctuary (Family Justice Book 3)
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She saw Tori’s hesitation and knew why. Dumping a load of whatever on a bride as she’s about to walk the aisle was a really selfish and shitty move. But Meghan didn’t care about that. She needed to know what was wrong.

“Oh, yeah. No. I’m good, Irish. No worries. Sorry if I sounded like a bitch. The baby had a rough night, and I guess not getting enough sleep is catching up with me.”

“Where was Draegyn? Couldn’t he help you?”

“Uh, of course. My husband is brilliant with Daniel.”

Victoria’s wan smile and limp praise didn’t convince Meghan. What in the damn hell was going on with them?

“So, what’s the real problem then? Not enough sleep doesn’t sound like your kind of excuse.”

The emotions flashing across Tori’s face ignited genuine concern inside Meghan.

“I’d sleep better if my bed wasn’t so big. And empty.”

What? The? Fuck?

No. Seriously.

“Tori,” she murmured as she wrapped an arm about the smaller woman’s shoulders. “Do you need the Major to have a talk with Drae?”

Victoria’s answering expression was one of horror and embarrassment. Damn. She’d said the wrong thing.

“No! No, no, no. Shit, Irish. My bad. Forget I said anything. PMS. I’ll be fine.”

She wanted to continue talking, but she was suddenly surrounded by happy, excited women who were enthusiastically pushing her through an obstacle course of bridal preparedness. Helping Tori would have to wait.

After what looked, sounded, and felt like the frantic backstage shenanigans at a fashion show, she’d been primped, powdered, and lip glossed to bridal perfection. When the women were satisfied she was ready, they backed off and formed a semi-circle behind her as she looked in the antique cheval mirror. Meghan gasped at her reflection.

Mo stoirín
,” her mother exclaimed. “You look magnificent!”

She didn’t know how to react.

With her hair piled in soft curls and studded with delicate crystals sparkling through the sheer veil gliding gracefully down her back, she looked like a Celtic angel. Wearing the same delicate pearl earrings she gave the girls, only hers hung from a cluster of rubies and diamonds, the cut of the dress with its off-the-shoulder sleeves and sexy, sweetheart neckline was quite dramatic. The clever fit of the stunning gown made her boobs look fantastic even without a push-up bra.

They’d swirled the beautifully beaded train around her feet, and when Angie pressed an enormous bouquet of red roses into her hands, the pop of color completed the breathtaking bridal couture. What she saw was exactly the vision Meghan created in her head. Everything was perfect.

Her father-in-law was right. The Major was going to vapor lock.

The room was silent. Eventually, cracking a joke seemed like the thing to do, so she caught everyone’s reflection in the mirror and quipped, “Will someone go make sure he brushes his hair and remembers to put the tie on instead of jamming it in his pocket?”

They all knew Alex and laughed easily. Despite her best efforts and a closet set up like the Garanimals mix and match he remembered as a kid, the man was a hopeless mess. Not a slob. Just clueless and baffled by things like hairstyles and clothes with some rhyme or reason.

“I think it’s almost time,” Angie murmured. To her and Alex’s mothers, she said, “Ladies, I believe you’re up next.”

“Is everyone in place?” Stephanie asked.

“Yeah and you should get a move on too. Sophie just took her seat and the O’Brien boys are pewed up and getting antsy.”

“Meghan. Shugah,” she drawled. “I can’t wait to have you for a niece.”

Tori snickered. “Gotta marry Calder first, Mom.”

Meghan and Stephanie looked at each other and smiled. Meghan winked, and Stephanie nodded. She blew the woman a kiss and off she went.

Oh, my god
, she thought.
This is really happening

Ashleigh came to her side and put her hand around Meghan’s waist. In the mirror, they could not have looked more different. The petite woman was elegantly dressed in a dark green gown with her long blond hair floating around her shoulders and hanging down her back. A corsage of red roses and crystal-studded stephanotis matched the flowers in Meghan’s bouquet.

They smiled at each other in the mirror. No words necessary. And then the woman who loved Alex as much as she did went to take her place of honor in the church leaving Meghan with her mom and the girls.

Deval knocked politely on the carved wooden door and stuck his head in with a hand covering his eyes. “Mom? The sexton is having a fit. Says we gotta stick to the schedule. Something about ringing the bells on time.”

Maggie O’Brien was barely holding it together. They had to make this quick before both of them lost it.



They locked eyes in the mirror. Her mom mouthed, “I love you,” bit her lip, and practically ran from the room.

And then it was just her girls.

Lacey, the sweet and brave.

Victoria, the audacious and big-hearted.

And Angelina, or She Who Makes the Trouble.

They were the perfect bridesmaids. She let them each choose whatever style dress they wanted as long as they all wore the exact same red color. Looking like pretty maids dressed in red, all in a row, they grinned at each other in the mirror.

“All right, Mrs. Marquez. Let’s get the sacred anointing thing out of the way so we can get the party started.”

She smiled at Lacey.

With a grumpy pout, she muttered, “When does the bride get to know where the reception is?”

Angie snickered. “When you get there, Red, and not one second before.”

“Will I know where I am?” she asked.

“Oh. Absolutely!” The happiness in Angie’s tone told her she was going to love this last surprise.

Tori handed everyone their flowers. Beautiful white roses with a single red rose at the center, the long stems wrapped in red and white ribbons.

The picture she saw in her mind’s eye when she knew what type of wedding she wanted was complete.

With an enormous grin, she winked and chirped, “Justice!”

They answered with a round of laughing, “Woot-woot’s,” and escorted her to the church vestibule. Meghan hung back at the last second and waved them on. She saw her da waiting by the door and wanted to spend a moment alone with him

As the girls started their walk down the long aisle, she took in the sight her handsome father made in his elegant black suit and dark green tie. She adjusted his boutonnière and smiled.

“Ready?” she asked.

He surprised her with a teary-eyed response. “Well, Meggie. Let’s not wait for that.”

She was swallowing tears when he gave her his arm and covered the hand she slipped through with his. As they approached the door at the back of the church, she got her first good look at the magnificent cathedral all fancied up just for her. Flowers and ribbons were everywhere she looked, and the three hundred guests packing the front of the church were starting to stand and look in their direction.

Her eyes searched until she saw her Major at the end of the long aisle, waiting for her at the altar. When the pipe organ started playing the majestic “Trumpet Voluntary,” all the butterflies in her stomach fluttered to a stop.

How they got down the aisle, she’ll never know. She never felt her feet on the floor. All her attention focused on the tall, handsome man with the eyes burning with pleasure who looked like he was ready to march down the aisle toward her and grab hold.

When they reached the altar, her father kissed her on both cheeks, squeezed her hand, and then placed it firmly in the strong, firm grip of her intended. With a solemn nod to Alex, he said, “I’m trusting you to treasure my only daughter, Major.”

Alex answered in the same solemn tone. “Thank you, sir. I won’t let you down.” As her father made his way to the front pew to sit beside her already sniffling mother, he held her hand and simply said, “Mine,” then let his admiring gaze travel from head to toe.

Uncle Eduardo did his part. He told their guests that they weren’t there to witness them declare their love because they’d already done that. The love was old news. No, he told them. They were here today to support the bride and groom and pledge to honor the vows they declared in front of them. He said it was everyone’s responsibility to nurture their marriage and added a bunch of touching stuff about the families we make.

The rest was a blur. When she said her vows and promised to obey, Alex grinned, she winked, and Father Ed quietly chuckled. It was the perfect moment. Lost in a haze of love and happiness, she was barely functioning when they went to exchange rings.

There was a slight pause, when her Maid of Honor and his Best Man were supposed to come forward with the rings, and she saw Alex jerk with surprise. Then Tori stepped up, put two fingers into her mouth, and let out a whistle that bounced off the perfect acoustics of the cathedral’s walls.

What the hell was going on? She looked at Alex. He looked at her and shrugged. And then everyone’s attention turned to the rear of the church where Carmen was hovering in the aisle a few pews behind the last of their guests.

Tori bent, patted a hand on her thigh and said, “C’mon girl.”

Alex started to laugh when Carmen shooed a confused looking Zeus from a pew and pushed her down the aisle.

Meghan was flabbergasted. The big black Labrador was wearing some sort of doggie harness of green ribbons with a small pillow perched on her back. She heard Angie giggle. “Recognize your ring bearer?”

Seriously? It just didn’t get better than this. Zeus started to trot happily when she saw her and Alex but just before she reached them, and without warning, the dog dropped on the carpeted aisle and lay down. Meghan figured Zeus taking a time out probably hadn’t been part of the plan.

Tori groaned, patted her thigh again, and said, “C’mon girl. You’re almost there.”

Zeus didn’t budge. Everyone started to titter with laughter. Even Alex tried to coax her forward, but she wasn’t having it. That was when Meghan saw the reason why the dog was on her belly, tongue hanging out and her tail thumping the floor.

Brody. She’d been trotting along, noticed the dog trainer, and did what she always did when she saw him. The dog really did have excellent manners.

Brody leaned out of the pew, spoke quietly to Zeus, who sat up but still wouldn’t move. He tried again and all she did was lick his face. With an embarrassed shrug, he stood up, motioned for the dog, and walked toward them with the damn dog obediently pacing at his heel.

“Sorry, man,” Brody drawled when he reached them and extended his hand to Alex. “Sometimes she’s a little too well trained.”

Meghan just grinned. Alex looked like his smile couldn’t possibly get any bigger.

While Brody hurried back to his seat, Parker and Angie untied the rings from the pillow attached to the dog’s dressy harness and got back into place. Meghan was having a mild attack of nervousness. They skipped this part out in the desert. Alex wanted to save the symbolic exchange for the church.

When he slid the dazzling diamond band onto her ring finger, then raised her hand and kissed it, she felt her knees start to shake. Placing the heavy metal band on his finger was easier than she thought. She squeezed his fingers then felt a tear sting her eye when he held up his hand, looked at the powerful symbol, and smiled.

Vows spoken, rings exchanged, the deed was more or less done. There was more churchy stuff and whatever else, but she was oblivious. Standing still while she waited for the big moment was a bitch and a half.

After the husband and wife pronouncement, Alex grabbed her and planted an incendiary kiss that left no one watching in any doubt that they were a passionate couple.

After a quick blessing, Angie handed her bouquet back; she gripped it and waited while her train was arranged. Alex offered his arm and gave her a proprietary look, which promptly melted her bones. Looking out at the assemblage of people who were watching with broad smiles, she heard Uncle Eduardo say the words that made it all official.

“Friends and loved ones, it is with much honor that I introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Valleja-Marquez.”

The place literally erupted in a stadium-sized cheer. She heard the cathedral bells ring out and imagined all the angels in heaven stopping to look down and smile at them. As long as she lived, Meghan would never forget the joy and peace she felt at that moment. It would stay with her all the days of her life.

They started their recessional walk, stopped to kiss and hug both their parents, then grinned and nodded to everyone on their way out. The second they cleared the last pew of guests and no one could hear them, her alpha husband gave her a lusty smirk and said, “I get to fuck you now, right?”

She threw back her head and roared with laughter. Smart ass. He always knew just the right thing to say.

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