Sanctuary (Family Justice Book 3) (55 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #A Family Justice Novel

BOOK: Sanctuary (Family Justice Book 3)
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She giggled against his chest. Eek! Like it was ever in question! With a saucy grin, she gazed into her lover’s face and admitted dryly, “Yep, yep. But I promised to drag my feet as long as possible.”

“Smart girl. Got your priorities straight.” He looked at her for a good long time then offered a smirk, an ass pat, and a kiss on the cheek before stepping back. “But maybe you can tell me something before I let you get back to work.”

Uh-oh. She had to remember she was sparring with a lawyer. One who was scary adept at backing her into a verbal corner before she had the sense to realize what was happening. “Oh god, what?”

Reaching for her right hand, he turned it over, palm up, and lightly kissed her wrist. Tingles, delicious and libidinous, rattled her poise. Still holding her hand, he traced small circles around the tiny, barely discernible angel wings tattooed in the soft spot beneath her thumb.

“Did you honestly think I wouldn’t notice this?”

What a question! Of course, she knew he’d notice. The man had cartographic knowledge of every millimeter of her body. She just chose not to make it easy for him with an announcement that would require explanation. This way was so much more fun.

Acting like it was no big deal, she shrugged and made a lame attempt to blow it off. “Oh. That?
Got it from a street artist.”

“A street artist,” he drawled. “You expect me to buy that explanation?”

With a chuckle, she straightened and smoothed a hand over her hip. “Well, counselor. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

She laughed in his face when he arched a comical brow at her. “Little sister might need a timeout.”

“Oooooh,” she quipped. “Are you going to put me in the corner until I’m ready to be good?”

He howled. No, really. Howled with laughter. “Baby girl, you and ‘good’ rarely go hand in hand.”

Noises all around them reminded Angie that she was in charge of an event and had better start paying attention. “Make yourself useful, Mr. Sullivan. Can you check the front lobby and make sure the guest book is where everyone can get to it?”

“This discussion is not over.” He snorted with amusement when she shoved him toward the lobby.

“Blah, blah, blah.” She snickered. “Now, get moving. I have stuff to do.”

“This might be the best Bloody Mary, like in forever.”

Lacey couldn’t agree more. Stirring her drink with a celery stalk, she watched Tori suck back the deadly concoction with way too much glee. “Uh, better slow down there, Mrs. St. John. The happy couple hasn’t even arrived, yet you’re already pounding drinks.”

“Hmph, whatever. Chalk it up to frustration.”

Worrying evermore, day by day, that something wasn’t right between Draegyn and Victoria, Lacey inwardly winced at the tone of her friend’s voice.
Ay yi yi.
It was barely noon, and Tori wasn’t a big drinker to begin with. Seeing her act so rattled and making snide comments as she knocked back a cocktail gave her the willies.

Over Tori’s shoulder, Lacey caught the worried expression on Stephanie’s face. Calder had his hand on the woman’s shoulder. He looked to be comforting her. A mother’s anxious frown told the story.

Politely taking the drained glass from Tori’s hand, she put hers down too and put an arm around her friend’s shoulder. Now wasn’t the time to get into whatever was going on in the St. John marriage, so she deftly focused on the subject at hand. Alex and Meghan.

“Listen. I think we should have a plan for when they get here.”

“A plan?” Tori asked. “What sort of plan?”

Before Lacey could answer, she noticed a small flurry of activity burst to life at the double doors leading to the lobby. Had they arrived?
She’d really wanted to get Tori in line before the festivities started.

Looking over her shoulder, Tori also took in the commotion. “Holy shit,” she murmured. Grabbing Lacey’s hand, the woman who two seconds ago had been sullen and frazzled started to laugh.

“What?” She tried to peer around the cluster of people gathered near the door to see what the heck was happening, but there was a column blocking her view.

“It’s Brody,” Tori announced. “And oh my god. He’s got a woman with him.” With a snicker, she added, “A beautiful woman. Think she’s a hired date?”

“Victoria!” Lacey admonished with a giggle. “Be nice. I’m sure he’s just as capable of bagging a babe as the rest of Justice.”

Scrambling toward the commotion, Tori grabbed her hand and started moving. “Come on,” she breathed excitedly. “Let’s get over there and start some shit.”

She rolled her eyes but went along, curious to meet this new person. Stephanie and Calder also moved to the assembling group and Lacey spotted Draegyn next to Meghan’s brother, Finn, who had an expression on his face that reminded her of a troublemaking kid.

“Brody Jensen,” Tori belted out as she pushed to the center of the group. “Who the hell invited you?”

Playfully swatting his wife’s bottom, Draegyn chuckled. “Talk to Angie. She’s the one letting the riffraff in.”

Lacey was heartened to see that despite whatever was going down for them privately, Drae and Tori still had an easy repartee.

Snicker snorting with glee, Tori chirped, “Who let the dogs out?” and got everyone laughing.

“Your wife’s a smart ass,” Brody told Drae.

“And then there’s that,” Tori’s husband agreed with a grin.

While this flurry of the usual Justice banter took place, Lacey silently observed the woman clutching Brody’s hand. My, my, my. Did no one ever tell him that tossing a girl into the deep end without a life jacket was a very ungentlemanly thing to do? While the stranger looked like someone who could hold her own, turning up at a family gathering with new blood was bound to make things interesting. For her.

“Where are your manners?” she sniped at Brody with a pointed look at his friend.

Aww, he kissed her hand. How damn sweet was that? Maybe he wasn’t entirely clueless after all.

“Settle down, people,” Calder drawled with a headshake. “Give the poor schmuck a chance.”

Finn was laughing. “You people are a fucking riot. Now I see why my sister likes Arizona better than Bean Town.”

Stephanie did that tut-tut thing before pinning Brody with a look. “How about I lend you a hand, hmm?”

“Nah, nah, I got this.”

Lacey’s heart warmed when she got a load of the sweet look Brody gave his friend.

“Heather,” he drawled. “Meet the family.” His smile was adorable when he turned to Finn and said, “All except this guy. Have no fucking idea who he is.”

“Hi,” the stranger murmured with a shy smile. “Glad to know I’m not the only new kid in town.”

“Finn O’Brien. From the Boston contingent,” Meghan’s brother announced as he reached for the woman’s free hand. “Don’t let the dress-up clothes fool you,” he muttered conspiratorially. “The way my sister, she’s the bride, by the way,” he chuckled, “tells it … each and every one of these Justice clowns is a bottle of whiskey and a box of cigars away from howling naked at the moon.”

“Back off, dude,” Brody sniped. He was being friendly, but Lacey heard the territorial bite in his words. “You’re fucking up my big introduction.”

Finn put up his hands in surrender and backed away. “Easy, pal. Just making sure your wedding date knows the score.”

Lacey bit off a snicker. Meghan never told them that her baby brother was a troublemaker.

“Guys,” Brody emphasized, bringing everyone’s attention swinging back his way. “I want you all to meet my girlfriend, Heather. Kindly remember I can take any of you assholes out at hundred yards without breaking a sweat—so watch what you say. She liked me before we came through the door. If that changes after meeting everyone, well …”

Drae threw back his head and laughed. “Fair enough, fair enough,” he said. “Heather, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Lacey watched fascinated at the suave, devil-may-care performance the man put on. Holding onto the woman’s hand, he maneuvered her free of Brody’s grasp then turned the high beams of his charm on her. “Actually, not so much a pleasure as a relief.”

Tori snicker coughed, and Calder flat-out groaned. Did they know what was coming next?

“A relief?” Heather asked curiously.

“Oh, yeah,” Drae assured her with mock solemnity. “See, we thought maybe our dog trainer was gay.”

“Aw, Jesus,” Brody muttered as his hand slapped against his forehead. “Drae, you son of a bitch,” he ground out with a malevolent glare. “Tori? Can you get your husband under control, please?”

“Waaaaait,” Heather cut in. “This is Victoria?” Her flabbergasted look was pretty funny. Turning to Drae, she asked, “And you’re Draegyn St. John?”

“Guilty.” He snickered.

“Has anyone ever told you that you have a romance hero’s name?”

“Not to my face,” he drawled.

Brody beamed as his lady cleverly put Drae in his place. Lacey exploded with happiness. This one was going to fit in just fine! Sweeping them all aside, she stepped up and shook her head sternly at everyone.

“Heather,” she said warmly. “I’m Lacey Cameron.” Before she could reply, Lacey added, “My son thinks your boyfriend is a superhero, and where I come from, superhero crushes romance hero.” She looked pointedly at Drae and grinned, then said, “So there!”

Motioning Tori forward, Lacey put her arm through Heather’s and simply steered her away. Tori waved at her husband, made a funny face at Brody, and took Heather’s other arm. “Hi. I’m Tori the Troublemaker. Capital T’s on both.”

“Let me introduce you to the rest of the Justice crew.”

“Lace?” Brody asked with a question in his voice.

Smiling sweetly, she glanced back at him. “You can follow along if you want.”

And just like that, she’d taken control of Brody Jensen and whoever this Heather person turned out to be.



at her with such open adoration that Meghan barely knew how to react.

“Have I said that you look amazing?” His eyes slowly traveled over her making her wonder if she had the strength to maintain their abstinence. When he looked at her like that, she just melted.

“Yes,” she assured him. “Several times. And thank you again. I’m so glad you like my outfit.”

Her Major sighed. “You’re unbelievably beautiful, my love.”

A snap decision she made during the New York shopping spree was earning unexpected rewards. Instead of pulling out all the designer stops on every sexy dress she could lay her hands on, Meghan figured that wouldn’t be fair to Alex. Not with her demanding they behave till their wedding night.

So instead of baring her cleavage and shortening her skirts, she went in a completely different direction. The gorgeous outfit she had on was a perfect example. Meghan couldn’t believe her luck when she stumbled upon a toned down vintage cocktail dress in a beautiful shade of green that was easily accessorized with a sweet pair of matching velvet pumps. With her hair piled in a messy updo, she wore only her engagement ring and a pair of emerald earrings her parents gave Meghan for her sweet sixteenth. The look was elegant. Understated but sexy. And had clearly captured her Major’s attention.

As her hunky love helped her from the car, she stepped onto the sidewalk outside her family’s favorite restaurant and grinned broadly. Baxter’s was a tradition. The O’Brien’s came here to celebrate and if necessary, pay their respects. It felt so right that this was where both sides of her life would finally meet.

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