Salvation (13 page)

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Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones

BOOK: Salvation
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Grey Death? That could explain a lot. It still didn’t excuse

Things slowed down. At least in Rock’s mind.
raised his weapon again and pointed it at Zander. Se shifted to stand in front of their lover.
and Rave were too far away to do anything, but they ran towards the two in the middle.

“You lie! Don’t make me do this. I want to play,”
whined, and stomped his foot. The man’s finger squeezed and a bolt of light flew from the gun.

Rock heard a scream and he didn’t know who it came from. It could have been him. Se and Zander crumpled to the ground. He didn’t think of his own safety. It was a rush to see who could get to the fallen couple the fastest.
was all but forgotten until he started spouting off.

“Why did you make me do that? I wanted to play and you ruined my fun. I don’t understand. You were supposed to be mine.”
voice was confused and pitiful. Like a child who hadn’t got what he wanted.

“This explains a lot, sire.”

Rock stopped at Zander and
side and dropped to his knees before he faced Reginald. He hadn’t expected the servant to speak, supposing he was some lackey who stood by and watched his boss work.

“What are you talking about, Reginald? Do your job and bring Dr
to me.
Spittle flew from
mouth like a rabid dog’s.

“I can’t do that. I’m sorry, but it has gotten out of hand. I should have stopped you sooner, but I remember how you were years ago and wanted that man back. I kept hoping your lust for blood would end. I can’t clean up after you anymore.” Reginald pulled something out of his pocket.

Rock raised his gun and heard clicks coming from both sides of him. Rave and
must have locked sights on the two men having words.

“What is that you have there? Is that one of my knives? Have you been going through my things?”
turned his gun on his servant.

“I loved you once. All you had to do was turn to me. But then you went on your killing spree. It was never enough for you and it kept getting worse. I thought the first was an accident. Now I see that you’ve been contaminated and it isn’t your fault at all.” Reginald raised his hand and threw the knife straight and true. It sliced into
chest and lodged in the spot where his heart was.

stared down at the knife then back up to Reginald as if he didn’t understand.

“Why?” was
He pulled the knife out of his body as he collapsed to the ground.

“Forgive me.” Reginald moved closer to the fallen man.

A hand grabbed Rock’s shirt and he looked down at Zander.

“Don’t let Reginald—touch—blood. Quarantine—the—scene,” Zander managed to get out.

Rock forgot about the others. He ran his hands over Zander’s body, looking for the wound. He didn’t feel anything. He glanced over at a passed-out Se and pulled her towards them. She had a gash on her arm.

“Are you hurt?” Rock whispered to Zander.

“Se took the brunt of the damage. Don’t—don’t worry—about me. Don’t—touch—” Zander passed out.

“Why is it you always pass out on me?” Rock was exasperated but kissed Zander’s forehead before grabbing
hand. Touching both of them made him feel better. He needed to get Se to the med deck and make sure the wound was okay. He would have to do better at keeping his lovers safe.

Movement made snapped his attention from Se and Zander. Rave was walking towards the dead man.

!” he shouted.

Rave stopped and looked around. Rock was relieved the other man had listened to him for once.

“No one touch
. If you can get Reginald away, do it. If he has touched
, stay away. I don’t think Zander was kidding about the Grey Death and there is no way we are fucking with that. The Alliance should be here soon. They should have the facilities to make sure no one contracts the virus. With Se wounded, we can’t take any chances.”

Rave nodded and slunk cautiously towards the fallen murderer.

, would you please grab Se? Let’s get them checked out. I’ll feel better after they’ve been scanned. Se still hasn’t woken up.” Rock let the worry creep into his voice.

He didn’t wait for an answer. He knew
would take care of his cousin. His mind raced with the turn of events. Rock hoped Rave could save Reginald. The Grey Death was nothing to mess with. He picked Zander up and headed for the ship.

“Rock, I’m going to go make sure Rave doesn’t do anything stupid, and wait for the Alliance.
You good?”
asked as he laid Se down.

They’d reached the
med deck. “Yes. Take some gloves and anything else that might help. You might want to radio the ship coming to give them a heads up on the situation.” Rock put Zander down beside Se on the cot. He hated seeing them there. Both were pale and so still. “Oh, and you might want to take some restraints for Reginald, just in case,” Rock added.

took what he needed and hurried out of the door.

He rummaged through his equipment until he found a med wand and a cauterising gun. He wanted to seal
wounds and make sure there weren’t any other injuries.

“Need samples. I think I have it. Need space to work. Have to—” Zander struggled to sit up.

Rock breathed out a sigh of relief.
One up and one to go.

“What you need to do is lie back down until I’ve checked you over. You’ve suffered enough injuries in the last couple of days. It would please me greatly if you wouldn’t pass out again.” Rock pushed Zander back down.

Is she—?” Zander cradled Se in his arms before looking back at Rock.

“She should be fine. Let me—”

Se bolted upright. “What the hell?
.” She grabbed her arm.

Tension left his body. Things would be okay.

“You know, none of this would have happened if you’d both stayed in position. Like you were told,” Rock chastised them.

“Don’t start with me, Rock.” Se pouted and laid back down to snuggle into
arms. “I’m in pain.” She batted her lashes at him.

Rock turned on the cauterising gun and sealed up her arm without the use of a numbing agent. That stopped the simpering.


“Fuck, Rock. What the hell?” Se hopped off the cot and swayed.

Zander stood behind her to steady her, which didn’t work out that well because he wasn’t steady on his feet either.

“Whoa! Settle down.” Rock put his arms around both of them with Se in the middle.

“Settle down? You just—” Se sputtered into his chest.

Rock squeezed them tight and laughed. “Good to have the real Se back. How are you feeling?”

“Like someone just shot me in the arm.
” Se snarled.

Zander was suspiciously silent. Rock looked up to see the man had a smile on his face. Rock reached his arm up and pulled Zander down to lock lips with him. Someone moaned. Rock stopped the kiss to make sure Se was okay.

“Both of you sit back down. Let me scan you. As soon as the Alliance gets here we are going home.”

“I have to get samples and start—” Zander started.

“No,” Rock’s voice was firm.

“But I need—” Zander tried again.

“No.” Rock repeated.

“Can’t I just—”

“And no,” Rock continued.

Se chuckled.

“This isn’t funny, Se. We’re talking Grey Death here and I—”

“No.” Rock held in his laughter, but it was tough with Se giggling against his chest.

“Somehow I knew that was coming. Is that the only word you know?” It was Zander’s turn to pout. Rock wanted to kiss it away.

“We are going home and we are locking ourselves in my bedroom for a week.
Maybe more.
After that, you can start your research,” Rock gave Zander a small push to get him back on the cot.

He finally got the med wand calibrated and did his scan.
Only a few bumps and bruises.
The biggest injury was

“I’m sorry,”
a whisper.

“For what?”
Se asked.

Rock put away his supplies and waited for

“For leaving the cabin, putting Se and the rest of you in danger.
I thought my coming out would stop
. That was until I saw him. I knew something was wrong. Then he started talking about the pox and everything fell into place. I really do need to get samples.”

“Saying sorry won’t change my mind. Do you trust the Alliance to get you what you need?” Rock questioned as he moved back to his lovers.

“Yes.” Zander nodded and looked distracted. Rock knew his mind was back on his research. He’d do better at distracting him when they got home.

“Then let them collect them and we’ll talk to
dad about getting them to you. Next week. The only danger we’re going to be in is of dehydration when I don’t let the two of you leave the bed. Got it?”

“Rock, Dad wants to get statements.”
entered the room, halting the conversation.

“I’ll talk to him. Can you send in whoever is collecting the samples from
? Zander is going to have some questions and we want to set something up to get in on the research. I think he came up with something from the sample he thought was pox.”

Rock squeezed Zander’s hand to show he did understand the need to get to the samples. Not that it would get the doctor a reprieve. He had an ass to redden and he would delight in reminding Zander of that fact.

Let’s go.”
started to leave.

“Wait. How is Reginald? He didn’t touch
, did he?” Se asked. Rock was glad someone had, because he’d completely forgotten about the servant.

paused in the doorway. “Rave was able to stop him. The Alliance took him into custody. They have questions about
activities. And he’ll need to be tested if he was in
employ as long as it sounded like he was. That whole ship will be quarantined until further notice.”

, I’ll be right there.” He dismissed
and turned back to Se and Zander. “Now, can I trust that you two will stay here? We are off this planet as soon as I’m done. I have some promises to keep and you two need to be rested.” He winked and walked out of the room, not giving them time to respond.

Things were looking up. The threat to Zander was over, Se was still on vacation and he might convince her to leave
and Rave and come to work for him. He’d have to expand his house, maybe make lab space for Zander. He had all week to work his magic. He was confident he could charm them both. He whistled on his way out. He hadn’t been this happy in a long time. It was about time now to show his lovers that life could be great with the three of them. Se and Rock would keep Zander from immersing himself in his work and Zander would keep Se and Rock on an even keel so they didn’t kill each other. Not that he’d give up arguing with Se. That was like foreplay.

Yep, life was good in Rock’s world.



Two days they’d been back on Cooper Prime. It was time.

“You ready, Zander?” Rock asked, keeping his tone light. The trio was in the kitchen for a much needed food break. He thought two days of convincing each other they were all alive was time enough. He had an ass to spank.

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