Salem Moon (18 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Black

BOOK: Salem Moon
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As Gabriel read on
he was able to see the deterioration of his father
the all-consuming hatred, the unfairness of it all showing in his later words.

I signed it all away today. I still won

t eat
embers of my family come from other parts of the land,
and try
to coax me to eat and drink and to reverse the deeds so that the lands may stay in the Blackstone family, but to no avail. They do not understand and I don

t really have the strength left to explain it. I have been here for many months and I grow weak now from lack of…lack of, what? Food, yes
that and I shall never see the daylight again, not outside of these bars. Ah, it is night again, the time when my loneliness is unbearable and I...mourn them
, b
oth of them.

Although, no one seems to remember my son. Only I am left to do so. I
the Snow
s for what they have taken from my family, may no good ever come from it!

My children are lost to me now. Why Gabriel seems to be erased from the memories of others, I do not know. But a father can never forget his child. They say I have gone mad as I mention his name again and again
Gabriel, my beloved son. Gabriel...

Here the diary ended, there was no more. Gabriel closed the book gently, running his fingers across the worn leather lovingly and handed it back to Lawrence without a word.

The history books say that Dr. Blackstone died of pneumonia within weeks of his daughter

s death, but this diary shows that he clearly died from starvation and a broken heart. No one has been able to figure
out where he came up with this


and in the end
was thought he

d gone mad. As far as any of us know, you

re the only Blackstone named Gabriel.

There is
of course
much more history in these other volumes. Ours is a long lineage and we can go through more, unless of course, your parents have already told you about our family?

Lawrence asked.

Gabriel couldn

t bear to hear anymore. He knew that somewhere in Maine was the real, present day Gabriel and he felt like an imposter, deceiving this good and decent man who

d given him his trust.


ve heard enough,

he whispered, his stomach lurching as he walked out of the room, leaving a puzzled Lawrence Blackstone watching after him.

The knowledge of the ruin of his beloved father and sister, set before him in black and white, made it impossible to deny that he was responsible for their miserable last hours and yes, for their very deaths! Standing against the back of the house, he vomited.

Chapter 3


ucien took Lilac by the hand and began to move toward the dirty, brass bed. Lilac attempted to pull away from him, but could not. His eyes, still locked upon hers, were cold and cunning and yet extremely seductive. Did he really want her? Or was this a cruel game to him, she being no more than a plaything, to be toyed with and discarded?

She couldn

t deny that she wanted him to make love to her and she ignored her fear in favor of desire.

gently pushed Lilac onto the mattress. Once she lay prone, he removed her clothes. She didn

t protest. Three golden silk scarves materialized in his hands. He pulled them taut and laid all three upon the bed. Taking both Lilac

s hands in his,
he turned them over and
loving brushed his lips
on each
of the
before bringing
them up
and binding them to the posts of the brass bed with the soft, but tightly woven silk scarves. The third scarf remained on the bed.

Lucien began to kiss her, teasingly, his lips barely touching hers as they moved down to the hollow of her throat and then further down to her breasts. And there he lingered, kissing all around the nipples, small tender kisses. He cupped one of her breasts and squeezed, gently at first, and then all at once, he squeezed extremely hard, causing her to cry out in surprise and pain. He didn

t release his grip on her breast, instead, his mouth went to her other breast and he sucked at it in the same way, tender at first and then pulling on it hard with his mouth. She gasped when she felt the nipping of his teeth.

She was mesmerized by this tantalizing seduction and she wanted him right then.

Lilac closed her eyes
small moan escaped her lips.
he was unable to move her hands
; instead
she lifted her hips upward, as she strained to make contact with his hands, his mouth, his

Oh, but he would not allow it
He moved to one side and sat on the bed, leaning over her as he continued with his soft kisses down her belly, so very slow. Her sex was throbbing with hunger. His mouth continued its lazy journey down toward it. But there he stopped, just above the dark patch of hair and pulled back, away from her writhing body and stood up.

She watched in excited anticipation as he undressed in a measured, unhurried manner
his eyes moving along her body. Now his chest was bare and she could see the ripple of tight
sinewy muscle along his arms. The hair on his chest was as golden as that on his head.

She moaned. Her breath was coming harder as she watched him slowly unzip his pants. His eyes once again locked on hers, now half closed in the heat of passion. When he finally revealed that which she longed for, she didn

t moan, she cried out.

She stared in awe at his
which was enormous
My God,
she thought
All thoughts of fear dissipated, she wanted him. Period.
He came then to the bed and straddled her and she arched her back so that her
flesh could touch him,
but again he pulled back

Instead, he moved up toward her mouth.

She sighed,

Yes, Lucien come to me.

thrust his tongue into her mouth
. His kiss was passionate and demanding.

en he pulled back, she felt his hair brush against her throat, so soft and sensuous. The anticipation of being with someone like him was maddening.

Please, Lucien! I can

t wait any longer! I want


Lilac was begging him. Her desire had become agonizing, just as he

d said it would
seduction was unlike anything she

d ever
. Mere boys, all of them, unlike Lucien who was a man or a God, even

Ah, my love, I hear your thoughts and they are crude and vulgar, but then again, who am I to judge?
I will show you
true nature…soon. But not yet

e took the third scarf off the bed and wrapped it around her head, covering her eyes. She couldn

t see what he was doing, which drove her crazy.

Now…you will feel what it is truly lik
e to be seduced by one such as me
. You cannot use your sense of sight, all the better for your other senses to awaken
sense of touch, taste and smell, all these will be intensified and you shall know ecstasy like none you have ever known.
our thoughts are accurate, I
unlike any boy or man you have ever or will ever know.

His kisses became fierce and hungry, rough even.
caught up in the moment and joined him in wild abandon.
When he finally lowered his body onto hers, she felt the heat of his flesh and her passion knew no bounds.

He drew back from her one last time and it was then that she felt something very curious. A feeling of something feathery touching her on each side of her body, caressing her at the same time he mounted her.

There seemed to be no end to this unbearable passion
, she wanted his lovemaking to never stop.
after what seemed like hours,
he finished with her and got up.

She moaned softly, eyes still closed under the silken scarf. She felt sleepy and satisfied in a way she never had in her entire life. Yes, he was the one for her. Surely, she could not help but fall in love with him, for his passion matched her own like no other.

Silently, he
came around the bed and removed the scarves from her hands and then from her eyes
which were still closed
kissed the lids and told her to open them and look upon him.

Her eyes widened with fear as she struggled to a sitting position
It was then, she beheld him, her eyes widening in fear and awe
, and she gasped.
She remembered the curious, intermittent feeling of the softness of feathers upon her skin
My God
he has
!  She was speechless as she looked upon
the sparkling
pure white wings of an angel

Chapter 3


s Lily and Gabriel were visiting The Salem Witch Trials Memorial Park, Gabriel reflected on how well matched they were, as they shared the old and new history of Salem together. His love of the Salem of old, before it was marred
the hysteria of the witch trial
, and her knowledge of both the old and new Salem enchanted him. He realized
he not only loved her,
her as well. They strolled leisurely through the park as Lily explained its illustrious history.

On the three-hundredth anniversary of the trials, there
a variety of events in both Salem and Danvers. In fact, Danvers was originally known as Salem Village until it became independent of Salem in the year

This memorial park is dedicated to those who were executed as witches. Each of these stone benches is a memorial to every one of them.

Danvers has its own memorials. One of which is the new resting place for the bones unearthed in the
, which were presumed to be those of George Jacobs, Sr. Those bones now reside at the Rebecca Nurse Homestead.


s own descendants erected a granite obelisk in her memory in
on the grounds as well. Can you imagine? She was a member of the church and a good woman
. F
orty of her neighbors signed a petition in support of her. Still, it was not enough to save her from the hangman

s noose. Many graves are still unaccounted for. Who knows where they may be buried?

No doubt, they were buried in unconsecrated ground, which could be anywhere. The Puritan
s would not dare to bury these


on holy ground. In fact, the Puritans patriarchal
society believed
a woman should be totally subservient to men, that they were lustful by nature. Because they were perceived to be the

weaker sex

they were more likely to be seduced by the Devil. So, there were very few men accused.

And then
of course, there is the matter of small town life. I am sure you understand that concept, being from York Village. Everyone knows everybody

s business in small towns, making it easier to observe people and point out any eccentricities.

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