Sal Gabrini 4: I'll Take You There (The Gabrini Men Series Book 7) (6 page)

BOOK: Sal Gabrini 4: I'll Take You There (The Gabrini Men Series Book 7)
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was on the phone almost the entire trip, as he handled a business conference
call after yet another business conference call.
But Gemma didn’t mind.
They were on their way to Rosemont, Indiana,
to finally tell her folks about their impending nuptials, and she could hardly
She was lying on the double-seat
across from him, watching him do his thing.
She knew this was not the plan.
He had no intentions of coming to Vegas yesterday and flying to Indiana
this early today.
He was supposed to be
back in Seattle helping Tommy run their corporation.
But last night he told her that he was tired
of waiting.
He wanted the world to
But nobody could know, he told
her, before her folks.

was on the other double-seat across from her, with his legs stretched out and
spread apart, with his arms folded as he continued his cell phone
Gemma was lying down, with
the arm of the seat and her hands as a pillow for her head.
And she couldn’t take her eyes off of Sal.

of the time his eyes were closed as he talked, as if he was truly tired.
She inwardly smiled.
He should be tired after all of those
workouts he put on her throughout the night.
It was amazing they slept at all.

finally ended the call, and looked at her.
She was lying on her side, facing him.
She wore a short, pleated skirt with a tucked-in, high-collar, white,
cotton blouse.
She looked gorgeous, he
“Tired?” he asked.

she said.

ought to be.”

looked at him as if he was nuts.

Worked me half to death last
Kept pulling on me.
Kept putting it in, and then pulling it out
and jerking on it.
‘Damn,’ I said.
‘You jerk on that thang more than I do!’”

grabbed her shoe from the floor beside her seat and threw it at him.
He ducked.
They laughed.
And he answered yet
another phone call from yet another business associate.

he finished the call, she decided to go there.

she asked him.

looked at her.
Oddly enough, he knew
exactly what she was talking about.
“Because it’s important,” he said.

is it so important to you?”

“You love
and respect your parents,” Sal said. “They love and respect you.
If they’re displeased with your choice in
mate, that’s going to be a problem.”

they already approve of you.
Mom loves
you, Sal.
And Dad respects you.”

love and respect me as their daughter’s boyfriend.
I want to make sure they love and respect me
as their daughter’s husband.
That’s a
different ballgame.
People change
depending on the game.”

that supposed to mean?”

may have thought it wouldn’t last.
may have thought you’d dump my slick ass by now.
Surely by now.”
Gemma laughed.
“So marriage wasn’t something they were
thinking about.”

don’t think that’s true, Sal.
I think
they knew how serious we were.
Mom even
mentioned marriage to me before.”

I hope you’re right.”

know I’m right.”

nodded, but she could tell he wasn’t nearly as convinced as she was.

is it?” she asked him.

can’t ruin your relationship with your parents,” he replied.

won’t ruin it, why do you keep saying that?
How can you ruin it?”

they don’t want me in the family.
they figure I’m okay as a boyfriend, but now I’m overstepping my bounds.”


oh, Sal
Your parents are good people.
They love you and you’re close to them.
You’ve got to keep that relationship.
Having a loving mother, and a loving
That’s everything, Gemma.
And you’re keeping that.”

stared at him.
She knew where his
concern was coming from.
She knew all
about the disastrous relationship he had had with his own folks.

if they don’t approve?” she asked him.

eyes glazed over, and he shook his head.
“I don’t want to even think about it.”

Gemma said.
“Because they will
They already have!”

smiled. “Pollyanna,” he said, shaking his head.
“I’m marrying fucking Pollyanna!”


their laughter died out, and only the hum of the plane’s engine could be
Sal was staring at her now, but
she knew what his stare was about.
Because it wasn’t just her face.
He gave her face that loving look he often gave to her, as if he was
proud of her, but then those big, blue eyes of his began to roam over her
And that stare, that assessing
look, was different.
It wasn’t about
Sal’s pride in her, but his lust for her.

sure enough, when she looked down at his bundle, she could see his penis began
to expand beneath his pants.
And then he
was unbuckling his belt, and unbuttoning and zipping down his pants. When he
pulled it out and began to fondle it, his look was unmistakable.
He wanted her, and he wanted her now.

didn’t wait to be told what to do.
expected her to know what to do.
And she
She got up and moved to him.

heart soared when she stood in front of him.
That was what he most loved about Gemma: they were always in sync.
When he wanted her, she came.
When she wanted him, he came.
No questions asked.
She was sleepy, and he was tired, but they
were never too sleepy or too tired to enjoy each other.

Sal stopped
fondling his penis long enough to lift her skirt and pull down her
Then he leaned back and watched
as she stepped out of them, knelt down, and took over.

stomach muscles tightened as soon as her tongue touched his rod.
He closed his eyes in a wonderful daze as she
licked him slowly, and jerked him slowly, and then put it in her mouth in a way
that made his hips buckle.
And when she
took him in full, with the kind of suction that made him feel so beautifully
confined that he began to shove his hips up and down in a mouth-fuck for the

wasn’t easy for Gemma.
Mainly because
Sal was so big and his pre-cum was more than just a trickle.
But when she looked up, and saw how wonderful
it made him feel, she was pleased to soldier on.
She enjoyed giving him oral for that very
It turned him on.
Not that it didn’t turn her on too.
It did.
Just the thought of Sal’s dick in her mouth was a turn on.
But Sal’s dick in her pussy was, by far, the
greater turn on.
And all she could think
about, as she gave him head, was how she was going to feel when he gave them
both what they needed most.

Sal was never that predictable.
lifted her up, but instead of sitting her on his lap, he stood up, sat her back
down on the seat she had vacated, knelt down, and began to give her oral.

wasn’t what she expected.
And she didn’t
think she needed it.
Dick to pussy would
have been enough for her.
But as soon as
he lifted her legs over his shoulders, giving him full access, and his tongue
began to lick her in that long, drawn-out, sensual way, she realized just how
badly she not only needed this, but wanted this!

went to town on her vagina.
He ate her
and ate her until she was saturated and juiced up.
She held onto his head, and leaned her own
back, as he gave to her with that unselfish love she loved about him.
They were high in the sky, with nothing but
clouds surrounding them, and those sexual feelings felt elevated too.
He placed his hands on her bare ass and
squeezed her hard, as he ate her.

he was sensually full, he stood up and pulled down his pants and briefs,
removing them.
They were in a private
compartment, so the flight crew couldn’t see them, but Gemma was willing to
bet, by the time Sal got through with her, they were going to hear them.
Because Sal had that look in his eyes.
He had the look of a man who would not be
He had the look of a man in
love, but in full-throttle lust as well.
He even placed his hands on either side of her gorgeous black face,
staring into her beautiful brown eyes, and then began kissing her.

closed her eyes and relaxed in his kiss.
And when he stopped kissing her and sat down, and pulled her onto his
lap facing him, he opened her blouse, lifted her bra, and began kissing her
breasts in just as sensual a way as he kissed her lips.
He was all in.
Something about the altitude seemed to make
them both feel more of everything.
of their love.
More of their joy.
More of their peace.
And especially more of their lust for each
Because when Sal finally guided
his dick inside of her, and began to fuck her, it felt as if it was last night
plus a hundred.
Intensified to that

held on.
She leaned her head back and
bounced to his syncopated beat; to his masterful rhythm.

held on too.
He held onto her tight ass
as he sucked her breasts, and fucked her pussy, and ravaged her with his
Because he was so in love with
this woman that it sometimes scared him.
He had never known such a strong emotion before.
He loved his brother Tommy deeply, and he
loved Tommy’s wife Grace and even his knot-headed cousin Reno and his family
deeply too.

he’d never loved this way before.
for that love to be reciprocated meant everything to him.
He felt it every time he looked into Gemma’s
He’d never had the love of a woman
before, not as a child, not as an adult, until he met Gemma Jones.
Until he met the woman who was soon to be, he
thought deliciously as he fucked her, Gemma Gabrini.

He ultimately
gave her breasts a rest, but her pussy was still all his.
He pulled her into his arms and continued to
massage that pussy, over and over, with such loving strokes.
Until his dick was so full of cum that it had
to release.
And it did.

was such a powerfully explosive release that it affected them both so
intensely; that they came within moments of the other.
First Sal, and then Gemma.
A cum that was so heartfelt that the feelings
felt endless.

held her even tighter in his arms.
was paradise.
This was the beautiful,
the magnificent, the calm.

could only hope that Indiana, and her parents, weren’t going to be the




and Gemma un-boarded the plane and walked across the tarmac to the waiting vehicle.
One of the flight attendants had their
luggage, which was only one suitcase, and was hurrying behind them.
Sal’s people had arranged for a dealership to
have a car waiting for them, and a car was waiting.
Along with the Salesman, apparently.

Gabrini, I presume?”

studied him.
Yep, a Salesman, he
“That’s right,” he said.

Grueger, of the Jeff Rogers Dealership, at your service, sir.”
He extended his hand.
Sal shook it.
He waited for Sal to introduce the lady beside him, but Sal didn’t.

was told to deliver this wonderful automobile to you for your personal use,”
Paul said, and extended the keypad.

Sal said, taking the key.
“Have a nice

reaction surprised the Salesman.
“But. .
. I’ll need to explain all of the features on this excellent automobile, sir.”

a whats-it?” Sal asked, looking at the car.
“It’s a Cadillac, right?
there to explain?” Sal continued to check out the car as he opened the
passenger door for Gemma.
Gorgeous car,
he thought.

yes, sir,” Paul said, confused that Sal wasn’t as excited as he was.
“It’s a beautiful silver coast metallic
Cadillac ATS, fully loaded with black leather seats, Onstar Navigation, and all
of the bells and whistles you could ever want.”

got in.
Sal closed the door and began
walking around to the driver side door.

Salesman continued.
“There’s ways for
you to program-in any radio station you want to listen to, including SiriusXM,
and you---”

bells and whistles like you said,” Sal said, opening the driver side door.
The flight attendant placed their luggage in
the trunk, said his goodbyes to Sal and Gemma, and headed back toward the
Sal looked at the Salesman.
“I’m sure I’ll figure it out,” he said.

was perplexed.
“But, sir,” he said with
feeling, “this is a seventy-four thousand dollar car.”

so?” The car Sal drove in Seattle was worth twice that.
But he didn’t want to be totally rude.
“Listen, um . . .”

Paul Grueger.”

you did your job.
Good job.
I can take it from here.”


Never more positive about
anything in my life.”

Paul wouldn’t relent.
“But sir,” he
said, his voice flustered.
“This isn’t a
simple car to understand. It’s probably nothing like the car you drive
This is a really expensive
If you’ll only let me show you
the features.”

had had it.
“Now you’re getting on my
nerves,” he told the eager Salesman.
told your ass I didn’t need you to show me any fucking features.
I don’t need you to show me a
damn thing!
Now goodbye.
You did your job.
Now get the
fuck out of here!”

shook his head.
He looked at Sal as if
Sal was scum.
“I should have expected
nothing less from the likes of you,” he said bitterly.
“Your kind has little money and zero class.”

you don’t have either,” Sal retorted.
“So get the fuck out of my face!”

the fuck out of my face!” the brave Salesman yelled back, and Sal moved toward

no!” Gemma yelled, getting out of her seatbelt.
Some jumped-up, self-inflated guy like that Salesman was not going to
ruin their day.

she had nothing to fear.
The man had
already taken off to his own car, gotten in, and driven away from there.

Sal got
into the car, pressed the Start button, and took off too.
“What’s wrong with people?” he yelled
“I try to be nice to them.
I try to talk calm and rational.
But they won’t even let me be nice!”

took his hand and held it.
Because she knew
how that ridiculous Salesman had little to do with Sal’s angry reaction.
It was the anxiety of this visit to
It was the fear that her
parents would reject him, and thereby seriously hamper their relationship, that
was the real driving force behind his angst.


“What’s this about?”

was the first question Rodney Jones asked his daughter when Gemma called a week
ago and said she wanted to see them, and phoned again this morning and said she
was on her way.
Although she wouldn’t
say over the phone what it was about, he knew something major was up.
He had warned his daughter a week ago.
He had already told her that an acquaintance
of his, who used to be a field director with the FBI, said that Sal Gabrini
might very well be a mob boss.
instead of her coming alone to tell them that she and Sal were no longer an
item, which he thought was going to be the case, Sal was with her, holding her
hand, as they got out of that Cadillac and made their way up the walkway to his
front door.
Rodney was standing at the
door, with his wife Cassie, as they came.

after the hugs and the kisses, and after the foursome settled into the Jones’
living room, Cassie wanted to keep it light.
And that was fine by Sal and Gemma.

called,” she said.

Gemma was unimpressed.
“Oh, really?
You mean she actually had time from her busy
schedule to pick up a telephone?”

stop that,” Cassie admonished.
not fair, Gemma.
Your sister is a bureau
You know she has a very important

Rodney wouldn’t go along.
“It’s not
important,” he said.

coming next month,” Cassie said.
the important thing.”

come on, Ma,” Gemma said.
“You don’t
really expect her to show up next month, do you?
Something is going to come up and she’ll
cancel just as sure as I’m sitting here.”

that,” Rodney said with a smile, “you can depend.
That big sister of yours is the queen of
I’m unable to make it

was the last time she came to see you guys?” Gemma asked.
“Two years ago?”

hasn’t been as long as all that,” Cassie responded.
“More like fourteen months.”

long,” Rodney said.
“There’s no excuse
for it.
You haven’t even met her yet,
Sal, have you?”

I asked Gemma if she wanted to
go visit her, I think she was in Saudi Arabia at the time.
But Gem said no.”

course I said no,” Gemma replied.
wasn’t going to break my neck to go see her when she’s not breaking her neck to
come and see her own parents.”

I agree with your decision,” Rodney said.

else is new?” Cassie asked.
“You always
agree with Gemmanette.
But Chelse?

could tell that Rodney didn’t like that accusation, but he dropped it.
Mainly, he suspected, because of Sal’s
presence in his house.
He wanted to know
why they came.
He even looked at
“Not that we aren’t glad to see you
two,” he said.
“We’re thrilled.
But it’s the middle of the week.
What brings you guys all the way to Rosemont
in the middle of the week?”
A banker by
profession, Rodney Jones was not a man who mixed words.

and Gemma were sitting, side by side, on one couch.
Rodney and Cassie, Gemma’s attractive,
middle-aged parents, were sitting, side by side, on the facing couch.
But unlike the rest of them, Sal was on the
edge of his seat.

“I’m not
going to beat around the bush,” he said to the parents.
But then he hesitated.
This was momentous for Sal.
This was like winning the lottery, but
fearing you might be disqualified from receiving it.

is it, Salvatore?” Cassie asked him.
had an ally in her, he believed.
But her
husband Rodney?
He was the issue.

Sal was trembling.
Gemma could literally
feel Sal’s leg tremble as she sat beside him.
And it was all about his parent problem.
It was all about this belief of his that her folks, like his now
deceased folks, wouldn’t find him worthy.
She reached her hand beneath his arm, and squeezed it.

she spoke for him.

has asked me to marry him,” she said, “and I said yes.”

was relieved that she had put it out there, but he was still holding his
And the more he looked at her
perfect parents, living in this perfect house, living their perfect lifestyle,
the less secure he felt.
Why would they
want their beloved daughter saddled with a joker like him?
She was smart and beautiful and successful in
her own right.
What did she need him

just as he had feared, neither parent so much as cracked a smile.
It seemed as if they had just been told about
a death, rather than a wedding.
Cassie, Sal’s
, looked
She looked at her husband, as
if she was relying on him to explain.

see,” Rodney said.

was stunned.
“You see?
Is that all you can say?”

do you want me to say, Gemmanette?
has a good heart, I believe that.
But I
can’t overlook what he is.”

couldn’t believe her father put it that way.
“You can’t overlook what he is?
And what is he?” Her anger was growing.

took her hand and squeezed it.
okay, Gem,” he said.

it’s not okay!
Tell me what he is,
Tell me he’s not the man who
saved you and Mom’s life that time.
me he’s not the man who would lay down and die for me.
Tell me he’s not the man who’s always accused
of being something he’s not!”

saved my life,” Rodney freely admitted.
“He saved my life and your mother’s life. Yes, he did that.
And I will be eternally grateful to him for
his bravery.
Nobody’s saying he’s not
Nobody’s saying Sal isn’t a
strong man, and a natural leader.
Because he’s all those things and more.
But your mother and I would not have been in danger if it had not been
for his lifestyle.
Don’t forget
So yes, he has many good
But he has some serious
flaws too.
Some severe flaws.
And are you telling me, Gemma, that because he
saved our lives I’m supposed to overlook everything else about him?”

Sal said firmly.
“I don’t want you
overlooking anything about me.”

and all?”

and all,” Sal agreed.
“Hell yeah!
I never in my life pretended to be
I’m not on the same planet as
Wouldn’t know it if it
slapped me in the face.
But I love your

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