Saira - TI5 (25 page)

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Authors: Fran Heckrotte

Tags: #Lesbian, #Supernatural

BOOK: Saira - TI5
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It was Caelene's turn to laugh. "The likes of me? What are you afraid of, uncle? That I might take you away from another one of your experiments? Surely you can spare a few moments for your own niece. I'm sure you must be a little curious about me. After all, it was your tinkering that made me possible."


"Do you think your petty efforts to anger me will get you what you want? I know exactly what you're trying to do, and it won't work. Now go away before I'm forced to send you back to the Underworld."


Do it and I'll just come back, and I'll keep coming back until you talk to me. You know what I'm capable of."


"Yes, unfortunately, I do, as well as everyone else. You ruined one of my greatest experiments."


The Child snorted. "It was ruined before I came along. Mother is proof of that."


"Thanks to my brother. Had he not interfered, my children would still be here."


"Children? They were your creations, not your offspring. Besides, the way I hear it, Mother was already unhappy."


"She would have adjusted."


"Mother would never have
as you so quaintly put it. She wanted nothing more than equality, and you denied her that."


"In time she would have received it."


The lack of emotion in his tone told Caelene that the Twin was growing bored with the conversation.


"In time? She was Adam's equal the moment you made them. All she asked was that Adam treat her that way."


"Adam needed time. She should have been more patient. I would have given her what she wanted, eventually."


"Eventually wasn't good enough. Mother needed your support then. Had you been there for her, Adam would have accepted your word. She asked so little of you, and yet you failed her. Because of that, you failed Adam and humanity," the Child said boldly. The Twin's growing impatience didn't intimidate her.


"And when," the Twin said, "did you become humanity's champion? Because of your interference, I banished Adam and Eve from Paradise. You stand there and judge me as though you had no fault in any of this. If you'd minded your own business, my chil... my creations would have evolved and been happy."


You just don't get it,
Caelene thought. "They would never have been happy in your perfect world."


We'll never know for sure, will we?"
the Voice said.


The Child knew he was right.


"It would seem we're at an impasse," the Twin said, "and I really don't need to waste words on a child. You know nothing about experiments. They take time. Go back to your home and grow up, little girl. Only then will I be willing to listen to your ramblings."


Furious at his dismissal, Caelene was about to respond when she suddenly found herself back in her living room in the Underworld. Dis was standing in front of the fireplace. Caelene started to speak, but he held up his hand.


"Wait," he said.


Although she wanted to rebel, her instincts told her to obey. The Underlord nodded his approval and then looked past her right shoulder as if waiting for someone. Within seconds, the air shimmered and Saira appeared.


"Somehow, I knew you couldn't resist this one," Dis said and then chuckled.


"You're beginning to know me too well, Underlord," Saira replied. "How are you doing, Caelene?" She moved to stand next to the small demoness.


"Great, an audience. Just what I need."


"I suggest you get used to it." Dis smirked. "Or stick to a very mundane existence. So, daughter, how was your little visit with my twin?"


"Pfffft! I think I would have been better off not meeting him. My expectations were greater than the reality."


"Aren't they always?" Saira said.


"He talked to me like I was a child."


The slight stamp of her small hoof amused Dis, but he knew better than to remark on it. "He does the same thing to me," he said. "You would think he was the elder."


"I thought he was. Everyone thinks he is," Caelene said.


"Everyone may be right. Neither of us knows for sure, and personally, it makes no difference to me. I just make the claim that I'm elder to irritate him. I enjoy bringing some excitement and controversy into his life. Now it looks like he has someone new to keep him stirred up a little." Dis laughed at the thought. Knowing how focused his brother was on his experiments, Dis found it satisfying to know he had given him such a legacy.


"Well, if I have my way, it'll be more than a little. No one treats me like he did. And if he thinks sending me back here is going to stop me, he's got another thought coming."


"Leave it alone, daughter. Now isn't the time to take him on."


"You doubt my powers?"


"No. I know you're powerful, but I also know my twin. You're not a match for him... yet."


"Is this wise?" Saira asked.


"Wise, Traveler?" Dis thought about it for a few moments. "Perhaps not, but wisdom and truth can follow different paths. You, better than anyone, know this."


"I know that you're playing a dangerous game. One that may have bigger consequences than even you can imagine."


The Underlord shrugged. "You know me. I never plan for the future, only for the moment. It's today that matters, and today isn't the right time for the Child to test her powers."


"You talk about me as if I didn't exist," Caelene said. "I will not be treated like a child by you either."


"Then don't act like one," Dis said sternly. "I'm your father, but more important, I'm your master. You will do as I say, or I'll send you back to the Netherworld. Do you understand, Caelene?"


The use of her real name by Dis surprised her and reinforced the seriousness of his words. But more convincing than the words was the look in his chocolate brown eyes. The fires of hell burned brightly, making it difficult for even her to meet and challenge his gaze. Before her stood the real Underlord: high demon of the Underworld, lord and master of his domain. Only once before had she aroused his wrath, and she had paid dearly for it. Now wasn't the time to challenge him. She bowed her head. "As you command... sire."


The words left a bitter taste in her mouth, something of which Dis was well aware.


"Good." He nodded his approval. "You know your place. There's hope for you yet."


Turning his back toward the Child, he winked at Saira and then once again assumed the serious, stoic face of supreme ruler.


"Now, I have more important matters to attend to. If you two will excuse me, my guests are waiting." He strolled to the door and looked once more toward Caelene. "You may be of my blood, but don't make the mistake of thinking it gives you any advantages. I'm aware of your powers, Child, just as you are aware of mine. Disobey me on this matter, and I'll destroy you. Even my fondness for your mother won't stop me. Do I make myself clear?"


"Perfectly." Caelene's eyes flashed rebelliously.


The Underlord stepped through the door and left.


"Arrogant bastard," Caelene said.


The booming laughter from beyond the room made it clear he had heard her.


Saira watched in amusement while the demoness angrily paced back and forth. As a child, Caelene had experienced the unforgiving wrath of the Underlord. As an adult, he had made sure she remembered the lesson.


"This isn't over," she said.


"I don't imagine it is."


Glancing at Saira, Caelene frowned. "Have you ever met the Twin?"


"No. His is a path I've been unable to follow."


"And yet you found Father."


"The Underlord has never been reclusive. He enjoys life too much. Many threads lead to him."


"Surely his threads must connect to his brother."


"They do, up to a point, but they stop at the gateway to the Overworld."


"How can that be? Time has no barriers. There's no physicality to it. Besides, Father doesn't have any problems crossing the gateway."


"I suspect it has to do with having the same blood. Whatever the reason, it has nothing to do with the threads."


"Well, there has to be another way through the gateway, and I'll find it."


"I believe you," Saira said, and she did. She also knew she would be there when the Child broke that barrier. Interesting times were ahead. "When that moment comes, I'll be watching."


"I'm beginning to understand Father's frustrations," Caelene said. "Having you drop in uninvit —"


Before she could finish her sentence, Saira was gone.


"Hell! I'm beginning to appreciate humans more and more. At least they have an excuse for their rudeness."


Caelene walked to a small red cabinet near the fireplace, opened its door, and peered inside. Several shelves held shiny red cans covered with a thin layer of frost. She grabbed one, closed the door, and sat down in her favorite chair. After popping the top, she took a few sips and leaned back, staring at the Coke label.


"Like father like daughter," she said and then giggled. Contrary to how it seemed, the Child looked forward to an interesting and exciting future.


*  *  *


Saira touched the familiar thread and smiled, knowing a new story definitely was brewing. It was only a matter of time before she returned to see how it ended. Until then, the present awaited her return, for already the past called to her with a compelling tug.


The End

About The Author

RAN HECKROTTE lives in sunny South Carolina with her husband. Some of her interests include motorcycling, boogie boarding, scuba diving, gardening, and water gardening. She spent three years in Alaska enjoying hiking, camping, gold panning and working part time at a local ranch. After moving to the South to become a policewoman for five years, she left law enforcement to become a carpenter. Now she owns a property management company. As time permits, she likes to travel to Montreal, Canada, and South Beach, Miami with her gal pals to enjoy the nightlife.

Other Titles by This Author

The Illusionist
(First in the Illusionist Series)




AKOTA DEVEREAUX, an investigative journalist, is on a mission to uncover the secrets of Yemaya, the Illusionist. However, in her quest for an expose on this mysterious woman, she uncovers more than she bargained for. Dakota is targeted by a power hungry CEO, determined to learn the Illusionist's secret at all costs and a madman intent on fulfilling his perverted fantasies.


From Moldova, land of the legendary werewolf, to Transylvania and the Carpathian Mountains, two souls must battle the dark forces of evil for their lives and their love.


*  *  *


(Second in the Illusionist Series)




EMAYA AND DAKOTA have just returned to the Illusionist's homeland for a well-earned vacation when they are informed that several villagers had been savagely attacked and killed by something or someone. At the same time, a young Carpi woman is found lying unconscious near the outskirts of Teraclia. Comatose, she is unable to tell anyone what has happened and science can provide no answers. Two small wounds on her throat raise the old specter of the vampire, a legend the locals of the Transylvanian community are very familiar with and still believe in to this day.


The Illusionist and her partner search for the truth behind these attacks. Will they fall prey to this murderous bloodlust that surrounds them, or will they succeed in stopping this heinous reign of terror?



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