Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Untangled [The Double Rider Men's Club 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

BOOK: Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Untangled [The Double Rider Men's Club 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Dalton hadn’t missed any of them, with one very special exception. A singular family member who was genuine and not condescending or callous about his father’s life choices, but kept a secret line of communication open to his father and eventually to Dalton, as well.

Wade knew about his past, of course, but Dalton didn’t share his family history with just anyone. There were so many with secondary agendas of a financial nature, he feared if anyone knew he was part of “those Rourkes,” that he would be sought out repeatedly for his connections.

With membership in the DRMC all the background checks of any potential sexual partners were already taken care of for them. Clay was in charge of security. In fact, he was over-the-top extreme in his efforts to keep out those who might be difficult.

Dalton knew he didn’t need to worry about any security issues. Clay would have taken care of that already or Olivia wouldn’t have been allowed into the meet and greet in the first place.

The dim lights in the room didn’t illuminate too much, but he did have a good view of Olivia’s lovely face. Dalton watched her sleep for a few minutes, his mind racing and wondering about the possibilities after this weekend.

It was foolish to assume she wanted to continue after the Stadium event, but his mind plunged forward with thoughts of showing her their partially completed home on the DRMC property. The place where one day they’d be able to marry and share a wife. He couldn’t wait. It was, in fact, the first time he’d felt this way. A cynical part of his mind slapped him one and warned against attachment of any kind. He barely knew Olivia. They were only supposed to be together for this weekend with no promised future. It was a part of the security for the annual events.

Dalton inhaled deeply and exhaled. His cynical side was right. Do not pursue a stranger. A glance at her reddish blonde locks fanned across the snowy white pillow case and his cynic was pushed back into a dark corner. If he only had this weekend, he wouldn’t waste any time.

Instead, he pondered the idea of waking up to her every single day and decided quickly that it would be an easy chore to master. Not only was she was beautiful, her free-spirited take on sex and pleasure was welcome after so many previous disappointments. He wouldn’t push her for more. He would, however, discover if she had any plans to make this lifestyle her future. Perhaps they could make arrangements to meet again even if there wasn’t an annual DRMC event scheduled.

While he wasn’t opposed to finding a permanent arrangement, he and Wade had almost given up the idea of finding any woman to share this ménage lifestyle. It was as if their luck changed the moment he ran into Clay a while back. He and Clay hadn’t ever shared a woman, but he knew Clay had lived a life exactly like he and Wade had looked for.

Clay had suggested they check out the Double Rider Men’s Club. The club turned out to be another amazing find. He’d known Clay long ago, and they’d recently had the occasion to reconnect and catch up. A few months later he and Wade relocated to the DRMC property and set about building a new house with the intent to eventually live the lifestyle they’d chosen. Once they found a suitable woman to share, they’d have a place tolerant of their unbridled lifestyle.

Wade still worked full time at the ranch he’d bought years ago and made a very successful go of, while Dalton took a government job that he loved. The best benefit of having a government job being that the choice made his paternal grandfather particularly hostile. The old relic hadn’t forgiven either him or his father for turning their back on the family business the entire time he lived. His death a couple years ago made it easier for Dalton to visit his paternal grandmother on a regular basis, although he hadn’t seen her in a long while.

The ranch Wade owned and worked also wasn’t too far away from the DRMC land. They both lived in the ranch house at Wade’s place for now. At least until construction for their home on the DRMC property was completed. Then Wade would turn over the bulk of the ranch work to his manager. He’d agreed to shift his focus on the leased property south of the DRMC main property. Clay envisioned having a regular dude ranch run out of the southern property. Wade promised to help make the future endeavor profitable.

Wade had contracted to run the ranch there with an eye toward allowing the DRMC members a chance to try out a working ranch without owning one. Clay felt there was a large demand. Wade agreed to help make it a worthwhile venture for the members by keeping it completely separate from the DRMC. That way businesses or folks in town could rent it out for Western-themed parties or get-togethers. And the DRMC might possibly turn a profit.

A cellular phone rang out like a pistol shot in the night and startled all three of them awake.

Wade scrambled from bed to answer, but a second ring pierced the air. He got the phone before it rang a third time and exited the bedroom to the main living area to take the call.

“What time is it?” Olivia asked in a sleepy, adorable tone.

Dalton cleared his throat but still sounded gruff and coarse when he said, “Five in the morning.”

Nothing happened for a minute. Then her eyes popped wide open. She rose on to her elbows. Her unfocused gaze traveled around the room finally resting on his face.

She didn’t look alarmed, but he asked, “Do you remember where you are?”

She nodded and a smile slid into place. “I do.”

“I take it as a compliment that you haven’t run screaming from the room.”

“The only screaming you’ll hear from me is when I climax.”

Wade came back into the room. “Sorry. I guess they forgot I wouldn’t be at the ranch this weekend. I’m afraid I’m going to have to go take care of something.”

“Is anything wrong?” Dalton asked.

“No. I just need to sign something for receiving a purchase order.” Dalton knew he was likely being evasive on purpose to downplay the vastness of the successful ranch they owned.

“Do you really own a ranch?” Olivia asked. Her tone wasn’t filled with an iota of greed, but instead the simple question of his profession.

Wade’s smile of pride lit his face. “Yes. I do.”

“My cousin Laurel, the one who told me about this annual event, also mentioned that many of the members in this club were ranchers.”

They both nodded. Olivia looked over at Dalton and smiled. “Somehow I don’t think
are a rancher, though. You look like the type of man more comfortable in a boardroom than a cattle barn. But then again, I’m not sure you fit into a boardroom, either.”

“I’m not a rancher exactly, but I co-own Wade’s ranch. That might make me a businessman, but then again I’m not a businessman in the traditional sense, either. More like a silent partner. I have a completely different profession.”

“You are very fierce looking when you don’t smile. My next guess is homicide detective.”

He felt his mouth shape into a smile. He wanted her to guess what his profession was. “Closer, but not quite.” Would she be summarily appalled like his father’s snotty family had been regarding the unsuitable career he’d chosen instead of being a wealthy prick?

Her eyes lit up with excitement. “Tell me what you do.”

“You could say I work for the government in an investigative capacity.” Dalton didn’t know what came over him. He never talked about his job. Ever. Being with Olivia made him want to share everything. One woman they dated stopped seeing them because of his job. Turned out she was wanted by the local police. She only had a rash of unpaid parking tickets, so it wasn’t like she was a serious felon, but still he’d been much more cautious about sharing his career choice since.

He should have known she’d have the perfect reaction. “You’re a G-man? That’s most excellent. Do you have a gun?”

He laughed at first then raised his eyebrows. “You already know all about
gun, love.”

She reached out and cupped his balls and then stroked his growing cock. “You have a very nice package, but what about a service weapon? Do you have one of those?”

He nodded. Her eyebrows went up, and her gaze then searched his pile of clothes at the base of the bed.

He laughed. “Well, I don’t have it on me currently, but yes. I do carry a service weapon on occasion.”

Olivia stroked her hand up to his chest. Her gaze caught his. “I can see you kicking down doors, rounding up bad guys, and sweating them in some seedy interrogation room. I’ll bet you put the fear in every criminal you catch.”

“Well, aside from kicking doors down on occasion, it’s not quite as glamorous as they make it on television and in the movies.”

“Still. You have a powerful aura around you that is like a presence. If I were a criminal, I’d run in fear.”

“Good. I think. So if you aren’t a criminal, what do you do? Or is that classified?”

She sobered and her smile faded. “It’s not a secret, I guess. Well, not exactly.” Her teeth tugged at her lower lip. “I just never expected to share personal information this weekend.”

Dalton was quick to assure her. “And you still don’t have to.” He put a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sort of here to get away from my stressful and very important ‘responsibilities’ at home.”

“I can certainly understand that.”

Wade climbed back in bed briefly and gave her a quick kiss. “I’m used to being out of bed before the sun comes up. This morning, I’d rather lounge around, but unfortunately, I have to leave and take care of something. Will you forgive me for abandoning you? Trust me when I tell you, I’d rather stay here.”

“Of course. We weren’t even supposed to meet again until lunch today at the Dude Ranch for a Day extravaganza planned for later at something called the southern property. Will you be there?” she asked Wade.

“I wouldn’t miss it. Save me a seat and I’ll meet you two there.” Wade kissed her again. It was a longer and more involved contact this time. Dalton watched as lusty thoughts filled his mind, knowing his turn to kiss her came next.

“Are you sure you don’t want to take a shower before you go? I could help scrub your back.”

Wade stared at her for so long, Dalton wondered if he was about to change his mind. But the chore he needed to do must have been important.

“I can’t believe I have to leave. Trust me when I say that if it weren’t essential to my ranch, I’d crawl in bed and make you scream multiple times.”

“I believe you. I promise that I of all people completely understand essential responsibilities. I live by them myself.”

“Thank you for being so understanding.” Wade caressed her face one last time.

“No problem. See you soon.” She stroked his face in return and he backed away slowly. Dalton could tell that he truly didn’t want to leave.

He offered, “I promise to be an attentive host while you’re gone.”

“I have no doubt. Don’t have too much fun without me now,” Wade said as he gathered his clothing and exited the room.

Dalton slipped his arms around her and squeezed. “Whatever will we do now? Here we are awake and have hours before we have to check out of our hotel room.” He planted a kiss on the back of her neck. She leaned back into him.

“I don’t know, but can we do it in this bedroom? The decorations are like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I feel like a fairy princess.”

“Sure.” Dalton wanted to hand her the world. If anyone deserved to feel like a fairy princess, she did. He made love to her once more amidst the gossamer fabric draped over them.

Dalton wanted to touch her everywhere. He massaged every inch of her perfect body first, and followed by kissing every part of her dewy, soft skin. She moaned and writhed like a feline stretching in a shaft of sunlight as he worked his way down her spine to her legs. He kissed a patch of skin every few inches and also nibbled a bit as he went along.

He broke away only long enough to secure a condom on his cock. He then turned her over and spread her legs slowly. The look of sleepy, quiet wonderment made his heart clench. She smiled as he came over the top of her body. Sinking his hips between her open legs he allowed his dick to rest momentarily at the entrance of her pussy.

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