Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Unhitched [The Double Rider Men's Club 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Unhitched [The Double Rider Men's Club 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“The obvious answer is to get it annulled. But can we still do that together?”

He shrugged. “Sure. I guess so.” He shook his head. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve never been married or divorced or annulled.”

“Me neither,” she said.

The lure of his bare chest was too much for her to resist. She leaned forward and pressed her cheek to the smooth skin over his heart. His arms came around and tightened across her back. Did she want to get an annulment?

He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “We don’t have to get the annulment right away. Derek and I will be here in town for a few more days. Would you like to stay with us?”

More than anything
. “Yes. Actually, that would be great. If I wouldn’t be intruding.”

“Not at all. We have some business during the day, but our evenings could certainly be spent together.” He tightened his embrace.

“I could just stay here during the day and wait for you and Derek.” Shocking how she’d so easily adapted to this lifestyle where she got to have two men sharing her bed.

“Exactly. Plus, we’d have more time for you to discuss why you were wandering around the hotel looking for a quiet place to escape your shitty life.”

She pulled away unsure she wanted to divulge the story of why she was in Las Vegas in the first place.

There was a sharp wrap at the door, and she didn’t have to think up a story or how much she was willing to share with them about the truth. Yet.

“Maybe that’s your bag.”

“I hope so.”

He smiled, released her and crossed the room to open the door.

But it wasn’t the bellman with her bag.

“Good morning, sir,” a very jubilant voice called out. The man at the door had a rolling cart, and the scent of bacon wafted across the room.

She took a step forward just as her stomach growled.

“What’s this?” Jackson asked. He still had one hand resting on the open door.

The waiter smiled like his tip depended on how many teeth he could show off when he grinned. “I have your honeymoon breakfast.”

Jackson shot her a very puzzled look over one shoulder. “I don’t remember ordering breakfast.”

The waiter’s smile grew even wider. “Yes sir, it came with the Grand Deluxe Wedding package you selected last night at the hotel wedding planner station before your nuptials.”

The waiter pulled a white card out of his pocket and read something. “And you ordered a third meal for your best man since he couldn’t be at the wedding ceremony.”

“Good, I’m starving,” Derek said, and entered the room behind the waiter with her luggage in tow.

The waiter pushed the cart further into the room and started placing silver domed plates onto the dining table next to the bar.

Alexis had never felt so naked before even though she had on a robe.

The waiter finished setting the table and handed a black leather guest check holder to Jackson. “Thank you for your generosity with the advanced gratuity, sir. If you need anything else during your stay, my name is Hector. I’m happy to help you in any way I can.”

Derek laughed. “Thanks, Hector. Have a good day.”

Jackson opened the check holder and looked at the bill. She didn’t know what she expected. Perhaps for him to blanch, turn red, or close his eyes and swallow hard at the certainly sizeable amount for breakfast. And the Grand Deluxe Wedding Package, too. But he merely looked it over, closed the bill and gazed in her direction. “Let’s eat,” was all he said.

She found it interesting that even roofied, he remembered to include Derek.

Alexis should probably consider that too before agreeing to spend the next few days here with them. Two men was out of bounds.

Surprisingly, she wasn’t the least bit frightened about spending the weekend with two men. But intrigued? Definitely.

* * * *

Derek pulled the top of one of the lids of food off and looked to see what Jackson had ordered in the middle of a drugged-out and drunk event. He was touched that Jackson had remembered he had a best man where women were concerned.

“Eggs, bacon, home fries, and buttered toast on the side. Great choice.” He looked over in her direction.

“I agree,” Alexis said. She walked forward. Derek heard her stomach growl from across the room. She blushed.


Derek pulled her chair out. “No need to be. Nothing wrong with a healthy appetite.”

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. She didn’t dodge him or look sideways. She just pulled the cover off the food in front of her and inhaled deeply.

Alexis looked like she was ready to dive face-first into breakfast. She slipped the napkin in her lap and picked up a fork. She took a bite of eggs, then a bite of bacon, then a bite of toast before chewing.

Derek watched her eat, but then remembered her bag and what was in it. “Not to keep you from enjoying your breakfast, but weren’t you wanting to take a Pill?”

“Crap.” She stood up suddenly. “Thanks for reminding me. I’ll be right back.” She grabbed the handle of her rolling bag and jerked it behind her as she marched to Jackson’s bedroom. Before she made it to the door, she called over one shoulder, “Be right back.”

They both put their forks down until she said, “Don’t stop eating on my account. I’ll be back directly to clean my plate.” That amazing smile came next, and Derek was hard pressed not to fall completely in love with her.
Why fight the continuing urges?
Because she might not opt to remain. He hadn’t even known her for a day, and crazy thoughts ran around in his head. Great sex obviously made him stupid.

Once the door was shut, Derek glanced at Jackson. His gaze followed Alexis until the door closed behind her.

Jackson looked back down at his plate as if he didn’t recognize what was before him. Or perhaps he was thinking and didn’t even see anything in front of him. Derek watched him for a moment or two before speaking his mind.

“You’re taking this better than I would have expected,” Derek said, and then crammed a piece of bacon in his mouth. It was rude not to wait, but she’d said to go ahead, and he was hungry. Sex with a beautiful woman twice in a morning also taxed his system. He needed fuel for further sexual contemplation.

Jackson hadn’t taken another bite after the first one of eggs. But he seemed to shake out of it after Derek spoke. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Derek snorted. “Are you kidding me? You? Mr. Ultraconservative gets drugged and married in Vegas to a beautiful stranger, and you don’t even seemed phased by it. Are you still under the influence?”

Jackson chewed a bite of toast and soon said, “Possibly. But for the most part I feel terrible for her. She woke up in bed with two men. I feel like we’ve corrupted her.”

“But I thought you said she watched the DRMC show?”

“She did. But that doesn’t mean she planned on participating in it. And then I accused her of being in there like she shouldn’t have been.”

Derek nodded. “Well, there is that. But she seems to be over it. Let’s let her decide what she does or doesn’t want to do with us.”

“She wants to stay with us until we leave to go back home.”

“She does? Really? ’Cause I want her to as well.”

“I’m wavering over if we


“Same reason I just said.”

“You’re already married to her. That’s not going to change anytime soon. You can get it annulled when we get back to Colorado. But until then, she seems very interested in our lifestyle.”

Jackson’s piercing blue gaze came up to stare at him. “I don’t want to take advantage.”

“We won’t. It will be mutually satisfying. If she’s agreed to stay already and she’s already slept with both of us, then I don’t see a problem.”

Jackson shrugged. Derek went back to his eggs. They ate quietly for a few minutes more.

Before any further conversation commenced, Alexis came bouncing back into the room. She’d put clothes on, although he’d been fine and dandy with only the robe.

“Okay, I’m safe for continuing sexual exploits.” She laughed and crossed the room quickly. “Once I eat, I’ll be ready to learn something new.”

Jackson glanced up and said, “You know you don’t
to do anything with us, right?”

Her smile faded. “But, why not?” Her concerned look darted to him once quickly before settling back on Jackson. “Don’t you want me anymore?”

“I do want you. Absolutely,” he paused and stared at her, “I just feel like I’m taking advantage.”

“You’re not. I’m your wife for the time being. We should at least take advantage of the most desirable aspect of marriage before our time together is over. Which in my mind is sex. Lots and lots of sex.” She smiled at him, and Jackson smiled right back.

Derek again felt a little like a third wheel. He wanted to be married to her, as well.

He looked down at his plate until he felt her hand grip his wrist. He gazed into her luscious, baby blue eyes. “And that goes for you, too.”

Derek smiled and put a hand over her fingers and squeezed. “Are you sure? I know I was something of a surprise this morning.”

“Trust me, if I’d known you last night, I have no doubt I would have married you, too. I certainly took advantage of a honeymoon with you this morning. Twice.”

“Twice?” Jackson asked. His questioning gaze lifted to Derek’s face. Was he not aware of what he and Alexis had been doing earlier?

She said in a sexy tone, “Yes. And he was amazing.”

“Good.” Jackson smiled sincerely for the first time since the food arrived. “Then the three of us should have a Vegas honeymoon to remember.”

Derek’s phone rang. It was someone from the conference that he needed to talk to about a coming meeting.

“I’ve got to take this.” He stood, kissed Alexis on the cheek, and answered his phone. He headed to his own bedroom to take the call, wishing he didn’t feel a bit forlorn at leaving the two of them alone. Not to mention he wanted to finish his food.

They were a married couple. Derek
wished he’d been able to get a flight here sooner. Although, if he had been, it’s possible they wouldn’t have a lovely bedmate for the week. Jackson might not have met her for them.

Derek heard the words they’d spoken, but wanted to make it clear that he was an equal third in this coming relationship. Even if they only ended up being together temporarily.

Chapter Five

Alexis studied Jackson as they ate. He was strikingly handsome. She imagined that if he walked into any room at any time, women stopped what they were doing just to get a glimpse of him as he sauntered by.

was married to him.

“So for the time being, I’m Mrs. Jackson Cordell?”

His head came up. His vivid blue gaze pierced her to her soul. Then he smiled, and she swore she heard angels singing. “I guess that’s right. It doesn’t sound as bad as I thought.”

Alexis nodded. “My mother would be so proud. She didn’t think I’d ever get married. I’ve told her more than once, it likely wouldn’t happen.”

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