Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Undone [The Double Men Rider's Club] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Undone [The Double Men Rider's Club] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)
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Both of them

She’d thought of nothing else since he’d said the words “have sex with both of us.”

Wordlessly, they each pulled out a chair and sat down across from her. Could they hear the thudding of her heart banging in her chest?

Before they could say anything, Tessa blurted out, “So how does this work?” All manner of mental pictures involving two men and a large bed swirled in her mind.

They exchanged a quick look. The one she’d spilled water on leaned forward. “How does

Oh, God.
Had she heard what he said wrong?

Tessa wished she had already had time to order a drink. She would have downed it in one swallow and called for another immediately.

“Perhaps I misunderstood what you said earlier.”

“The having sex with both of us? No. That’s accurate. As far as how it works.” He drilled a positively decadent gaze through her eyes and seemingly to her very soul before responding with, “We’d much rather
you than

Before she changed her mind, and she likely wouldn’t have, she nodded. “Okay. Will this ‘showing’ take place in your hotel room?” She thought she saw his mouth drop open a little.

The other man answered. “Yes. Upstairs.” He was so different from the first man in looks. Dark and dangerous at first glance, but she could see he had very expressive eyes. His intelligent, yet serious, gaze calmed her and sped her heart rate at the same time. “Would you like to have a drink down here first? Maybe you could get to know us better and—”

“No.” She stood suddenly, and they also got up. “Let’s go to your room right now.”

“Before you change your mind?” The other cowboy with the blond hair, easy-on-the-eyes face, and engaging smile stepped closer. The scent of him made Tessa moist between her legs with each syllable he uttered.

“No. I’ve made up my mind, and I’d like to get started.” Tessa was a free-spirit at heart, and once she made up her mind to try something new, whether it be rock climbing, cooking lessons, or sleeping with two men, she charged full speed ahead.

“My name is Dell.” The gorgeous blond she’d drenched with water stuck his hand out. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks, embarrassed not to have even concerned herself with learning their names before insisting on getting busy.

She grasped his strong, callused fingers. “I’m Tessa.” She turned to the other man. He had dark hair and a big, comforting grin. He also reached for her hand.

“Zachary,” he murmured and clasped her fingers gently.

“Let’s go to your room for more privacy, okay?”


After a quick elevator ride to the top floor of the hotel, they accompanied her to a set of double doors at the end of the hall.

Dell retrieved his key card and slid it through the lock mechanism. Before he pushed the doors open, he turned to her. “This is our suite. Nothing will happen in here that you don’t want.”

Tessa smiled. He obviously wanted to reassure her. She was operating on gut instinct. These men didn’t frighten her. On the contrary, she was more aroused than she’d ever been in her life at the mere suggested possibilities from an hour ago.

Behind her, Zachary lightly grasped her shoulders. “We want to make you comfortable.”

She turned and glanced over her shoulder. Just having his hands on her upper arms made her inner juices begin to moisten her pussy lips. “I’m looking forward to this.”

Dell chuckled. “So are we.” He opened the doors wide to the palatial suite. The marble entryway led down a short hall and opened into a living room with lots of plush furniture. Across from the opening and centered on the opposite wall was a grand stone fireplace. The ceilings must have been twelve feet tall.

“Wow,” Tessa said under her breath. “This room is beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you,” Dell whispered, his compliment spoken quietly in her ear. He’d come up behind her as she admired the room. His lips caressed the back of her neck, and her panties got much wetter. One arm slung around her waist, Dell asked, “Would you like something to drink?”

“Yes. Tequila, please.”

He turned to Zachary. “Make us some drinks, will you? Tessa would like some tequila. I’ll have the same.”

“Excellent. Why don’t you check out the view of the city?”

To the left was a wall of windows. Dell walked her over to the center pane. The view faced the spectacular mountain range with the lights of the city in the foreground.

“It’s lovely,” Tessa said as he squeezed her around the waist. She wanted to kiss him in the worst way. She’d wanted his lips on hers since pressing against his rock-hard body at the bar.

She turned in to Dell. “I need to kiss you.” He looked startled for a moment, but then leaned in and kissed her gently on the mouth. Fireworks exploded the moment they touched. Her breath caught in her throat as he deepened the kiss. His lips were firm and smooth, tender and perfect. Twisting slightly, Tessa pushed her face forward, wrapped her arms around his neck, and licked the seam of his mouth. He reacted immediately, slanting his mouth across hers. Seconds later they were devouring each other.

When Zachary put his hands on her shoulders and ground his stiff cock into one butt cheek, Tessa moaned and pushed her hips backward. He pushed her ponytail aside and nibbled the back of her neck. Dell stroked his hands along the front of her clothes until he cupped both breasts and thumbed each of her nipples as they kissed.

More aroused than she’d ever been before, her clit throbbed to life. Dell positioned one of his thighs between her legs, and, heaven help her, she dry humped his leg a couple of times as Zachary made love to the back of her neck.

Dell broke the passionate kiss and trailed kisses down her throat. He tweaked her nipples with thumb and forefinger until she thought she might explode in orgasm from the stimulation.

How sad was her love life that her clothes didn’t even have to be off for her to enjoy the best sexual experience she’d ever had?

Tessa turned her head to one side and saw her reflection in the window. She was pinioned between the two men. Her hips moved slightly back and forth between Zachary’s cock and Dell’s thigh.

“Oh, God! Wait!” She stiffened as she realized that anyone looking in from the outside would see them.

Each of them stopped immediately. “What’s wrong?” Dell’s glazed-over expression, sexy as hell, was likely a mirror of her own. But she didn’t like the idea of anyone watching them.

“The window. What if someone sees us?”

Zachary kissed her ear lobe. “What if they do? They’ll just be jealous and wish they were in here.”

“But I…I can’t…not in front of…” She turned her head away from the window as if that would protect her from sight. The idea of someone watching the three of them have sex made her heart shudder. She couldn’t do that in a million years.

“You don’t have to.” Dell pulled away. He got a remote off the coffee table and pushed a button. A whirring sound ensued and curtains closed by themselves in seconds, cocooning them in the low light of the expansive room.

“Ready for that drink?” He pointed to the table next to him. Three glasses filled with a light amber liquid waited.


Zachary moved his heat away from her, grabbed a tumbler off the coffee table, and handed it to her. Tessa snagged it like a lifeline. Booze would take the edge off her nervousness. She wanted to be sexy, not prudish. But she definitely needed something to help loosen her up. Tequila would do the trick.

Dell picked up a glass off the table. “Cheers.”

He saluted once, and she downed the contents of her highball glass in one swallow. The burn of alcohol went from her tongue to her belly in a slow cascade.

Zachary picked up the remote and pushed another button. The strains of a jazzy tune filled the room with a sexy saxophone solo. The music relaxed her another notch, but a second drink would help more.

“Ready for another shot of tequila?” Zachary put the remote back on the low glass table and pointed to the luxurious bar lining half of the wall behind him. “Or I can make whatever you want.”

“Tequila is fine.”

“And so are you.”

She laughed as he turned to make her another drink. She wanted booze. And possibly lots of it to make it through this evening.

“What brings you here tonight?”

Tessa smiled and thought about all the bravado she’d had before entering this hotel room. “Curiosity, I guess. I like new adventures.”

Zachary returned and handed her another drink. “But not in front of windows?”

She glanced at the closed curtains and shrugged. “It just took me off guard. Now that I think about it, we’re in the penthouse. We’re so high up who could possibly see us at this height?”

“Only nocturnal birds and night-shift police helicopters on the prowl for criminals,” Dell answered with a sexy grin.

Tessa sipped this drink a little slower and tipped her glass in salute to his cocky response.

She sent her gaze to the curtains again. “You’re right. Open them up. I’m not nervous about birds or cops seeing me.” She downed the last half of her tequila and set the glass down on the table with decided attitude.

“It’s not necessary—”

“No, please open the curtains. The very idea of having a view to the outside is a little thrilling.” A nervous laugh escaped her throat. Tessa watched them exchange a pointed glance, and then Zachary shrugged and opened the curtains up to the night view.

After all, they were in the tallest building of the downtown metropolitan area. She had to look down to see other lights from other hotels and offices. As long as they stayed away from the edge, no one would see them. The only way she’d be seen by any night birds, natural or mechanical, was to plaster herself against the glass.

Once that titillating thought entered her mind, Tessa couldn’t think of anything else. What would happen if she disrobed and pressed her body against the glass? The two men she was with currently would think she was a nut job who couldn’t make up her mind. Or maybe they’d join her, and the birds would really get quite the stunning view.

“What are you thinking?” Dell asked after a few moments of quiet.

Tessa laughed. The booze was really sinking in. “I was thinking about taking my clothes off and pressing my naked body against the glass.”

Zachary coughed as if surprised at her change of heart. “Need one more drink to help you decide?”

“I need three more drinks.” Her belly warm with the first two tequilas, Tessa likely didn’t need any more alcohol to relax but picked up her glass and handed it to him anyway.

“I swear we aren’t trying to get you drunk.” Dell’s expression seemed sincere.

Tessa laughed. “Yes, you are. But that’s okay. I shouldn’t have shied away from this window in the first place. Now it’s like a challenge I need to conquer before I do anything else.” She pulled her shirt off and flung it over one shoulder. The few short steps over to the window made her heartbeat increase. The thrill of what she was about to do heightened her arousal tenfold.

Behind her she felt someone snap her bra open. Dell’s handsome face was reflected in the window. She allowed him to bring the straps over her shoulders. He cupped her breasts beneath the fabric and squeezed her nipples as her lace bra fell to the ground. Covered only by his large hands, Tessa sucked in a deep breath when they suddenly slid to her sides. She was exposed. If anything flying low were to cross by this window, they’d see her taut nipples and a man’s hands at the waist of her short skirt.

He whispered in her ear, “Ready to go full frontal?”

She nodded, unable to speak over the fierce pounding of her heart and the blood rushing in her ears. He pushed her skirt down, and her skimpy panties came with it. She saw her own dark thatch of pubic hair reflected in the glass as a tidal wave of juice moistened her pussy lips. Her core clenched in desire and exhilaration. He then pulled off her shoes and socks. She stood completely naked and faced the city at night.

Thinking about taking one’s clothes off was much different than actually doing it. She searched the night sky for any lights from helicopters. She didn’t see any but noticed another tall building to the left. Her heart flipped over. Could anyone see? She narrowed her focus and looked more closely. She realized quickly it was an office building. Hopefully, the lights in the various windows were turned on for the nearsighted cleaning crew intent on their duties.

Dell grabbed her shoulders and pushed her legs apart with his knee. “Assume the position.”


He chuckled. “Because the things we’d like to do to you require you to open up a little bit more. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

Tessa relaxed a bit and placed her palms against the chilly glass. She widened her stance until her feet were half a yard apart and swore a trickle of pussy juice ran down her inner thigh. Dell groaned and placed a kiss on her bare shoulder. Zachary appeared at her side. His head quickly dipped below one of her elbows, and he stood up in the circle of her arms.

He blocked her body from the view of the outside.

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