Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Undone [The Double Men Rider's Club] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) (20 page)

BOOK: Saint James, Elle - Unbridled and Undone [The Double Men Rider's Club] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)
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Tessa climbed into the cab and slid to the middle of the well-mended but cracked vinyl bench seat. Dell got in on the driver’s side, and Zachary followed behind her and sat in the passenger seat. She loved being sandwiched between them.

They drove for five minutes before she asked, “Where are you taking me?”

“Be patient. We’re almost there.”

Dust swarmed the sides of the vehicle as they drove along an old dirt road leading to the western edge of their property and closer to the foothills of the neighboring mountains.

A bend in the road leading into a forest of pines next to a grassy hill approached as Dell finally slowed the truck.

He stopped in the middle of the road and parked. “Come on. We go on foot from here.”

“I have to walk to the surprise?”

“Yep. Let’s get going.”

Tessa couldn’t imagine what was going on, but both Dell and Zachary had a giddy sort of vibe radiating off of them, and it was contagious.

The scent of pine in the air was eclipsed only by the masculine scent of the two men walking alongside her. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs, and let it drift out slowly. Just as they got close enough to see what was around the bend in the road, Dell stopped her.

“Do you like this piece of land?”

She nodded. “It’s lovely.”

“Good, we’re giving it to you. Zachary has drawn up official papers and everything. They’re waiting in his office.”

“You didn’t have to do that. I don’t need a piece of land to myself.” Especially since property wasn’t what she truly wanted. Her only regret was losing her house. But still, she’d made the right choice.

“Well, it makes it convenient for the house to have land to support it.”

“Dell Harper, did you build a replica of my grandmother’s house out here?” She started walking around the bend in the road at a fast clip.

She saw the corner of a house that looked almost exactly like her grandmother’s place. She broke into a run, covering the distance to the structure in no time.

Dell and Zachary kept up the same pace until they made it all the way around the bend in the road.

Tessa stopped suddenly and stared. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

Gamma’s house.

Up on wheels.

Without looking at either of her men, because she couldn’t tear her gaze from the precious sight of her gamma’s beautiful house, she asked, “How on earth did you do this?”

Dell put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “You gave me the idea, honey. We couldn’t put wings on it, but we did manage to slap some wheels on it and drive it up here.”

“I can’t believe it.”

“You’re looking at the front half.” Dell rubbed her shoulders again. “The back half will be arriving in about an hour.”

A handsome stranger, who’d been standing to the left of the semi-truck, approached them with a wide grin on his tanned face. “Hey, you made it. What do you think?”

Tessa laughed. She couldn’t help it. A deliriously happy giggle erupted from her throat. She walked several steps out of Dell’s reach, keeping the house in her view. She wrapped her arms around herself briefly before throwing them around the stranger’s neck and kissing him on the cheek.

“I don’t know who you are, but thank you. I just can’t believe it.”

He patted her back one-handed without hugging her. “My name’s Johnny. I’m just the contractor, sweetheart. I helped them get it up here, but Dell and Zachary deserve the credit.”

She sent a salacious look over one shoulder to her two men with a promise of future gratitude. “Trust me, I’ll show my appreciation to them later. Thank you for taking such good care of my grandmother’s house. It looks perfect.”

Johnny wiped his forearm across his brow. “I’ll be getting the new foundation ready and puttin’ it back together. You’ll never know it didn’t start here in the first place. I promise.”

Tessa couldn’t stop grinning. With her cherished home placed magically before eyes and her two men standing by her side, her perfect life had just materialized.


* * * *


Tessa stretched out on a thick blanket in a semi-secluded clearing a hundred feet from the site of the proposed foundation where her grandmother’s house would stand. The back half of Gamma’s house had arrived an hour later, as promised, and was currently parked next to the front half in the clearing next to the property road.

The construction movers were gone for the day, but Johnny had promised to return bright and early the next morning to get started putting her house back together.

There was still enough sunlight from over the mountains to see the remains of the picnic dinner Dell and Zachary had brought along with the huge surprise of installing the house on her own property.

Dell got up and turned on six electric Tiki torches that he’d stuck strategically around their impromptu dinner locale to ensure they could see once the sun dipped past the edge of mountains in the western sky.

Tessa kept looking over at the house as if it might disappear as suddenly as it had come.

“Even though it’s in two pieces right now, are you happy about the house being here?” Dell asked and flipped the switch on the final Tiki torch. It wasn’t quite the same romantic light as regular torches, but Tessa understood the safety issue. The fear of wildfires kept him from lighting any open flame, let alone six of them.

“Yes. I still can’t believe it’s here.”

Zachary glanced over his shoulder in the direction of where two halves of her grandmother’s house now waited, still on wheels, for the foundation to be completed. He turned back with a gleam in his eyes. “Want to show your appreciation yet?”

“Absolutely. What did you have in mind?”

“Sex. Here and now.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You mean out here in the open?”

They both said “Yep” at the exact same time.

Tessa looked at the dirt road within view of where they sat. She pointed to it. “But the dirt road to the ranch house is right there.”

Both grinned. “Exactly.”

“So no one will drive by this time of evening, will they?”

Both of them shrugged, their predatory smiles still firmly in place. She knew they didn’t care either way.

“This unconventional lifestyle you’ve introduced me to sometimes spins me off balance a little bit.” She laughed to herself, knowing she’d strip naked even if a whole procession of vehicles were due to drive by any minute. “You could say I’m undone by the two of you.”

Dell shook his head. “Unconventional isn’t the right word. We like to think of it as an unbridled lifestyle. Sounds more like what a cowboy would say.”

“I’m not a cowboy.” She pointed to her breasts.

He shrugged again. “You could be my cowgirl.”

“I see. So you’re both unbridled and I’m undone. Is that the way of things?”

Zachary reached out and stroked his palm down the front of her shirt. “Something like that.” Before she knew what he was doing, half the buttons on her shirt were open.

When he finished he said, “Now you’re definitely undone.”

He slid his hand over one breast. Dell kneeled on the blanket behind her and pulled her shirt from her shoulders and tossed it aside.

She didn’t protest as they undressed her completely and stood her up in the center of the blanket. Then all of their clothes came off piece by piece as she watched.

Dell came behind her and dropped a kiss on her shoulder before rubbing his hands on her ass cheeks. His aroused cock brushed her hip. She wrapped her hand around him and squeezed until he moaned and nibbled the back of her neck.

Meanwhile, Zachary stood before her, and his stiff cock gently poked her belly. She circled his cock one-handed as he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lips with a tenderness she’d come to love. Tessa was exactly where she loved to be, sandwiched between her two men.

Dusky darkness surrounded them beyond the light shed by the electric torches.

Her pussy flowed all wet and ready for them to take her to sexual heights. The notion of anyone driving by kept her arousal level in the red zone. If anyone came along the road, they’d clearly see the three of them naked, doing wild things with the blue glow of the electric torches spotlighting them from six different directions.

Tessa glanced over to where she knew the road was located several times as they kissed her and rubbed against her body.

Dell whispered in her ear, “Keep checking over there, honey, and think about someone watching us fuck you.”

Zachary broke the kiss they shared. “Does it turn you on?”

Staring into his eyes, she nodded. “Yes.”

Dell pushed his hand between her legs from behind, and his fingers soon found their way into her pussy. He rubbed her clit a few times. “She’s so wet for us, Zachary.”

Dell moved his fingers, spreading cream from her pussy across her rosette and into her butt. She felt his cock slide across the now saturated place between her ass cheeks.

She wanted him inside. Pushing her hips back as he pressed his cock forward gave her exactly what she desired. The dark pleasure of his cock penetrating her ass sent a ripple of arousal along her spine. He thrust deeper, and the burning push of his cock made her moan. Her clit ached to be touched. She reached down to touch herself, but Zachary beat her to it. His finger rubbed her clit as Dell pushed in and out of her ass.

“Don’t come yet,” Zachary warned. “I want to be buried in your pussy when you scream.”

“Hurry.” Tessa was fast coming to a pinnacle of ecstasy she didn’t think she could stop from happening.

“Nope. You slow down.” As if to demonstrate, he slowed his finger stroking her clit, although Dell kept of a steady pace in and out of her ass and that kept her humming toward the edge of oblivion.

Come inside.” She was panting so hard she could hardly talk. “Fuck me.”

Zachary’s cock slid between her legs, but he didn’t enter her. He teased, putting only the head of his cock at the opening of her pussy lips.

“Please,” she begged, “I want you.”

He didn’t respond, but thrust his cock inside her pussy. With both of them inside her, she nearly lost it. Her head tipped back, ready to scream the forest flat, but the sound of an approaching vehicle on the road beside them stilled her heart as well as her body.

“What’s wrong?” Zachary pushed his cock deeper inside her body.

Doubly penetrated and mashed between two strong cowboys gave her limited mobility.

“Listen. I think someone’s coming down the road.”

“That’s okay.” Dell pushed into her ass as Zachary pulled his cock halfway out of her pussy. “Don’t worry about it.”

“But what if someone sees us?” Tessa stiffened as the sound of the car got closer and closer.

“All the better,” Zachary murmured and thrust all the way inside her pussy. She forgot about the car momentarily as the two of them took turns pushing in and out of her pussy and ass. It was the most unique feeling she’d ever thought to experience. Her orgasm teetered on the brink of realization. She wanted to come. Wanted to scream. But a car was coming.

Tessa turned her head in time to see twin headlights swing around the curve in the road next to the house fifty feet away.

Oh, God, someone was about to get a true public sex show courtesy of their wild actions tonight.

The crunch of tires slowed the closer it got until the truck stopped all together and sat there.

She didn’t wonder why. Anyone in the cab could easily see them and what they were doing. Neither Dell nor Zachary stopped moving. If anything, they increased the pace of their thrusts. Her clit throbbed in anticipation of being so close to release.

Zachary slid his finger across her clit once more and that was all it took. Tessa arched between them, threw her head back, and screeched her orgasm. Pleasure, so acute she ached with it, rippled across her body.

Dell thrust into her ass twice more and then roared in certain climax. Zachary’s breath came almost in gasps as he pierced deeply and also growled what had to be his release.

As Tessa tried to catch her breath and come back to her senses, she heard the sound of an idling motor and remembered they had a voyeur. She was so wobbly she couldn’t stiffen in fear or embarrassment. Neither of her men seemed to be too worried about the vehicle, but given their proclivities a whole horde of people could sit cross-legged on the blanket surrounding them and they wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

An obvious conclusion came to mind. “Do you know who’s watching us?” she whispered. Her pulse sped up with desire.

Zachary nodded slightly. “Johnny, the construction foreman, is a member of the Double Rider Men’s Club. We issued an informal invitation.”

“You told him we’d be out here?” Her heartbeat kicked up another notch.

He laughed. “Yes. That’s often how it works.”

Dell nibbled the back of her neck. “Are you upset with us for springing it on you?”

“No. It was actually very exciting.”

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