Saint Bad Boy (2 page)

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Authors: Abby Chance

BOOK: Saint Bad Boy
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Chapter Three


was Jake, standing by the pool with a couple of his buddies. His deep blue eyes, immaculate smile, and perfect jaw line on full display like a proud, colorful peacock. He was about 6’2’’ and wonderfully built. Not overtly buffed out, but slender and strong, kinda like an Olympic swimmer at the height of his physique. His hair was perfectly styled—short, kind of spiky, but preppy at the same time. It was to be expected, his mother was, after all, a professional hair stylist.

There was something rough about Jake though. I knew that he’d get in trouble at school every now and then by being kind of a wise ass, but never breaking the playful barrier. A few detentions here or there but never a suspension. According to Gloria, he lived with his mother. His father left the family when he was four. I lost my father and went out of my way to act on the straight and narrow; Jake, apparently, went the other direction. But it was kind of nice knowing we had something in common.

“You know Jake, right?” asked Chrissy, as she led us to Jake and his buddies, who were all holding Bud Lights by the pool. Tad and Steve were always attached to Jake. Tad was a little bit on the heavy side, he had a cute face and was known as the school clown, he was extremely funny. Steve was African American and was as fit and handsome as Jake. He had a bit of a reputation around the school as a player and a bit of a playful perv, always the first to play up the sex angle in every conversation. He probably gets away with it because he’s so damn good looking.

“We’ve met,” said Gloria, smiling coyly.

“Physics class, right?” Jake asked. I noticed him quickly glancing at my chest with his blissful, blue eyes.

“Well, the good news tonight is that Jake got a full-ride wrestling scholarship to the University of Iowa,” Chrissy slurred proudly.

“Congratulations,” I said.

“Thanks,” he said, with a slight blush.

“You girls like the margaritas?” asked Tad.

“Yeah, they’re great—you made them?” asked Gloria.

“Yes I did. They better be good, my family’s last name

“Is it really?” I asked.

“No,” Tad answered, as the rest of the group chuckled out loud.

Great, now I felt like such a dunce falling for Tad’s dry sense of humor. They probably thought I was socially inept, or worst, someone who was completely out of their element.

“Just teasing ya,” said Tad. “You want another?”

Without even realizing it, I had finished my margarita 10 minutes into our conversation. Other than the ceremonial sip of wine I had during mass every Sunday, this was my first time ingesting alcohol. I was expecting to feel a slight buzz, but I didn’t have one at all. In fact, I just felt real relaxed. No anxiety, just going with the flow of conversation.

“Sure, why not,” I said.

“I’ll be right back with another,” Tad said enthusiastically. It was cute seeing him proud of his margarita making abilities.

“So, what are you going to be doing next year?” asked Jake.

I clammed up a little, his question had an inflection of sincere inquiry rather than one of conversational casualness.

“You don’t really want to know,” I said.

“Sure I do.”


“Come on,” he said with a smile. “Spill the beans.”

I paused, took a deep breath, and said with my eyes closed, “I’m going to be a nun.”

Everyone around the pool stopped talking. Gloria clenched her teeth and grimaced.

“Wow,” Jake said.

I instantly felt uncomfortable.

“I didn’t know girls still became nuns,” Chrissy said, her eyes half closed and glazed.

Steve giggled as he held his hand over his mouth. “You are going to be the hottest nun of all time!” he added.

“I don’t disagree with Steve, but hey, if that’s what you want to do, and that’s what you’re passionate about, then more power to you,” added Jake.

“Umm...thanks?” I said.

Well that was nice. I guess the consensus was that I was hot, but the feeling of euphoria of finding out you are desirable was offset by the fact that everyone thinks becoming a nun is a ridiculous concept.

Tad came back from the kitchen with a couple of margaritas in his hands. He gave one to Gloria and one to me. I didn’t feel too buzzed, I felt perfectly capable of drinking another margarita and snatched the drink from Tad’s hand, with confidence.

“What did I miss,” Tad asked.

“Jess is going to be a nun,” Chrissy slurred.

“Holy Shit, really?” Tad said loudly. “You, a nun? You’re going to single-handedly cure the Catholic church’s

“Tad!” Jake reprimanded.

“What? I mean...look at her,” Tad said, pointing at me.

“This is something I always wanted to do. I know it’s hard for people to understand--”

“Sweetie, if you want to be a nun that is between you and God and your vagina,” Chrissy said, as she stumbled, almost falling into the pool. Brandon managed to catch her by the arm.

The party, surprisingly, continued into the wee hours of the night without the police knocking on the door telling everyone to go home. The music was still pumping loud and clear throughout the neighborhood. Gloria mentioned to me that Chrissy’s dad was a well respected corporate lawyer and at least half the block were his clients, which was a possible explanation why they tolerated the loud music from the party.

I was getting comfortable in my own skin as the night continued. I was on my fourth margarita when I started touching Jake on the shoulder and arm as we talked about everything from our physics teacher, Mr. Jackson, and how he smelled like ginger snaps every morning to talking about our families and how similar their dynamics were to one another. It was safe to say that we were bonding somewhat. I didn’t mind touching his arms as we talked. They were solid as a rock, and I could feel his biceps protruding every time he lifted his arm as he expressed himself in conversation. Jake had the perfect body and he knew it.

Chrissy was extremely drunk and out of her mind. She abruptly suggested a change of pace by asking, “Who wants to go to my parents’ kick-ass hot tub upstairs?”

Steve, unsurprisingly, chimed in first, “Oh boy! I’m game.”

“Sure, sounds fun,” added Jake.

“I don’t have my swimsuit, can I borrow one of yours?” Gloria asked Chrissy.

“Fuck swimsuits! Plus, I don’t have any extras. Can you guys fit in size 38 swim trunks? My dad’s a fat ass,” responded Chrissy.

I whispered to Gloria who was standing next to me, “Is she suggesting we go in naked?”

“I don’t think so,” Gloria responded, conspicuously. “Bra and underwear is fine,” Gloria said out loud.

“Booo!” yelled Steve. “I’m going in in my birthday suit, screw you guys.”

“Steve, shut up,” said Jake.

I let out a deep sigh. Even though I was buzzed, I still had a semblance of common sense. Despite my inebriated state, I was still focused and wasn’t going to get out of control any time soon. I was having fun so I didn’t put up any resistance, but I wasn’t going to go buck wild. Just good-natured chatter with Jake in the hot tub.

“Should we wake up Tad?” asked Brandon, who pointed at Tad, who was snoring on the bench next to the diving board.

“Nah, I don’t want his chubby mess in the jacuzzi,” said Chrissy.

“That’s not nice,” I said, responding quickly to Chrissy’s drunken insult.

“Now, now girls...let’s all relax and have a good time. Tad is resting. He’s had a rough night making margaritas for all the people at the party tonight. Let him be,” said Jake.

Chrissy playfully stuck her tongue out at me and led us all into the house. Brandon, Gloria, Steve, Jake, and I all followed Chrissy upstairs to the master bedroom, where Chrissy’s parents’ large hot tub resided.


Chapter Four


’s parents’ bedroom was huge. It had an art deco look. Inside was a king-sized bed with a solid oak headboard; the dresser,
, and the chairs and tables also were made of the same expensive-looking carpentry. The television in the bedroom was larger than any television we’ve ever owned. It was obvious that Chrissy’s parents liked to live life to the fullest.

Chrissy entered first and took off her skirt and shirt all within seconds of each other. Luckily, she didn’t take off her bra and her cotton thong. She had a nice set of perfectly perky B-cups, her butt and hips matched her tiny frame, but her behind had a nice, tight little pop to it. She ran into the bathroom and dove butt first into the large, marble hot tub, “Come on guys!” she insisted, as she activated the jets.

“She’s such a show off,” remarked Gloria, with a slight look of envy.

Brandon, Steve, and Jake all took their shirts, pants, and shorts off. Every single one of them had incredibly built torsos and legs. Brandon’s thighs had that neat little cut in the middle, while Steve proudly displayed his eight pack, which I never thought was possible. His body fat was so low, his lower abdominal muscles created a perfect “V” shape that made it impossible not to naturally scope out his groin area. Gloria and I caught each other looking at his lower torso and smiled at each other like sinister school girls.

Jake’s body was from another world. His pecs were perfectly cut and rested perfectly over the statuesque, muscular veneer that padded his ribs. His skin, young and without blemish, displayed soft, golden bristles. He gave Steve a haughty look, as Steve playfully pretended to attempt to take off his boxers.

Brandon plopped himself into the hot tub first; well technically, right after Chrissy. He nestled himself right behind her in the far corner of the tub. Jake and Steve soon followed. Jake quickly dipped his head in the water, and like a model in a shampoo commercial, sensually smoothed the water from his scalp with his large hands.

“Girls?” asked Steve. “You coming in?”

The group in the jacuzzi stared at us intently, waiting for us to unravel our supple physiques for arbitrary judgment.

“You first,” I pointed at Gloria.

“Me?” asked Gloria pointing at her chest. She sighed and took off her matching black tank top, revealing a Victoria’s Secret silk bra. The boys looked at each other with cheesy smiles. Chrissy, buzzed and severely bombed, smirked and shrugged her shoulders. Gloria then dropped her tight, black designer jeans. Thankfully, no thong, just a pair of good girl cotton, black panties. The boys were definitely impressed with her sprint-chiseled legs and thighs. In a sudden rush, Gloria stutter stepped and quickly dipped herself into the tub.

“Jess, you coming in?” asked Jake, in his deep, rich, confident, baritone timbre.

“I don’t know,” I said, as I sat down on the chair in front of Chrissy’s mom’s makeup counter. “I think I’ll just sit right here and chat with you guys.”

“Don’t be such a nun,” said Chrissy. “Oh wait...”

“Ha...Ha,” I said mockingly.

“Jess, just get in here. We’re just hanging out and drinking,” said Gloria.

“I will take my briefs off if you don’t get in here this instant, lady,” Steve joked.

“You promised, Gloria,” I said, giving her a look that hopefully would make her remember our promise.

“Promised what?” asked Steve.

“It’s nothing, she’s just grasping at straws and thinking of excuses for not joining us,” Gloria said.

“We’ll close our eyes as you undress,” suggested Jake.

“Promise?” I asked.

“Steve, Brandon? Close your eyes,” demanded Jake.

Brandon and Steve chortled and closed their eyes, mockingly tight. Jake soon followed.

I quickly pulled the straps off my dress, which then lightly fluttered down my body. The boys, pretending to have their eyes closed, definitely caught a glimpse of me in my underwear, as their snorts and giggles stopped all of a sudden. I caught Steve letting out an inaudible wow.

I slowly stepped into the hot tub. The water was exceedingly hot, but within seconds it went from uncomfortably hot to a nice adequate temperature, as my body adjusted to the fluctuation of external degree changes. “I’m in, you can open your eyes now,” I said.

The guys began to burst out in laughter. “For being such a prude, you have an amazing pair of tits,” said Chrissy.

Gloria laughed to herself and said, “Is that a compliment?”

“I mean she’s got the greatest pair of tits I’ve ever seen and she decides to be a nun—can I have your tits, please?” joked Chrissy.

I began blushing. “Maybe I should get out,” I said.

“Okay, I’ll stop. Just finish your margarita, don’t let a perfectly good drink go to waste, if you know what I mean,” said Chrissy, as Brandon began to give her a back rub.

“So who wants to play truth or dare?” asked Chrissy.

“,” I said.

“It’s okay, I promise it will be clean,” said Chrissy.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yes...” Chrissy asked. “Here, I’ll start. Jess?”

Crap, I shouldn’t have said I was going to be a nun. It seemed that everyone was getting a rise out of me because I was trying my darnedest to remain chaste. I should have lied and told them I was going to join the Peace Corps or something.

“Truth...,” I said.

“Okay, do you think Jake is cute?” Chrissy asked, with girlish enthusiasm.

“Chrissy...” Gloria snapped at her.

Chrissy looked at Gloria with her bloodshot, droopy eyes, “It’s an innocent question.”

“It’s fine, Gloria,” I said, as I looked at Jake. “He is undoubtedly handsome.” Well he was, so it was not a big deal speaking the truth I thought.

“Well, thanks Jess. You are very pretty yourself,” said Jake.

“Dammit, I was going to ask you the same question about Jess,” Chrissy said to Jake.

“Steve?” yelled Chrissy.

“What?” asked Steve, giggling to himself.

“Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” proudly proclaimed Steve.

“Lick your elbow while saying the alphabet.”


“You heard me.”

Steve tucked his right elbow near his mouth and stuck out his long, pink tongue and placed it on his elbow. Brandon momentarily stopped giving Chrissy her back rub and tried to do the same thing, but to no avail. “Holy shit, you got a long-ass tongue,” he said.

“You’ve got a beautiful tongue,” Gloria playfully remarked.

“Thank you,” said Steve, or at least that is what we thought he said as the tip of his tongue connected with his pointy elbow. “A...B...C...D...” Steve recited the alphabet, as if he had a severe speech impediment. Disabilities are nothing to laugh at, but Steve’s expression was priceless and we all were delightfully entertained.

As Steve was pulling off his goofy routine, Gloria gave me a slight nudge with her elbow.

“What?” I said, still staring at Steve struggling to keep his tongue on his elbow.

Gloria nodded her head toward Chrissy and Brandon. Brandon had his head tilted back. His hands still resting on Chrissy’s shoulders, but no longer rubbing them. I could see her arm moving in a rhythmic motion in the water. Chrissy was giving Brandon a hand job in the hot tub.

“Oh my god,”I whispered at Gloria.

“She must be doing a good job, look at Brandon’s face, he’s in fuckin’ heaven,” Gloria said.

“Maybe we should leave,” I said.

“Why?” Gloria asked.

“What do you mean, why?” I emphatically stated in Gloria’s ear.

“What’s wrong?” Jake asked.

“Oh, nothing,” I said.

Chrissy kept jerking Brandon off, as she turned to Gloria. It was clear she was on a discreet mission to make Brandon cum in the hot tub, as her stroking remained consistent and focused. Jake and Steve looked at her, knowing full well what was going on. Jake stretched his neck, most likely trying to remain from getting too excited and turned on by Chrissy’s actions.

With wonderful multitasking ability, she asked Gloria, “Truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Gloria said.

I figured Gloria was beginning to feel a little heated because she went straight to a dare. I wanted to flee at that moment, but at the same time, admittedly, there was a part of me that wanted to see what was going to happen next. Like watching a train wreck, but with a funny feeling roiling deep in my gut.

I began to squirm uncomfortably while sitting in the tub. I downed the rest of my margarita, hoping to expedite a general feeling of numbness to help me cope with the excitement that was happening in the bathroom.

“I dare you to lick Steve’s nipple,” requested Chrissy

“Hell no!” Chrissy yelled. Judging by her reaction, I knew she was pretending to resist.

“What? If I had an out of body experience, the first thing I would do, is suck on my own nipple,” said Steve.

“Fine, but just one lick,” Gloria said.

Gloria leaned over and arched her back in a seductive way, purposely sticking her toned ass up in the air. She slowly unraveled her tongue from inside her full, plump & moist lips. She began lustfully circling his nipple with her fleshy tool of seduction. His mocha-hued nipple was clearly erected, as it was prominently more distended than the other. Gloria then opened her lips, as salivation caused by a deep-seeded arousal, cascaded down her tongue.

“,” Steve exclaimed.

shouted Chrissy.

Gloria continued making oral love to Steve’s nipples while giving Jake a look so seductive, it would melt Morrisey himself during the peak of his asexual days. Jake gave Gloria a lighthearted salute and a smile that guys usually have when they are about to surrender to frivolity.

The situation in the hot tub was at critical mass. I knew what was going on was wrong, and was challenging everything I hold so dear, but my body felt so relaxed. The nerves inside my womb were exploding like firecrackers, my sinuses immediately cleared up, and I lifted my butt a bit aiming my clit for one of the jets. Chrissy increased the intensity of her strokes beneath the bubbling water, as she continued to witness Gloria going to town on Steve’s chest.

“Jake, I dare you,” Chrissy said.

“Dare me to do what?” Jake asked, with an impish grin.

“Are you hard?”

Gloria and I intently looked on, waiting for the desired answer from Jake. I arched my lower back a little bit more, the rush of water stimulating every inch of my folds and moist crevice.

“Yeah, well, kinda...,” Jake answered.

“I dare you to show us your cock,” Chrissy implored.

“This shit is getting crazy,” Steve said with his eyes closed. Brandon was practically unconscious and paralyzed in the far corner of the tub, as Chrissy continued with her precise, and meticulous handiwork.

Jake stood up as the water level reached halfway up his muscular thighs. His cock was halfway erect beneath his briefs. The shape of his head protruding through the resistant, cotton fabric. It looked massive even behind the constraints of his underwear. He put both of his thumbs behind the elastic band of his briefs, and quickly yanked them down into the water; revealing his perfectly trimmed, engorged, eight-inch cock. His balls elegantly hung below his huge shaft, as there was a delicious smoothness to the matching set.

“Holy shit,” Gloria shouted out. “It’s so fucking thick, too,” she said.

“Now that’s a dick!” Chrissy said.

“Oh, my God,” I said, closing my eyes and reciting a quick Hail Mary in my head.

“Thanks, I guess,” Jake said, playing it off, knowing full well his stallion status among the group.

“Brandon, if you hear me just keep your eyes closed,” Steve said.

“Okay,” Brandon mumbled, as he continued to get jerked off by Chrissy.

Jake’s dick was delectably thick. The underside of his shaft was handsomely grooved and built for strong, hefty thrusts. His head was perfectly shaped, and plump. My mouth watered at its aroused appearance.

“Jess?” Chrissy asked.

“Yeah,” I asked, with a slight tremble in my voice.

“Just do it.”

“Okay, but don’t judge me and don’t tell anyone,” I said.

“Okay,” Gloria and Chrissy said, both assuring me at the same time.

I slowly moved close to Jake as he sat down. I put my hand around his lap as I looked straight into his beautiful blue eyes. He nodded his head, indicating that it was okay for me to wrap my hand around his rock-hard dick. I put my hand around the middle part of his shaft. I could feel it pulsating and engorged with the rush of his blood. I slowly massaged the posterior portion of his glans with my index finger. He threw his head back in surrender. His cock was so thick, my index finger and thumb were nowhere near a connection. Even though I had never done such a thing, everything felt completely natural and, surprisingly, I was at ease.

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