
Read Sahara Online

Authors: Clive Cussler

BOOK: Sahara
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Valhalla Rising

Atlantis Found

Flood Tide

Shock Wave

Inca Gold





Deep Six

Pacific Vortex

Night Probe!

Vixen 03

Raise the Titanic!


The Mediterranean Caper


White Death

Fire Ice

Blue Gold



Dirk Pitt Revealed

The Sea Hunters

The Sea Hunters II


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Adaptation of “A Riddle” from introduction to Environmental Studies, Third Edition, by J. Turk, copyright © 1989 by Saunders College Publishing. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

“Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead” by H. Arlen & E. Y. Harburg. Copyright © 1938, 1939 (renewed 1966, 1967), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. Rights assigned to EMI Catalogue Partnership. All rights controlled and administered by EMI Feist Catalog, Inc. International copytight secured, made in U.S.A. All rights reserved.

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Copyright © 1992 by Clive Cussler

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In deep appreciation to

Hal Stuber, Ph.D. (environmental chemist),

of James P. Walsh & Associates, Boulder, Colorado,

 for sorting out the hazardous waste

and keeping me within acceptable limits.






April 2, 1865

Richmond, Virginia

She seemed to float above the ghostly evening mist like a menacing beast rising from the primeval ooze. Her low silhouette stood black and ominous against the backdrop of the trees along the shoreline. Shadowy, phantom-like images of men moved across her decks under the eerie yellow glow of lanterns as moisture trickled down her gray, sloping sides and dripped into the sluggish current of the James River.

tugged at her dockside mooring line as impatiently as a hound about to be unleashed for the hunt. Thick iron shutters covered her gun-ports and the 6-inch armor on her casemate showed no markings. Only a white and red battle ensign atop the mast behind her smokestack, hanging limp in the damp atmosphere, signified her as a warship of the Confederate States Navy.

To landsmen she looked squat and ugly, but to sailors there was a character and grace about her that was unmistakable. She was tough, and she was deadly, the last of her peculiar design that set sail on a cruise to extinction after a brief but enduring burst of glory.

Commander Mason Tombs stood on the forward deck, pulled a blue bandana from a pocket, and dabbed at the dampness that seeped inside the collar of his uniform. The loading was going slow, too slow. The
would need every minute of available darkness for her escape to the open sea. He watched anxiously as his crew swore and strained while they manhandled wooden crates across a gangplank and down an open hatch on the deck. The crates seemed unusually heavy for containing the written records of the four-year-old government. They came from mule-drawn wagons deployed near the dock that were strongly guarded by the battle-weary survivors of a Georgia infantry company.

Tombs turned an uneasy eye toward Richmond, only 2 miles to the north. Grant had broken Lee’s stubborn defense of Petersburg, and now the battered army of the South was retreating toward Appomattox and abandoning the Confederate capital to the advancing Union forces. The evacuation was underway and the city was filled with confusion as riots and pillaging swept the streets. Explosions shook the ground and flames burst into the night as warehouses and arsenals filled with supplies of war were put to the torch.

Tombs was ambitious and energetic, one of the finest naval officers in the Confederacy. He was a short, handsome-faced man with brown hair and eyebrows, a thick red beard, and a flinty look in his olive black eyes.

Commander of small gunboats at the battles of New Orleans and Memphis, gunnery officer on board the fighting ironclad
and first officer of the infamous sea raider
Tombs had proven a dangerous man for the Union cause. He had assumed command of the
only a week after she was completed at the Rocketts naval yard in Richmond, having demanded and supervised a number of modifications in preparation for an almost impossible voyage downriver past a thousand Union guns.

He turned his attention back to the cargo loading as the last wagon pulled away from the dock and disappeared into the night. He slipped his watch from a pocket, opened the lid, and held up the face toward a lantern that hung on a dock piling.

It read eight-twenty. Little more than eight hours left before daylight. Not enough time to run the last 20 miles of the gauntlet under the cloak of darkness.

An open carriage pulled by a team of dappled horses rolled up and stopped beside the dock. The driver sat stiffly without turning as the two passengers watched the final few crates being lowered through the hatch. The heavier man in civilian clothes slouched tiredly while the other, who was wearing an officer’s naval uniform, spied Tombs and waved.

Tombs stepped across the plank onto the dock, approached the carriage, and saluted smartly. “An honor, Admiral, Mr. Secretary. I didn’t think either of you would have time for a farewell.”

Admiral Raphael Semmes, famed for his exploits as captain of the Confederate sea wolf,
and now commander of the James River squadron of ironclad gunboats, nodded and smiled through a heavily waxed moustache and a small goatee protruding beneath his lower lip. “A regiment of Yankees couldn’t have kept me from seeing you off.”

Stephen Mallory, Secretary of the Confederate States Navy, stretched out a hand. “Too much is riding on you for us not to take the time to wish you luck.”

“I’ve a stout ship and a brave crew,” said Tombs with confidence. “We’ll break through.”

Semmes’ smile faded and his eyes filled with foreboding. “If you find it impossible, you must burn and scuttle the ship in the deepest part of the river so that our archives can never be salvaged by the Union.”

“The charges are in place and primed,” Tombs assured Semmes. “The bottom hull will be blown away, dropping the weighted crates in the river mud while the ship continues a safe distance away under full steam before sinking.”

Mallory nodded. “A sound plan.”

The two men in the carriage exchanged strange knowing looks. An awkward moment passed. Then Semmes said, “I’m sorry to lay another burden on your shoulders at the last moment, but you will also be responsible for a passenger.”

“Passenger?” Tombs repeated grimly. “No one who values his life I trust.”

“He has no choice in the matter,” Mallory muttered.

“Where is he?” Tombs demanded, gazing around the dock. “We’re almost ready to cast off.”

“He will arrive shortly,” replied Semmes.

“May I ask who

“You will recognize him easily enough,” said Mallory. “And pray the enemy also identifies him should you need to put him on display.”

“I don’t understand.”

Mallory smiled for the first time. “You will, my boy, you will.”

“A piece of information you may find useful,” said Semmes, changing the subject. “My spies report that our former ironclad ram, the
captured last year by Yankee monitors, has been pressed into service by the Union navy and is patrolling the river above Newport News.”

Tombs brightened. “Yes, I see. Since the
has the same general shape and approximate dimensions she could be mistaken for the
in the dark.”

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