Read Safeword: Matte Online

Authors: Candace Blevins

Safeword: Matte (11 page)

BOOK: Safeword: Matte
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Sam felt herself blush from her toes to her scalp, and discovered she was speechless. When she saw Francisco get a knowing grin, it got worse. She tried to talk but ended up sputtering, and that made him laugh and say, “I’ve made the big shot attorney speechless, that’s gotta be a first.”

Sam was still trying to figure out what to say when she saw Ethan walking their way, and she smiled at him, relieved for the interruption. He spoke to both of them when he talked, “Tom and a few of the others are going to drive to South Pittsburgh tomorrow morning and ride bikes up Monteagle, going by Foster Falls and stopping for a short hike, then biking the rest of the way to Tracy City before riding down the mountain back to the vehicles. It’ll be an all day thing – you interested? Temps should start out in the fifties and only go into the high sixties, should be a good day for it.”

“Yeah, sure, but…” Gee, how could she say,
if you don’t tear my pussy up too bad tonight
, with Francisco standing here? She couldn’t so she gave him a look she hoped conveyed her thoughts and he grinned and said, “Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind. So I should tell him we’ll meet him in South Pittsburg at eight thirty?”

“We’ll come with you to tell him.” She looked at Francisco. “You want to come, too? Sounds like a fun day.”

“I’d love to, but I’ve got other plans.”

She laughed. “Someday you’ll let us meet her, right?”

He gave her an odd look, but quickly recovered with a short laugh, “If there’s ever a girl for you to meet, sure.”


* * * *


Ethan and Sam stopped by his place to get his bike and the clothes he’d need the next day before going back to her place. She opened her garage door when they got there, so he could park in the garage, and they secured both bikes to his truck and packed up the food and water they’d need the next day before they did anything else.

While they were getting everything ready Sam said, “I have a few requests.”

“I’m listening.”

“You need to keep in mind I’ll be on a skinny bike seat tomorrow, so don’t tear me up too bad. Please. Also, I’d like to go for a swim tonight, it’s a beautiful night. Chilly, but the pool’s heated so we’ll be good once we get in. Remember I have neighbors who can see my pool from their houses, though, so no funny stuff while we’re swimming. And…”

She stopped, not really wanting to say what she wanted to ask for. He walked to her, lifting her chin gently with the tips of his fingers, “Say it Samantha.”

She looked into his eyes, the intensity shooting through her, making her need even greater. “I need pain tonight. I mean, I want to be warmed up, I want endorphins with my pain, but it’s like I’m craving it or something.”

He smiled. “Well then, we’re in luck, because I need to give you pain.”


* * * *


When they came in from their swim Ethan headed Sam to the shower and lathered her hair up, giving her a nice scalp massage as he washed it.

“I can wash my own hair, Ethan, but that feels fantastic.”

“Let me pamper you a bit. I like taking care of you, and you normally only let me do it when you’re being submissive.”

Sam’s heart skipped a few beats. She wasn’t sure exactly how to respond, so she didn’t say anything. He rinsed her hair and then started working the conditioner through it, his fingers working magic on her scalp, making it easy to relax and enjoy the sensations. When he’d rinsed the conditioner he leaned her against the wall and began soaping her breasts down. He shifted forward and whispered into her ear, “You’ve gone into submissive mode.”

When he pulled back she nodded her head. “Yes, Sir. I have.”

After working his way down to her feet he had her turn around so he could work on her back. His hands slid on her skin, working the muscles a little as they moved. It drove her crazy. When he reached her pussy and ass she started moaning, which made him stop and reach for the removable showerhead and begin rinsing. He was such a sadist, even when there was no pain involved.

Once he’d made sure she was dry, she found herself seated at her vanity as he combed her hair out and reached for the blow dryer. Sam was already relaxed and pliable, and the warm air flowing around her while Ethan manipulated her hair, working the air through it, felt like something out of a dream. She was lost in the sensations when the noise of the blow dryer shut off and she was lifted into his arms, cradled as one would hold an infant. He turned sideways to walk through the door, being careful not to knock her head on the door frame, and placing her gently onto the bed before turning to his toybag, opening it and pulling the wrist and ankle cuffs out.

Samantha let him place the cuffs on her, watching as he buckled each one, double checking the fit as he went. When they were on he said, “You may speak tonight, but you must use a sign of respect. During dinner I decided to pay a lot of attention to your clit, but with the bike ride tomorrow I’ve decided an evening of breast torture will be more appropriate.”

She watched as he walked back to his toybag and pulled a single strap out of it, with a huge knot tied into one end and a metal loop sewn into the other. It was webbed like a seat belt, but narrower. Maybe cut from a backpack strap. Or, more likely, some sort of strapping they used in the moving business, since it looked like the length was adjustable. He tossed the top of it over her bathroom door and closed it, so the knot was trapped on the other side. He used his finger to motion her to him, and she stood and walked. Ethan was the first man she could do this with –– walk to and be put into bondage without even considering rebelling.

He situated her so her hands were hooked to the metal loop over her head and tightened the strap so she could stand flat footed, but just barely.

“I have more straps, if you think I need to restrain your feet as well.”

When she shook her head, indicating it wasn’t necessary, he said, “If you so much as hint you’re thinking of kicking me, I’ll put them on, too.”

He pulled an ugly looking short flogger out of the toybag, kind of odd since he usually carried his floggers in a tube, to protect the leather. But this one didn’t look leather. He answered her question before she asked it.

“This is made from four bicycle inner tubes. Kind of fitting, since we’ll be riding on them tomorrow. It’s pretty brutal, and I want to start out with it tonight. I want to give you sixteen strokes, four on each side of each breast. Fast, without recovery time. I want to hear your screams right off the bat, Samantha. Tell me you want me to.”

The bitch of it was that she did want him to. It terrified her, but she wanted this, his voice went straight to her pussy and set her on fire. “Yes, Sir. I want… I want it. Please.”

His green eyes moved from her eyes down to her breasts as he stepped to her and raised his hand to strike. He started with her left breast – two sharp strokes to the outside immediately followed by two sharp strokes to the inside. Without pausing he moved to her right breast – two to the inside, two to the outside. A split second after the strands left the outside of her left breast, she felt them crashing into the outside of her left breast as he started the pattern again. Harder. The rubber bit into her skin; it felt more like being flayed than being flogged. She was screaming long before he was done, and had to stop her reflexes from kicking out at him with her feet. When he stopped, he stepped back and looked at her, reaching down to palm his cock, which had gone from mostly soft to rock hard in those sixteen strokes. Ethan put the rubber flogger down and pulled a bag of clothespins out of his toybag.

He began at the bottom of her left breast and made a huge spiral, moving around and around and finally reaching her nipple. She closed her eyes, trying to deal with the sensations, and felt his hand feather through them. She pulled in a huge lungful of air as her eyes flew open, just in time to see him reaching for more clothespins as he began a mirror image spiral on her right breast. Sam felt her eyes starting to water at the pain, she could handle impact play better than clothespins, where the pain stayed as a constant, gradually growing and growing until it was unbearable.

When he had them on both breasts he stepped back to look at his handiwork, then stepped forward and reached down, spreading her legs and fingering around her clit before pushing a single finger into her pussy.

“You’re wet, Samantha. Let’s fill that pussy, shall we?”

Samantha watched him dig around in his toybag and pull out a large dildo – not as big as him, but still one of the bigger ones she’d seen. The two of them had sanitized and then run all of his washable toys through the dishwasher a few weeks back, so she’d seen everything he had, but still, seeing it now, when it was about to be inserted, it looked too big. He put it up near her mouth and she opened, doing her best to wet it with her saliva. When he finally pulled it out of her mouth he bent down, looping her right leg over his shoulder as he slowly worked the dildo into her. When it was in he put her leg back down, saying, “As long as you keep your legs together, your thighs should hold it in. Don’t let it drop.”

The clothespins were really starting to hurt, she was close to saying yellow when she saw he was about to start flogging them off with one of the large leather floggers. She screamed at the first stroke, as it knocked several clothespins off with the impact. It took forever for him to get them all off, but once the majority of them were off it wasn’t so bad. It hurt, but it turned into a good hurt. When the last one finally fell he tossed the flogger onto the bed and pulled out a bundle of hemp rope.

Five minutes later she was in a different kind of agony, the scratchy hemp rope binding her breasts. They felt as if they were swelling more and more against the ropes with every heartbeat fighting its way through them. She didn’t have large breasts, they weren’t tiny either, but with them bound, they felt huge. He pulled two pairs of chopsticks out, and began using rubber bands on the ends of the chopsticks, to mash her nipples between them.

The pain was exquisite, and she felt an orgasm barreling towards her like a freight train.

“Oh, God, I think I’m going to –– Sir! I need to come!”

Ethan looked up to her face, looked her in the eyes, and casually said, “No. You don’t have permission.” He went back to work on the rubber bands, tightening the chopsticks even more.

It was so close, she could feel it rising, getting closer and closer. “I don’t think I can stop it. Please don’t punish me, I can’t... I can’t!” It started as she said the final words, the spasms beginning in her pussy, fighting with the dildo inside her, working their way through her body. She had no control over it, she was just along for the ride. And what a ride it was. When it was over her nipples were suddenly hurting, and not in a good way. The pain was too much and she started telling him it was too much.

“You came without permission. You can keep the chop-sticks on for the three more minutes I had planned –– the three minutes you could have handled if you hadn’t lost your edge by having an unsanctioned orgasm. Or I can take them off now and you’ll take two punishment strokes of the stainless steel cane. Your choice, but with the bike ride tomorrow you may want to consider the bruises the cane will leave.”

Three minutes would be fucking-forever, but the stainless cane? Shit. She saw his hand reaching to take the chopsticks off and she said, “No. Sir. Please, I’ll keep them on. Shit, they hurt.”

He pulled his hand back. “Yes. I know. We’re going to work on teaching you more control over your orgasms. I want to be clear I’m not upset with you, but I want you to understand there will be consequences for not being able to hold it back.”

He began loosening the bindings on her breasts, sending the blood flowing into them, and making the nipples hurt worse and worse. Sam reached above her hands for the strap, pulling herself up on it, taking her weight off of her feet, trying to deal with the excruciating pain. She felt the water in her eyes reaching a critical mass, and when a tear spilled out of them, she was helpless to stop it. Ethan saw the tear and reached for her opposite cheek, holding her head, making eye contact. It seemed they looked into each other’s eyes for an eternity, and finally he said, “Okay Samantha, time’s up, but it’s going to hurt worse when they come off.”

He took them off as gently as possible, but he wasn’t joking about it hurting worse. When the blood flowed back into the nipples she couldn’t scream, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything – the pain froze her in place. Ethan massaged her breasts, not touching her nipples. When he first started she thought it was worse, but within seconds she realized he was trying to help, and not to make it hurt worse. She looked up, her mouth dry. “Thank you. Sir.”

“You’re welcome. I know you’re having trouble dealing with the pain. I love how you’re trying. I think we’re going to swap the dildo out for a slightly larger vibrating dildo in a minute – should help the situation a little.”

Sam closed her eyes, feeling cherished and loved with the way he was taking care of her, paying attention to her needs. She realized her endorphins had kicked in enough to make her a little foggy, her voice slurring just a little as she spoke. “Yeah, I think it might. I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Ethan lowered his head to hers, his lips coming to hers and engulfing her in a soul stealing kiss, both tender and powerful. When he finally pulled back he said, “I’m glad you think you’re falling for me, because I’ve already fallen for you. I love you, Samantha. I want you in my life.” He smiled and smoothed her hair back away from her face, tucking a piece behind her ear. “I’m glad we didn’t have speech restrictions today, I don’t think you’d have said that if you weren’t buzzing on endorphins. Let’s see what we can do about those endorphins, love. But I don’t think we’ll do it with a vibrator.”

BOOK: Safeword: Matte
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