Read Safeword: Davenport Online

Authors: Candace Blevins

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

Safeword: Davenport (23 page)

BOOK: Safeword: Davenport
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"What we did wasn't a normal scene, Dana. I've never taken anyone half as far before, and I'm somewhat notorious for how far I can take people."

His words hit her like a slap in the face. She'd had a grape in her hands, ready to pop it into her mouth, but dropped it into the bowl on autopilot. Speechless.

"I don't think that came out right. Let me try again. I know we can't have a relationship—you have your life in Chattanooga, and I'm not ready for anything serious. I'd like us to be friends, though.” He shook his head. “I'd want to keep in touch even if we hadn't gone so far, but we shared something... intense, last night.” He stroked her arm, and she was thankful for the contact. He continued. “I was connected to you. I
what you were feeling, where you were, what you needed. It's like I was in your head for part of it, and that's rare for me."

"So you're not saying I'm a freak of nature?"

"No! Not at all. Besides, if you're a freak, what would that make me? A monster?"

"You're not a monster."

"And you're not a freak. With that out of the way, I don't think you should drive home today. Brent said he'd talk to you about it. Has he?"

"Yeah, he said I'm welcome to stay as long as I need.” She took a bite of cantaloupe, closed her eyes briefly as she swallowed the juicy sweetness, and continued. “I can work from here tomorrow via phone and email, but I have an on-site meeting Tuesday."

She did an internal inventory of her pain level while seated. “My ass is sore, but bearable."

"But your back's a different story.” His gaze was compassionate, but not sorry. She was thankful—it would diminish the experience if he were remorseful.

"Right—but I'm not complaining. It was totally worth it."

"If you don't mind my asking, how did you deal with healing time... before."

"He planned the extreme stuff around my days off, and he drove us home. He had lots of ways to deliver pain without causing damage; we only did this kind of thing maybe three or four times a year."

Max was quiet and Dana's heart fell into her stomach. “Wait. You're feeling guilty because you enjoyed hurting me? Please don't. Oh Max, I needed this. I hadn't realized how much of myself I was denying by not seeking it out.” She shook her head, not wanting to go there yet. “Now that I've had it again, I have to figure out how to... I don't know. It's not very submissive to demand this sort of thing, is it?"

He smiled. “I'm not a Dom, and when you're with me you aren't a sub, you're a bottom."

"Be honest, this scratched an itch for you, too. Didn't it?"

"Yes, it did. Enough that if you weren't at the start of a budding romance, I'd be talking to you about exploring how far we could push the edges, and how to take you where I did last night without marking you up so much. But you're ready for a relationship, and I'm not in a place to make commitments.” His smile was sad. “Our timing sucks, but that's okay. I wish you the best with him, and hope it works out."

"The offer's still there for friendship though, right?"

"Definitely. It's time for me to go, and for you to call your guy. You need to hear his voice, and I bet he feels the same. I wrote all of my contact information on a card and gave it to Brent, so he could make sure you leave with it. If you'd like me to have yours, I'd appreciate it, but I understand if you don't."

"Oh, Max, you're special, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Whoever gave you up is an idiot. Of course you can have my contact info. I'd also like a kiss, please, and not the kind between friends. Help me slide this tray down so we can stand."

He helped her up, pulling her to him as she stood, one hand on the small of her back as the other tilted her head, and he leaned in—taking control without dominating. Dana's lips parted for him, her arms reaching around him as the kiss took on a life of its own and then slowly ebbed, naturally. A fitting goodbye.

"I'm glad you wanted to come back with us last night. Thanks for taking care of me."

"I got you this way, least I could do was make sure you're okay. Now, have a seat and call your man. Brent put your cellphone in the pocket of the robe."

She watched him go, and found the phone where Max said it'd be. Zach answered on the first ring, and she told him everything that'd happened since she arrived. He was silent during most of her story, asking brief questions to clarify. She didn't soften anything, and was careful to state the facts as she remembered them—being clear about her feelings for Jacob, and the things she'd felt when topping him. Zach valued honesty, and she knew they didn't have a chance of surviving if she didn't lay it all out for him.

He hadn't expected her to get involved sexually with Jacob, and certainly didn't imagine she'd have group sex with three men at the club. He'd thought it'd be platonic at the house with Brent and his partner, with the only playing taking place at the dungeon. She could tell he was blindsided, but to his credit he remained calm and questioned her about how she was feeling, where she was emotionally.

"I've never Topped before, I'm deciding whether I might be a switch. And with Max—bottoming instead of submitting—I liked it. I realize you're more Dom than sadist, and I'm sorry I seem to not know exactly what I am..."

He interrupted. “No apologies. You're figuring it out. You
submissive, of that I'm sure, but maybe you're branching out.” He breathed out in irritation. “I hate doing this over the phone. Can I come to you? I can rent a car and be there in about three hours. That way I can meet Brent and Jacob, Max too, if he's still around. And I can turn the rental in there and drive you home in your car."

Her heart jumped—he wanted to come to her, even though he was probably upset. She'd like him to see Brent and Jacob together, so he'd know how strong their relationship is, and so he would understand her fondness for Jacob fell into a different category than her feelings for Zach. Plus, she needed to know if she'd still feel submissive to him.

"I'd like to see you, too. Max is gone, but let me get Brent in here. He gave me a cordless, showed me how to use it as an intercom."

She was halfway through explaining Zach wanted to rent a car and drive up when Brent interrupted with, “An excellent plan. I'd love to meet him, and I'm sure Jacob would, too. He's welcome to stay the night, it'll be late when he gets here, and the two of you can head back tomorrow. Hand me the phone so I can invite him and give him the address, does he have GPS? Will he need directions?"

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Chapter Eighteen
* * * *

Dana awoke to the sound of Brent, Jacob, and Zach talking quietly. She remembered Jacob rubbing more of Brent's ointment onto her welts, knots, and bruises after lunch, and she must have fallen asleep as he was massaging it in.

She heard Brent's voice rise. “I think she's awake."

Zach walked into her view and leaned down. “How're you feeling?"

"Pretty good while I'm on my side.” She realized she had a sheet over her, thought about pulling it around her as she sat up, but changed her mind.

"There should be a robe...” She looked around, saw it on a nearby chair, and motioned. “Brent's letting me use that one. Can you pass it to me so I can sit up, please?"

Brent reached for Jacob's hand. “Dana dear, Jacob and I'll be downstairs pulling a meal together. The two of you should have about thirty minutes to talk before we'll have dinner ready. Okay?"

"Brent, you're doing too much, you should let me order some food in. The last thing I remember was eating lunch, it can't be that late."

He laughed. “You most certainly aren't ordering dinner in, and your body's been through a lot, it needs sleep. You've had a three-hour nap, which means it's time to eat again. We'll see you in a bit."

When they were gone she eyed Zach, then the robe in his hand. He walked to her and dragged the sheet back a few inches, leaning over to examine her shoulders. He pulled slowly, giving her a chance to stop him, but she figured he'd need to see it eventually, may as well be now. She'd seen it earlier, and as bad as it hurt, it looked worse than it felt. She rolled onto her stomach, gritting her teeth as her sensitive breasts pushed into the bed, but wanted to give him the full view.

He didn't say anything for too long, and Dana had to break the silence. “I asked for more. He stopped before I was ready for him to."

"I know. Brent explained a few things. Why didn't you tell me you needed this level of pain?"

"I didn't think I did anymore, but now that I've had it, I realize I do. Not often, maybe three or four times a year, tops—but I didn't know how much I'd missed it until I experienced it again."

He helped her up and held the robe as she put it on. She reached for the belt to close it and he said, “No. Leave it open."

Something shifted inside her, and she responded to his voice, her hands dropping to her sides and her clit pulsing to life. She looked at him in surprise and a corner of his mouth turned up.

"Still wondering if you're submissive?"

"Apparently I am to you, Sir, even if I'm not to others."

He nodded, smiling. “Yes, it seems so. Do you need a bigger demonstration?"

Dana slid the robe from her shoulders, draping it over the bed behind her in one motion as it came off her hand. She stood before him naked, with him fully clothed, and it felt right.

"Yes, Sir. I think I do. Thank you for... just... Thanks."

His gaze fell to the bruises and flogger marks on her chest. “Today's a healing day for you, so this will be mostly D/s I'm afraid. Brent showed me the playroom; let's head in there, shall we?"

He motioned for her to walk in front of him, so she led the way, noting he carried a duffel bag.

"Lean over the sawhorse, it's padded, but I don't think any of your bruises will touch it. There are handles at the base, grab the lowest ones you can reach and spread your legs to the width of the supports. I'm not restraining you, I expect you to hold yourself in position."

"Yes, Sir."

She heard a zipper and opened her eyes. He was upside down to her, taking his pants and boxers off. Within moments he'd donned a condom and was lubing it.

"You're going to submit to this—you will let me in, and you're not allowed to come."

She felt his cock at her ass, pushing in. She couldn't relax, couldn't get the muscles to do her bidding.

"I'm not upset with you, Dana—that's not what this is about. This is about me being in control, me dominating your body. Let. Me. In."

Her muscles surrendered, opening as he drove in, but before long it was too much, and she whimpered in pain.

"Yes, I know it hurts. But you're going to stay put and allow my cock to force your ass open, aren't you?"

Her body wanted to flee, adrenaline demanding a shift into fight or flight mode, but she stubbornly held onto the handles, forced herself to remain still, and concentrated on not tensing around the intrusion.

He didn't just thrust straight in at full speed, but he wasn't giving her time to adjust, either. He kept coming in, no stopping, no pausing. She squealed in anguish as the burn intensified, wishing her pussy had something in it instead. Her ass was still a little sore from the night before, too, but the memory made her clench on the emptiness even more.

When he was finally all the way in, he touched her sides, caressing her a bit, before placing his hands on the sawhorse beside her hips again.

"This is about my pleasure, Dana, not yours. If you climax I'll pussy whip you with my rubber flogger. Twenty lashes. Punishment strokes. Are you going to come?"

"No. No, Sir."

He pulled practically all the way out, and smoothly plunged back in. Once, twice, three times... and then he picked up speed and began fucking her, slamming his hips into her bruised ass. She could tell he was setting his rhythm to satisfy his own lust, using her to reach his completion while denying her, and the objectification made her empty pussy almost begin to spasm. She breathed in, concentrated on her control, and kept the orgasm at bay. Barely.

When at last he went in and held, leaning over her and growling as he came, she felt only relief it was over. She opened her eyes as he pulled out, watching him upside down as he disposed of the condom in the trashcan.

He walked back, still semi-hard. “You can stand now. Turn, kneel, and clean me off."

She rose, gave her body a moment to steady, and rotated—sinking to her knees, feeling the stretch of her swollen ass. Zach stepped in front of her and she took the bitter-saltiness of him into her mouth. She ran her tongue around, withdrew, and then let him slide back in. She'd been a little envious of Jacob kneeling beside his Master, and it felt right to be at her Master's feet now. He let her work his cock a few minutes longer and moved back. “Very good, pet. Rise and face me, I need to ask you a question."

She did as instructed, her heart soaring at the term of endearment and—looking him in the eyes—sank farther into surrender as he fastened his pants and she stood before him, naked.

"Brent intended we discuss a few things when we join them, but if you want more of this we can put that off. I'll plug you and you'll be submissive while we eat, and we can all talk later. If this has given you what you need then I'll give you a touch of pain and release you until dinner's over."

She sighed. “As good as this feels, not having to make decisions, belonging to you—we all need to talk. You'll take charge again later?"

"If you still want me to."

"Okay, then."

He nodded and reached between her legs, his fingers probing her folds, latching onto her clit, and squeezing. She trembled, gasping as the sensation blossomed from bliss to pain. She tried to step back but only pulled at the root, forcing her towards him again.

She looked up and froze as their eyes met, his expression intense.

figure this out, pet. If you discover you're a switch, we'll make it work. I'll never submit to you, but I won't deny you the opportunity to Top others. Tell me what you want."

BOOK: Safeword: Davenport
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