Sadie (16 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy

BOOK: Sadie
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I smiled. I liked how
much he loved his family. It reminded me of my brother and our relationship. “Well, she’ll remarry eventually. Even if she does start supporting them on her own when she starts working again, she’ll have a partner to help her raise the kids. She won’t be alone.”

His eyes turned sad. “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”


“It’s been three years and she hasn’t even looked at another man. They were high school sweethearts. I really don’t think she’s going to move on—ever. And I’m not going to push her. I’ve never lost a spouse. I can’t imagine how painful that is.”

I nodded.

“And she has kids to think about. I don’t think she wants another man in their life besides me, which I don’t mind. But when the kids refer to me as their dad, I feel horrible. Elisa always corrects them but they keep doing it. I don’t think they remember their father.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah. I wish things were different. I hate seeing m
y sister in pain. It’s the worst. She does a really good job of hiding it, but when it’s just me and her, I can see it. Knowing I can’t do anything just makes it unbearable.”

I nodded. “I understand. Whenever my brother is suffering
, I can’t stand it.”

“You understand perfectly.”

“I do.”

“So, this changes nothing?”

“I think I lo—like you even more.”

“Good. I was hoping that was the case.”

“I don’t care about money, Ethan. You’ve probably figured that out by now.”

“Yeah. It’s another reason why I like you so much.
And this isn’t permanent. Just for another year or two.”

“And I just thought it was because I was a virgin.”

His eyes lit up. “Well, that helped. I enjoy knowing that I’m the only man you’ve been with. It makes me hard just thinking about it.”

Knowing he was so attracted to me still surprised me. I still felt hideous compared to th
e beautiful man beside me. He could have whoever he wanted, but he only wanted me. The knowledge baffled me at times.

A loud knock on the door made us both flinch. I didn’t want to answer it. If it was my brother, he would flip out. If it were my friends, they would want to talk about Ethan. And if it was Alex—I didn’t want to think about that possibility.

“Expecting company?”

“It’s probably my brother. He comes by to check on me.”

He sighed. “I guess I’ll have to talk to him eventually.”

The knocking continued.

Ethan rose to his feet and dressed himself. “Let me talk to him.”

“No. It has to be me. He’ll be livid when he sees you.”

“I don’t care. I need to explain the situation to him. I’m not a coward. I need to clear my name.”

I got up and dressed myself. We both left the bedroom and approached the front door. When I opened it, I felt my heart fall. It was Alex. Damn.

His eyes widened when he saw Ethan standing behind me.

I held Ethan back before he could rush Alex. “Don’t touch him, Ethan.”

He stilled at my command. His look of fury was reserved for Alex. The stare was intense. His body tightened as his muscles flexed. He was ready to rip Alex to pieces.

I turned back to Alex. “Please go away, Alex. I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

Ethan stepped in front of me. “Get the fuck away from her.”

“Ethan,” I snapped. “Don’t hit him.”

He didn’t look at me. “Baby, I heard you.”

Alex ignored him. “Sadie, please talk to me.”

Ethan stepped closer to him. “You tricked her into spending the evening with you when you knew she was seeing me—her boyfriend. I never liked you. I’ve only been around you once and I saw you eye-fucking the shit out her. I caught you in her bedroom alone, holding her hand. I let all of that go because I thought you were her friend, but this shit is unforgivable. You aren’t allowed to see Sadie anymore. You come near her, I’ll fucking kill you.”

Alex stepped back.

Ethan glared at him. “I mean it. You threw her friendship away when you disrespected both of us. I trust Sadie—but I have no trust for you. She’s mine—mine. Only mine. Now fuck off.”

Alex stepped to the side and looked at me over Ethan’s shoulder. “How can you just take him back after what he did to you? What the hell is wrong with you, Sadie? This guy is an asshole. You’re better than this.”

I pulled Ethan back but he didn’t budge. I moved in front of him but he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to his chest. I felt like I was on a leash, unable to get away. “Alex, that was a misunderstanding. He wasn’t cheating on me.”

He shook his head. “How can you believe this liar? When did you become so gullible?”

I took a deep breath. Alex was pissing me off. “It was his sister and her kids. That’s it.”

“Yeah, I
bet,” he said sarcastically.

Ethan moved forward but I held him back.

“This is none of your business anyway,” I said. “Please stay out of it.”

Ethan tightened his hold on my waist. “Now leave or I’ll make you leave.”

Alex stared at me for a long moment. I knew he felt helpless and angry, but he didn’t know Ethan like I did. I knew he wasn’t lying. He shook his head and walked away. After he got inside the elevator, I saw it move upwards. I knew he was going to see my brother.

We walked back into the apartment and I locked the door behind us.

“The second battle is coming.”

Ethan paced in front of me, his anger evident in his posture. His arms shook and his back was rigid. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

I knew he wasn’t angry at me but the comment made me flinch. “My brother will be coming shortly.”

“Great,” he snapped.

“Ethan, we’ll work this out.”

“I know. We have to. I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t.”

“I’ll never come between you and your brother. I refuse to do that. I have to make this work. I’m not
as selfish as everyone thinks I am.”

“He’ll come around, Ethan. Just don’t hit him.”

“I would never.”

“Well, you were about to punch Alex in the face.”

“That’s completely different. That fucker deserves to die. He doesn’t care about you. He just wants to get his dick wet in your perfect pussy—my pussy. I’m the only one that gets to come inside you. That fucker needs to realize that. If I have to kill him, I will.”

I wrapped my ar
ms around his neck and kissed him. He immediately melted at my touch. After I inserted my tongue into his mouth, he moaned. When his body relaxed and he wasn’t acting like a crazy asshole, I pulled away. “I’m yours, Ethan. The only way Alex will be with me is if it’s against my will.”

His eyes widened. “Don’t even talk like that.”

“Ethan, you never have to worry about that. Alex can do—say—whatever he wants. It changes nothing. I want to be with you—just you.”

He rubbed his nose against mine. “Okay, baby.”

“Please calm down.”

“I’m calm.”

“Promise that you’ll never hit Alex.”

He shook his head. “No.”


“I won’t punch him unless he deserves it.”

“Ethan,” I pressed.

“I can’t make that
promise. If he touches you against your will and tries to force you to do anything, I’ll kill him. I can’t promise that I won’t.”

“Well, only then are you allowed to hit him.”



As soon as the dust settled, my brother pounded on the door. “I’m coming in!” He inserted his key in the lock and opened it.

Ethan pulled away from me and took a deep breath. It was just one obstacle after another.

When my brother was inside, he marched up to Ethan. “Get the fuck away from my sister!” He pulled back his arm to punch him, but Ethan caught his hand and held it still. He didn’t retaliate, which I was grateful for.

I looked at him.
“Jared, calm down. I can explain everything.”

“I’m not going to let you date
this asshole. He’s a cheater and will always be a cheater.”

“Jared, listen to me,” I begged.

My brother pulled back his hand and punched Ethan in the chin. Ethan took the hit but didn’t strike back. His eyes shined with anger and I knew he was livid. He stepped back and missed the next punch aimed his way.

“Jared! Stop this now!” I stood in front of Ethan and blocked him with my body.

“Why are you protecting this asshole?” my brother snapped. “He’s a coward hiding behind you.”

I glared at my brother. “The only reason he hasn’t punched you back is because he would never hurt my family. Now calm down and listen to me.”

“You’re wasting your time. I hate this fucker. I’m not going to change my mind.”

e didn’t cheat on me.”

“That’s what this piece of shit said?”

“Jared, listen to me.”

, you listen to me!” he snapped. “I’m your goddamn brother, your best friend. How can you possibly be with someone that I’m this uncomfortable with? Not only do I dislike him, but I hate him. I don’t want him for you. You deserve better than this. You’re completely disrespecting me in every way. I would never keep a girl around that you hated this much. Where is your loyalty, Sadie?”

“But your reasons for disliking him aren’t valid,” I said.

“Cheating is a valid reason.”

“He didn’t cheat on me. He was with his sister and her kids. I jumped to conclusions.”

He rolled his eyes. “I know you’re better than this, Sadie.”

Ethan pushed me aside. “I’m not lying. I live with my sister and her kids. I’m with them all the time.”

“And I’m supposed to believe that? That doesn’t even make sense.”

“My sister is a widow. I’m her provider. I can’t afford to pay rent on two different places so we live together. I’m a second parent. If you need proof, come to di
nner with us tomorrow. You can meet them.”

My brother was quiet for a momen
t. “And how will I know if they are the same people Sadie saw you with?”

Ethan crossed his arms over his chest. “If I was married or had children, I think my sister would know about it,” he snapped. “And my wife wouldn’t lie for me so I could have an affair. If you gave me a chance, you would see that I’ve really changed and I’m not a piece of shit anymore. I care about Sadie. I won’t hurt her like that.”

Jared shook his head. “If you think I’m going to just blindly trust you, then you’re an idiot.”

“I didn’t ask you to trust me. I’m asking for a chance. Let me prove you wrong, Jared. You huddle around my desk like a fly on the wall. You follow me after work to see where I go. When I’m not being stalked by you, I’m either with
the kids or with Sadie. I have nothing to hide. Tap my phone, put a tracker on it, I don’t give a shit. Just give me a chance—a real one.”

Jared said nothing.

“Come to dinner with us tomorrow,” I said. “You’ll see that he’s telling the truth. Ethan isn’t lying. He’s with me all the time. He sleeps with me every night.”

shifted his weight at my words. I knew that last bit of information made him uncomfortable, that I was having sex with Ethan. “I’ll do it. I’ll see if you are really everything you say you are, Ethan.”

He nodded. “Thank you.”

Jared turned and walked over the threshold. I followed him outside then closed the door behind us.


“What?” he said, looking at me.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “Please give him a ch
ance. I really want this to work.”

He shook his head. “Why do you pick the shitty ones? Why? This is like my worst nightmare. I have to protect you. You’re asking me to go against everything I believe in. This is torture.”

“I know,” I whispered. “But please do this for me. I know I’m right about him.”

“And what if you

I was quiet for a moment. “I’ll accept the consequences.”

He sighed. “You don’t get it. Whatever pain you thought you felt this week was nothing compared to my agony. It kills me to see you hurt. I can’t take it. Please pick someone else—anyone else.”

“I only love him.”

He ran his fingers through his hair. “Why do you have to make my life such a pain, Sadie?”

I smiled. “Because I’m your baby sister. It’s in my nature.”

“Sadie, I really hope that I’m wrong. I want to be wrong, but I really don’t think that I am.”

“I understand that you’re just trying to take care of me, but please just
be supportive. I’m not going to change my mind about this. You may as well just accept it.”

His eyes sagged. “So you pick him over me?”

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