Sacred Knight of the Veil (29 page)

Read Sacred Knight of the Veil Online

Authors: T C Southwell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Epic

BOOK: Sacred Knight of the Veil
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"We may meet other travellers. It is better to be prepared."

She smiled. "You look funny with a moustache."

"Good. As long as I do not look like a Jashimari. Although the kingdoms are no longer at war, we are not well received in Cotti."

"Chiana says there is increasing trade between us and Cotti."

"We are not traders, so they will think we are spies."

Kerra turned to gaze into the distance. "Do you think she is all right, Blade?"

"You will call me Jarran while we are in Cotti. And you will be Kestra."

She frowned at him. "You did not answer my question."

He sighed. "She is all right. Endor cannot do too much damage."

"Do you care?"

"She is my wife."

"That is not an answer."

"It is all you are going to get. Go and find something to burn, there should be some dried dung lying around that we can use."

Kerra pulled a face, but rose to search for droppings, leaving Blade gazing after her. The change in the young queen was quite remarkable, and he knew that most of it stemmed from her desire to please him. Chiana had been a poor substitute for a mother, since she had been far too lenient, treating Kerra as a queen instead of a child.

Kerra longed for a firm adult hand against which she dared not rebel, and she had found that in him, along with an attraction that stirred up adolescent desires, apparently. His threats of a spanking had been empty, but had brought about the desired effect, curtailing her pride and disdain for those of lesser rank. A few tendays ago, she would have flown into a rage at the mere mention of picking up dried horse manure, but now she complied without protest. She returned with a handful and some dead palm fronds, which he broke up to make the fire.

The following day, they set out across the desert once more, heading into a shimmering nothingness that seemed to stretch on forever. At night, the cold forced them to share a leather tent, and Kerra woke Blade often as she shifted in her sleep, for he was used to sleeping alone. The wig was hot and itched, and the moustache kept peeling off, but at least sweat did not wash off the skin dye.

They met a caravan of Cotti traders, who paused to exchange courtesies and the strong sweet tea they drank, which Blade loathed. The encounter assured him that his disguise was passable, and, although the men stared at Kerra, she kept her eyes lowered as he had ordered. He wore a strip of thin black muslin over his eyes, which filtered out much of the glare, and was acceptable attire for a desert traveller. They passed through a town, where Blade bought more supplies and no one gave them a second glance, then carried on towards Jadaya. He was sure that Trelath would not have taken Minna more than two days ride from the capital, and plotted a route that took them around it at that distance.


After six days, they detoured to visit a town and buy more supplies, listening to the local gossip at an inn. Kerra was surprised that unveiled women in revealing outfits served the beverages, whom the customers pawed and sometimes took upstairs. In a society where women were kept cloistered and hidden, she had not expected to find harlots plying their trade so blatantly. It had taken a little time for her to become used to such things in Jashimari.

When she asked Blade about it, he told her that the whores belonged to the inn's owner, and he received whatever money they made from their trade. She found this even more shocking, for slavery had been outlawed in Cotti, but he pointed out that its being illegal did not prevent it from happening. Like other crimes, it continued on a lesser scale, hidden from the law.

Much of the gossip in the tavern related to the King's stolen wife. Most men thought Kerrion a fool to search for her, and especially to allow himself to be blackmailed. Their opinions were typical of Cotti. They thought he should find a younger wife, or several of them, and a few concubines as well.

As for his daughter being forced to become Endor's captive and concubine, well, there was nothing wrong with that. The King should have given her to his brother, in any case, if Endor desired the girl. Kerra gasped and choked on her glass of water when she heard this, earning herself a stern glance from Blade. He sipped his sour young wine and strained to hear more from the men who sat at nearby tables, but there was nothing else of interest.


Just as Blade was considering retiring for the night, an evil looking individual slid onto the bench seat opposite him, making Kerra glance around in surprise. The man leered at her, then turned to Blade, his dark eyes gleaming with lecherous greed. Blade's hackles rose, and he noted the man's glance at the dagger sheaths on his wrists. Without the protection of his tattoo, however, their threat was debatable, since many men carried weapons, but could not necessarily use them well.

Blade had removed the sun screen, for he knew that in the tavern's dimness his eyes would appear dark, reflecting their surroundings. Judging by his garb, the sly looking man was a trader of mediocre success, his wealth displayed as thick gold earrings and chains around his neck, as well as his rich velvet robe. He leant across the table, inviting the assassin to do the same with a meaningful look. When he did not, the trader addressed him in a conspiratorial tone.

"Your woman looks young, friend. Any thoughts of trading her?"

Blade kept his face impassive. "No. And I'm not your friend."

The man raised his hands. "No need to be touchy. I have a string of excellent horses with me, and I'll trade you three of the finest for her, if she's pretty."

"She's ugly."

The man shot Kerra a measuring glance. "You don't look like the sort of man who keeps ugly women."

"How would you know what I like? Ugly ones are cheaper, and they're all the same in the dark."

The stranger chuckled. "True. But some lords like to collect the pretty ones. I'm offering you a good trade. Let me see..." His hand flashed out and whipped up Kerra's veil, and his eyes widened. "Very nice. I'll offer you four of my best horses."

Blade frowned at the man's rudeness. "I'm not interested."

"Come now, you could buy two good concubines for that, and as you say, they're all the same in the dark. Why do you refuse?"

"She's carrying my child."

"Ah." The Cotti's face fell. "Of course, that explains your reluctance."


"Well, I'm sure you have many children, as a man of your years and breeding should. I could arrange to have the child sent to you after it's born, if it's a boy."

Blade leant closer. "Do you have a hearing problem? Or don't you understand the word 'no'?"

"I'm making a generous offer..."

"I don't care."

The man sighed and raised his hands, casting a sorrowful glance at Kerra. "Very well, as you wish. Good day to you."

Blade watched him leave the taproom, frowning. The trader did not strike him as the sort to give up so easily. He had a dishonest look about him. The assassin did not trust people at the best of times, but the sly looking man made him even more suspicious than most. Finishing his wine in a gulp, he sought out the proprietor and asked for their meals to be sent to their room, then led Kerra upstairs. She turned to him as soon as he closed the door, shed the veil and headscarf and threw them on the bed.

"What a hateful man! How dare he offer to buy me? As if I was an animal!"

Blade pulled off his jelabah and moved towards his bed. Since Kerra was no longer disguised as his apprentice, he had hired a room with two beds, much to her delight. "That's how it works in Cotti. I told you."

"I wanted to slap the smug little bastard! My father would have him tortured to death!"

"Probably. But all Kerrion's good intentions have made little difference in Cotti society. His outlawing of slavery helped a few Jashimari men return home, but the women are still here, hidden." He sank down on the bed. "We will stay in the room tonight, and tomorrow we leave."

She shot him an incredulous look. "You think he will try to steal me?"

"It's highly likely."

"Even though he thinks that I am carrying your child."

Blade nodded. "There are ways of getting rid of unwanted children."

"That is horrible!"

"Then he'll get a healer to make you a virgin again."

"But I am a..." Kerra shuddered and turned away. "I do not want to know how they do that."

"Quite easily, I assure you."

"But you will not let them take me, will you?"

He smiled. "I'll do my best."

"I find that reassuring." She faced him, a soft smile curling her lips. "No one could defeat you, could they?"

The assassin laughed. "I have been beaten on a number of occasions. Don't get any ideas that I'm invincible."

"Armin did, but he had a lot of men."


"And my father, but again, you were outnumbered."

He smiled. "Sort of. I was also beaten to a pulp in an alley one night, by a few men with cudgels."

"You were drunk."

"Ah, Chiana told you about that. What about the time I was captured by a bunch of thugs and held prisoner?"

"You were taken by surprise."

He inclined his head. "And I could be again. Just as I could be outnumbered, or shot in the back with a crossbow."

"What are you trying to say?"

"That you should not think me invincible, because I'm not."

She frowned, coming closer to stand before him. "And what should I do if that happens?"

"That is a tricky question. Nowhere is safe for a woman alone in Cotti. Probably the best thing would be to tell them who you are, and hope that they ransom you to your father. At least that way you will not end up in some lord's harem."

Kerra nodded, looking doubtful, then picked up her veil as a knock on the door heralded their meal. After they had eaten a rather spicy chicken dish, Blade stretched out on his bed and closed his eyes, foiling the young queen's desire for more conversation. She curled up on her bed, tossing and turning for a while before sleep claimed her.

The soft click of the door latch being lifted woke Blade, who rolled off his bed as it was flung open, dropping to the floor on the far side. Five men entered the dark room in a rush, relying on surprise rather than stealth. Two headed for Kerra's bed, three charged over to his. A cudgel struck his pillow hard enough to splatter his brains, had his head still been there.

Kerra screamed as she was dragged from her bed, hanging on to the sheets so her abductors found themselves hauling the mattress with them. The three who had attacked the assassin groped in the darkness for his body, cursing when they did not find it. Blade sat up and yanked the two daggers from under his pillow, turning to find a target.

The abductors were silhouetted against the faint light that came through the doorway from the lamp in the hall, allowing him to see more than they could. He flung a dagger at one of the men who held the Queen, and she shrieked as blood splattered over her from his throat. The thug with the cudgel looked up to find the assassin with another dagger poised to throw and raised his weapon, but Blade stabbed him through the heart.

The other two hurdled the bed and threw themselves at him in typical Cotti fashion. Blade yanked the daggers from his wrist sheaths just before they reached him. One groaned and folded up as a hand span of cold steel pierced his chest, but the other sent Blade sprawling with a shoulder in his gut. He gasped as he was crushed beneath the larger man, the air punched from his lungs and spots dancing in his eyes. He had lost a dagger in the other man's chest, and his assailant grabbed his wrist, preventing him from using the one he held. He slapped the man's ear with his free hand, making the Cotti yelp and recoil.

Kerra kicked and struggled in her captor's grasp, but he pinned her arms, then picked her up and headed for the door.


The assassin fought for air, his throat crushed beneath his opponent's elbow as the man tried to pry the dagger from his fist. Knowing that he could not match the brawn of a man so much bigger and stronger, he went limp, letting his head loll to one side. The Cotti took the dagger from the assassin's lax fingers, then paused. Blade held his breath as he waited for the man's next move, expecting the cold steel of the dagger to be pressed to his throat. Playing dead was an effective ploy, as long as his opponent did not decide to make sure.

The Cotti seemed satisfied that he was no longer a threat, however, for he rose to his feet and headed for the door, eager to catch up with his cohort. Blade rolled to his feet in a smooth movement and yanked a dagger from one of corpses that littered the floor. The Cotti turned at the sound, and received the dagger through his throat. Blade collected his weapons and sprinted down the corridor after the Queen, his boots ringing on the wooden floor. Fortunately, he had chosen to sleep in his clothes, due to the threat of abductors. The sleepy proprietor watched him pass from the doorway of his room, holding a lamp high.

Blade yanked open the inn's front door and dashed out of it, skidding onto the sandy street. A glance up and down the road found a fleeing figure disappearing around a corner, and he raced after it. He rounded the corner as the thug vanished into a stable down the street. Blade loped after him, slowing as he approached the livery. As he had suspected, more men waited within, and he pressed himself to the wall to listen. A voice that he recognised as belonging to the sly looking trader congratulated the abductor.

"Good, you got her. Well done."

"At a price. That damned fellow killed the others."

"All of them?" The trader sounded shocked.

"All of them. I hope she's worth it."

Blade peered around the corner as the big man dumped Kerra on her feet, holding her wrists with one hand. She bent her head and bit him, and he snatched his hand away with a curse. Another man grabbed her as she tried to flee, swearing when she kicked him in the shins. He spun her around and twisted her arms behind her back, foiling her attempt to kick him again. Blade counted four men, apart from the trader, all armed with swords and knives, two of them with loaded crossbows hooked to their belts.

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