Read Sabrina's Clan Online

Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Tags: #MMF Menage Vampire Gargoyle Urban Fantasy Romance

Sabrina's Clan (32 page)

BOOK: Sabrina's Clan
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Nick smiled. “That’s why you’re here unofficially.”

Novak nodded. “Fact is, a lot of creepy shit going on around here stopped about the time your friend Summerfield got killed. The FBI is protecting you and they get into a lot of weird shit themselves, sometimes. Now, people aren’t dying in more than the usual numbers, which tells me that whatever was going on has been stopped. And I notice there’s a pile of packed suitcases over there. You’re going somewhere.”

Nyanther stirred. “I’m heading back to Scotland,” he said, his accent thicker than usual.

“So, all your business here is done,” Novak replied.

“For now.”

“What are the chances that you’ll have to come back to deal with the same issues?” Novak asked carefully.

“The same issues? No chance at all.”

Novak nodded. “That was what I was hoping you’d say,” he said softly.

“Although we’re staying right here, Nick, Damian and I,” Riley said. “This is our home.”

Novak considered all of them once more. “Good to know,” he said flatly. Then, more to himself than to any of them, he added in a low voice, “yes, very good…”

He gave them all one last nod and left.

Seven hours later, Nyanther and Sabrina landed in Fredericton International Airport, in New Brunswick, Canada.

When Sabrina had questioned Nyanther about the little hop up north before crossing over the Atlantic to Heathrow, instead of taking one of the dozens of daily direct flights, his answers had become vague and indirect. There was a gleam in his eyes that made Sabrina’s heart flutter with hope.

“All this time you’ve spent on your laptop I thought you were dealing with work issues. That’s not all you were doing, was it?” she demanded.

Nyanther shrugged. “I’m over two thousand years old, I own a billion-dollar multi-national corporation and I have two identities. I’m complicated. You’re going to have to learn to live with that.”

“Says the savage from the hills,” Damian had added.

“Pot and kettle,” Nyanther shot back.

Damian just grinned.

They cleared customs and immigration in Fredericton and found the departure lounge for the flight to Heathrow, which was another three hours away. The lounge was completely empty of even airline personnel, except for one dark haired man sitting with his back to them, looking out the observation window at the big-bellied jet that was being prepared for their flight.

Nyanther took Sabrina’s hand in his and headed for the window and the man.

Her heart fluttered. She squashed any speculation, any hope. She didn’t want to be disappointed.

Nyanther rounded the low row of seats and stood in front of the man, pulling Sabrina around with him.

Jake looked up and smiled.

There was a small toddler sitting next to him, playing with his watch. She had thick red curls, tied at the top with a green bow, and blue eyes identical to Jake’s. He picked her up and sat her on his hip as Sabrina’s thoughts scattered to the four winds, blasted apart by her surprise.

“This is Brandy,” Jake said softly. He took the girl’s hand and let her tiny fingers curl around his big forefinger.

Sabrina’s eyes stung. “I should have seen this. I should have figured it out.”

Jake shook his head. “No one knew,” he said. “My uncle wouldn’t let me see her. He didn’t want the scandal.”

Sabrina smiled at the little girl. “Her mother…?”

“Dead.” Jake sighed. “My uncle was paying private foster parents.”

“That’s how he was keeping you in line.” Horror and pity touched her. “And I shook his hand…”

She looked at Nyanther as he played with Brandy’s other hand, distracting her. “You knew.”

“He guessed,” Jake said quickly. “I only told him about her at the very end, when I couldn’t see a way out of it. He made sure the authentic adoption went through—he and his hackers.”

“Adoption?” she breathed.

Jake looked at Nyanther, startled. “You didn’t

Nyanther shook his head. “I thought you might like to do that.”

Sabrina looked at Jake expectantly.

He hoisted Brandy in his arms, resettling her. “Brandy was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Straithairn of Inverness, Scotland.”


“James Straithairn, brother to Neal Straithairn, has been living in the United States since he studied at Harvard, ten years ago. He picked Brandy up from the foster home two days ago,” Nyanther added and held out a passport to Sabrina. It was one of the red British ones, with the elaborate coat of arms on the cover. “On his way back home to England.”

“Graham sold her,” Jake said, bitterness coloring his voice. “He couldn’t wait to get rid of her. It was almost too easy.”

“The rest was a simple matter of adjusting official records, so the right people in the right place saw the right documentation to let them process a formal and proper adoption,” Nyanther said.

Sabrina took the passport and opened it.
Sabine Chloe Straithairn
. Her eyes stung with more tears. “I couldn’t fake a British accent with a gun to my head,” she whispered.

“You are naturalized British,” Jake told her, his accent as plummy and rich as Nick’s ever got. “I had the great distaste to marry an American wife.” He smiled.

Nyanther picked up Jake’s hand. “I would kiss you if I thought I could get away with it. There are too many cameras in an airport. You, though, should kiss your wife, James.”

“I’ve been wanting to since you got here,” Jake said, his voice low. “I thought my
might skin me alive if I didn’t explain everything immediately.”

“That’s a possibility. I hear she’s good with a butterfly knife,” Nyanther said. He took Brandy out of Jake’s arms and kissed her cheek and she laughed at him and gripped a lock of his unruly hair.

Jake pulled Sabrina close and she wound her arms around him. He no longer felt hot like he once had. “Has Ny made up for my deserting you like this?” he asked, his voice low.

“Barely.” Her voice was uneven. “Oh, Jake, to let yourself go through that!”

He wiped his thumb over her cheek, taking away the moisture. “I did it for you. And for Nyanther. It was the only way I could keep you both in my life and I would do it again and again if I had to.”

“I love you,” she breathed.

His response was to kiss her, with an intensity and depth she had never felt from him before. Then she realized. He was holding nothing back. This was Jake with his inner core revealed.

She felt a soft pattering on her arm, drawing her attention away from him. She reluctantly pulled away from Jake and turned to see Brandy was playing with her hair. Nyanther had stepped close to them, close enough to make them a group, not just a couple.

Jake curled his hand around the back of Nyanther’s neck. “When we get home…” he said, his voice hoarse, “…I will do to you everything I want to do at this moment and can’t.”

Nyanther’s eyes were filled with warmth. He circled Sabrina’s waist with his spare arm and Brandy nestled between Jake’s and Nyanther’s shoulders, a perfect fit. “You three are my tribe, now,” Nyanther said, his voice a deep rumble. “You are the core of my tribe. Riley and Nick and Damian…they make up the rest of it, but you are the heart and soul of my life. I will go on, only because you are here and because only you give my life meaning.”

Jake nodded. “And you are my family,” he added. “The one I never knew I needed, the real family I wish I’d had all along. Now I’ve found you, I’m not leaving. Not ever.”

Sabrina smiled. Her heart was light, bubbling over with joy and happiness. They were looking at her, Jake with a puzzled frown. “What is it?” he asked.

She tried to keep her voice even and failed. “You are the thing I have been looking for all my life. I just about gave up on ever finding it because I didn’t know it even existed…and here you are.”

“Tribe or family?” Nyanther teased.

Sabrina shook her head. “You are my clan.”

More paranormal romance
by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Sabrina’s Clan
is the final book in The Stonebrood Saga.
If you would like more hot paranormal romance, try:

Eva’s Last Dance
, Part of the Short Paranormals Collection.

Nearly one hundred years after their last dance together Eva’s long lost love, Edward, makes contact again. Eva—lonely and a vampire now—can’t resist falling into his arm and under his erotic spell. She’ll do anything he asks of her.
The spell is rudely interrupted by human demon hunter Ryan Jefferson, who is on the trail of an incubus. He sets out to seduce Eva properly in a searing night of dance and passion.
dance counts in more ways than one...
This is a short story. You could enjoy a long coffee and the story for dessert.
This story contains multiple and explicit MF sex scenes, including anal sex. Do not read this book if frank sexual language and sex scenes offend you
No vampires were harmed in the making of this novel, but one gargoyle did met a dusty ending.
This story
is part of the Short Paranormals collection.
Eva’s Last Dance
Solstice Surrender
Three Taps, Then…
A Short, Sexy Paranormal Romance
Reviewer’s Top Pick, Night Owl Romance Reviews.
A story of true love that never dies, a guilty little pleasure and a delightfully delicious scorcher! If I wasn't already a Teal/Tracy Uber fan, I would be now.-
Book Junkie
An endearing love story with mystery and lots of steamy bedroom scenes. The love that Eva and Ryan start to feel for each other is timeless. -
Night Owl Romance Reviews
This story I'll recommend to all my friends. If you want a read that's not the norm and totally engaging, then you need to read
Eva's Last Dance
. -
Whipped Cream Erotic Romance Reviews
A fantastic story that tugs at the heart-strings. I truly enjoyed this book.
-I Do Not Want To Wait, I Want The Book Now.
Get your copy of
Eva’s Last Dance
now at your favourite bookseller!

About the Author

Tracy Cooper-Posey is an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author. She writes romantic suspense, paranormal, urban fantasy, futuristic and science fiction romances. She has published over 60 novels since 1999, been nominated for five CAPAs including Favorite Author, and won the Emma Darcy Award.
She turned to indie publishing in 2011. Her indie titles have been nominated four times for Book Of The Year and
Byzantine Heartbreak
was a 2012 winner.
Faring Soul
won a SFR Galaxy Award in 2016 for “Most Intriguing Philosophical/Social Science Questions in Galaxybuilding” She has been a national magazine editor and for a decade she taught romance writing at MacEwan University.
She is addicted to Irish Breakfast tea and chocolate, sometimes taken together. In her spare time she enjoys history, Sherlock Holmes, science fiction and ignoring her treadmill. An Australian, she lives in Edmonton, Canada with her husband, a former professional wrestler, where she moved in 1996 after meeting him on-line.

Other books by Tracy Cooper-Posey

* = Free!

Blood Knot Series (Urban Fantasy Paranormal Series)

Blood Knot*
Southampton Swindle
Broken Promise
Amor Meus
Blood Stone
Blood Unleashed
Blood Drive
Blood Revealed
Blood Ascendant

Beloved Bloody Time Series (Paranormal Futuristic Time Travel)

Bannockburn Binding*
Byzantine Heartbreak
Viennese Agreement
Romani Armada
Spartan Resistance

Kiss Across Time Series (Paranormal Time Travel)

Kiss Across Time*
Kiss Across Swords
Time Kissed Moments I
Kiss Across Chains
Kiss Across Deserts
Kiss Across Kingdoms

The Kine Prophecies (Epic Norse Fantasy Romance)

The Branded Rose Prophecy

The Stonebrood Saga(Gargoyle Paranormal Series)

Carson’s Night*
Beauty’s Beasts
Harvest of Holidays
Sabrina’s Clan

Destiny’s Trinities (Urban Fantasy Romance Series)

Beth’s Acceptance*
Mia’s Return
Sera’s Gift
The First Trinity
Cora’s Secret

Interspace Originas (Science Fiction Romance Series)

Faring Soul
Varkan Rise
Cat and Company

Short Paranormals

Solstice Surrender
Eva’s Last Dance

The Vistaria Affair (Romantic Suspense)

Red Leopard*
Black Heart
Blue Knight
White Dawn

Go-get-‘em Women (Short Romantic Suspense Series)

The Royal Talisman
Delly’s Last Night
Vivian’s Return
Ningaloo Nights

Jewells of Tomorrow (Historical Romantic Suspense)

Diana By The Moon
Heart of Vengeance

Scandalous Sirens (Historical Romance Series)

Dangerous Beauty
Perilous Princess

Romantic Thrillers Series

Fatal Wild Child
Dead Again
Dead Double
Terror Stash
Thrilling Affair

The Endurance (Science Fiction Romane Series)

Greyson’s Doom
Off Guard

Contemporary Romances

Lucifer’s Lover
An Inconvenient Lover

The Sherlock Holmes Series (Romantic Suspense/Mystery)

Chronicles of the Lost Years
The Case of the Reluctant Agent


For reviews, excerpts, and more about each title, visit Tracy’s site and click on each title in turn:

Copyright Information

This is an original publication of Tracy Cooper-Posey
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.
Copyright © 2016 by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Text design by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Cover by Dar Albert
Wicked Smart Designs
Edited by Helen Woodall
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.
Cooper-Posey, Tracy
Sabrina’s Clan/Tracy Cooper-Posey—1st Ed.
Paranormal – Fiction

BOOK: Sabrina's Clan
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