Rystani Warrior 04 - The Quest (15 page)

BOOK: Rystani Warrior 04 - The Quest
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AFTER EATING, KIREK insisted they nap, but Angel was too jumpy to sleep. While she wasn’t certain that Kirek’s theory about his psi healing being tied to sexual activity was valid, she certainly didn’t mind testing it. Although no one understood how the suits worked, to develop psi power, powerful feelings seemed a key. She’d certainly teased Kirek long enough for him to have had a healthy frustration level.

They had been good together. Already she wanted him again

right away. But he simply pulled her against his side, floated them into a reclining position, and told her she would need rest to prepare for their next encounter.

But Angel didn’t want to wait. When Kirek seemed to immediately drop into a deep sleep, she tried to disengage herself from him. She could use the time to check on her ship repairs, but Kirek’s psi as well as his arms and legs had wrapped around her, and she didn’t want to risk waking him by breaking apart.

If he needed rest to heal, then she would allow him to sleep—at least for a few hours. Always impatient, Angel restlessly thought about the rock pool, the Kraj, her ship, the upcoming mission

and Kirek. She’d been astonished when he hadn’t taken control about halfway through their lovemaking and had allowed her to keep the commanding role for as long as she’d wanted.

Rystani warriors had a reputation for always maintaining the upper hand. Yet Kirek had exhibited an unusual display of confidence by letting her have her way. Oh, he’d warned her of consequences, but the teasing light in his gaze had told her she would enjoy herself—he would see to that.

She’d never met anyone with so much confident control. Kirek didn’t pretend. He didn’t act. He simply was a force in and of himself.

She had no doubt that when he awakened he would reverse their roles, and she looked forward to what they would do with a thrill of anticipation. Kirek’s experience had been obvious, and she wondered if he’d ever been in love. How many women had loved him? She suspected as he’d traveled across the galaxy, he’d left a line of broken hearts behind. Not that he’d promise women and leave them. He wasn’t the kind of man to flirt and make love and then callously walk away, but he would appeal to many women who would set their hearts on having him.

And soon, he would focus all that delicious sensual experience

on her.

Between her anticipation and eagerness, she didn’t feel the least bit tired, yet after selling the salvage, ordering repairs to the
their strenuous underwater lovemaking, and the desperate swim through the tunnel to avoid the Kraj, the day had taxed her emotionally and physically. Eventually, she slept.

And awakened to the scent of

coffee? She raised her head and peered at Kirek. He hovered over the console, a mug in hand, but he remained aware enough of her to notice the moment her gaze fell on him.

He lifted the mug in greeting. “Good morning.”

“Morning.” She stretched and arched her spine, causing her breasts to rise beneath her suit. Kirek stared, and she enjoyed his appreciation as much as she enjoyed unkinking the knots. “How long have you been awake?”

“Long enough to check the
repairs. They are right on schedule. With the number of mechanical bots helping the mechanical engineers, the engine overhaul should be finished soon.”

She would have preferred to check herself, but it would sound churlish to say so. Since she knew she tended to be overprotective when it came to the
she repressed a twinge of discomfort and changed the subject. “Any sign of the Kraj?”

“They seem to have lost track of us.” His satisfaction and relaxed demeanor told her that he believed them safe.

“Great. Is that coffee I smell?” She strode over to the console.

He casually cleared the vidscreen then offered her the mug. “Want some? I like mine black.”

“Please.” She took a sip, appreciating the caffeine kick, even as she wondered if he hadn’t wanted her to see what he’d been working on. She told herself to stop it. She didn’t like being so paranoid without reason. He’d probably been done looking at

whatever it had been. “Do Rystani drink coffee?”

“Tessa has addicted some of us to her vice,” he admitted. “I have to admit that there’s only one better way to wake up in the morning.”

From the heat in his tone, she knew he was talking about lovemaking. She peered at him over the mug’s brim. “I wouldn’t have minded if you’d waked me.”

“We both needed rest. Our journey may be long and arduous, and we should begin in the best shape possible.”

“Now that I’m fully rested

” She raised an eyebrow and handed back the cup.

“I’ve cleared the day to make love to you.”

“The day?” Here she’d been suspicious, and he’d been up early, trying to make time for them. She really needed relaxation practice, but after their conversation, she’d worried that he might not want to make love to her again. While he’d accepted the idea of having a fling, he clearly wanted more from her.

“Would you like breakfast first or

” His eyes flared with heat. His bunched muscles reminded her of Lion, right before he pounced on a tasty morsel. Her mouth went dry as she thought about all those muscles over her, under her, inside her. Her stomach knotted, and she felt as though she was balanced on the edge of a black hole, about to be drawn into a gravity well so deep she would never be able to climb her way out.

Yet even as anticipation ratcheted up the tension in her gut, she didn’t understand why. They’d already made love. This was Act Two. So she didn’t quite comprehend why she felt as though she were stepping into unexplored territory.

It wasn’t as though she hadn’t been twice married or hadn’t taken lovers. She wasn’t sexually starved. Angel had already been naked with this man, made love with him. So why did every taut nerve ending in her body warn her that

making love with him might be deliciously different from what she expected?

In the rock pool, Kirek had handed over control to her. He’d abided by his decision with spectacular command of himself. She knew he expected her to do the same. She was good with that. He’d already saved her life. She trusted him with her body. Yet

the tension in her stomach warned her that she took his warning of “consequences” seriously.

Kirek said what he meant. He didn’t issue false threats or boasts. She’d already learned that when he said he could do something he followed through. His hints had teased and tantalized and had her surprisingly

on edge.

She had no idea what to expect.

Her uncertainty about his plans raised the stakes

although she couldn’t say why. That she didn’t even consider backing out, but was looking forward to making love to him again this soon told her she’d already let him under her skin a bit farther than she liked.

She placed her arms around his neck and kissed his brow, his nose, his cheek. “I’m not yet hungry for food.”

“Good.” He drained his coffee and set it aside, placed both hands on her waist and lifted her onto his lap. “Before we go on

I want to set some ground rules.”

“You want a safe word?”

His tone conveyed amusement. “I’m unfamiliar with that term.”

“When lovers role-play, they choose a safe word so that at any time their partner will know when they choose to stop.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

“Why not?”

His eyes smoked with a tender heat that warned her that wrapped in a calm exterior, his interior pulsed with a smoldering inferno. He spoke gently. “I will know how far you want me to go—even if you don’t realize it yourself.”

“Do you have any idea how arrogant you sound?”

“That’s only because you have no idea what my psi is going to reveal.”

She swallowed hard and stared at him, half awed, half excited, and very certain that she wanted to be on his lap and in his arms. “You can read minds?”

He shook his head and chuckled. “You do have a fanciful imagination.” Tugging her against his chest, he smoothed her hair from her brow and nipped her earlobe. “I was talking about ground rules for afterwards. Whatever happens between us

the mission must go on as planned.”


“Even if you hate me.”

“You damn well better not give me reason to hate you,” she warned him, filled with sudden unease. Even as she second-guessed her decision, her nipples hardened and moisture seeped between her thighs. She turned their suits transparent.

He cupped her breast, his palm warm and solid. His thumb flicked over the tip, shooting an arc of heat into her core. “The mission must go on, even if you hate me.”

“I don’t work with people I can’t trust,” she said. “And that’s all I will agree to.”

“I understand.” His words were spoken softly, but a darkness flashed in his eyes that then disappeared so quickly she thought she’d been mistaken. Kirek’s Rystani blue irises often flared with purples and reds that she could easily read, but for some reason, he gave away nothing right now.

But he had her questioning herself—something that didn’t happen often. Had she made a mistake by telling him more about herself than she should have? Confused, uncertain, she didn’t understand why they were talking at all when they could be doing things she found much more pleasurable. Like kissing.

“Are we done discussing the ground rules?”


She raised a brow and waited for him to say more. But he seemed content to caress her breast, and she caught herself holding her breath, wondering what he’d say next. But he seemed fascinated with her skin. His palm slid back and forth slowly, creating a delicious friction that made her other breast ache for the same kind of attention.

“This is your last chance to change your mind,” he warned.

“What do you mean?”

“Once we begin, I will not stop.”

She cocked her head to look at him. “Not even if I ask you to?”

“Especially not then.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m going to push you beyond your normal boundaries.”

“Suppose I don’t—”

“You will enjoy much pleasure.”

“Sounds good to me.” She frowned at him. “It’s almost as if you’re trying to warn me that you harbor some deep, mysterious, kinky need.”

He laughed, his tone warm and open and cheerful. “I assure you. I’m into pleasure. Yours and mine.”


why are we talking?”

“Stroking you pleases me. Your breast is so silky smooth. I don’t think I’d ever tire of stroking such lovely skin.”

She tilted her head back and upward to steal a kiss. But he shook his head. “It’s my turn to touch.”

“All right.” She supposed fair was fair. “But my other breast could use some attention, too.”

He turned her so her back rested against his chest. Until that moment, she hadn’t realized that opposite them was a floor-to-ceiling mirror that spanned an entire wall, making the room seem twice its size. But she wasn’t interested in the decor. Instead she watched his hands cup her breasts, lifting her, caressing her. When he tweaked the nipples, shooting pure pleasure straight to her loins

something odd happened.

In the mirror, she saw a curious mist of blue begin to curl from his hands, spreading over her breasts and swirling like smoke around her. “Oh


God. What is that?”

“The blue color represents how you feel about my stroking your breasts.”


“You don’t have to tell me what you like. We can both see it. Watch.” He tweaked her nipples.

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