Rylie Cruz 2 - How to Date a Vampire (13 page)

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Authors: Rose Pressey

Tags: #paranormal romance vampire romance vampires werewolves rylie cruz rose pressey paranormal romance paranormal mystery

BOOK: Rylie Cruz 2 - How to Date a Vampire
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Despite the danger, I was thankful for a bit
of alone time with him. If only we could have a romantic evening. I
doubted that would happen, though. How could we be romantic with
this fiasco hanging over our heads?

The room had a large bed covered with a big
white down comforter and many thick pillows. A soft yellow color
covered the walls and taupe-colored draperies with a slight white
scroll pattern running through them flanked the windows.

As Jack looked around the room, I opened the
French doors that gave way to the wrought-iron
balcony, and stepped outside.
A horse-drawn carriage made
its way past the hotel. The clop-clop of the horse reverberated
throughout the street as a couple canoodled in the back of the
carriage. They looked so happy, not a care in the world other than
their love for one another. The fall air had cooled down to a
pleasant temperature instead of the heat-stroke-waiting-to-happen
temperatures of summer.

It felt as if I could see the entire French
Quarter from up there. But if I could see all of the area, could
everyone see me? I needed to hide out in case the vampires were
looking for us. What was I saying,
in case
? Of course they
were looking for us. I stepped back inside the room just as Jack
was coming out to join me.

“We shouldn’t be out there in case they pass
down the street.” I gestured with a tilt of my head.

“You’re right. Good point.”

We stepped back inside. Jack shut and locked
the doors. He reached out and grasped my hands in his.

“Do you think they’ll sense us here?” I

He stared for a beat before finally
answering. “I want to say no, but at this point, I honestly don’t
know. I think it’s a distinct possibility. Anything’s possible
after what I’ve seen since I met you.”

I cringed on the inside. He had a very valid

“I can order room service for us,” I said
when the realization hit me that we were all alone in a hotel room.
Alone with a luxurious-looking bed and gorgeous surroundings. The
only thing to hamper the situation was the vampires hunting us down
like wild animals. What a way to suck the romance out of the

“That sounds like an excellent idea.” Jack
stared at me as if I was a bloody steak. And I knew for a fact he
was hungry.

“I bet you’re starving,” I said.

I needed to order the extra-bloody steak for
Jack. He looked down, studying the carpet. I knew what he was
thinking without him saying a word. He craved blood. I knew he
didn’t want to, but it was out of his control.

Chapter Nineteen

How to Date a Vampire, Rule #19:

Vampires need to feel sexy too.


After about thirty minutes, a knock sounded
on the door. I was afraid to answer it, even though I knew we’d
ordered room service. Luckily, when Jack eased the door open, it
really was our food. We enjoyed our dinner with a bottle of red
wine and romantic dim lighting. Vampires roamed the streets looking
for us while we enjoyed a marvelous evening. Suckers.

Once the food was gone and the wine bottle
empty, I knew there was only one thing left for us to do. My pulse
quickened at the thought. I swallowed hard when I met Jack’s stare.
He was thinking the same thing; I knew by the flare in his

The gentle light on the nightstand glowed,
highlighting the luxurious sheets and overstuffed pillows. They
beckoned us to the soft comfort. Jack didn’t speak as he guided me
over to the soft covers. The comforter felt like a fluffy cloud as
I leaned back. Jack slowly slid on top of me. With his face mere
inches from mine, he leaned down and placed a series of feathery
kisses across my lips.

“I’ve wanted you since the first day I saw
you.” Jack slowly unbuttoned my blouse, caressing my exposed skin
with his hand.

“Oh, Jack.” Those were the only words that
broke through the fog in my head. My tongue seemed to have only one
purpose at the moment… and it wasn’t talking.

When he’d removed my clothing, I helped him
slip out from his shirt. He then stripped off his pants and tossed
them across the room. My gaze focused on his hard chest, trailing
down lower and lower. He rolled over onto his back, and I moved
onto his lap, straddling him. I began with a kiss, exploring his
mouth with my tongue, then I traced the outline of his abs with
tiny kisses and licks. I ran my hands over his bare chest and
nibbled on every inch of exposed skin. After a short time, I moved
onto my back, and Jack pressed his body against mine.

“You feel so good,” he whispered into my

I thought I might explode from desire.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he
placed soft kisses around my ear, then trailing lower until he
reached my neck. The blood pounded through my veins as my heart
rate climbed. His mouth felt hot against my neck. I knew this was
dangerous territory, but I couldn’t make him stop. Never mind that
he looked as if he wanted to make a meal out of me. Thoughts of
need and want for Jack consumed my mind. My toes curled as he
licked and sucked the entire region of my neck. His tongue and lips
pulled off maneuvers I’d never experienced before. I was aware of
my pulse in each spot he touched. But he stopped. I moaned in
protest. Somehow he’d controlled his desire and moved away from my
neck. He’d showed control that I wasn’t sure I was capable of.

After the evening that I’d dreamed of since
the day I met Jack, we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms,
although perhaps it was better described as passing out. Despite my
contentment, the thoughts of vampires flooded my mind as I drifted
off, kind of like counting sheep. Except they were vampires instead
of furry animals.

The orange-and-red streaks of sunrise
stretched across the sky as sunlight filled the room. I woke a
little disoriented. What day was it? Where was I? Finally, when I
fully woke, I remembered I was in a hotel room with Jack. How could
I have forgotten something as wonderful as that?

I reached over to squeeze him, unwilling yet
to force my eyelids open. My hand met with empty space; all I felt
were the crumpled-up sheets. I opened my eyes to discover Jack
wasn’t beside me. I jumped up in bed and looked around. The room
was dim, but light broke through the fabric of the curtains making
everything in the room visible. Jack was nowhere in sight.

As I hurried over to the door, I noticed a
few drops of crimson red liquid on the ground. Where had they come
from? I kneeled down and dipped my finger in the fluid. It was
definitely blood, the slight coppery scent hit my nostrils. I
checked my neck in the mirror. Nothing. Jack hadn’t bitten me, but
somehow I knew he wouldn’t. I trusted him.

I hurried and dressed. He was probably just
down in the lobby. Before slipping out the door, I dialed Jack’s
number. Of course, there was no answer. First, I’d check with the
front desk to see if they’d seen him or maybe they had a message
for me. Perhaps he’d gone out to get breakfast? My stomach twisted
into a knot. No, he knew the vampires were looking for him. He
wouldn’t risk it.

I made my way to the front desk. The short,
gray-haired man behind the counter was almost hidden from view
until I was right up beside the counter.

“I’m staying in room two-thirteen. Did you
see the man I’m staying with?” I asked, holding my breath for his

He glanced up from the computer screen. “As
a matter of fact, I did. He left not long ago with a blonde-haired
woman.” He pointed toward the door.

“Did she have pink in her hair?” I

“I don’t know. I didn’t look close enough
for that. I’m guessing by the stunned look on your face this wasn’t
a planned departure?” He smiled smarmily.

Just as I’d suspected. Sophie had found us.
But how did she get Jack to leave with her? Why hadn’t I woken up?
I’d woken up around four and he was in bed with me then.

I didn’t satisfy him with a comment to his
remark. I’d
complain with a comment card when I got a
chance. “Thank you,” I said over my shoulder as I ran for the


It didn’t come as much of a shock when I
realized someone was following me. But who? Sophie or that Quinton
guy? They were the logical choice, but when I glanced over my
shoulder, all I saw was the shadow of a person as they ducked
behind a group of people. The person was too big to be Sophie. This
was definitely a man. The silhouette looked the same size as the
shadow figure who had been in the graveyard right after Sophie and
Nelson had confronted us.

With so many vampires lurking around looking
for Ernie, Jack, and me, it could be any number of them. I had to
get away from this person. I wouldn’t let the vampires follow me
all the way back to my house. No way.

There was only one place I knew I could turn
and that was the graveyard up ahead. I had the layout of that place
memorized. I could walk it in my sleep if I had to. It had started
to become my go to place for supernatural chases. I’d lost the
werewolves in there last time, and I figured I could lose this
person following me now, too. I picked up my pace, praying that my
imagination had gotten the better of me and this person wasn’t
really following me after all.

When I glanced over my shoulder, I noticed
that he had picked up his pace as well, but he still hid behind the
mass of people. It was daylight, but every time I turned around and
tried to get a better look at him, something would block my view.
The sun was rising, rapidly adding light to the situation. Maybe
soon I’d be able to make out the face of the crazy person following
me. When I reached the gates, I made a quick right and darted
through the opening. I ran down the main aisle, then made another
quick right. Had the shadowy person followed me inside? I knew they
had to have seen me come in here. Where would I hide? Should I run
all the way to the back of the cemetery? If I shifted into werewolf
form, I’d be able to jump the stone wall that surrounded the place
and get out of there without being noticed. At least in my mind
that was how it would work out.

“What are you doing back here?”

The loud voice startled me and I let out a
gasp. I spun around. The soul collector stood behind me. He wore
that same dirty suit. The wrinkles and distortion of his face were
even more noticeable in the early morning light. He seemed a whole
lot scarier when I was in this place by myself.

“I didn’t know you owned the graveyard. This
place is open to the public, in case you didn’t know.”

Yes, I definitely had a death wish. I was I
getting an attitude with a soul collector. As in, he could collect
my soul any time he wanted.

“I told you to stay out of here. You are
disturbing me and interrupting my work.”

What, did he get paid by the hour? Did he
have somewhere else to go? All interesting questions, but I figured
I shouldn’t ask them at the moment. Maybe another time. Like a week
from never.

“What are you doing back here? Do you know
someone buried here?” He scowled.

“Would it make it okay for me to stay in
here if I said yes?”

“No, it wouldn’t, so get out,” he

“You don’t allow people to visit?”

“Once. That’s all. You are here too much.”
He pointed for me to leave.

“Someone was following me and I’m hiding in
here from them, okay?”

Would I get any sympathy from this thing? I
didn’t even know what kind of creature to call him. He wasn’t
human. Was he capable of any emotion? It didn’t seem like it.

A ghostly woman glided behind one of the
crypts. “See, you are interrupting again. I will not have this.”
His voice grew louder.

“Okay. Okay I’ll leave.” I gestured with my
hands. “Just keep your voice down. You’re going to get me

I didn’t want to leave just yet, but it
didn’t appear as though I had much choice. He was forcing me out. I
stood up from the crouching position I’d taken behind a crypt.

“I’m going.” I held my hands up in

I moved slowly down the aisle. When I
glanced over my shoulder, he was still watching me, a warning glare
in his eyes. Would I ever be able to come back to the cemetery
again? It was a pretty place to visit when people or creatures
weren’t chasing me. I moved a few more steps and glanced back

“Get out of here,” he commanded.

“I’m going. I’m going.” Not very patient
that one.

I eased around the crypt onto the next path,
looking to my left, and then to my right. I didn’t notice anyone,
thank goodness. Maybe the person had given up on finding me. I
hoped that was the case. I eased my way toward the gate, but felt a
presence behind me again. I was almost afraid to turn around, but I
knew I had to. It was much better to know what kind of enemy you
faced rather than be attacked and not know what was coming at

As I slowly turned around, my heart raced. I
braced myself for what I was about to see. When I spun around, it
was the soul collector again. He stood in the middle of the aisle
pointing for me to get out. Whew. At least it wasn’t the strange
man ready to attack. I hurried through the gate and back onto the

As I left the graveyard, I looked over my
shoulder, not only to see if the person was back there somewhere,
but if the soul collector had come after me, too. He was definitely
someone I didn’t want following me home. I’d made it a short
distance, when I felt someone walking close behind me. It figured,
as soon as I’d let my guard down, thinking I was safe was when the
bastard popped up. I should turn around and give him a good whack
in a region that would change his voice forever.

I spun around and my face met with a hard
chest. My heart thumbed. I looked up to see a member of the very
efficient pack police.

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