Ryder's Last Run (Dueling Dragons MC Series) (6 page)

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Authors: Rose Dewallvin,Bonnie Hardman

BOOK: Ryder's Last Run (Dueling Dragons MC Series)
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, bitch, calm your ass down and chill, Mamacita!”

She snaps her head around and she
glares at me unlike anything I’ve ever seen her do in the past.

“You son of a bitch! I am so sick and tired of sitting around and waiting for your ass to blow back into town any time you feel like stopping by. I need a man that will be around every day that will take care of me. Not someone that comes around to see me and use my body anytime they want to get off. I need a man like Filthy! At least he knows how to treat me like an old lady should be treated! Filthy knows how to fucking make me come without a fucking toy, and his cock is bigger and better than yours!”

’m speechless. I swing around, grab her, and push her ass up against the wall. I am seeing red about now! The bitch let some douche fuck her. 

“Who. The. Fuck. Is. Filthy!” I ask thr
ough gritted teeth. She knows I am pissed now! “Bitch, you wanna play it this way, I will kick your ass to the curb without a second glance! Puta!”

Paige slowly looks up at me and instead of the look in her eyes that can drop me;
; I see nothing but hatred in her eyes.

“Filthy is a guy that prospected for the club while you and your precious brother Ryder were gone for months
. He talked to me and cared about me. He wasn’t interested in me just for my pussy! He decided that the club just wasn’t right for him so he left. He asked me to come with him. But, no, I turned him down. I had to stay here, play the dutiful whore, and wait for her man to come home to just fuck her and leave again. Ziggy, I am so tired of waiting around for you to man up and marry me. I’ve given you several years of my life already. I wanted you to love me, not just fuck me when it’s convenient.”

I really couldn’t
can’t decide if I wanted to beat this bitch or just tell her to find her Filthy and play house with him and leave me the fuck alone. I sure as fuck don’t love the bitch but I thought she knew that I cared about her. and she and I were exclusive when I am home here at the club. It was always understood that she wouldn’t be spreading her legs like a fucking whore while I was on the road. Not for anyone.! Not even another brother, let alone a fucking prospect.

I am done with her. Final! Shit is done and over! I twist my fingers into her hair, grab her shoulder, pull her to my door, and open it wide. “Bitch, you take your fucking self and hit the road. I do not want to see your ass near my club, near my brothers
, or me ever again. I’m done with your whoring ass! You come sniffing around, I will put you to the ground myself, bitch!”

I shove her
into the hallway and slam my door. I stand there shaking and look over to my bed. That fucking rabbit toy is sitting on it. I pick up the toy, throw it against the wall, and then bring my foot down on it. End of B.O.B and end of Mamacita. End of story!

Chapter 4



It feels like I
’ve been here for months. This small room is starting to feel like a glorified closet. Every breath I take in feels like it makes the room even smaller. I’ve been training for the past two days straight; tonight will be my first official fight for the Russians.

I just wish that I could take back everything
I’ve ever done, and go back to the day that I promised my father and the Prez of the Dueling Dragons that I’d drive for the Russians. I should have packed up Bambi and got the fuck out just as she suggested. Why the fuck didn’t I listen? Because I was too fucking stupid, that’s why. And look at me now. I am in a worse position than I was that night. Just thinking back to the first night I fucked her makes my dick so hard just thinking about it.




I had wanted to sink my dick balls deep into Bambi for weeks now and tonight was my opportunity to take her for a test ride. She might have been the club whore but damn that hot little piece of pussy was so fucking fine! I figured it was time to introduce her to a ride on Ryder.

was sitting up at the bar wearing only a short jean skirt and a white see-through blouse, looking at me with those gorgeous crystal-like blue eyes of hers. She outlined her eyes in black liner and they popped when she looked at you. Bambi was a hot blonde with luscious hair that cascaded down her back. I’d been itching to pull her by the back of her hair and drag her mouth to my aching cock, to watch her suck and lick it and to fuck those pink pouty lips of hers.

I walk
ed casually up to the bar and ordered a beer from Lulu, the bartender. Lulu gave me a big smile and handed me a cold Bud. I pulled the bottle up to my lips, turned toward Bambi, and looked her body up and down. Yeah, she knew where I was going with the perusal of her hot body. I knew she wanted me as badly as I wanted her. 

“Hey,” I said and gave
her my sexiest smile. A small gasp escaped her pouty mouth. I loved her sweet little innocent act. Bambi was known as a freak in the sack. I’d heard rumors that she liked it rough and loved to be dominated.

Most chicks like it when I go all alpha
on them! I think it makes them come even harder knowing that I can control their orgasms. I love to perform a little orgasm torture on a chick that’s hot, wet, and panting for me! Fuck ya! That’s what takes me to the top and puts me over when I can control a bitch in bed! Tonight, well shit… I am going to take Bambi to the edge and over repeatedly!.

I look
ed over to Bambi and licked my lips. “Hey baby, I hear you’ve wanted to take a little ride with me. So what do say we slip over to the other room and I’ll let you get busy sucking my dick?”

She bat
ted her eyelashes at me, still playing up the little innocent act, and a smile crept up on her pouty pink lips. Damn, this girl knew how to play it, sweet, innocent, and sexy all at the same time. She’s got game and I am about to play her ass! She stepped down off the barstool, grabbed my vest, and pulled me close to her pouty mouth.

“Ryder, baby, I’ve wanted to ride you rough and hard since I was fifteen years old and you used to come over and hang out with my big brother. I
’m glad you’ve finally noticed me. All I want to do tonight it feel you inside of me, making me come all over your cock.” Wow, talk about a cat in heat. That bitch was ready, willing, and able!

been afraid to approach her because of my friendship with her older brother, Flem. We’d been friends since we were like eleven or twelve and he’d helped me and Zig kick some whiner schoolboy’s ass for fucking with my cousin, Marla. From that day forward, the three of us were the best of buds.

Bambi had
made a rep for herself at the club as a whore and I knew Flem was pissed about it, but he wouldn’t step in and do anything. Even though she was his baby sister, she’s her own woman and he respected her enough to let her lead her own life. Even if it landed her deep into some shit that she didn’t belong in.

I’d been thinking I’d
make her my old lady and keep her protected from the rest of the assholes around this place. I knew that Rogue had been sniffing around her lately. He was just one plain crazy Russian motherfucker and I didn’t want him near her.

I have no idea why my Pops let that bastard join the Dueling Dragons MC club, but I think there is much more to that story than he’s letting anyone know about. I sure the fuck don’t want anything to do with those mother fucking crazy Russians. They don’t play when it comes to certain shit.

Zig, Bull, Tank, and Rogue all watched Bambi put her hands on my chest and Zig lifted his eyebrow at me as if to say, “Dude, what the fuck?” Zig had always wanted to hit it with Bambi. He wasn’t interested in anything other than a fuck, though, because he’d  always been afraid to cross the line of friendship with Flem.

I smile
d at him. We could both have a little fun going balls deep in her at the same time. Zig and I had shared a woman a time or two and had some fun with it. He didn’t look at my junk and I certainly didn’t check his out. Our goal was to get off and get the chick off at the same time. Besides, women love that shit! Double penetration makes a girl all wet and wild and somehow they always amp the sex up a notch or two. Getting off with two guys in you must be sweeter than heaven. I am always one to give a girl the ultimate orgasm while I am fucking her. I aim to please!

I grab
bed Bambi by her arms, pulled her in close to my body, and let her feel how hard I was for her. “I hear you like it dirty, Bam Bam! I’m gonna give it to you long and dirty. Let’s go, baby. I have some plans for you tonight!”

I fe
lt her body shaking a little. I knew she’d just wet her panties. I growled in her ear, turned her back to my chest, and slowly moved my hands up and down her body while my brothers watched. I like to play with people watching. It excites me to have them watch me take a woman and turn her to putty in my capable hands. The natural exhibitionist in me loves to put on a show. I want them to know I am a leader and capable of taking a chick to heaven and back with my hands, lips, tongue, and dick, and that I have their backs no matter what. It’s part of the Bro Code and I follow it every day.

Bambi start
ed to grind her sweet ass into my zipper while my hands explored her tits. I ran my hands up her blouse and undid her front closure on her lacy bra, letting my hands cup and gently pinch her hard nipples. I bent down to her neck and started to lick up toward her ear. Women love that shit. Circling her nipples with my fingers, I breathed on her neck while she moaned, rubbing her ass up and down on my throbbing cock. She leaned her head back and turned toward my face. She wanted me to kiss her, but I don’t kiss just anyone. That’s a very intimate and personal thing for me. She was practically begging me with those haunting eyes of hers, though, as she licked her lips and moved up and down on the front of me.

I whisper
ed into her ear. “Baby, I only kiss a girl that belongs to me. I won’t kiss you if you want to continue this game of whoring and opening your legs up to any of my brothers in this club. If you want to belong to only me, and fuck only me, then I will kiss you. If not, you’re just another hot fuck to me tonight and nothing else.”

She stop
ped moving on me, and turned around to look me in the eye. I saw how glazed over with desire she was, and I knew all I would have to do was reach down and pinch her clit to make her shatter in my hands.

“Ryder, are you asking me to be your old lady or something?”
She had a faint little smile on her face.

I look
ed at her and mulled it over for a minute. “Yeah, Bam Bam, I’m asking you to belong to me, to be my old lady ‘til I say it’s done and over. Can you handle that? Can you be faithful to only me and do what you’re told to do?”

nodded and I leaned down and took her bottom lip into my mouth, urging her to open up for me. She opened her mouth and I explored with my tongue. I continue to pinch her nipples under her shirt. Well, now that deal is sealed and she’s mine to do with what I want, I pull back from her pouty mouth and smile at her.

, old lady, you’re gonna take care of your man and my brother, Zig, tonight baby. You’re gonna get fucking down and dirty with us while we introduce you to our favorite position of double penetration, baby.”

I turn
ed her around, slapped her on the ass, and marched her into the poolroom at the back of the club. I stopped in front of the table where my brothers were seated, watching the show.

“Zig, you’re up with me and my old lady tonight
, brother. Hope you brought something to wrap it in, ‘cause it’s gonna get down and dirty tonight. She’s wet and ready. I am ready to ride her hard and put her up wet.”

Zig snicker
ed and pulled himself up from the chair he’d been perched in. for the past ten minutes while watching the scene unfold between Bambi and me at the bar. He’s been ready to tap her for over a year. He puts up a strong front, but he’s lusted hard after this little filly and now that I’ve claimed her and given him permission to help me tame her, he’s ready! So am I!

Rogue st
ood up with a pissed off look on his crazy, scarred face. Most women are hot for this fucker. I’ve seen chicks practically cream themselves over him. He’s about six foot six, has spiky short black hair and some spooky looking green eyes. I guess chicks eat that shit up. I hardly know him, but I know he fights hard and is a cold-blooded son-of-a-bitch and that’s why my Pops pulled him as member of the Dueling Dragons MC Club.

He’s all solid muscle and he isn’t afraid of anyone. I still have no idea of how he got the jagged scar on his face. I’ve heard rumors of him fighting a rival MC Club when he was still a teenager and he took out about five or six of their guys before one pulled out a knife and got a good swipe in and it cut up his face.

From what I’ve heard, that fucker didn’t live another minute after that. I know his uncle is a high up in the Russian Mob or some shit and he used to fight for his uncle. I heard they had some kind of falling out and my Pops needed muscle for the club so he let him prospect for a while and then pulled him in as a full member. I still think it was a stupid move for my Pops to bring him in as a member, but whatever. Ain’t my concern tonight!

I look
ed over at him, as he glared at me. “You got a problem, Rogue? Bam Bam is my woman now, and my fucking property now. Keep your hands off her unless I give you permission. You got that, dude?” There was murder in his eyes.

I know he wants Bambi, but the Russian crazy fucker ain’t gonna touch my woman, EVER! He steps back, and his six foot six inch frame doesn’t scare me. He tries to show intimidation towards me, but I am quick to remind him of just who my Pops is. I let out a laugh at the crazy fucker. “Yeah, that’s what I thought
, brother! You just remember who calls the shots in this club, motherfucker!” With that, I tilted my head to Zig and the poolroom, grabbed Bam Bam by her hand, and led her into the back room for a little fun with me and my bro and best friend.

Zig follows Bambi and me into the poolroom. There are no doors on the room but I do not give a shit. I just want to sink myself into this beautiful girl and share her with my brother. I don’t give a shit who watches us. Fuck, the more the merrier as far as I am concerned. Playing out a scene with eyes on me amps up my sex drive and I perform even better. Maybe I missed my calling and should have been a porn star or some shit!

Zig used to be a little gun shy being watched but he’s better at handling it now. Our first encounter with a chick together started out a little awkward but after he got into it, he let his inhibitions down and got off as much as I did. Zig knows what is expected of him in these situations. He’s the ass man, and I am just as happy with a hot wet pussy clamping down and hugging my cock. It’s fucking hot when two guys are deep inside a woman and she’s coming undone without any hesitation. I love dirty girls! It’s always turned me on to talk dirty while pounding a woman into submission to my will.

As we walk into the poolroom, I pull
ed out a chair and placed it in the middle of the room. I nodded to Bambi, “Sit there and don’t say a word until I tell you too.” I walked over the stereo and the song “Get the Party Started” by Pink comes on over the speakers. I ain’t a Pink fan and I was about to change the CD until I saw Bambi start to do a little sexy ass dance for us while she took off her clothing. When she dropped her skirt, I stood there open-mouthed; she was going commando under her tight ass little skirt.

I look over at Zig and he’s standing there smiling like a happy schoolboy watching his sexy sinner of a teacher stripping for him. Ya, this night just keeps getting better!

As Bambi unbuttoned her white blouse, she moved her hips to the beat of the music and she slowly pulled it off her shoulders. She swings her long blonde hair over her shoulder and looks back over at me and then to Zig. She winked and then dropped her shirt, pulling her bra off and sitting like a happy little schoolgirl in the chair. Here goes the sexy innocent act again.

, she was going to be a hot little filly to tame! I could smell her excitement coming off her body and it was making me rock hard. She continues to sit in the chair, naked, places her hands face down on thighs, and looks down toward the floor. A total submissive move and I fucking love it! She is a natural!

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