Russian Mobster's Princess (24 page)

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A van pulled up to the curb. It still made Katie smile to know that Viktor had appropriated one of Karkoff’s cargo vans. He jumped out and ran around to let her in through the passenger door.

“Thank you.” She felt strangely shy today for some reason. “I still think this van looks way better with your locksmith logo on the side.”

“Yeah, it sort of removes some of the creepiness, doesn’t it?” Viktor brushed a kiss over her lips before closing her securely in the van.

Katie strapped on her seat belt while waiting for him to run around and get inside. She couldn’t help but feel proud to be with him. Finding his hand, she gave it a squeeze. “I know I’ve said this before, but I want to say it again.”

“What’s that, sweetheart?”

“I just really think that it’s amazing that you started up this locksmith business all on your own.” She felt a little embarrassed. “I never even thought that you might be saving up to start your own business. I’m kind of ashamed that I didn’t even think to ask.”

He pulled away from the curb, heading downtown. Their destination was only a few blocks away. “I could have said something, but I wanted to be successful before I did.”

“You could never fail.” Katie struggled to find the right words. “You might have a setback, but you just never quit. Not even when everyone tells you that you should.”

“You’ve always known me best.” He pulled up in front of the courthouse, and by some miraculous happenstance, grabbed one of the few parking places right in front. “See, this was meant to be. Even fate is cutting us a break today.”

“I think you’re right.” She pushed open her door and got out. “I feel like I’ve been waiting all my life for this moment.”

Viktor locked the van and took her hand. “Maybe we both have been.”


It only took a few minutes to sign in with the Justice of the Peace and get the tiny number that would promise them a few minutes of the judge’s time. Viktor stood beside the wall, his arms around Katie. He felt her warmth and vitality and could not wait to make her his bride.

A bailiff stuck his head out the courtroom door. “Urevich and McClellan?”

“That’s us!” Katie nearly leaped out of his arms.

Viktor hid his smile, knowing she was nervous and loving her even more for it. “Sweetheart, take a breath or you’re going to pass out.”

“Do I look all right?” she asked suddenly. “Maybe I should have bought a dress.” She looked at the other couples lingering in the reception area.

“You’re perfect.”

He was in his locksmith uniform, and she was in her scrubs. They were two working people promising to spend the rest of their lives together, no matter what happened. It seemed pretty damn near perfect to him.

“Come on in.” The judge ushered them down an aisle. “Do you have witnesses?”

“No.” Viktor shook his head. He hadn’t wanted to ask anyone he knew to stand up with him.

“We’re each the other’s best friend,” Katie explained to the judge.

The man in his late sixties smiled. “I think that’s the best way to start a marriage. And it’s no problem. We have plenty of warm bodies around here to choose from.” He held out his hand. “Do you have the license?”

Viktor jumped to hand the man the tiny piece of paper that would allow him to call Katie his wife for the rest of his days. The judge took the license and then began speaking. Viktor sort of tuned out. He was too busy staring at Katie. She was so gorgeous. Sometimes when he looked at her, he could still see a little bit of the girl she had been all those years ago. Yet now she was a formidable woman with more grit and fortitude than he could have ever imagined possible.

“Ahem.” The judge was staring at Viktor.

Viktor glanced at Katie. She was nearly laughing out loud. He cleared his throat. “I do.”

“That works,” Katie told the judge. And then she reached up and touched Viktor’s cheek. “And I do as well.”

“Then I now pronounce you man and wife.” The judge waved his hands at them. “Please, kiss the bride before you stop paying attention again.”

Viktor laughed, leaning down and wrapping his arms around Katie before he covered her mouth with his. She gave a little sigh when their lips touched. It was certainly a perfect moment.


Katie rolled onto her belly in the bed and gazed over at her handsome, naked husband. “It’s a little tough to believe that you are all mine for good. You know?”

“I was always yours,” he growled.

She squealed as he grabbed her and rolled her onto her back. He stared down at her then, his dark eyes intense. There were no words, but perhaps they didn’t need to say any.

He lowered his mouth and gave her a light kiss. “And you will always be mine.”

The next kiss was deeper then, almost bruising. She arched her back to eagerly press every inch of her naked skin against his. His cock was hard against her belly, and she could feel a corresponding wetness between her legs.

Viktor grabbed her wrists in his hands, holding them on either side of her head. She could not move, but that only made it more thrilling. He used his knee to spread her legs apart. She didn’t fight him. She wanted this. And when his erection pressed intimately against her vulnerable sex, she moaned and thrust her hips to beg him without words to take her.

“Do you want me?” he asked.

She could barely speak she was so aroused. “Oh yes, please!”

He dragged the shaft of his cock through her wet folds. Her body yielded to him as though it had been made for this purpose. Every inch of her skin was sensitized. The coarse hair of his groin tickled her belly. Her nipples beaded into hard points as they brushed tantalizingly across his chest. She was at his mercy and she loved it.

The tip of his cock caught against the edge of her opening. She flexed her inner muscles desperately, trying to entice Viktor into penetrating her. The desire was so acute that she felt as though she were burning from the inside out. Her whole body was vibrating with little tremors as her muscles prepared for the orgasm she could feel building inside her body.

“You’re going to come for me.” Viktor gazed down at her, his words soaked with erotic intent. “You are so wet. Your body begs for me. Doesn’t it?”

!” she moaned.

Without further preamble, he plunged his swollen cock inside her body. The instant burn of penetration was exquisite. She gasped at the friction, and seconds later she came hard and fast.

“That’s right, baby,” he crooned. “Come for me. Give me your pleasure.”

She flung her head back against the mattress and squeezed her eyes shut. Stars burst before her eyes as the shockwave of sensation overtook her body. She cried out again and again, unable to speak words yet unable to keep silent.

Twisting her fingers into the sheets, she held on as Viktor thrust in and out of her body. The heat of him was incredible. Each stroke seemed to push her further along the road to a second climax, and she gasped with the sheer pleasure of it all.


Viktor had never felt so possessive of a woman in his life. How long had he waited for Katie to belong to him and him alone? Now she was here in his bed, and she was his wife.

Each time he pressed into Katie’s tight channel, he felt the smooth walls of her pussy clench tightly around him. The friction was almost unbearable. The heat of her burned like liquid fire in his veins.

He gazed down at her as he made love to her. Each stroke brought a new look of wonder to her face. Then he let go of her arms in order to straighten his back and change the angle of entry into her body. Katie lifted her hands to his chest. Her nails scraped over his pectoral muscles and he reveled in the tiny pinpricks of pain.

Viktor drove into Katie’s pussy as hard as he dared. Cupping the globes of her ass in his hands, he lifted her backside and held her even more firmly as he fucked her with every ounce of desperate longing inside him. She began to whimper with each thrust. He watched the muscles in her belly grow taut. Then she gasped and shouted his name repeatedly.

“That’s it, baby,” he said roughly. “Come for me.”

Her pussy melted around his cock. The sensation was too much. Viktor thrust once more, hard, before spilling his seed deep inside her body. He held himself there for a moment or two. It felt so good to be buried inside her heat. They were joined together like this, connected in a primal way that transcended anything else.

Then Katie touched his face. The tender gesture undid him. Viktor rolled to his side and pulled her close. He wrapped his body around hers protectively. This was all he wanted. It was everything that mattered.

“What are you thinking?” she asked softly. Her fingers traced his jaw before moving to his eyebrows and then down the line of his nose.

“I was thinking that you are everything I have ever wanted, or ever
want.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You are the only thing that matters.”

“I feel the same way,” she admitted. “As if I’ve waited my whole life for you and only now do I realize how much it means to be by your side.”

“What happened with Karkoff,” he began hoarsely. “I’m done with that life, Katie. I swear.”

“I know you are.” She sighed, her expression one of introspection. “And even if you weren’t, I would know that you had a reason for what you were doing. You have never done anything without a reason, Viktor. And I need to remember that when I feel a little confused about what’s going on.”

“Getting a second chance to be with you is like being handed the moon.” He nuzzled her neck. “I’m not quite sure what to do with it.”

Katie laughed. “I don’t know about that. You seem to be doing just fine feeling your way through it.”

“Feeling my way?” He let his hand slide down to cup her bottom. “Like this?”

She nipped his earlobe. “Exactly like that. But if you feel like you need practice, I think we can keep trying until we get it right.”

“I like that idea,” Viktor said before rolling Katie onto her back and starting all over again.




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Russian Mobster’s Blackmailed Bride

By: Bella Rose

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Russian Mobster’s Blackmailed Bride


By: Bella Rose


All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2016 Bella Rose

Chapter One

Trisha threw her hands up into the air and shouted with excitement as the little white ball tripped and bounced along the roulette wheel. Around her, the new friends she’d made in her study abroad program were drunk on cheap liquor and the freedom of being out of the dormitory. The ball finally settled into a red slot, and the dealer called it. Trisha grabbed her friend Minka’s arm, and the two girls did a little victory dance.

“We won!” Trisha was practically screaming to be heard over cheers and moans from the other people at the table.

The casino in Moscow was everything Trisha could have wanted for an adventure. The high ceilings were covered in ornate carvings coated in gold leaf. Rich draperies hung from ceiling to floor. The floors themselves were marble shot with pretty pink quartz. And there were sexy Russian dealers at every single table. The place was a college student’s dream.

Minka nudged Trisha’s shoulder. “That man over there. He’s looking at you. Did you notice?”

It took Trisha’s pleasure-soaked brain an extra second to translate her new friend’s words from Russian to English. Then she hazarded a look in the direction Minka was staring.

“No!” Trisha sucked in a quick breath. “Wow. He looks serious.”

“He’s handsome, though. It would be worth walking by and giving him a smile, don’t you think?” Minka asked slyly.

Trisha smiled at her friend. “Easy for you to say. You’re gorgeous.” Unlike Trisha’s stereotypical redhead appearance.

“I look like every girl in Moscow.” Minka rolled her blue eyes.

With her long blonde hair, pale skin, and willowy figure, Minka certainly did look like every other woman in Moscow. Except the other fifty percent of the population who were dark and good looking. From what Trisha had seen so far, it was a whole country full of beautiful people.

“Come.” Minka started dragging Trisha in that direction. “Let’s go. Now!”

“Oh fine!” Trisha giggled and swiped her chips off the table and into the little velvet bag she’d been given for that purpose. “But when he laughs at me, I’m blaming you.”

Trisha smoothed the skirt of her sassy black dress.

Minka nodded with approval. “You look good. That dress suits you.”

“Really? Because I feel like blowing the rest of my clothing allowance on one dress was a bad idea.” Trisha sighed. “I don’t want to go back to Cleveland this weekend. I’d rather just stay in Moscow.”

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