Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One (32 page)

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Authors: Zev Chafets

Tags: #Performing Arts, #Political Ideologies, #Limbaugh; Rush H, #Political, #Entertainment & Performing Arts, #General, #United States, #Conservatism & Liberalism, #Radio, #Biography, #Political Science, #Conservatives, #Biography & Autobiography, #History & Criticism, #Editors; Journalists; Publishers, #Radio Broadcasters

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The liberal consensus extends to the rest of the media as well. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, 78 percent of the political contributions of the music, television, and movie industries in 2008 went to Democratic candidates. Over the past twenty years, these industries have supported Democrats by more than a 2-to-1 margin. Presumably, this has no impact on their content.
ABC Network, Limbaugh’s national show
caller abortions bit
Limbaugh on
Abu Ghraib
Academia, ideological imbalance in
ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)
Adams, Dick
Affirmative action, Limbaugh on
Afghanistan, troop surge, Limbaugh on
African Americans, Limbaugh racial bias
Agnew, Spiro
AIDS, Limbaugh on
Ailes, Roger
Air America
Alexander, Lamar
Ali, Muhammad
Alinsky, Saul
Alito, Samuel
Allen, Mike
Alter, Jonathan
American Mercury, The
Angelou, Maya
Armey, Dick
Armstrong, Millie.
Limbaugh, Millie (mother)
Atwater, Lee
Axelrod, David
Axis of Evil
Ayers, Bill
Barone, Michael
Beauchamp, Scott Thomas
Beck, Glenn
Begala, Paul
Berman, Chris
Bernstein, Leonard
Berry, Chuck
Biden, Joe
Bierce, Ambrose
Big government, Limbaugh on
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold Act)
Black, Roy
Bloomberg, Michael
Blue Dog Democrats
Boehner, John
Bonneville International
Bork, Robert
Branch Davidians
Breslin, Jimmy
Brett, George
Brisker, John
Brokaw, Tom
Brookhiser, Richard
Brooks, David
Brown, Jerry
Brown, Tina
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Bruce, Lenny
Buchanan, Pat
Buck, Jack
Buckley, James
Buckley, Pat
Buckley, William F., Limbaugh’s relationship with
Burkle, Ron
Burns, Bryan
Burton, Bill
Burwell, Bryan
Bush, George H. W.
election of 1992 loss
and Limbaugh, personal relationship
Bush, George W.
Limbaugh during administrations of
and Limbaugh, personal relationship
Limbaugh clash with
Bush Derangement Syndrome
Byrd, Robert
Cao, Ahn Joseph
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Limbaugh family/background in
Capitol Hill Bank scandal
Caray, Harry
Carnegie, Jim
Carson, Kit
Carter, Jimmy
Carville, James
Casey, Betty
Chambers, Whittaker
Chase, J. Frank
Checketts, Dave
Cheney, Dick
Chinn, Tom
Christie, Chris
Limbaugh as
Civil rights movement
Clark, Abraham
Clark, Wesley
Cline, Wilma
Clinton, Bill
election of 1992 victory
on Iraq war
Kobe Club meeting with Limbaugh
Limbaugh’s attacks on
Limbaugh’s view of
remarks about Limbaugh by
and Vietnam war draft
Clinton, Hillary
and Media Matters
and Operation Chaos
on right-wing conspiracy
Clubb, Peter
Club for Growth
Coburn, Tom
Colbert, Steven
Colford, Paul
Communism, Limbaugh on
Connerly, Ward
Connor, Bull
Conservative Political Action Conference of the American Conservative Union Foundation
Conservative thinking
liberal view of
Limbaugh at CPAC
Limbaugh as influence
and Limbaugh family
Limbaugh’s views.
Limbaugh, Rush Hudson
most influential conservatives
and William F. Buckley
Contract for America
Cooper, Anderson
Cooper, Marc
Coppedge, Thomas
Cornyn, John
Corzine, Jon
Coulter, Ann
Couric, Katie
Creative Coalition
Crime, Limbaugh on
Cronkite, Walter
Cubin, Barbara
Cuomo, Mario
Cutaways, Limbaugh show
Davis, Tom
Dean, Howard
Deeds, Creigh
Defense of Marriage Act
De la Cruz, Dr. Antonio
Democratic Party
Blue Dog moderates
elite media affiliation with
and health care reform
on Iraq war
Limbaugh’s view of
and Media Matters
reaction to “phony soldiers” comment
view of Limbaugh
Florida population of
influence on elections
profile of
Dole, Bob
Dowd, Maureen
Downey, Morton, Jr.
Drive-By Media
Drudge, Matt
Drudge Report
Buckley (William) on
Limbaugh on
Obama plan, Limbaugh on
Education, Limbaugh on
Egan, Timothy
Ehrenstein, David
Eisenberg, Emma (grandmother)
Eisenberg, Heinrich
Eisenhower, Dwight
El Rushbo, Limbaugh as
Emanuel, Rahm
Environmental movement, Limbaugh on
Sunday NFL Countdown
Estrich, Susan
Excellence in Broadcasting (EIB) Network
Excellence in Broadcasting
Fairness Doctrine
Falwell, Jerry
Farah, Joseph
Feminism, Limbaugh on
Figenshu, Bill
Firing Line
(TV program)
Fitzgerald, Marta Maranda.
Limbaugh, Marta (wife)
Flowers, Gennifer
Foley, Tom
Forbes, Steve
Ford, Gerald
Foreman, George
Fortier, Michael and Lori
Fox, Michael J.
FOX News
Limbaugh on
Obama statement about
Reverend Wright broadcasts
Frank, Barney
Franken, Al
Frazier, Joe
Friedman, Milton
Frum, David
Fulbright, William
Fund, John
Garofalo, Janeane
Gates, Henry
Gay marriage, Limbaugh on
Gibbs, Robert
Gibson, Bob
Gingrey, Phil
Gingrich, Newt
Contract for America
Gitlin, Todd
Giuliani, Rudy
Glass, Ira
Global warming, Limbaugh on
Godwin, Linda
Golden, James “Bo Snerdley”
as conservative
Maya Angelou, counterpoem to
as Official Obama Criticizer
as phone call screener
and unpredictable moments
Goldwater, Barry
Goodell, Roger
Goodman, Walter
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, A1
green enterprises of
-Limbaugh debate
as Limbaugh target
Graham, Lindsey
Green, Mark
Green Stephen
Grossberger, Lewis
Guantánamo POW camp
Hannity, Sean
as influential conservative
on Limbaugh’s drug use
relationship with Limbaugh
Harrison, Michael
Hart, Gary
Harvey, Paul
Health care reform
Democrats against
Limbaugh on
Henderson, Nia-Malika
Hertzberg, Hendrik
Hightower, Jim
Hirsch, Oscar
Hirschfeld, Abe
Hise, Conrad
Hoffer, Eric
Hoffman, Doug
Holder, Eric
Huberman, Jack
Huckabee, Mike
Hughley. L.
Hunter, Karen
Hussein, Saddam
Immigration reform, Limbaugh on
Imus, Don
Ingraham, Laura
Iraq war, Limbaugh on
Irvin, Michael
Iseman, Vicki
Jackson, Jesse
dialect of
Limbaugh’s view of
St. Louis Rams bid protest
Jackson, Michael
Jackson, Tom
Jennings, Peter
Jews, Limbaugh anti-Semitism
Jindal, Bobby
Jones, Paula
Jones, Van
Judicial activism, Limbaugh on
Justice Brothers
Kagan, Daryn
Kansas City Royals
Kay, Dan
Keillor, Garrison
Kemp, Jack
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, John Forbes
Kennedy, Robert
Kennedy, Teddy
and Bork nomination
on immigration reform
Limbaugh on
Kerry, John
Keyes, Alan
Keynes, John Maynard
Kinder, Frank
King, Larry
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Rodney
Kissinger, Henry
Kondracke, Mort
Koppel, Ted
Krauthammer, Charles
Krischer, Barry
Kristol, William
Krugman, Paul
Kudlow, Larry
Kurtz, Howard
Labor unions, Limbaugh on
Lacey, Sam
Landon, Alf
Lanier, Bob
Latzman, Phil
Lauer, Matt
Leadership, Limbaugh on
Lehrman, Lewis
Leibovich, Mark
Leno, Jay
Letterman, David
Levin, Mark
Lewinsky, Monica
Bush (George W.), view of
on conservative thinking
Limbaugh’s view of.
also Democratic Party
and media.
Reagan on
view of Limbaugh
Liberty University
Lichter, Linda S.
Lichter, S. Robert
Limbaugh, David (brother)
background information
collaboration with Rush
and Hannity
on Obama
on R. H. Limbaugh, Sr.
Limbaugh, Johannes Michael (first Limbaugh in America)
Limbaugh, Julie (cousin)
Limbaugh, Marta (wife)
Limbaugh, Michelle (wife)
Limbaugh, Millie (mother)
Limbaugh, Rush Hudson
on abortion
on Abu Ghraib
on affirmative action
on Afghanistan surge
anti-corruption campaign
anti-Semitism accusation
apolitical period for
audience, growth of
awards to
on big government
Limbaugh, Rush Hudson(
and Bill Clinton
and Bo Snerdley (James Golden)
and Clinton/Bush election (1992)
on communism
and congressional elections (2009)
conservatism in writings of
at Conservative Political Action Conference of the American Conservative Union Foundation
conservative thinking, influence on
conservative views on air, early years
on crime
on Democratic Party/liberals
Dittoheads, profile of
on Drive-By Media
drug use
on economy
on education
as El Rushbo
on environmental movement
Excellence in Broadcasting (EIB) Network
Excellence in Broadcasting
family/background information
on feminism
on gay marriage
gender gap and listeners
and George H. W. Bush
and George W. Bush
girlfriend (Kathryn Rogers)
as GOP de facto head
-Gore debate
Harry Reid letter auction
on health care reform
on Henry Gates incident
hospitalization (2009)
on immigration reform
on Iraq war
and John McCain
on judicial activism
Kansas City Royals job
on labor unions
on leadership
liberal media opinion of
liberal view of
Limbaugh Letter, The
Magic Negro (Obama as) controversy
Michael J. Fox parody
misfired humor, examples of
on moderate Republicans
on multiculturalism
national show
New York establishment, reaction to
and Obama.
Obama, Barack
Operation Chaos
Palm Beach, move to
Palm Beach residence
Palm Beach studio secrecy

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