Rush Against Time (2 page)

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Authors: Willow Brooke

BOOK: Rush Against Time
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When he turned his attention back to
Jessa, she wanted to crawl under the counter and hide.  It seemed that she was just destined to annoy the Alpha lately.  He refused to agree with her on her morals, and she refused to back down and accept any of the wolves he offered her.  When his grip softened and she could escape, she quickly pulled and attempted a getaway when he caught her by the arm.  “Not so fast, Jessa.” 
Shit.  Almost got away. 
She tried to hide her eye rolling at the lecture that was about to be fed to her—whether she liked it or not. 

“Did you need something, Alan?”  She batted her eyelashes and threw on her best innocent look, hoping he would fall for it.  Not only was he the Alpha of their pack, but he was also the owner of Mocha Express, and her boss.  He was married to her dearest, best friend in the world, Autumn Wilder-Black.  Autumn and Christina were both part of her best friends group, and loved having Jessa help with potions and spells on occasion.  Her other mate, Braden, was like an older brother to her, and she had shared many family functions with them. 

An ever
-so-small smile crept over his stone-like features.  “I want you to take some time off after your shift tonight.  Things are only going to get worse, Jessa.  Get these boys their order and come up to our room.  Autumn has something that might help,” the soft tone in his voice floored her.  Maybe he was starting to come around and accept her wishes?  No, he was probably just afraid she would cause problems between all of the ‘all mighty’ shifter boys. 

Her composure
hardened once again.  “Yes, sir.”  She spun on her heels and began making the orders that were spat at her.  She remained quiet, biting her tongue to keep from screaming her irritation and the hormonal outburst that threatened to erupt below the surface. She sped through each order, all but breaking the sound barrier as she flung each item together. Once the crowd had all headed out the door, she stripped off her apron with a tad too much enthusiasm and ripped the straps.  With a deep growl and a foot stomp, she stormed through the door toward Autumn and her
Alpha dickhead’s


By the time she reached the top of the never
-ending spiral staircase, her pent up anger had turned into a whirlpool of hormonal emotions.  Tears sprung to the back of her eyes, and she had to take a moment to swallow them down before knocking on the huge wooden door.  Her tiny fist rapped quietly on the wood, sending a chill through her body.  She felt like she was facing the devil.  This was her leader for shit’s sake.  Autumn was always an absolute sweetheart, and she knew without a doubt that her friend would come to her rescue if Alan decided to start in on one of his hot winded lectures.  The Alpha tried to help, but most of the time it only made her feel worse.  Autumn was the best thing that had ever happened to him and Braden.  How the woman kept both men in check was beyond her, but she somehow managed to put both big, intimidating, Doms in their place when needed.  The heavy door creaking open snapped her out of her thoughts.  Instead of the big bad wolf, Autumn’s sweet smile met her.  She released a deep breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding, and offered her best smile back to the magically beautiful woman. 

Jessa love.  Come on in.  I have some tea waiting for us.”  Autumn pushed the door open and waved her through with the most calming energy she had ever felt.  She began feeling better instantly from just being with the one woman that understood her better than her own mother.

Autumn Wilder-Black was a true vision of beauty and youth.  At over fifty, she still appeared
only to be in her mid-twenties.  Her long, silky auburn hair flowed in an untamable mane of curls.  She was stunning with the true appearance of a gypsy witch.

“Um, Alan said that you wanted to see me?”  Her fingers fidgeted with the beads on her bracelet.

Oh, sweetie, sit first.  Here, here is some of my personal recipe.  It will calm your nerves and heal what ails you,” her tone hushed into an almost whisper.  “I have made it a habit to drink a few cups every day.”  She patted Jessa on the shoulder lovingly, and smiled before sitting on the small plush loveseat beside her. 

Thank you, so much.  I think I might need a nip of something stronger though.”  Before she could take a sip of the herbal concoction, Autumn reached under her trademark gypsy skirt and unhooked a silver flask from her garter.  With a wicked smile, she unscrewed the top and added the mystery liquid to Jessa’s cup. 

“There, that, my dear, will do more than cure you.  It will make all of your troubles go away.” 
She flashed a big grin and added some to hers too. 

“Do I want to know what it is?” 
Jessa’s eyebrows quirked up.

“Probably not.” 
Autumn winked and took a swig of the steaming liquid.  Jessa waited for a scrunched face but felt more confident once she witnessed her reaction. 

She hurriedly
took a sip of the hot beverage, and moaned her appreciation.  “Autumn, this is amazing.  I have no idea what your recipe is, but I must get it!”

“You won’t be able to get all of the ingredients on your own, but I think I can make up a batch for you when you need it.  Take a few more drinks.  I promise your wolf will settle.” 

If anyone else had tried to get her to drink a witchy concoction, Jessa would have declined.  She trusted Autumn with her life.  The woman could tell her to jump out of a plane without a parachute and she would without hesitating.  Autumn was a true best friend. She reached across the cushion that separated them and hugged her tightly.  “Thank you, so much.  You are the best friend I have ever had.” 

“Well good.  You are pretty great yourself
, sweetheart.  We are a great pair, Jessa dear.” She comforted her gently, rubbing her hand up and down her back.  When Jessa pulled away, she could have sworn that Autumn had used some type of witch mood enhancer on her, because she instantly felt her spirits rise.  “Now, what can we do to help you through this, besides drugging you?” Autumn said with a giggle. 

ck, I don’t even know.  Maybe this happy juice and your spells are the only solution.  I don’t want just to give it up.  I know it is unheard of, but I want it to be special.  I want to find my mate first, and give him the gift of my virginity.  There is no record of any other shifter giving that to her mate.  I want to be the first.  Not for anyone else, but for

, I understand what you are feeling.  However, the only downfall is that most shifters don’t find their mate until later in life, after numerous heats.  The heat is to get all sexual experimentation out of your system before fate kicks in and there is no more ‘strange’.” 


“Oh, you know, getting someone new.  If you only sleep with one man, or however many you are mated to, how do you know what else is out there? You don’t want to wonder twenty years from now about stuff.  I had my fill of ‘experimenting’ over the years, and know most of everything the world has to offer.”  Autumn smiled before adding, “Not that I could ever get bored with my hell cat and wolfie even if I hadn’t.  Those two surprise me every day.  I may have had previous relationships, but they all faded into the background, lost in a faraway memory somewhere after I found my guys.”

watched her face light up when her thoughts wandered to Braden and Alan, the duo she had mated with a few months prior.  That's the love she wanted to share with someone, not wake up the next morning in a hurry to rush out the door and forget they had been tangled up the night before.  True love.  Is it just a childish fairy tale?  She found it hard to see what Autumn did in Mr. Big Bad Wolf, but to each their own.  She sighed and sunk back into the engulfing cushions of the plush couch.  “I don’t want to experiment.  I want to feel twitterpated by that one special someone.  After, and only after, will the wild and crazy experimentation begin.  How long before Alan throws me to the wolves, literally speaking?”

, sweetheart.  He would never—ever, put you in a bad position like that.  He may be big and gruff, but that is his way of showing he cares.  He just wants to find a way to fix all of this for you.  That’s the difference between men and women.  If there is a problem, they want to fix it.  If it can’t be fixed, they are confused as hell.  Women think out different possibilities, dream of outcomes, and put their fate in the hands of destiny.  Together though, it is a perfect combination.  Your dreamer side will find its soul mate, Jessa.  Just quit stressing on it and give it time.  In the meantime, I want you to go out to my country home.  Things will be a lot easier for you to handle if you are in a place where your wolf can break free and run when she needs to.  It has everything you need, and I have wards put up to keep you safe.”

Autumn, thank you so much.  That will be great.  I need a break from people.  My wolf is fighting me for control, and it is getting so hard to keep her leash tight.  I’ll head out there tonight.  Logan is picking me up, unfortunately, but at least I can handle him if he tries anything funny.”

giggled, accidently snorting in the process, making both burst into fits of laughter.  As they settled down, Braden cleared his throat making Jessa leap up into the air.  Autumn shot Braden a weird look, somehow making him sit in a high back chair to the left of his wife. 

He grinned, slumping back like a lounging cat in the warm sun.  There was no denying
what his shifter animal was.  After an almost awkward length of time, he spoke, “Jessa girl.  How are you doing?”

“I haven’t killed anyone yet, if that counts.”  She gave him a silly grin in return, feeling
more comfortable with the easygoing, fun alpha. 

Well, that is a plus.  I think between Autumn and I, there may be something more we can do to help.  Autumn is going to see what potions she can come up with to help ease your wolf.  I am going to talk to my granny tomorrow.  She might know of some way to help you find your mate sooner.  There are legends of panthers finding their mate on the full moon of their first heat.  I don’t remember much, but I know that it has something to do with a ritual that has to be performed by a witch.  Thankfully, we have one of those.”  He flashed a toothy grin at Autumn, earning a playful smack to his leg. 

“Oh, I se
e.  Well, I appreciate anything you might be able to find out.  If I can find true love now, things would be a hell of a lot easier!  If I don’t have any other options, I will just have to tough it out.  Sooner or later, my wolf will give up and know who is boss.”  She squeezed Autumn’s delicate hand, and drew away to finish off the glass of ‘stiff’ tea.  When she lowered the glass, clanking the ice, Braden was staring at her.  “What?  Did I dribble?”

“No.  I can get you a bib for later if you want though.”  He laughed.  “
Jessa, you know that if your wolf takes over, you will be stuck in animal form until she gets what she needs.  Not many males go running around the woods in their animal looking for a good time.  You could end up trapped.”  He hardened his stare, leaking his concern for her to see. 

“Oh, I
’ll be fine.  I can do this.  I refuse to be a bitch in heat.  I am human too.  That has to account for something.  I refuse to accept anything otherwise.”

Braden winked at her. 
“Good, girl.  Well, you have Alan and I both here to help whenever we are needed.”

Autumn chimed in,
“And I have already packed a bag and will be by your side in a flash.  Michael has already offered to ‘zap’ me or whatever they call it, as long as it’s at night.  Those vampire powers are pretty nifty.  I will take a vampire teleport over getting a sore rump from my broom any day!  I have a few ways to travel in the day that are faster than humans too, so I am literally just a call away.” 

couldn’t help but laugh.  Visions of the Fairy Godmother from
floated across her thoughts. 
At least she didn’t say teardrop. 
“Well, thank you both so much.  I don’t know what I would do without you.  Mom and dad are happy with my decisions, but they don’t think it’s possible.  Every time I go visit, they look at me with pity, and don’t say much.  Mom stuffs my mouth with food until I wanna puke, and dad always finds ‘chores’ to do outside so he doesn’t have to face it.”

rubbed his hands through his hair.  “Gina and Nicholas are both good folks.  They are just used to the old traditions.  Don’t be too judgmental or hard on them.  They have had their run with Maisy, and LouLou took her heat with a little more enthusiasm than your dad would have liked, I think.  You are polar opposite of your sisters.  Those two are a handful.  I pray they find their mates soon and settle down.”  He stood and leaned over to plant a kiss on Autumn. 

The innocent smooch turned heated fast, and she found it hard to turn away. 
Braden kissed Autumn with so much passion.  Her heart ached to experience that for herself.  She wanted the heat-from-a-single-look, soak-your-panties-with-a-touch, and make-you-breathless-from-a-kiss type of man.  She had plunged so deep in her admiration and daydreams, when she realized both were now staring at her, her face heated like a furnace.  “I…I…I didn’t mean to stare, it’s just that, well, you are so passionate.  I have never seen such love and heat in a single simple kiss.”  She dropped her gaze to the floor and scooted her foot along the plush carpet.  Tears of embarrassment pooled in her eyes, and she fought to prevent their fall. 

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