Rush (26 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Rush
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This was sweeter. Softer. More intimate and she loved every second.

She could fall in love with this Gabe.

“I wonder if you have any idea how much I want you right now,” he murmured next to her ear.

She smiled and then lifted her mouth to whisper in his ear. “I’m not wearing any underwear.”

He stopped right in the middle of the dance floor, not even making an effort to make it look like they were dancing. His hold tightened on her and his body went rigid against hers.

“Jesus Christ, Mia. What a thing to say right here in the middle of the goddamn restaurant.”

She smothered another smile and blinked innocently up at him. “I just thought you’d want to know.”

“We’re getting the hell out of here,” he growled.

Before she could say anything, he grabbed her hand and hauled her toward the exit, his other hand reaching for his cell phone. Thank goodness she hadn’t brought a purse or it would have been left at the table!

In terse tones, he told his driver they were ready.

Outside on the sidewalk, Gabe retreated closer to the building, holding her protectively against his side, away from the passersby.

“Gabe, what about the bill?” she asked, mortified that they’d just walked out.

He gave her a patient look. “I have an account with them. I’m a regular here. I even have a standard tip added to each of my bills. So don’t fret.”

The car pulled up and Gabe hustled her inside. As soon as the doors were closed and the car pulled away, Gabe pushed the button for the privacy screen between the front and back seat.

Anticipation fizzed in her veins until it felt like she was a shaken-up bottle of carbonated soda.

He reached for the fly of his slacks, rapidly unfastening it. A second later, he pulled out his long, beautiful cock and stroked it to utter rigidity. Her gaze was glued to him, the masculine ruggedness of his body.

“Pull up your dress and get on my lap,” he said, reaching for her hand.

Maneuvering up into the seat, she hiked up her dress, baring most of her thighs, and then Gabe scooted to the middle of the seat so she could straddle him.

He reached underneath her dress and slid his hand up the inside of her thigh to her bare pussy, and he smiled in absolute satisfaction.

“That’s my girl,” he purred. “God, Mia. I’ve fantasized about fucking you in this dress and those killer heels ever since you walked out of the bathroom at my apartment.”

He slid one finger inside and then pulled it back out and up between them. It glistened with her wetness. Slowly he slid his tongue up one side of his finger and she nearly came on the spot. Holy shit, but the man was lethal. Then he put his finger to her mouth.

“Suck it,” he said huskily. “Taste yourself.”

Mortified but morbidly curious, she tentatively parted her lips, allowing him to slide his finger inside and over her tongue. She sucked lightly and his pupils dilated. His cock surged upward, touching the mouth of her pussy in an impatient gesture.

He reached down with his other hand to grasp his dick, and then he withdrew his finger from her mouth so he could grip her waist. Then he lowered her down, guiding his erection into the very heart of her.

Oh but it was decadent watching Manhattan fly by, the glow of the lights, the noise of traffic, while Gabe was fucking her in the backseat of his car.

Positioning both hands at her waist, he began to thrust upward, holding her in place as he arched up and then withdrew. Faster. Harder. It was a race to see if he could get them both off before they arrived at his apartment.

She came first. A frenzied, bright flash that blew over her with the force of a hurricane. She was left panting as he continued to plunge into her over and over. She gripped his shoulders, holding on for dear life. And then the car began to slow.

Gabe erupted inside her, hot, spurting deep into her body. He pulled her all the way down onto his cock until there was no space separating them as he flooded into her. The car halted in front of his apartment and Gabe hit the intercom.

“Give us just a moment, Thomas,” he said quietly.

Gabe sat there a long moment, his cock still pulsing and twitching inside her. He raised his hands to cup her face and then he kissed her. It was a direct contradiction to the frenzied way he’d just taken her. It was long and sweet. Warm and so very tender. As if he conveyed by actions what he could never say in words. Would never say in words.

He pulled her to him and held her against his body as he stroked her hair. For several long moments she lay against him as he softened within her.

Finally he lifted her upward and angled her into the space beside him. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it between her legs before cleaning himself. Unhurried, he tucked himself back into his pants and refastened the fly, straightening his clothing while she pulled her dress down.

“Ready?” he asked.

She nodded, too shaken, too wrecked to say anything at all. Anything she said wouldn’t make a bit of sense anyway.

He opened the door and got out and a moment later came around to open hers.

“You’re staying over again,” he said as they walked toward the entrance.

It wasn’t a request, but there was none of the usual arrogance in his voice. He said it matter-of-factly as though there were no other conceivable possibility. But then he looked at her, and brief uncertainty—so brief she wasn’t even sure if that was what she saw—flashed in his eyes.

But she nodded, confirming his dictate.

“Of course I’ll stay,” she said softly.

They rode up the elevator and as they stepped off, he pulled her back against him, using his body to block the doors.

“Wait for me in bed,” he said in a husky voice. “I won’t be too late.”

She leaned up and brushed her mouth across his lips. “I’ll wait.”

There was immediate satisfaction in his eyes. Then he nudged her forward and stepped back into the elevator so the doors could close.

chapter twenty-two

Not surprisingly, the venue for drinks was at Rick’s in Midtown, a popular gentlemen’s club where Gabe, Ash and Jace were regular visitors. Jace and Ash were already there when Gabe strode into their VIP suite, and there were two waitresses flirting heavily with Jace and Ash. Their gazes immediately snapped to Gabe, interest flaring in their eyes.

He dismissed them with a glance, tersely ordered his drink, and they scurried away.

“Bad day?” Ash asked when Gabe took his seat.

He wanted to laugh.
Bad day
didn’t begin to cover it. It was one for the record books. He didn’t think twice about sharing. Jace and Ash were the only two people he ever trusted with anything personal.

Gabe grimaced. “Dad came to the office today wanting lunch.”

“Shit,” Jace muttered. “Sorry, man. I know that sucks. How’s your mom doing anyway?”

“I had dinner with her over the weekend. Had to drag her into the city. She’s been at that monstrosity of a house licking her wounds. I’d even thought to talk her into selling the house and moving into an apartment in the city. Though I guess that’s probably not going to happen now.”

Ash lifted an eyebrow. “Why?”

Gabe let out a long breath. “Dad’s decided he fucked up and he wants Mom back. That was the reason for lunch today.”

“Holy shit,” Ash said.

Jace frowned. “What the fuck? He’s fucked his way through half the gold diggers in Manhattan. What is he thinking?”

“According to him he didn’t fuck any of them and they didn’t mean anything.”

Ash rolled his eyes. “Wow. That’s the lamest line in the book.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Jesus, your day
suck,” Jace muttered. “First your dad and then Lisa.”

“Yeah. Mom’s been blowing up my phone bitching about all the women my dad’s been seen with. Now she’ll be blowing up my phone over Dad’s latest brain fart.”

“You want them back together?” Ash asked curiously.

“I never wanted them apart,” Gabe said in a dark tone. “I have no idea what the hell possessed my dad. It sounds like total bullshit when he tries to explain it. I don’t think he even knows what the hell happened. So yeah, I’d like to see them back together, but I want them to be happy, and if he’s going to pull this kind of stunt down the road, I’d rather they just quit now and call it good. I don’t want my mom going through that all over again.”

“Yeah, I hear you,” Jace said.

“So speaking of reconciliation,” Ash said casually. “What the ever-loving fuck was Lisa doing in your office?”

Gabe’s jaw tightened and his teeth ground together. The very last thing he wanted was to discuss Lisa, but he also knew his friends were going to be curious. They’d been there when Lisa had left him. They’d stood by him when she pulled her crazy-ass shit. It was only natural they’d be concerned when she started sniffing around again.

“Did you kick the crazy bitch out and tell her to fuck off?” Jace asked with a scowl.

Gabe chuckled, his mood lightening. He could always count on Jace and Ash to shoot straight.

“I made it clear I had absolutely zero interest in rehashing the past.”

“She wants money,” Jace said darkly. “I made a few calls. She’s already gone through most of the settlement, and the alimony payments you fork out every month are barely keeping her head above water.”

Gabe’s eyebrow lifted. “You checked up on her?”

“Hell yeah. Not going to let her fuck you over like she did last time,” Jace bit out. “She’s still living like she’s married to you. Hasn’t downgraded in that department. High-maintenance bitch.”

Gabe grinned. “No worries there, man. I’m not dipping back into those waters.”

“That’s good to hear,” Ash said, relief evident in his voice.

Gabe’s eyes narrowed. Had there been any doubt? Then he realized. Jace and Ash

“I can handle Lisa,” Gabe said easily. “She’s a manipulative, grasping bitch. Lesson learned.”

Jace and Ash nodded their agreement. The waitresses came back with the drinks and spent several minutes flirting with Jace and Ash. They left Gabe alone. Maybe they sensed he wasn’t in the mood. He had zero interest in these girls when he knew Mia was in his bed waiting.

Drink in hand, Jace turned to Gabe when the waitresses disappeared. “So how are things working out with Mia?”

Gabe was instantly on alert. He’d already had one come-to-Jesus moment with Jace over this. He didn’t want it to be a bone of contention between them. Before he could say anything, Jace continued.

“I know I busted your balls about it, and yeah, I probably overreacted. It just caught me off guard. I didn’t like Mia working in that damn pastry shop, but I figured she just needed time to figure
out what she wanted to do. She worked hard in school. She probably just needs a break to sort herself out, and I’m not in a hurry for her to do that. She has me. I’ll provide anything she needs and I don’t want her to feel pressured.”

A huge surge of guilt hit Gabe right in the gut. He’d definitely pressured Mia. No doubt about that. Not that he regretted it. He’d be a damn liar if he said otherwise. But still…

“She’s working out great, Jace,” Gabe said in a casual tone. “She’s smart and she’s motivated. She’s already finding her place. She works her ass off and she has her shit together. She wowed investors at the cocktail party she attended with me. Everyone at work seems to like her and has responded well to her presence. I’m sure many of them figure she got the job because of who she is, but she’s proven she deserves to be there.”

“Well, and who can’t like her?” Ash cut in. “She’s sweet and friendly. Not a mean bone in that girl’s body.”

“If anyone says shit to her I want to know about it,” Jace bit out.

Gabe held his hand up. “I have this, man. And if you think about it, it’s a hell of a lot better for her not to work for you. This way she can prove she deserves the job because she’s not working for her big brother. I’m not going to be a hardass with her but I’ll expect her to do her job. You’d just coddle her and baby her to death.”

Ash burst into laughter. “He totally nailed you with that one, man. If she had so much as a hangnail, you’d be sending her home.”

Jace grinned. “Okay, okay, you both have a good point.” Then he grew more serious. “I just want what’s best for her. I want her to be happy. She’s all I have.”

Gabe and Ash both nodded. “I get it,” Gabe said. “In your position, I’d feel the same. But lighten up. Let her spread her wings a bit. I think you’ll be surprised at just how much she can do without you hovering over her.”

Then in an effort to move the conversation away from Mia so Gabe wasn’t in such an awkward position, he glanced at Jace and Ash with a half grin. “Brunette history or what?”

Ash groaned and Jace just looked pissed.

Gabe raised his eyebrows. “That bad?”

“Batshit crazy,” Ash muttered. “Not one of our better decisions to hook up with her for a few days. Hell, she even knew it was temporary. Very temporary.”

Jace kept silent, his face still dark.

“Let’s just say she didn’t take it too well and she definitely did not get the message. She blew up both our phones for a few days.”

Gabe’s brow furrowed. “You gave her your cell numbers? Are you out of your minds?”

“Fuck no,” Jace exploded, speaking for the first time. “She called the office. Repeatedly. Had to threaten to report her for harassment before she finally chilled out.”

Gabe laughed. “You two sure know how to pick them.”

“Crazy,” Ash muttered again. “I don’t know how much clearer we could have been.”

Gabe lifted his shoulder in a shrug. “Be more discerning next time.”

Jace snorted. “Maybe we should just have contracts like you. Get all that shit sorted out before sex.”

Ash choked on his drink and Gabe scowled at them both.

After an hour of drinks, more joking, and definite babe checking out on the part of Ash and Jace, Gabe glanced at his watch and saw it was close to eleven. Damn. He’d told Mia he wouldn’t be that late. To wait up for him. And he was stuck here bullshitting with Jace and Ash.

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