Running the Maze (37 page)

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Authors: Jack Coughlin,Donald A. Davis

Tags: #Thriller

BOOK: Running the Maze
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“How about matching that with the three-and-a-half-hour drive he mentioned from the Stumps.”

The map expanded in size, and a straight blue line bloomed from 29 Palms to the desert location south of the Gordon Wells exit on Interstate 8. “Almost perfect, based on driving sixty miles per hour,” the Lizard said.

“And the time, precisely at five forty-two?”



“Gunny?” the Lizard called out. “The tracking signal on Petty Officer Ledford’s sat phone is still stationary in the hotel room, but the one on her belt shows movement. I hacked into the hotel’s security cameras and have a visual on all three of them leaving. The women seem to be OK.”

“Roger that, Liz. Keep us in the loop. How far does he have to travel?”

There was a clicking of a computer keyboard before Freedman answered. “About one hundred and twenty-five miles to El Centro, then add another half hour to that exit. Say two and one-half hours, plus or minus. Which would put them on the spot about an hour before you, if you drove from 29 Palms.”


Now the men at the table changed from watching the screen to facing each other and writing on the legal pads. The MARSOC lieutenant colonel said, “The first thing is pretty obvious, Kyle. This guy doesn’t want to go face-to-face with you. He would be a fool to let you within fifty feet.”

“So the instruction to take off the shirt and walk up the path is bullshit?”

“Probably just a distraction, to keep you thinking that you can go up and rescue the hostages.”

“And the daybreak time? What’s that about?”

“He wants you coming from the west, looking into the rising morning sun.”

The master gunnery sergeant wrote the capital letters
on his pad. “I agree. It will be an ambush of some sort. From the file, this Curtis dude was a construction roughneck back in the day, and in Washington, he booby-trapped his home and killed those FBI types. My guess is he will make up for his lack of military skill with weapons by staying with what he knows: dynamite. He most likely will sprinkle an improvised explosive device or two along the road, and certainly mine up any marked path.”

“Ouch.” Kyle agreed with the possibility and turned to the staff officer. “We need a hero, sir. A volunteer who is an IED expert, someone with experience, and about my size. If he wears a full body armor suit, and can use an MRAP, he could soak up the explosion and walk away. Take some balls, but it can be done.”

“I’ll shop it out with the engineers,” the major said. “They actually enjoy this sort of thing. Driving a blast-resistant V-bottom truck that weighs fourteen tons through a mine field helps measure the size of their dicks at beer call. We can lift one of them straight down to the El Centro Naval Air Station by helicopter, along with the driver.”

Kyle turned to the master gunny. “That works, and I need to chop a pair of sniper teams to me. Not for shooting unless I give the call, but to flank the position and feed me information. Let’s go ahead and do their insertion by air right away. Take along their ghillie suits, establish hides, and report. Sooner the better.”

The MARSOC officer had a question. “You think this Curtis guy understands that we do desert warfare training up here all the time? What edge does he possibly believe he can obtain just by going into the dunes?”

“It’s probably based on his planned egress route,” answered the master gunny. “This is only a few hundred yards from the international border in the middle of a wasteland, so once he does the deed, he hauls ass across the line. Obviously he has been there before to stake it out and plan this, and he thinks he has control; he has the hostages, the dynamite, and a handpicked position and is calling the orders. Want to bet that he’s got an off-road vehicle stashed nearby?”

The staff officer made a note. “We can lay on an Osprey right now to take you and the sniper teams down so you can all can hump in, and it can hang around out of sight, then be a medevac when it’s all done.”

“Sounds good, sir, but I’m not going in with the sniper teams. I’ve got to invade Mexico first, and faster than an Osprey can move. Time is critical. Can you line me up with a Citation down to Calexico?”

As the other three men were running checklists through their heads, Swanson called for the Lizard again. “I’m out of here, gang. See if Sybelle can arrange a priority call for me with the Fuerzas Especiales unit of the Infantería de Marina in Tijuana; particularly I need to talk to Capitano Miguel Francisco Castillo. Last I heard, he was running a platoon of Special Forces against the cartel in Sonora, right along the area where we will be working. I’ll be in the air, but the Stumps can patch the call through.”

The master gunnery sergeant gave a wicked grin. “We trained those Mexican marines. Good, solid fighters, although they do prefer that piece of shit Heckler & Koch MSG-90 for a sniper rifle.”

Swanson was up and moving. “I helped train Mickey myself, back when he was still an enlisted man, so he can be my spotter. His weapon, Master Gunny, doesn’t matter, because I’ll be taking my own.”

*   *   *


waiting at the Calexico International Airport when Kyle came in aboard a Cessna Citation V; he escorted Swanson through the border crossing with his gear, then drove to the Taboada International in the mirroring town of Mexicali. In minutes, they were aboard a Eurocopter Panther AS-565 helicopter churning east along I-8, paralleling the border, and were dropped off three miles south of the line. A following helicopter dumped out a dozen Marines who spread out to form a broad half-moon defensive position and protect the rear of the position for the unusual sniper team of Swanson and Castillo.

Kyle knew he had won the race. Curtis would still be on the road, believing he was ahead of the curve and would have about an hour to set up his trap atop a giant sand dune. Swanson, meanwhile, would be in a hide two and a half miles away, in Mexico, watching.

He and Mickey made quick work of digging a comfortable hole in the loose sand at the top of a huge dune, covering it with boards, then stacking the dirt back on and plugging in chunks of local vegetation. “This will be a very long shot, Kyle. I hope your special rifle can even make the shot at this range,” Castillo said.

“It’s not just the rifle, Mickey. I’ll be using a rocket-powered titanium bullet that is still in the experimental stage. We were testing it at 29 Palms when this mission popped up.” He arranged his radio, made the Excalibur ready, and covered it with a clean, soft cloth to keep out the fine dirt until it was time to use it. “I appreciate you taking time off from your druggies to help out this morning.”

“Always happy to help kill an American terrorist.” The Mexican captain in the black beret grinned, and his bright teeth flashed beneath the mustache. “The guy sounds like a real asshole.”

“That he is, my friend. That he is. But he has two women, one of whom is Beth Ledford, a good friend of mine, and we have to rescue them.”

“Aha. A pretty señorita?”

“Actually, she is pretty. A little blonde with a nice figure, but we’re just friends. Beth is a helluva fighter, can shoot better than you, and is going to join Task Force Trident.”

“Then she certainly sounds worth saving. Afterward, we can perhaps have a celebration?”

“You always have women on your mind. Just concentrate for now on popping this tango, OK?”

“Of course. Or course. This Beth Ledford; she is a little blonde, did you say?”



van within the speed limit on the interstate highway as he passed through the agricultural fields of the fertile Imperial Valley, and the smell of fertilizer and chemicals hung heavy on the night air. Huge sprinkler systems hissed from pipes. He was in control. The women were immobilized in the back, wrapped in dynamite, and gagged, behaving themselves. He would have the sun at his back when Swanson came through the big dunes and into the kill zone. He would be up high, with the advantage of looking down on the approaching man, who would be helpless. The explosive device was buried at the turnoff where he would leave his van, and Curtis had planted two additional dynamite caches along the little path up the steep, shifting side of the sand dune. At that point, there would be nothing Swanson could do to stop him.

He looked at the digital clock on the dashboard and saw that it was almost four thirty in the morning, which meant it was seven thirty at the Space Center; according to the published schedule, the Mars astronauts would be boarding the command module of the rocket about now. Coming up on T minus three hours. He pressed the scan button to see if a news report might be picked up out in the desert night. Radio reception was tricky in this bowl of desert that was below sea level, and getting clear signals from commercial stations was erratic.

Curtis found a talk show whose host specialized in the weird and bizarre, including coverage of aliens and UFOs, for his listening audience of night owls. He had been refereeing an argument for the past hour between experts about what kind of life existed on Mars, and if it might be hostile to humans.

“Well, guys, this is really interesting, and our lines are on fire, but I want to bring everybody up to date here. The wire services are reporting from the Cape that the Mars launch has been scrubbed!” Excitement rose in his voice. “A NASA spokesman has just announced that during the final safety check this morning, several heat-resistant tiles on the reentry vehicle were found to be defective, and the
will not fly until the problem can be corrected. A news conference will be held later. Well, guys, this is a stunner. No launch this morning! What do you think, Dr. Lerner?”

Bill Curtis slammed on the brakes, and the tires locked and the van skidded to a jerky halt with the right wheels off the pavement. He bashed the steering wheel with both hands and shouted every obscenity he could think of, got out and stormed around, waving his arms in frustration, then beat hard on the side of the van. A passing motorist gave him a curious look, then sped away. The damned Mars mission was off! How? What? They would go through the rocket piece by piece now and find the detonator.
Ohhhhhh, damndamndamn.
His groan was deep and guttural, and his stomach was in such sudden pain that he leaned over and vomited bile onto the pavement. He collapsed beside the back wheel, leaned back, and drew in deep breaths. Failure again. First the bridge, then his exposure as a traitor, and now this. The tiles story had to be a lie. He didn’t know how but was certain that Swanson was involved in foiling the rocket plan, too. The double strike on the United States had evaporated. Blood surged through his veins, and he felt like killing somebody.

*   *   *


40-power spotting scope slowly over the empty sands that would turn into a cauldron within a few hours as temperatures soared to over 100 degrees, occasionally kissing 120 plus. On most summer days, the cooked little towns in the Imperial Valley were among the hottest places in the United States. The dunes folded away, one after another for forty miles to the north, and when the hot, heavy winds kicked in, the incredibly wrinkled landscape would rearrange itself into brand-new trackless, bumpy wastes, and sand would fill the air and turn the world tan and blot out the sun.

“Headlights,” he said and handed the scope to Mickey. Without the increased magnification, the lights were a mere dot in the darkness to the naked eye, but when Kyle brought up the Excalibur, its 20-power scope brought everything back to clarity, adjusting to night-vision mode. “He’s late. Only thirty minutes until sunrise.” The darkness was already thinning as a new day crept toward the valley.

The hump of the huge dune hid the new arrivals, but the flanking teams had clear views and gave step-by-step reports as Bill Curtis parked south of the small bridge at the intersection of the All-American and New Coachella canals, part of the desert aqueduct system. He killed the engine and pulled his two hostages from the back of the van, cut the manacles on their ankles, and made each carry some gear as they climbed the dune, following the little flags dimly visible at their feet.

The snipers had all lasered the top of the target dune earlier with infrared beams, and Swanson had locked the exact distance into Excalibur’s internal computer. “Windage?” he asked and was told there was no change. A recurring light breeze had been recorded sweeping through the valleys between the dunes every seven minutes, and the timing had remained constant. Mickey was keeping track of the time, and just as expected, the faint wind eased down through the depressions right on schedule.

“We’ve got another seven minutes of clear air,” he whispered, as though his voice might be heard two and a half miles away. In the big scope, he saw the man come to the crest of the faraway ridge with the women beside him. Then the women sat down, and the man stood tall. “Everybody stay still,” Mickey called. “He’s doing a sweep of the area with binoculars. Good. He’s done. Jesus, Kyle, he didn’t even look this way.”

“Of course not. He’s overconfident and careless. This is Mexico, and he drew a mental boundary on threats at the border. He has not factored in the danger to himself. What’s that he’s doing?”

“Shit. It’s a beach chair! The son of a bitch has unfolded a beach chair and has plopped his ass down in it, like a king on a throne. A hostage is tight on each side.”

Swanson brought the picture to perfect clarity in his own scope. Hunh. The elevation calculation was still good; Kyle’s hide was fifty feet above the target, and he figured a plus three. His aim point would be the base of the neck, right above the shoulders. Not much wiggle room left and right, but better margin of error up and down, and Swanson did not plan on missing anyway. Not this morning.

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