Read Running in Fear: Cupid's Venom Online

Authors: Trinity Blacio

Tags: #paranormal, #MFM

Running in Fear: Cupid's Venom (15 page)

BOOK: Running in Fear: Cupid's Venom
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Are the shoes and things you need in the bags?”

Cecil nodded and handed her the dress. “Yep, everything is in there.”

“Oh, wait,” Jaycee said. “Pam, I wanted to know if you would like to be included in our girls’ link only. Marsha has come up with a way so we girls can communicate privately without the men knowing about it.”

Jaycee turned to her brothers, who’d just wandered in. “And if one of our mates finds out, I’ll know who to blame.”

They grinned, holding up their hands. “Mom has already told us to keep our mouths shut,” Lance, the youngest brother, said.

“Why do I have this feeling you’re not telling me the truth?”

Jaycee stared at him, then turned to Pam. “So, what do you think?”

She nodded and Jaycee opened a tiny cut on her wrist. “Lick it.”

Pam frowned and licked the drop of blood.

At once Cecil could feel the connection to Pam, and giggled. “It’s weird, isn’t it? And the men can’t break it either.”

* * * *

Tug glanced in the rear view mirror at Clayton, who was on the phone. He slammed it shut. “Shit, Francesca is already on her way here and her secretary said she’s turned off her damn cell phone.”

Pulling into pack lands, Tug shook his head. “Cecil is going to be furious.”

How was I supposed to know I’d meet my mates? And she’s also going to be pissed you’re giving a demonstration that night using a sub.”

Remi laughed. “I think all the women are going to be pissed about that one. The only thing that might save both of your asses is that child in your arms.”

Little Cade giggled as Rory blew a raspberry on his stomach.

“Yep, this will be a nice surprise for her.” Rory laughed. “I still can’t believe Marsha turned that creep into a frog. Did you see his pet boa just swallow him whole? I thought I was going to die laughing.”

Dane grumbled, “You wouldn’t be laughing if you’d been turned into a toad. Almost feel sorry for the bastard.”

Tug smiled, trying to think of a way to get out of the demonstration. He had planned it months ago. They were so dead.

Um, Clayton. I hate to tell you this, but I kind of dropped your box
of albums last night when we were moving your things into our room.


Cecil’s voice held a hint of fear.

Clayton clenched his fists together.
How many are broken and
why didn’t you just wait till we got back?
He gritted his teeth.

I wanted to surprise you. Sorry, but only about ten broke.
Tug cringed. Everyone knew Clayton kept his prized albums in his room, bragging about how not one of them had been opened.

Tug’s gaze matched his.
Please tell me you didn’t open them.

Clayton whispered through the pack’s link. Tug heard the gasps from the men.
Well, I had to make sure they weren’t all broken, didn’t I?

Pulling into the driveway, Clayton jumped out of the car and ran towards the house. Tug shook his head. It was going to be a long night. He got out, grabbing the baby crib, clothes, and other baby things they had purchased earlier, when he heard Clayton’s howl of anger.

“Damn, I don’t envy you two tonight.” Mark clapped him on the back, as he grabbed a bag and carried it in the house behind him.

Cecil sat on the stairs in tears as she watched Clayton pace back and forth. “I didn’t mean to, Clayton. It was an accident.”

Tug had enough. “Clayton, enough! Give her a break.”

Clayton’s red eyes blazed up at him, but he didn’t get a chance to say anything when Rory came into the house with the baby.

Cecil squealed, running to Rory, crying as she picked up her son, hugging him. “I’ve got you, Cade, I’ve got you,” she cried, going to the rocking chair, just holding him and rocking.

She glanced up at Clayton. “Thank you,” Cecil whispered to him.

All the anger disappeared, and he smiled. “He needed his mom.”

Clayton kneeled down next to them.

Jaycee sat on the couch, frowning at her mates. “You couldn’t even contact me to tell me you three were okay, but you contact the guards?” she snarled.

“Don’t start, Jaycee. It’s been a rough three days,” Remi ordered and picked her up, kissing her. He broke the kiss, staring down at her. “So, is there anything new going on that we need to know about?”

Tug laughed at Remi’s subtle hint, waiting to see if Jaycee would tell them about the link she had created for the women. All of them had been furious when they had gotten the message from Lance about the link.

Not only did Jaycee put herself at risk, but the babies too.

She pulled out of her arms. “Nope, we were good little girls. Sat here waiting for our men. Didn’t even go out for a run either, which, I might add, was hard not to do.” She slowly sat back down, watching Cecil.

Making his way up the stairs, Tug heard Clayton ask Cecil the same question. “No, we really didn’t do much. Just got things ready for the 94

party tomorrow night. I can’t wait to just have a quiet night with the three of you with all the dancing and games.”

He stopped on the stairs and looked down at her. “Games? What games?” He glanced at Remi, who frowned.

“I didn’t know anything about any games. Jaycee, what games?”

Remi asked.

Jaycee laughed and waved her hand. “Oh please, simple little games really. One’s going to be spin the bottle. We even had Pam set up poker tables, but of course we’ll be playing strip poker.” She grinned.

Cecil laughed. “It’s going to be so much fun, just like high school.

Oh, and guess what, Tug? Nancy said she couldn’t wait for your performance. I didn’t know you could sing.” She looked up at him and grinned.

“I’d better go set this crib up. It’s been a long day for Cade. I’m sure he’ll sleep well tonight.” Tug hurried up the stairs, cussing Nancy all the way upstairs. Him, sing? There was no way he was going to sing in front of everyone.

Setting up the crib, Clayton strolled into the room. “You know they’re up to something, but what the hell is it?” Clayton grabbed one of the rails to the crib as Cecil came into the room, carrying a sleeping Cade.

Tug stood back and smiled. “There. All set up for you.” He glanced at Cecil and frowned. “What?”

“Didn’t you forget the mattress?” Cecil laughed as Rory came into the room carrying the mattress, which was already covered with a baby sheet.

“I’ve got it.” He laughed and set the mattress in the crib. “I take it you’ve never been around babies.” He smiled.

Cecil gently put the baby into the crib, staring down at him. “He’s so tiny. It’s hard to believe he’s two years old.” Cecil jumped, turning around to them.

“I almost forgot to tell you. Our dresses came today. I can’t wait for you three to see me in mine. I’ve never felt so, well, sexy before.”

Tug laughed. “Baby, you’re sexy in everything you do.” He kissed her lips. “Why don’t you show us the dress?”

She shook her head, grinning. “Nope, can’t do that. It’s a surprise for tomorrow, but you’re going to love it. I know you will. Well, let me go get the food out of the oven. You guys must be starved.” Cecil almost danced out of the room.

Tug frowned at the door as she closed it behind her. “Now I
they have something planned.”

Rory snorted. “You think? Even Remi, Dane, and Mark are trying 95

to figure out what’s going on.”

* * * *

Cecil moved into the kitchen, growling. “Do you believe those fools, especially Clayton, yelling at me over some damn stupid records when he has a freaking
this weekend?” She plopped down in the chair next to Marsha.

Jaycee tapped her hand on the table. “They know don’t they about the connection?” She directed her question to Marsha.

“Yes, and I’m going to beat Lance’s ass. Even Ben is being too sweet.” Marsha said. “You’d think my own son would keep his mouth shut.”

“Hmm, well then, they’ve caught us in one lie, disobeying their orders. How much trouble are we in?” Cecil glanced from Jaycee to Marsha to Sheila.

“Enough that we won’t sit for a day or two,” Sheila said.

“Well, we can’t back down now.” Jaycee got up and grabbed the silverware. “We’d better get supper on the table before they come looking for us.”

Cecil moved to the oven and pulled out the large casserole dish of shepherd’s pie. “Sheila, grab the biscuits.” She pushed through the kitchen door, moving into the living room. All the men were sitting at the table talking when she walked in. They stopped and stared at her as she placed the dish down on the table.

“Hope you guys are hungry.” She reached over, adjusting the dish, when Tug slipped in behind her, kissing her neck.

“I’ve missed you, and I didn’t even get a kiss hello?” he said, lifting her into his arms, tilting her head back, and nipping her lip. “Open for me, Cecil.”

Cecil nipped his lip back, and smiled at him. “I was scared, Tug.

Don’t do that again.” She opened her mouth and he swept his tongue into hers.

His hand slowly moved down her chest to her breast and cupped it. Tug lifted up, holding her gaze with his. “We were fine. They didn’t know what hit them and, with their leader gone, they are more confused.

We’re safe.”

“For now, we are.” Cecil pulled away and sat down while everyone helped themselves to the food.

“Now, this is comfort food.” Mark groaned.

For the next hour, the men polished off the rest of the shepherd’s pie, as Clayton, Tug, and Rory watched her.

Shaking her head, she grabbed her plate and Tug’s when he was 96

done. “I think I’m going to clean up in the kitchen and take a nice hot bath.

Want to join me?” she whispered into his ear, watching the rise of his cock in his pants.

He smiled up at her, cupping her cheek. “Sorry, sweetheart, we’re all beat. We haven’t slept in two days, but we’ll make it up to you tomorrow night.”

Cecil stood there staring down at him. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Cecil, we’ve traveled more than a hundred miles today.”

She nodded and left the room, going into the kitchen. Tears filled her eyes, making her vision blurry as she sat the plates into the sink and started the hot water.

“You okay?” Sheila asked, coming up and standing next to her.

“Yeah, I’m fine. So what? He doesn’t want me. I can live with that.” Cecil dripped some soap into the water as Jaycee stormed into the room.

“They denied me sex. Do you
this? I haven’t had sex in five
and when I ask for some, they denied me. Oh tomorrow is going to be payback time,” Jaycee yelled.

Cecil smiled and glanced behind her. “Looks like we have more in common than we thought.”

Jaycee narrowed her gaze on her. “You mean you asked too, and they said no?” She huffed. “You’re just mated. I know for a fact that men can’t keep their hands off you for the first month.”

Cecil’s lip trembled and she turned back to washing the dishes. “I guess mine can. Maybe they’re finally seeing I’m the freak I am. Who knows? Maybe that’s why Clayton didn’t cancel his date.” The dish in her hand broke, slicing her hand.

“What the hell happened?” Marsha stormed into the room and turned off the water, taking her hand into hers.

“It’s nothing. I just wasn’t paying attention. It will heal in a minute anyway.”

Marsha wrapped a towel around her hand. “All of you sit down.

This has to stop.”

Jaycee sat down. “We’re not the ones who screwed up and we’re being punished. What’s wrong with this picture?” She pouted.

“That’s true, and normally, I would say screw them, but Cecil needs her men. Jaycee, you knew how bad you felt when Remi took off for days and then used those women. Do you want the same for Cecil?”

“No, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I’ll go get her men and I’ll talk to mine.” She stood up and turned around. “But I still say we should keep the dresses a secret.”


Marsha smiled. “Of course we should. There’s is nothing wrong with that.”

Jaycee smiled and headed out into the living room with Sheila.

Cecil glanced up at Marsha. “Do I tell them I know about the demonstration and Francesca?”

Marsha pulled her into a big hug. “Honey, that’s up to you, but if you want to start this out right, I would consider it. Your men are coming.”

Marsha got up and opened the kitchen door as all three men filed in and sat down next to her as Marsha closed the kitchen door.

“You wanted to talk to us?” Clayton said. “What happened?” He lifted her hand and unwrapped it.

“It’s nothing. I just cut myself when a dish broke in the sink.”

Cecil sighed. “Wait here. I have to get something.”

Cecil moved out of the kitchen and down the hall to the extra storeroom, grabbing Clayton’s box of records. Pausing at the kitchen door, she took a deep breath and pushed into the kitchen.

Clayton stood up and glanced down at the box in her hands. “I believe these are yours,” Cecil said. “None of them has been touched and your letter from Francesca is even in there too.” Tears streamed down her face. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I was hurt when I found the letter, but it wasn’t right to do what I did. I guess I still have a little teenager in me after all.” She tried to smile, but failed.

He grabbed the box and set it down on the table, flipping through the records.

“They’re all there,” Cecil added. “I didn’t open them. I wouldn’t do that to you. I was going to give them back to you tomorrow.” She glanced at Tug. “I made up that story about singing when Nancy called and told me about the demonstration. She couldn’t wait to be your sub for tomorrow. I told her you would get back to her tonight about it.” She turned to leave, but stopped glancing back at them. “Francesca is here in town. She’s still coming to the dance and, yes, she knows about me. We also have a link now. Just a few of us girls, not everyone. Just Jaycee, Marsha, Sheila, and Pam. Close friends, that’s all. I told Jaycee it would be too much for the babies to have every female in the pack.” Cecil opened the door to leave, but Clayton reached up, closing the door. He pulled her into the room.

“Sit, Cecil.” Clayton pulled the chair out and waited.

BOOK: Running in Fear: Cupid's Venom
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