Running (16 page)

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Authors: Calle J. Brookes

Tags: #police procedural, #fbi thriller, #office romance, #kidnapping romance, #women slueth, #romantic suspense fbi

BOOK: Running
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And in the last day or
touches had
changed. She hadn’t been blind to that. They’d become less casual
and more caressing. More the kind that a man used with a woman he

This guy wanted

It had been a long time
since she’d been in this stage, with a man who unabashedly was
attracted. And was planning to act on it. She knew he was. And that
was something she’d have to consider if they were going to be alone
on this whatever it was. Because she understood the psychology
behind it all—high intensity situation, free attractive male and
female. Time alone in close conditions.

Sex was bound to enter the
equation somehow. Wasn’t that what had pretty much happened to Hell
and Georgia or Sebastian and Carrie? It had definitely been what
had kick started things between Jules and Mal last Thanksgiving.
But all three of those couples had known each other for at least a
few months, if not considerably longer, before the cases they’d
been working on had forced them into closer proximity.

Maybe that’s what she was
facing now? Close proximity with a man so much like his triplet
that she was projecting what she knew about Sebastian on to his
brother? She’d felt a bit of attraction for Sebastian when he’d
first arrived at PAVAD—but it had been casual and gone within a few
weeks of him assuming leadership of her team. It had been no more
significant than any attraction she’d felt for other men in the
last several years.

So why did it feel so
damned intense for this guy, who was beginning to look
and less like his
brother? Who really acted
like Sebastian?

No. It wasn’t projection.
And she didn’t think it was just proximity, either.

It was something
. And
something about

And whatever they did,
she’d have to be aware of that. Or she could end up getting hurt.
Al wasn’t made for casual relationships at all.

And she had a feeling that
was all a man like Seth Lorcan would ever be capable of. But at
that moment, she would take what he offered. Because for once she
wanted to take a risk. “Baby, you surprise me.”

call me
. Your
brother calls Carrie that.” And Sebastian meant it with all the
love he could feel for his wife. She didn’t want a cheap knock-off
of that. Not right now.

. I could never think of
you as an Al. Bad memories of an Al.” His fingers went toward the
buttons of her borrow pajamas. He slipped the fasteners loose one
by one. “And my father called my mother that. That’s why Seb uses
it…Baby, baby is

And in that moment—time be
damned, his arrogance be damned, the
they were in be damned—Al
realized that so was he.

And she took the risk he
offered. Every heated moment of it.




What had she done? She
to sleep with this man. And definitely not in a borrowed bedroom,
in a bed with pink and purple ruffles! Of course, the blankets
hadn’t stayed on the bed for long. She felt shame, just the
smallest moment of it, when she looked at the man sprawled on the
lavender sheet. “Help me make the bed.”

No regrets, toots.” He
grabbed the top sheet. “What happened here happened for a

And what
was that? It was momentary carelessness on my part. Call it the
adrenalin of what has happened recently.” She looked into the green
eyes she knew she’d never be able to forget. “No regrets, that’s
true. But that doesn’t mean I plan to repeat it.” She definitely
wouldn’t be
stupid. “We both know that there can never be

He was serious when he
looked at her. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Her heart softened—she felt
it, much like the Christmas Grinch. He looked so…so…sweet and
sincere. “I know. And I don’t want that, either. For either of us.
I think the best thing to do would be for you to head back to the
study. This, this, was just one of those things that happen in a
crazy situation. It didn’t mean anything for either of

was a lie, and she knew it as the words left her mouth. Sex
for her
meant something. Always. She’d believed that from the very
first time she’d slept with a man, and she believed it

The truth was, if it hadn’t
meant anything to her, she
have had sex with him.

But did he realize

Five minutes later he was
gone and she was left hugging a pink hippo pillow, wondering what
she’d done.

Someone knocked on the door
softly and her breath caught and she shivered. He’d come back. What
was she supposed to say now?

If he pressed her, just
asked to stay beside her tonight, Al didn’t know that she’d be able
to tell him no. And what would it hurt, just for a little

was a thought she’d have to push aside. She’d have to. She
didn’t want to get hurt again, who would?

But it wasn’t Seth at the
door. It was Carrie’s sister Brynna. She clutched a black duffle
bag. “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”

No. I was just

I heard him

Al’s gaze flew to Brynna’s.
Had the other woman heard what had happened
he’d left? “I—”

heard it before—not from
room, no. But I do have sisters. And have had a
few relationships myself. Nothing to be ashamed of.” Her direct way
of speaking was much like Carrie’s, and Al respected that. And made
her miss her friends, and the support they offered. “I brought you
something.” She dropped the bag on the bed.

Thank you.” What was

Clean underwear. I
understand the lack would drive someone nuts. And there’s a few
other things in there you may need. Prepaid cards. Some food and
water. I added minutes to your disposable phones. And I made copies
of all that I found on that second memory card. It was encrypted,
and then the data seemed to be in a crude code, as well. I fixed
that, and came up with a list of names. I figured you two might
know better what to do with those names than I would.”

Al was impressed. This girl
probably rivaled her sister at computer forensics. And that was
saying a lot. “Thanks, Brynna. I appreciate it. And we’ll pay you
back, as soon as we can.”

Just give it to Carrie.
We’ll get it back eventually.” Brynna stared at her for a long
moment. Al was used to Carrie doing the same thing. “It’s not my
place to interfere in your life. I know that.”


I like
him. And he seems more
than Sebastian does. You know? And I think he
really cares about you. I think he’d cut off his leg before
you. You

Al hugged the hippo pillow
tighter to her chest. “I know. But the one thing he can’t say with
guarantees is that he’ll stick. Or that he even wants to. And I
can’t settle for anything else.”

I guess that’s a risk you
have to consider. We all do. Good luck. Let me know if you need
anything else. By the way—Dad’s up early around here. Seven a.m.
Good night.”

Good night, Brynna, and
thank you.”

problem. Who knows? Maybe you’ll return the favor someday. Either
me or one of my sisters. Never can tell. It’s what
is all





You were leaving without
me.” Al stared at the idiot man as she blocked his way to the SUV
early the next morning. “Don’t lie.”

chick, I don’t need you.” He placed hot hands on her waist and
pulled her off her feet. Al let him, curious to see how far he’d
take it. His touch scorched her skin, even through the layer of her
shirt and borrowed jacket.
brought back memories of the night before. “You
got me information, cleaned up, and rested, now I’m ready to leave.
Ready to go on my way. It’s been great, and all that, but this is
where the party ends.”

really think it’s going to work that way?” She’d made a decision
after he’d left her borrowed bedroom the night before. Either she
was in all out or she was walking away. And she wasn’t walking
away. He needed to learn that about her, and fast. He might not
stick, but she’d at least
“I’m in for the long run on this. I don’t
something midway
through. Like it or not, until this is over
you are stuck with
me. Got

you’ll be safe. I can’t make those kinds of promises. You’re
better off

I’m not asking you to make
promises. I can keep myself safe. I’m good at my job, and you need
to accept that. You can’t do this alone, no matter how much you
seem to think you’re Superman. Your brother had the same stupid
hero complex, too. But Paige and I have shaken that out of

More was at stake here than
him just accepting her as a full part of this whatever it was. Did
he realize that? This wasn’t just the two of them thrown together
in a situation not of their own making. This was bigger than

This had to do with what
was happening between them. What
happened between them already.

Unless he
see it that way?
Maybe that was it? Maybe she was just convenient for him? Had it
just been proximity that brought him to her room last night? Was
kind of
guy? Somehow she didn’t think he was.

Your best bet is calling
Sebastian or those brothers of yours and saying I dumped you in
Texas and you found your way to Lt. Beck. Completely absolve you of
any involvement with me whatsoever.”

That won’t work. I’m
involved. Everyone knows that by now, I’m sure. Especially
Sebastian. I’m going with you; you’re not stopping me. You need
help, and I’m your only option. Don’t be too stubborn to see that.”
She pulled on the passenger side handle. “Let’s go. I think we
should put some distance between us and the Becks before too much

They all still

Brynna was awake. I heard
her in her room. I left a note.” It wasn’t how she wanted to do it,
but it was best they were gone before Melody and the rest of
Carrie’s family woke. Just as a precaution. No sense involving them
anymore than they had been.

Al would always be grateful
for how they’d helped her when she’d needed it. It spoke volumes
about the Beck family. Maybe someday Al
be able to return the

Let’s go, then. If you’re
so certain this is what you want. Crazy chick.” He crowded her
against the SUV. Kissed her hard before pulling away. He wrapped
his hands around her waist and lifted her into the Escape. “When
this is over, I’ll make it up to you. The most expensive dinner I
can afford. And then we’ll enjoy each other for the rest of the




He took the next exit,
relieved to get off the interstate. He hadn’t wanted to use the
main roads for their travel, but with construction, he hadn’t had a
choice. But the thought that someone would be watching for them on
the interstate was foremost in his mind.

He’d drive until they found
the most out of the way, dinky rest stop he could. Hopefully they
could get their needs taken care of without too much hassle. He
pointed toward his borrowed bag of clothes—
brother’s clothes. No wonder
they’d fit him perfectly.

He couldn’t get over his
own shitty luck lately. “Get one of those sweatshirts out. It’s
getting damned cold, and I don’t want you to be too

Barbie hadn’t even had a
winter coat with her when he’d taken her. Silly hostage; maybe next
time she’ll be better prepared. “Gee, your concern touches

yeah. Whatever. I thought it was supposed to get
the more south you

Do you always whine like
this? No wonder your brother didn’t mention you. You’re super
annoying.” But she did as she was told.

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