Run to You

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Authors: Tawnya Jenkins

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Run to You


By: Tawnya Jenkins
















To my three amazing children: Dillon, Amber and Hailey.

I love you all more than life itself.





Warning: This book contains strong sexual content and adult situations.  It also contains adult language and mild violence.  It is not suitable for young readers.




Copyright © 2015 by Tawnya Jenkins


This book is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this fiction:  Starbucks, Subway, Top Ramen, Beyonce, Bring Me The Horizon, Papa Roach, Rise Against, iPod, Macy’s, Hawaiian Tropic, Target, Pandora.






  It was nearly midnight in the small town of Boulder Falls, Colorado; a dense layer of fog had begun to settle near the bottom of the empty city streets.  It was mid-October, only days from Halloween when the blaring sound of sirens cut through the silence of the once peaceful night.  The local Fire department were first on scene, engine 11 led by Fire Chief Jack Marshall.  He would never forget that night.  He had just been sitting at the table in the firehouse playing a friendly game of poker with his buddies to pass the time.  Nothing exciting ever happens in Boulder, they rarely got called for anything more than rescuing Miss Mallory’s nearly blind cat from the old oak tree near the town square.  The fire bell sang out loud that night, echoing through the firehouse with an Emergency call he would never be able to void from his mind. The address that dispatch relayed over the intercom must be a mistake, there couldn’t’ be a code 30 trauma at his house.  The old fire engine roared to life as he attempted to place a call to his daughter; there was no answer.

  The aged fire engine couldn’t drive fast enough, the lights wouldn’t change prompt enough.  It was as if time had stood still when he finally pulled onto his street and saw his little girl on the curb, now surrounded by neighbors.  Chloe Marshall couldn’t see her father as he ran toward her through her swollen eyes, she couldn’t hear him calling out to her, her head hurt but her body felt-well numb actually.  She couldn’t’ feel anything but she knew if she could she would want to die.  She woke up to the sound of alarms beeping around her in the Boulder Regional Emergency room.  She had a broken rib, a concussion and 18 stitches in her abdomen.  That night would haunt her family years to come.



  I have driven down this interstate so many times that I have every curve, and every pothole memorized.  Today is not like every other day though, today I am not just driving to the book store off of Exit 43 or to the shopping mall off of Exit 45.  No, today I am driving far past that, far past the town that has haunted my life for too long.  Today I am driving two states over for a new beginning.  I worked my butt off to earn this scholarship and as much as I hated leaving my father in the condition he was in I couldn’t stay any longer.  As I steer my white Jetta near the state line I breathe in the fresh air with my window rolled down and my radio blaring my favorite Breaking Benjamin song.  I have never felt so free in all my life.  It’s been difficult growing up without my mom around, she died when I was seven.  I don’t remember a whole lot about her and dad doesn’t like to talk about it.  He actually doesn’t like to talk about much of anything anymore.  Ever since he lost his job, things took a turn for the worse.  Doctors are calling it the early onset of Dementia.  Apparently excessive drinking can do that to a person who already has the predecessors.

  My dad’s best friend Mac had moved in to help us out after his oldest son left for college last year.  He was a huge help and for a short time I had almost remembered what having a real dad around was like.  Mac is an amazing person, even though he’s in his early 40’s he doesn’t look a day over 35.  Not a gray hair on his perfectly combed head.  He took over as Fire Captain after dad was forced to resign.  His wife had died a year before I was born and he never dated anyone after her.  His son Greg was captain of the Varsity football team and ended up getting a full ride to The University of Florida.  Mac had convinced the county to not place my dad into their care by moving in to help out last year.  If it wasn’t for him I would have ended up spending my senior year in foster care.  Not that it would’ve mattered much, I still wouldn’t have had any friends.  Oh how the mighty fall…I had went from being the head cheerleader and one of the popular kids to someone that might has well have had some horrible disease that killed everyone who touched her.  Shows you who your real friends are in the end.  Oh well, it doesn’t matter anymore.  I graduated and thanks to all my hard work I managed to gain a full scholarship to Brighton University in Washington.

  This is exactly the kind of change I need in my life; new town, new school, and a fresh start.  I have already convinced myself that I will bring my inner cheerleader personality back out, the one that I shoved into a dark closet two years ago.  I will plaster on my peppiest smile and dig deep down to hide the darkness that tries so desperately to take over.  Nobody will ever see that side of me again, I will be Miss Susie Sunshine from the moment I reach the dorms.

  It only takes me two days to make it to the campus dormitory, it would’ve been quicker if I had my way.  But, I promised Mac I would stop for the night and call him to check in. Now, as I sit here in the parking lot staring at my face in my rearview mirror, I adjust my caramel brown hair and dab some pink lip gloss to my lips.  I smile at myself, but I can feel the tears starting to form, mentally I shake them away and take a deep breath before opening my car door to begin the next chapter in my life.

  The parking lot is practically empty like I hoped it would be, school doesn’t start for another 3 weeks.  I had planned to arrive early so that I wouldn’t have to deal with seeing all the parents hugging and kissing their children and witness all the emotions surrounding those awkward experiences I wouldn’t have.  I also wanted to get first pick at which side of the room I wanted, I already know I have a roommate.  According to the informational packet I received her name is Katie and she was also a cheerleader.  The school had requested some information from us at the time of registration in order to pair us up and ensure the best possible housing outcomes.  Of course I had lied a bit on mine, I was no longer a cheerleader or head of the dance team.  I did however, graduate with a 4.0 and I was prom queen, even though it was my sophomore year. 

  The air here is colder than Boulder at this time of year, it was practically fall now.  The middle of September.  The campus is beautiful it resembles an old castle from one of the many fantasy novels I’ve read.  The brick buildings are truly breathtaking, there are huge trees everywhere.  It looks like more of a State Park than a school.  As I approach my dorm building it’s a rustic red color, it instantly reminds me of the firehouse from home.  I swallow that memory down and unlock the main door, as I follow the map up the stairs to the third floor and down the hall to room 254, I am silently praying that I am strong enough to handle this on my own.  Once I enter the room, the first thing I notice is the striking white walls.  And when I say white, I mean white.  I have never witnessed walls that white before.  There are two twin size beds perfectly centered under the large window.  The wood is a dark cherry in color, there is a matching night stand between them.  To my left there is a small dresser and closet, and to the right is the exact same setup only there is also a bathroom door.  I decide the right side will be mine, I want to be close to the bathroom so that I do not have to walk across the room to get to it in the middle of the night. 

  After only three trips to and from the car I have successfully retrieved all my boxes, now to unpack.  I bought a new bedding set specifically for college, it’s the brightest pink one I could find.  The pink comforter is covered with bright orange and yellow flowers and the matching sheets are a vibrant hot pink.  It almost hurts my eyes to look at it but I will have to get used to it.  It’s definitely a huge change from my chocolate brown and turquoise bed set I’m used to at home.   I chose some bright pink flower paintings from Target and some cute flower throw pillows.  Satisfied with my awesome decorating skills, I flop down onto the bed and close my eyes.  I’m pretty sure I had drifted off to sleep since the sound of my phone ringing on the nightstand nearly made me jump out of my skin.

“Hey Mac,” I answer.

    “Hey kiddo, how are you settling in?”

    “I’m fine Mac, really.”  I tell him in my best big girl voice, “I’m already unpacked and everything.”

  After a few awkward moments of silence, Mac finally speaks.  “I know you are kiddo, I just-I just worry about ya, you know?”  He laughs, but I can tell it was a fake laugh. 

    “How’s dad?”  I ask bracing myself for the answer.

    “Uh-you know, he’s good.  Today is a good day so far,” Mac says.

  Good days are becoming less frequent for my dad, I had witnessed only a few before I left.  Good days are ones when he wakes up smiling, days when he wakes up not remembering any of the past events from the last couple of years.  Bad days on the other hand, well those are days I wish I could wipe from my mind.  Days when he wakes up yelling, storming around the house demanding his bottle of whiskey.  He’s been known to Slam his fist through the kitchen wall and break picture frames on the fireplace mantel. 

    “That’s great.  We’re lucky to have you Mac, really.”  I respond, meaning every word, he had been a true hero for me.  “How’s work? Any exciting calls lately?”

    “Ah you know the usual, couple of false alarms and a few car accidents here and there but nothing too noteworthy,” he chuckles.  “Have you met your roommate yet? Or anybody for that matter?”

    “Nope, appears to be nobody here but me for the time being,” I say with a smile.

    “Oh, that so? Nobody around but you?  I don’t know if I like that kiddo, I mean I know you’re an adult and all now but that doesn’t sit well with me.”  He replies in his serious tone.

    I roll my eyes, “I’m fine Mac.  I can take care of myself.”  I was sure I could at the time I said it, but then my hand moved to my stomach like it had a mind of its own.  As my hands skimmed over my scar, I shuddered. 

    “Well, just make sure your phone stays charged.  And always keep that door locked, be aware of your surroundings at all times.  Make sure you know your escape routes…you know in case of fires and such,” he clears his throat.  “I’ll let you go kiddo, be safe and uh you know keep in touch okay?”

    A single tear escapes from my tightly shut eyes, “Of course Mac, always. Thank you, you know for-for everything.”

    “You betcha, well get some rest and I’ll talk to ya again soon.  Love ya kiddo.”

  And with that we hung up, I couldn’t bring myself to tell him I loved him too.  It would have certainly brought on the water works.  I pull out my notebook from my backpack near the bed and began to write.  Writing has become my escape the past few years, my way of releasing the darkness I felt.  It was mostly just a few poems here and there and some lame ramble sessions I had with myself.  I have also taken up reading, it’s a way for me to escape a world that isn’t my own.  A reality that comforts me on days I can’t deal with my own.  I open my Pandora app on my phone and get lost in the lyrics of Papa Roach’s Scars remind me, which perfectly suits me. 

  I eventually drift off to sleep, the radiating morning sun wakes me when the rays hit my sleeping eyes.  It is a beautiful sight, the way the sunlight bounces off the white walls of the room, it’s so serene.  I decide to go for a run, make a few laps around the campus to familiarize myself with it and also I want to get in better shape.  You never know when you will need to be in the best shape of your life, perhaps a zombie apocalypse is approaching.  I laugh to myself at the thoughts running through my troubled mind.  After a quick shower, I toss my long wavy locks into a pony tail. I am happy I finally let my bangs grow out, it’s much less of a hassle.  I put on a pair of black yoga pants and a tank top and then cover it with a pink jacket I picked up before leaving town.  Once I had my running shoes on and my jacket zipped I grab my phone and headphones, shove my keys into my pocket and head outside. 

  The cold air instantly assaults my face, I raise the zipper of my jacket all the way up to my neck and shake for a moment.  I activate the running playlist I created a couple of months back, place my ear buds in and take off.  I feel my legs begin to burn within minutes of my jog.  I really let myself go after quitting the cheer squad.  I wasn’t over weight by any means but I was no longer a size 3, which was actually fine with me.  I embraced my new curves, a size 7 may not be small enough for some people but it suited me just fine.  I take in the changing color of the trees around me, fall used to be favorite time of the year, now it just brings back memories I want to bury deep inside.  The moment Rise Against’s-Savior starts playing through my ears, I smile and kick up my pace.  This is one of my favorite songs, I start tossing my head around as I run along one of the paths near my building, singing out of loud.

  Something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye so I slow my pace and look around.  My breathing is heavy as I have already made 3 laps.  Scanning around the area I don’t see anyone.  Strange, I think to myself, I could have sworn I saw something behind that bush over there.  And now I have the most intense feeling that someone is watching me.  That’s enough running for today.  I stop at the small café near my dorm, thankful it’s open and grab a breakfast sandwich and a latte to enjoy on my walk back to my dorm.  I lock the door behind me and instantly bump into someone as I turn around.  I am now face to face with a perky blonde girl. 

    “AHHHH….you must be Chole! I’m so excited to meet you!” the girl screams and pulls me into a tight embrace.

    “Uh- yeah,” I clear my throat and quickly throw back on my cheerleader smile, “I mean yes and you must be Katie! I’m so psyched to meet you!” I squeal and squeeze her back.  She smells like Coconut, like you would expect a Hawaiian Tropic model to smell.  She has tanned skin and a tiny waist. 

    “I was so hoping you would be here already, I was going to go stir crazy if I had to be here all by myself for the next 3 weeks.  My parents had to leave on some cruise and they insisted I couldn’t stay home with our maid, Gretta.  Oh my gosh could you imagine 3 weeks of no human contact, I mean really that would have killed me.” Katie stops for only a moment to take a breath and let out a small high pitched laugh.  “Oh my gosh I love your shoes, and your bedding set is so cute.  I love love love pink, I’m so excited that we already have so much in common.  I read your reference card and when I saw you were also a cheerleader I just knew we were going to be the best of friends.”

  This is going to be the longest school year of my life. I stand there nodding and smiling as my new perky roommate rambles on and on about, well I couldn’t really tell you because I have already toned her out.  She seems nice enough, but I can tell she is going to drive me crazy.  I notice she has stopped talking and realize it’s my turn to speak.

    “Yeah, it’s going to epic!” I say in my best attempt of enthusiasm, “I’m going to jump in the shower for a few, but I can’t wait to learn all about you!” I continue as I shut myself into the bathroom and sink to the floor.

  This year was going to be exhausting.  I take an extra-long shower, hoping to put off more alone time with my new Barbie roommate.  When I finally emerge from the bathroom I see Katie didn’t waste any time setting up her stuff.  The once plain bed across from mine was now covered in an extravagant pink and white comforter with what I can only assume are her initials in gold thread across the bottom, “K.J.”  The window that used to only have white mini blinds, now had a bright pink valance that matched her comforter set.  There is a gold lamp on the night stand and a cheerleading trophy on her dresser.  She had hung up a corkboard plastered with photos of her and various other girls in cheer uniforms. 

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