Run Rosie Run (28 page)

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Authors: C. C. MacKenzie

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Run Rosie Run
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His stomach was flat, hard.

Not quite a six pack, but hey, she wasn’t complaining.

His response was immediate as his hand gripped her neck, pulling her close and his tongue plundered her willing mouth.

Her fingers slid down over his torso, played chicken with his belly button in a way that made him groan into her mouth.

And as she skated her fingertips down his flesh, felt his shudder of reaction made her terribly wet.

‘No,’ he gasped.

But his heart wasn’t in it.

This time she nipped his bottom lip and sucked it into her mouth.

Rosie lifted her mouth from his, stared into his eyes.

‘I want to taste you.’

The way his pupils dilated with shocked arousal, she knew she had him.

Her heart did a strange little skip in her chest as she stared at his cock.

Long and thick and smooth, like silk over steel, his Love Muscle speared.

The wide mushroom head was smooth and as clear fluid leaked from the slit she heard him moan. His heavy balls were swollen and pulled tight.

With great care her hand smoothed a path along his thigh and watched those muscles clench as her fingertips explored.

He hissed out a breath as she held his balls gently in her hand, cupping him.



‘Rosie!’ Alexander groaned and his arm came around her, his thumb rubbing her neck.

Her hand hesitated.

The tentative way she held the weight of him in her small hand made him moan.

When her fingertip whispered a long stroke up his cock, he gritted his teeth as the tingle raced to the base of his spine.

‘Rosie,’ he spoke her name, a whisper, begging for something, anything.

His hand fisted in the sheet.

And then her lips began a long, long, self-indulgent journey down over his navel. The time she spent tasting, licking the flesh of his hip bone, travelling all the time to her ultimate destination was both a pleasure and a pain.

The curls of her hair whispered over his aching cock and he cried out because he was too close to the edge.

Her scent was all around him now as his body, from his toes to his scalp became over sensitised and overwhelmed by what she brought to him.

The catch of her breath as more fluid leaked from him and the way her nose, her mouth nuzzled his balls, his cock, made him gasp.





Chapter Thirty Four



How she ended up on her back with Alexander kneeling between her legs Rosie had no idea.

But their scents, a lover’s perfume of arousal and passion mixed together.

His fabulous face was flushed as he sucked in a shaky breath and looked his fill.

‘You’re so beautiful.’ His hands cupped her breasts. ‘So soft.’ He bent over, nuzzled her neck. ‘So sweet.’

He pressed open mouthed kisses down her torso, slid his tongue over the smooth curve of her breast to find the nipple. Her moan of his name as he suckled her was a cry for more.

‘Alexander! I need you.’

Rosie arched her back and shuddered over yet another peak. She’d never had an orgasm by a man suckling at her breast. She’d no idea it was even possible.

And while she lay there, gasping, he pressed his thick erection to her entrance and pushed one inch inside her.


She was too tight.

The way she felt, the way her muscles clenched around him was fucking amazing. His head was spinning - he’d never experienced anything like making love to Rosie. He needed, wanted to bury himself deep within her.

But he wanted to watch her, take care with her. It was costing him, but his owns needs must wait.

Her eyes were tightly shut and her bottom lip trembled with every breath she took.

‘Rosie, baby. Look at me.’

Her eyes flew open, and he saw the distress.

‘Do you want me to stop?’

She shook her head.

‘No,’ she gasped.

Perspiration beaded on his top lip as he pushed inside her another inch.

But her core muscles were too tight and the crease of her brow told him he was hurting her.

His thumb stroked her clitoris with a gentle but firm pressure and as she shuddered he pressed in another inch.

Again her brow creased as her neck arched.

‘Sweetheart, I’m hurting you.’

Her breath shuddered in and out.

‘No. It feels as if I’m being filled by you, but it doesn’t hurt, much.’

He withdrew and her legs came up and around his hips.

He received the message and thrust into her.

The cry was one of shocked surprise and he was still only half way into her.

His heart was sprinting and the muscles of his neck, his arms strained with the effort of holding perfectly still.

‘Are you okay?’

She tipped her pelvis, hissed out a breath.

‘Making love with you is wonderful. I’ve never felt anything like it before.’

The way she said it, pure Rosie, made him bury his face in her neck to hide his relief.

‘That makes two of us, baby.’

‘Kiss me,’ she demanded.

Alexander felt her tremble when his tongue flicked hers and he knew she’d left any doubts behind by the way she opened to him.

This was the undiluted passion he’d always known instinctively he would find with Rosie.

His Rosie.


He’d waited a long time for this and he could feel the storm brewing deep inside her as her muscles relaxed to take him, all of him.

Then she moved fast.

She brought the flash, the fire, that was an inherent part of her to her love making. She moved, slick flesh slapping against slick flesh, moving against him until his control was torn apart, ripped into shreds.

With each panting breath he drew into his burning lungs, he could taste her, smell her and it was fucking fantastic.

She wasn’t leading him and he wasn’t leading her.

Her cry muffled against his mouth as her orgasm raced through her system and that was all he needed to let go.

His cry as his seed gathered to fire inside her was one of a man whose soul was torn from his body.

For a split second his world went dark as his back arched and his head was thrown back.


Rosie knew she’d never seen anything like it.

The way Alexander howled her name, the way his mouth opened wide in a silent scream would be imprinted on her brain for ever.

She was still shivering from her own experience.

God, it was like being shot out of a cannon.

He was still inside her.

Not as hard, thank goodness, but connected to her in a way that she wanted to last forever.

Then his burning eyes met hers.

And what she saw there, possession, brought a hard lump to her throat.

He blinked and it was gone, replaced now by anxiety, for her.

Rolling to his side, he took her with him to face her.

‘Are you okay?’

She smiled, curled into him.

‘Never better.’

Closing her eyes, she took a nice steady breath, her mind, her body, so peaceful and sated at last.

But it had been the way they’d made love, the way they’d rode the whirlwind together and more importantly her part in it that had given her something she’d craved.

Alexander was her centre, her heart and her home. How could she bare to leave him? But she refused to think of the future. Not now. Not here.

Lazily, possessively he ran a strong hand down her back, over her bare bottom, her hip.

His shaft twitched.

‘Hmm, again?’ Rosie’s voice was a muffled whisper since she was nuzzling his chest.

With a soundless laugh, Alexander stroked up and down her back until she was ready to purr.

‘I promised myself I wouldn’t hurt you, that I would take it slow,’ he admitted.

His voice, deep and low, held something like awe and made her smile.

How wonderful was it that she, Rosie Gordon, had made Alexander frigging Ludlow lose control?

She couldn’t contain her joy.

Now he drew back, tipped up her chin to study her hot face.

‘Are you laughing at me?’

She wrinkled her nose.

‘Maybe. Just a little.’

He kissed her nose, her forehead before settling to feast on her mouth.

Again his erection twitched in a way that made her groan.

Slowly he withdrew from her and her shudder made him watch her carefully.




He kissed her again, hot and hard, before rising to stride into the shower.

Wow, what a butt. All tight and toned.

Rosie rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

Well, she’d done it now.

She’d lost her heart.

The question was, what was she going to do about it?




Chapter Thirty Five



The next evening found Rosie face down on her bed.

‘I don’t wanna,’ she muttered into the duvet.

She loved her bed. It had been the first thing she’d bought when she’d left her parent’s home and set up on her own. It was a big bed with a fabulous mattress and bedding of Egyptian cotton so expensive she’d lived on yoghurt and cornflakes for a month.

Her feet, her back ached.

Plus, she was so very tired from another night of lurve.



Alexander slung his suit carrier over the arm of the velvet couch. And simply watched the love of his life having what looked like a little temper tantrum.

He told himself to keep his tone nice and friendly.

‘I’ll run you a bath,’ he said.

Her bathroom was a female paradise. The scents of warm woman, flowers and fruit mingled with the lavender salts he poured under hot water roaring from the tap.

When he returned, she hadn’t budged so he turned her over.

Quickly and efficiently he removed her rubber clogs and started to unbutton the white cotton chef’s jacket.

She didn’t move a muscle as dark eyes studied him through thick lashes.

‘Leave me alone. I’m too tired. I’ve been on my feet for over eight hours. I don’t wanna stand around talking to nodding donkeys.’

‘Nodding donkeys?’

‘Yeah, the MP and his boring wife. She has a face like a horse and when people speak she nods her head and he mimics the move.’

He laughed because she was absolutely right.

‘He’s been Knighted, which is why he’s celebrating.’

‘I don’t wanna go. I’ve nothing to wear.’

Grasping at straws there, kiddo, he thought.

He stalked into hall, opened the door to bedroom two and stopped dead.

He’d heard rumours of Rosie’s closet and dressing room.

But seeing it made him realise that the walk-in closet he’d built for himself in his new home wouldn’t accommodate even ten per cent of this wardrobe.

Rows of clothes, colour coded, were hung in clear moth proof bags. He was looking for a specific dress in burnt orange taffeta and found it, along with shoes that had him raise his brows. Jimmy Choos.

Returning to her bedroom, he dropped both on top of his clothes on the couch.

He went into the bathroom and turned off the tap.

Then he returned to just stare at her.

Again, she’d rolled over onto her tummy and her breathing was soft and steady.

The little devil was sound asleep.

And for the first time, he wondered if he’d tired her out.

Maybe he’d give her an hour to re-charge her batteries.

What would it matter if they were late? Nico was attending with Bronte this evening, he could pick up the slack.

Alexander checked his cell for messages and punched a number.

‘Nico? Can you do the meet and greet tonight? I’ve been delayed. Thanks.’

Shrugging off his suit jacket, he quickly stripped down to his skin.

No point in letting a perfectly good bath go to waste, was there?

With gentle hands he turned her over, removed her chef’s jacket to find her breasts covered in fine silk the colour of clotted cream. Very nice. With a quick flick he removed the bra.

Then he unbuttoned her trousers, slid them down her legs to find a scrap of matching silk. Very nice again.

He disposed of her panties.

‘Stop it,’ she murmured.


‘Stop staring at my lady bits.’

‘I love your lady bits.’

Indulging himself, Alexander took his own sweet time pressing his thumbs into the pressure points to the soles of her slender foot, the arch, the heel and the ankle.

‘Hmm. Where did you learn to do that?’

He lifted her leg, pressed his mouth to the back of her knee and felt the tremble.

‘My talents are many and varied.’

Her response was to lower her leg and turn onto her tummy.

‘I need a holiday,’ she muttered into the duvet.

‘Okay. You look cute in a tiny bikini.’

‘Kiss my butt.’

He grinned.

‘Anytime, baby.’

And bent down and nuzzled her ass.

Her jolt made him nip that smooth skin before soothing the spot with his tongue.

She leaned on her elbows, turned to look at him.

And gave him big eyes.

‘You cannot be serious. How many times did you bang me last night?

‘Charming turn of phrase. I’d call it hot monkey sex.’

He indulged himself on that cute tight ass before working his way up her body.

When he lifted the yard of curls to nuzzle her neck, he pressed open mouthed kisses on the sensitive skin.

Her tiny quiver of arousal made him smile as he rolled her over.

Then he frowned, skimming a finger down her cheek.

‘You look a bit flushed. Feeling okay?’

Eyes the colour of bitter chocolate stared into his.

Her wide mouth pouted in a way that made him want to taste her.

‘I don’t wanna go to a cocktail party shooting the breeze with people I don’t know and don’t want to know. I don’t wanna stand in five inch heels for hours. I’m tired. Gimme a break here.’

‘You need a lovely warm bath.’

He began to kiss her breasts as his hands explored the rest of her with a thoroughness that made her gasp.

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