Rumor Has It (10 page)

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Authors: Leela Lou Dahlin

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Rumor Has It
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“I’m going to take it that you liked that.”

She smiled as an answer but was too mellow to return his sarcasm.

“Do you want more?” His deep voice was thick with need.

“Yes, please.”

“I love that you are so polite, even when asking for seconds of sex.”

“Yes, please, now.”

“And demanding. I can’t be mad at that.”

She chuckled and tried to look at him, but he had moved. He returned completely sheathed in a condom.

He leaned over her and kissed her throat in a way that mimicked the kiss he’d given between her legs. Her body seemed to remember and was warming up accordingly. He knelt between her legs as he played with both breasts.

“You have very sensitive nipples,” he said as he plucked and pinched the area.

She put her hands up to his nipples to do the same thing he was doing to her.

“I like the way you think.” He positioned himself and entered her with one stroke, and she realized with a gasp that she was almost at the climax point again.

“Don’t be sweet, Liam. Give me all you’ve got.”

HE WAS SHOCKED and aroused that a sentence like that would come out of his sweet Raina’s mouth, but it had, and he was going to put faith in it that she meant it.

He spread her knees wide, wanting to begin a rhythmic stride that he really liked but he wasn’t sure she would enjoy—he’d been told he could be rough. Her pleasure was his ultimate goal, so he tried to keep his thrusts slow and deep, but he didn’t stop until he was balls-deep in the sweetest pussy he’d ever had. He could compromise…well, he thought he could. Her body felt so good, he just needed to settle down.

As a lover who could determine what his partner wanted and give it to her, he didn’t always think about what he really liked. He pushed harder with his stroke and twisted his hips when he was all the way in, giving her a bit of clitoral stimulation. He looked up to see what was happening with Raina.

Her eyes were on him, and for a second, he wondered what she saw in him. He took so much from her. Not just now but all throughout their time together. What made her stay around? It wasn’t the sex. That was new. His thoughts were cut off by his approaching climax, and recognizing this sensation, he knew this was going to fill his condom to the brim. This orgasm was pulled from deep inside of him, and he could hear himself starting to make lots of noise. That wasn’t usually his thing. He could control himself well, but it was different today.

“Raina…please, sweetheart. Come for me now…” He could feel her contracting around his shaft and felt a surge of relief that he hadn’t left her behind, because he was coming now. He roared with the sensation of everything leaving his body and rolled Raina on top of him so he wouldn’t crush her when he fell on top of her, which was what he really wanted to do.

He waited until his heartbeat went back to a normal rate, but he knew he’d have to face Raina and whatever she thought of his animalistic behavior.

He opened his eyes and found a content but sleepy-looking beauty watching him. Her expression was a bit concerned but not mad as he’d thought she would be.

“Well, Raina?” he said wanting to get this out in the open.

“You trusting yourself to let go with me was one of the most spectacular things I’ve ever seen in my life. You are one amazing man. Secretive as hell and hard to figure out, but amazing.”

“Thank you, Raina.”

“Why do you keep saying my name?”

“Well, I love your name. It’s perfect for you—pretty, lyrical, and tastes good in my mouth. Also, the last time I was here, didn’t you scold me for calling you ‘sweetheart,’ for fear I didn’t remember who you were? I’m just letting you know that I do know who I’m spending my time with, and I don’t want you to forget it.”

“Well, then…good.”

She curled into his side and sighed. This was against what he would normally allow, but the longer he stayed around her, the more rules he broke. She felt so good and smelled so good. Maybe he could let his rules go just a bit so he could spend this time with Raina. If he set her expectations high, the next time she picked someone, he’d be what she needed and wanted. Damn the twist in his gut every time he thought about that.

Chapter Six

He should have asked what time she was going to be leaving for Vino. He’d wanted her to sleep, because he damn sure couldn’t. He’d been up for hours, just looking at her and listening to her breathe. He wasn’t sure what was going on with him, but he thought for once in his life, he should just stick with it and figure it out. The return of his mother might have been the catalyst for this recent change, but he really didn’t want to think about that—or her.

He’d run home to shower, shave, and change so he could spend the day with her at the vineyard. It sounded like a fun thing to do, and he wanted to see if he could spend a prolonged time with a person and not get sick of each other.

Walking up to her door, he found himself whistling. He could feel the smile on his face and actually felt happy. Happy wasn’t a state of mind he stayed in. He’d been content at times, or mellow, but he’d never felt this excited to do something or be with someone.

Her car was still in the driveway, so he knew she was still home. Great. He knocked on the door and tried to juggle the fancy coffee and scone he’d picked up for her on the way over.

The door opened, and he wasn’t prepared for the face of anger he received. “Good morning, Raina.”

“Did you forget something?” The voice was cold—did she think he’d left her again?

“Didn’t you get the note I left you?” he said as he took his morning bounty to the table and set it down.

“What note?” She didn’t look willing to give an inch—her eyes were narrow and her sweet mouth was pinched, like she was holding back a string of words that would scald them both.

“The one I put on your bedside table.”

She turned to walk back into her room, and he stayed and unloaded the breakfast on the kitchen table.

She came back to the kitchen, looking sheepish. “Sorry. I didn’t even see the note, and when I woke up and you were gone, I was upset. I even called your cell, but it was turned off.”

“Yeah, I may need to buy another one of those. I had an issue with mine.” He didn’t want to tell her he’d dropped his down a sewer when he was out at the last fire. He’d been so discombobulated about his mother showing up, he should be happy that was all that had gone down there.

“Funny how something seems one way but a quick explanation shows you another.”

“Very true. Can we start again?” He walked over and pulled her into a hug. “Good morning, Raina.”

She buried her face in his shirt and took a deep breath. “Good morning.” She ran her fingers up to his nape and pulled him down to her kiss. She was opening up to him, taking what she wanted, and he loved it. She also seemed to like to tug on his hair when she kissed him. Who knew he’d think that was a turn-on, but it was. She was such a sweet-looking woman, but after last night, he had a feeling she was tired of being treated like a doll that had to be coddled and petted. She apparently enjoyed feeling the full effects of passion and being with a man who believed she could take it.

He gentled and ended the kiss, which he could see could get out of hand quickly—and then they’d not be going anywhere for a good while.

“Are you almost ready to go?”

Her eyes were dazed and dilated. “Go where?”

“Aren’t you going to Vino today?”

“Right…right.” She seemed to pull herself together but seemed upset.

“I’d like to come with you.”

“Really?” She smiled and made him feel like he’d given her a big prize. Did he really dole out so little that she’d be happy he’d want to come with her to an event?

“Yes. I know I’m inviting myself since there was no official invitation.”

“You don’t need an invite to come with me. I’d love for you to go with me anywhere.”

“Great. Then eat your breakfast and let’s go.”

* * * *

The ride to Vino was mostly quiet as they enjoyed the ride and being in each other’s company. Raina never really thought about how easy it was to just be with Liam. Listening to his country music, she watched the scenery pass and maybe sneaked a few glances at the driver.

Her glance must have turned into a stare.

“What?” he questioned.

Well, now she’d have to find something to say. “Nothing. I’m just happy you came along on the wine tasting with me. I’m pleasantly surprised.”


“You still seem a bit pensive about something. Anything you’d like to share with the class?” That phrase always made him smile.

“Not really. I’d rather hear about what’s going on with you.” He was changing the subject, and she decided she’d be all right with that. “You have a wedding coming up tomorrow right.”

“Kinda, but not really.”

“Well, that’s clear as thick black smoke.”

“I’m helping a friend out with getting started with wedding planning, so I walked her through it, and she is going to do the ‘day of’ activities. I’m supposed to go to the wedding and reception as a guest to tell her what I thought about the wedding as a whole and what she could have done differently…also to be there if a crisis comes up.”

“You’re doing this for free.”

“We split the fee, and we know the person, so I probably would have attended this wedding anyway.”

“Is it going to be nice?” He was really good at active listening—he always asked about her work, but it still made her giddy when he did.

“I helped plan it, so of course it’s going to be spectacular. They’re having the wedding at Bluebell Chapel at dusk.”

“Your favorite chapel at your favorite time of day?”

“How did you know that?”

“I knew dusk was your favorite time of day. I didn’t know Bluebell Chapel was your favorite before now, but the way you said it clued me in.”

“So that’s how you find out what makes people tick?”

“I enjoy watching people, and you can learn a lot just by how people respond to things and what subject makes their eyes light up.”

“Do you know what I’m going to ask next?”

“I’m not psychic, but I know you, and I think you want to ask me what I know about you based on what I’ve seen.”

“Are you sure you’re not psychic?”


“So what do you know about me?”

“I know you like to make people happy, you like to be organized, and you’re a good friend. You’re honest, loyal—”

“Hey, now you’re making me sound like a dog,” she said as he drove into Vino’s parking lot and turned off the car. When he took the key out of the ignition, she put her hand on his arm. “Tell me what you’ve learned from our past few nights together.”

“You have a beautiful body that is so very responsive to my every touch, you love your pink nipples to be played with, and you like sex wild and a little rough.” He snaked his hand in her hair. “I hadn’t really thought about it until now, but you like to pull my hair. Maybe you want your hair tugged a bit.” He gripped the hair in back of her neck in a firm hold and gave a gentle tug, and she whimpered.

“You do like that.” He kissed her softly, but she was already turned on. “I shouldn’t have started that here.” He took his hand out of her hair and brought it down to her cheek. “You are so hot.”

He got out of the car, walked around to her side, and then helped her out, giving her a minute to pull herself together.

“Thanks Liam. I’ve never really felt hot before. Most people think I’m sweet…which I am, but that’s not all I am.” She blew out a breath because she didn’t think she was getting across how much his compliment meant to her. “Thanks for not making me feel shame for wanting to get wild.”

“That would never be a problem. Be whatever you’d like to be.”

* * * *

He helped a happy Raina into the car, pleasantly surprised at how much fun he’d had. He’d been sure this was going to be some stuffy uptight event, but it had been casual and entertaining. They’d done a great job keeping the guests filled up on enough food so the wine didn’t give them a buzz, just enough to feel mellow. The last hour was a coffee tasting. Pretty good way to bring you down off the wine before you left.

He heard her phone ringing as he closed her door and watched her pick it up. He was letting this whole situation cross over into all types of territory he was unfamiliar with. He’d had the run-in with his long-lost mother and these new feelings for Raina. He probably should spend some time by himself with a beer to figure some things out, but he was starting to dread being away from her. What kind of crap was that? He’d been alone forever, and now he was turning into someone he didn’t know.

“I’m not sure what my plans are tonight. What’s going on?”

That drew him away from his thoughts. “Who’s that?” he mouthed silently.

“Yes, Ethan, I’m still here,” she said, talking to Ethan while letting Liam know who was on the phone.

What the hell was Ethan doing calling her on a Friday night? Liam watched her nod and say things like “uh-huh” and “right.”

“What! Oh no! That’s not a problem. We can do them tonight. You will? Thanks, Ethan.” She closed up her little phone and tucked it into her purse.


“Ethan says the trinkets we were going to give away have to be set up before Talia, the talented woman who is doing the calligraphy, can do her part with them.”

“Is it difficult?”

“No, but it’s time consuming. Ethan said he’d bring them over and he and I can do them tonight.”

“How does he know where you live?” Now he sounded like a jealous idiot. How many personality changes was he going to go through in one day?

“I don’t know. I didn’t think about it, but he said he’d be over in an hour or two.”

“Where are the trinkets now?”

“They’re at Ethan’s house. He was supposed to take them to Talia in the morning.”

“How about we go pick them up and I can do them with you?”

“It would probably be faster if we all did them.”

“Why didn’t you tell him you were with me?”

“I know you and Ethan are friends, and I didn’t know if you wanted him to know we were out together.” She looked vulnerable, and for some reason, that was causing a mild tugging in his chest area.

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