Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel (15 page)

BOOK: Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel
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The shower is enormous compared to the cracker box one I’m used to. The showerhead is powerful, massaging every inch of my body. It takes everything inside of me to reach down and turn off the water after soaping up and washing my hair. The spray of water is overwhelmingly inviting, but I force myself to turn off the water.

“Not so fast.”

I startle a bit hearing Maverik’s voice when I shut off the water. He pulls open the glass door and steps in with me.

“Hey, handsome.”

“Forgot to tell you no showering without me. It’s a house rule.”

“Mmmmm.” I bite my bottom lip. “Sounds like an excellent rule.”

I know once our skin touches that we will be lost in each other for a long time.

“Mav all right?”

“Out like a light.”

“Well, then I say it’s time to catch up on some old business.”

“Know a guy we can talk to about a horse?” Maverik tilts his head, letting the spray of water run down his face.

“In fact, I do.”

He pulls me under the water with him. His lips land on mine, and I sink my teeth into his lower lip before I begin exploring his mouth by darting my tongue all around. His taste is overwhelming to the point of me having to grip onto his shoulders to keep me upright.

When his hand wanders down my side and straight to the apex of my thighs, he runs his fingers side to side before dipping into my core. My nipples immediately grow hard as I moan out my pleasure. His finger flicks my sensitive bud, causing me to come undone. This time my knees do give way and I do my best to wrap my arms around his neck. Maverik clutches my ass with his free hand to steady my quivering body.

“Easy, baby girl.” He pulls me in tighter.

I whimper when he removes his fingers from me. But in the next action Maverik is down on his knees in front of me and gently guides my back up to the wall before throwing one of my legs over his shoulder. I choke on my own excitement, knowing what’s about to happen.

The first flick of tongue causes me to scream and he doesn’t slow down his action as he repeatedly flicks his tongue over my sensitive spot. He clutches my ass cheeks with his hands pushing my core further down onto his hot mouth. Soon he’s working me over from flicking, licking, and swirling his tongue inside of me. I last a bit longer for round two before I crumple down onto him.

“Hey, Pinks, you okay?”

My shoulders slump forward as every nerve ending in my body quakes from the delicious aftershocks jolting in my body. I muster up enough energy to nod yes and pull myself into him to kiss my juices from his lips. Maverik turns off the water and pulls me from the shower, wrapping me up in a towel. He wipes off all the running water from me and then quickly dries off before he lifts me into his arms and cradles me like a newborn, when he typically would have hoisted me up by my ass.

“You won’t hurt the babies, Maverik.”

“It scares me a bit.”

“I can tell.”

He gently lays me on the bed and then crawls on top of me, putting all of his weight on his elbows.

“Let me take care of it for you.”

I push on his chest, nudging him to roll over on his back and then I climb on him sitting upright. It only takes a moment before I sink down on him. I do it slowly, relishing every single moment. My body is already on high alert from the two incredible orgasms. My want builds up quickly as I move up and down on him.

I plant my two palms on his chest to steady myself as I pick up the pace. Maverik bites on his lower lip as he reaches back and squeezes my ass cheeks. The shooting pain feels delightful, adding to my pleasure. I feel his hips buck up to claim me, matching my rhythm.

I push off his chest and sit back while moving up and down. My fingers find the spot where we come together and I let them glide up and down the base of his shaft as we continue to work ourselves to each of our own releases.

“Ella, I’m going.”

“Go, Maverik. Let go with me.”

He arches his back as he thrusts into me one last time, growling loudly. “Fuck, I love you.”

The combination of the pleasure on Maverik’s face and his deep growls send me over the edge right after him. I continue to use my fingers to milk out both of our releases. Collapsing down on him, I whisper into his ear, “Here’s to forever.”


before Ella and sneak out without waking her. Mav is already up and in his riding clothes, eating a cold piece of pizza.

“Sleep okay?” I ask him.

“Sure did. Are we still going riding this morning?”

I sit on a bench to put on my boots. “Sure are. I need to check some calves and I’ll give you a tour of the place. You’ll need to learn the different names of the pastures.”

“Yes.” He fist pumps the air.

“Grab me a slice of pepperoni, will ya?”

“You got it, captain, just don’t tell my mom I had pizza for breakfast. She’d whip my arse.”

“Hell, it’s a breakfast of champions around here.”

He nods and follows me out the door. Ella’s trained him well. I watch as he does all of his own work catching and saddling his horse. I inspect his saddle just to make sure he has everything cinched down correctly.

“What’s the name of your horse, Maverik?”

“This is Chili. Had him a long time.”

“Is that the horse my mom learned to ride on?” His eyes widen with excitement.

“Sure is.”


His pup trails behind as Jake trails behind Chili and me. I’m not sure whether Jake is annoyed by the other dog or enjoys the company. I watch Junior’s riding techniques and he’s an old pro. He has his rope laying over his horn ready for action.

I don’t think I’ve ever been more nervous for someone’s approval than his. I can’t seem to find the words to start the conversation that needs to be had between us, so we ride on, stopping every once in a while to explain the name of the pastures.

When we come up over a small bluff, we find the herd of cattle that we’re looking for.

“Okay, we need to find calf number fifty six.”

“All right.” He nods.

“You rope him and I’ll give him his medicine.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“I think he’s developing pneumonia and just want to stay on top of it.”

He kicks his horse into a slow walk weaving in and out of the herd reading the different tag numbers. I stay back letting him do it all on his own.

“Maverik.” He points to a smaller framed calf near the fence.

I give him a nod and sit back and watch the young cowboy work. He begins swinging his rope above his head as he nears in on the calf. The calf gets spooked and takes off in a dead run. Arsine and Mav are on his heels. Mav winds up his rope and tosses the perfect loop, catching the calf on the first try.

I nudge Chili into a trot over to the calf and horse. Mav keeps his rope pulled tight and I can tell the horse he’s on is smoking good as he obeys each one of Mav’s commands, never giving him hell.

I hop off Chili, flank the calf and toss him to the ground and make sure all the medication goes in, and then unhook the rope from the calf’s neck and set him free.

“Just like that, Mav.”

“Are there more?”

I shake my head and laugh at his enthusiasm. “Not today, but never fear, there’s a lot of roping to be done on this ranch.”

“I’m your man.” He smiles over at me. “And when do you think I can start riding steers or something?”

“It sounds like we have some working to do on your mother first. Let’s just take baby steps toward that.”

“Got it.”

We ride in silence before I find the courage to bring up the fact I want to be his dad. I try several times to get it out, but each time the words get stuck.

“Mav, I have a question.”

“What’s that?”

I nearly ask him his favorite kind of ice cream, chickening out again.

“Think you’ll be okay living here?”

“Oh yeah, but there’s just one thing.”

“What’s that?” I see the corrals up in the distance and bring Chili to a stop. Mav does the same thing.

“I mean, Mom is having your babies. My dad didn’t want me, and I don’t really understand why. I fit in here but just don’t know…” He bows his head, avoiding eye contact.

“You don’t know what, Mav? Go on and say it.”

“I just don’t understand why you’d want to be my father when we aren’t even related.”

His statement is crushing. I take a long moment to gather the perfect words to express my true feelings.

“I’ll tell you this one thing, Mav, and it won’t be the last time I say it to you. Love doesn’t follow the rules or view life the way our eyes see it. What I want most in the world is to be your father. I love you and will give you anything you need. I’ll protect your mother. My blood may not flow in your veins, but my love does.”

I watch him nod and soak up my words.

“My heart chose you and I’m honored to have such a fine cowboy as my namesake.”

He repeats in a low whisper, “I want to be your son, Maverik.”

My chest swells with pride and I tip my hat to him. “Some things in life are simple to explain while others make no sense. You just have to trust your cowboy roots.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“Don’t you ever forget that I’m here for you, son. Your uncles and Granddad are all here for you. Always come to us.”

“I will.”

He kicks Arsine into a run and turns back in his saddle. “Let’s race, old man.”

I chuckle and then nudge Chili into a run, knowing he’ll never be able to catch up with the speed of a younger horse, but it doesn’t stop me from trying.

“I’m on your tail, boy.”

I’m shocked when our horses are nose to nose with both of our best friends out in front of us racing each other. We both pull our horses to a stop before we hit the dirt lot bordering all of the houses.

“Dang.” He takes his hat off, waving it in the air. “That old pony of yours has some speed.”

“Shocked the shit out of me.” We both laugh as we walk toward the barn.

“Hey.” We both look over to Ella standing on Granddad’s porch. “Don’t you think that was a bit fast, boys?”

“That was nothing. You should’ve seen Mav riding a calf back in the pasture.”

I can sense Ella’s disapproval streaming off of her and know it will be quite the adventure with her and Mav. It will be no time before I get him on the back of a bucking horse and it will be all over. Ella will fight it, but I know she’ll be proud as hell on the inside.

An idea strikes me as we approach Ella and her swollen belly. It’s sweet the way she keeps her hands around it, protecting our babies. I’ve waited for over a decade for my girl to be back in my life, and I’ll be damned if I miss another second without giving her my last name.

“Go grab Granddad, Ella. Mav and I will be right back.”

Mav turns to me, looking at me like I just lost my mind, but he follows my lead as we take the horses into the barn.

“I want to marry your mom.” I face Mav. “And I want your permission before I make it happen.”

Mav shocks me a bit when he doesn’t acknowledge my question as he begins unsaddling and brushing down his horse. I step back and give him time. My heart sinks a bit thinking I just pushed the kid too far.

“My mom has loved you forever, Maverik. She’s never dated another man.” He pauses, and if I was to guess, I would say he has tears rolling down his face. “I’d do anything to make it happen. I’d love for you to be my dad and marry my mom.”

My sigh of relief comes out louder than I expected. Mav turns around and bolts into my chest, nearly knocking me over. His cowboy hat tumbles to the ground as I squeeze him right back and kiss the top of his head.

“I’ll always be here for you and your mom. You two have made my life an honor to live.”

“Thank you for loving my mom.”

Taking a couple steps back, I sink down onto a bale of straw and have Mav sit right down next to me.

“Over the years, I’ve learned lessons the hard way, but I wouldn’t change a damn thing right now. My family is home.”

“Yes, we are.” He wipes his few tears from his eyes. “I’ve always wanted a dad.”

“You’ve got one, a grandpa, uncles, and an aunt now that will always be here for you.”

“And bucking horses?” He flashes a little grin up to me.

“It’s tradition and a legacy thing. You’ll be a champ in no time.” I ruffle his hair. “Let’s go surprise your mom.”

When we walk out of the barn, Ella and Granddad are at the end of his sidewalk chatting it up. Everything seems brighter and full of hope, even the way Ella talks and smiles. It’s a treasure to my sight to see her this way and know it will even be sweeter after I marry her.

“What’s up, boys?” Ella asks.

“Going to town,” I reply. “I’ll go grab the truck.”

Mav stands back as I jog over to my truck. I grab my cell phone and text Merek and Challis with strict orders, getting everything in line.

“Load up, Jake.” I wait for him to hop in the back and watch Mav’s dog jump in after him. I don’t miss the happiness even beaming from Jake.

“Are you going to tell us what’s going on?” Ella asks, walking up to the driver’s side of the truck. Her blonde hair blowing in the breeze with her hand shading her eyes.

“Kiss me.” I lean out the window, snag her wrist, and pull her in for a deep kiss. I take my time sweeping my tongue along the front of her teeth and nibbling on her lower lip.

I force myself to pull away before my need for her grows way out of control and I have to take her to the bedroom to relieve my desire.

“Load up, we’re going to town for breakfast.” I step from the truck and let Ella slide in. She stops before getting in.

“I love you, Maverik Slatter.” She places a light kiss on my lips and lets her hand leisurely brush along the bulge of my pants.

“Stop it,” I growl.

“What?” She shrugs.

“You know what you’re doing to me, Pinks.”

“I just wanted a few more hours in bed with you this morning.” She grabs the collar of my shirt and begins fiddling with the buttons on it. “I’ll never be able to get enough of you, Slatter.”

“Well, you have a lifetime to try.” This time I slap her ass, leaving a stinging sensation behind. “Now, get in so I can feed you and the babies.”

Her giggles fill the air as she rubs her ass cheek. Mav keeps the conversation flowing in the truck as we drive to town. He and Granddad go on about roping and horses. It’s like they’re long lost buddies. Granddad even makes a few calls and has Mav signed up in a local roping this weekend.

“Mom, is this the place you talked about?” Mav asks as we pull up.

“Yes,” Ella responds in a dreamy voice.

“Mom says this is the best breakfast joint in the state of Texas.”

“She’s right,” Granddad says as he takes Mav’s hand for assistance to get out of the truck.

Ella morphs into a nervous wreck as we walk in and find a booth to sit at. I know it’s the stares and her worries of the town people judging her. They can judge her all day and it won’t make a damn difference in my book. The first one to open their mouth will for damn sure get my fist to shut them the hell up. I have every single intention of flaunting her ass around town and giving everything to my queen. Nobody will stop me.

Of course our favorite waitress, Beans, serves us.

“Look who is back in town.” She tries to come off with a cheery tone in her voice, but her fake and malicious vibes are too overwhelming.

“Ella is back forever, Beans, and we expect only but the best service here or I’ll be talking to Bill about your shitty attitude, and, well, basically how you are an asshole to paying customers.”

It’s a dick move knowing she’s a single mom with a house full of little ones, but maybe it will be a bold enough statement to get her attention.

“I’ll start with drinks. What can I get everyone?” This time her voice is extremely cheerful and welcoming like any server’s should be.

We all order drinks. After Beans takes off, an awkward silence falls over the table. I squeeze Ella’s hand under the table and send her a wink.

“I know I wasn’t raised to be disrespectful, but I’ll protect this family no matter what. When someone even attempts to be disrespectful to one of you, I’ll shut it down, no questions asked.”

“Damn straight,” Granddad adds.

A new server delivers our drinks and takes our order. Guess the nasty bitch couldn’t muster up enough strength to be nice. I order the world famous pancakes for Mav. Granddad and Ella order their usual. My appetite is hijacked by my nerves, but I order anyway. If I don’t order or eat, Ella will for sure know something is up with me.

Mav’s endless chatter about starting at a new school and meeting new rodeo friends eases my nerves a bit. Ella grabs my hand, placing it on her belly and little rolls and kicks bump into my palm. I nearly crumble until Ella runs her palm up and down my arm. It helps control the overwhelming emotion coursing through me.

“Mom and Dad, you think I can go to that roping this weekend?” Mav asks as the new server brings our food out to us.

“Of course. Without a doubt,” I respond quickly. “I’ll look into getting you signed up in the rodeo club and youth circuit too.”

“Thank you.” Mav beams at me as he shoves an enormous chunk of pancake in his mouth.

“Bucking horses in no time.” Ella elbows me in the ribs and I can’t help but laugh, only making that comment for her.

“You know it’s inevitable, right?” Granddad asks her.

“My nerves can only handle so much right now and seeing my son on the back of wild horse isn’t on the list.”

My phone goes off in my pocket. It’s Merek’s ringtone. “Excuse me. I need to take this, I’ll be right back.”

BOOK: Rules of the Ride: A Silver Star Ranch Novel
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