Rule (Roam Series, Book Five) (14 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Stedronsky

BOOK: Rule (Roam Series, Book Five)
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“I’m going to die someday, Will, I’m mortal here! Would my world burn then?”

“Your… murder… you, as the sacrifice… would bring about the prophecy. Not your natural death. In natural death, the states of both worlds continue as they are. I asked Asher the same question.”

I traced the stitching in the bedspread, speaking softly. “You saved my life.

He smiled.
“You were an innocent babe. So pink… and crying so very… loudly.”

Grinning, I took a deep, shaking breath. “I’m hungry,” I complained, scooting closer to him on the bed. “It’s what- three o’clock in the morning? Where do we get food at this hour?”

Will stretched out at the foot of the bed, his arms folded behind his head. “I could send a servant.”

“No, take me to the kitchen,” I sat up quickly, pulling the silken strap of the nightgown up over my shoulder. I was sure the Hens had left the nightgown for me in Will’s
bathroom with absolutely no intention of me wearing it. “I really don’t know what I’m hungry for. Sometimes I just stand in front of the fridge, holding the door open, while I decide. My dad hates that,” I added, thinking of his stern eyes and playful smile.

can’t wait to see him.

“You’re not dressed for a walk in the castle.”

“I have a robe! And I’ll be discreet, I promise.”

He shot me a
dubious look, reaching for his own shirt. “Very well, but you must stay with me at all times.” He slung his holstered Beretta over his back, and I sighed.

“I asked the guards for a Glock, but they ignored me.”

“I’ll see that you’re armed. I’m sure that your first request as queen bewildered them.”

Giggling, I tied the long, matching silk robe securely at my waist. “Okay, ready.”

The guards at the door began to follow us, but Will held his hand up in dismissal. “Please- stay. Thank you.”

The soldiers bowed, both echoing their acknowledgments. I followed Will down another flight of steps, and in minutes I could smell the food. My stomach growled in approval, and as we entered the empty, shadowy kitchen, I made a beeline for what appeared to be a cookie jar.

“Please have chocolate chip, please have chocolate chip…,”

“Nutrition, Eva. Cookies are not nourishing.”

“Uh-huh,” I wrestled the lid off of the jar, yipping with joy and plucking a chocolate chip cookie from the stainless steel canister. “I’ll eat this while you find us something nourishing.”

I climbed to the counter, perched next to the cookie jar, and took an enormous bite. He raised his eyes in amusement, walking over to me slowly. He stopped, flattening both hands on the countertop, next to my legs.

Covering my mouth to protect him from an inevitable crumb-spray, I lifted my eyes. “What?”

“You make that cookie look like there is nothing else to eat- in both worlds.”

“Mmm,” I rested the back of my head against a cabinet, sighing dreamily. “Milk would be awesome right now.”

Rather than turning to the refrigerator, he took another step closer to me. “I may have reached my limit of what I can take from you, this night,” he murmured, and his affected voice made my eyes pop open.

I scowled. “Hey.”

As he lifted his hand to trace my jaw, I swallowed hard, nearly choking.

“Oh… you mean that in a nice way.”

“I mean that… in the nicest way possible.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m taken. See?” I held my left hand up, wagging the at-least-ten-carat diamond in his face. “And my husband? He’s kind of a
. So, hands off, buddy.”

“This husband of yours…,” he exhaled against my earlobe, and I felt the cookie slip from my fingers and drop to the countertop. “How do you feel about… him?”

“Oh, he’s not just a king… he’s handsome, and kind, and-…,”

“No. How do you feel about
In here.

I inhaled sharply as his mouth lowered to my chest, just over my thudding heart.

His lips spread over my skin, his tongue tasting, pressing, and I rolled my head against the cabinet, murmuring something incoherent. His hand slid up my side, over the silken nightgown, his thumb coaxing my hardened nipple to rise against his touch. My mind was racing, reacting to his ardent assault.

How do I feel? About him?

” I gripped both sides of his face, pulling him up and away from my chest to look into his eyes. “
You have to know
how I feel about you. I’ve only known you… for two days. But I’ve imagined you…
for seventeen years.
” His jaw scratched against my fingertips, and I closed my eyes, sighing contently. “You’re better than anything I could have ever… dreamed. You make me… forget what I was thinking about, when you look at me…
like that.

He wrapped his hands around my wrists, pulling them away from his face. Flattening my hands beneath his palms, he pushed me back, over the granite countertop.

I could have easily escaped from his firm hold (not that I wanted to) until he took an impossible step forward, his hips pressed against my knees. His sky-blue eyes searched mine, and I struggled for air, relaxing my legs. He moved between them, the stretched nightgown pinning my legs to the counter.

I will not kiss these lips… yet,
” his mouth lingered over mine, his bottom lip catching my top so lightly, I wondered if it had even happened at all.

I have definitely never felt like this before…
I am floating. Needing.
I held my breath, using all of my restraint to resist crushing my lips to his.

“But tonight I’ve decided that… I will.

Fire. Everywhere.

, Will?”

Smirking, he shook his head. “
You are unexpected, little one.

He released me. I fell back against the cabinet, my usually-insatiable appetite suddenly nonexistent. “Come. It is time for you to sleep. I’ll arrange for food to be brought to you.”

I nodded at his gruff voice, still unable to form words. I knew he was aroused- I could
him against my leg- but he was using every ounce of control that he possessed to pull away.

He moved efficiently in the kitchen, retrieving a tumbler and opening the refrigerator. In seconds, I held the glass of milk in my hands. After two quick drinks, I placed the glass in the sink.

He led me silently up the stairs. Once we were back in his room, he extinguished the dying candles, gesturing to the bed. I crawled beneath the sheets, and he pulled the blanket over my shoulders. “I’ll sleep on the settee. Close your eyes, love.”

“Lay next to me.”

“Absolutely not.” He stretched out on the sofa, and I cringed to see his long legs hanging over the arms.

“Will, you’re so uncomfortable.”

“Hush. Sleep.”

I sighed, gazing at him through the darkness. His features, cut against the silhouette of moonlight, drew my unending attention.
I want to sketch him. I want to trace each one of those lines in his neck, and the cords in his throat.

I shivered, turning over to face the other wall.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I sat up, screaming and digging beneath the blankets for my legs. The horrible, recurring nightmare that I’d had since I was a small child left me panting, lost in the darkness.

“Eva,” Will’s voice, so close, and his arms around me. I moaned, shaking as he gathered me to his bare chest.

“I was swimming above- the bright light and- these invisible
with sharp teeth were biting me,” I lifted my fingers, staring at the sticky blood in horror.

Will shoved the blankets aside, his eyes widening in the moonlit shadows. “Good God,” he ran his fingers over my thigh, lifting his horrified gaze to mine. “Something… bit you…,”

“I usually heal… but I’m mortal,” I watched him rush to the bathroom, returning with a wet washcloth and a dry towel.

He worked to clean the inside of my leg, and in the end there were two small puncture wounds on my inner, right thigh. After cleaning them and bandaging them tenderly, he rolled my nightgown down over my legs.

I lay back on the pillows. He started to turn for the couch, but I caught his wrist. “
Please stay.

He focused on me for long seconds before finally slipping into the bed next to me. I found a comfortable place in the
curve of his arm, my face pressed against his bare chest.



Chapter Eleven

The sunshine streaming through the open window coaxed me from my dreams, and warm, fresh air tossed my hair over the pillow.

“Your majesty, you’ve done it,” Freckles did a spin near the window with her hands clasped over her heart.
I thought only cartoon characters did that.
“It is safe to walk in the sun today. His majesty has just announced the readings. Thank you,” she hurried to my bedside, reaching for my hands. “Thank you for coming here.”

“You’re welcome,” I murmured, my raspy voice forcing me to clear my throat. “How many suns are there?”

“How many?” She sounded baffled. “Why, only one, your majesty.”

Relieved, I pressed my face against the pillow.
Still just a halo.
“What is your name?”


“Yvette, please just call me Eva.” I yawned, rolling over to my stomach and pressing my face into the cool pillow.
The sun does feel so good.
After spending so many years in North Carolina, I was definitely a sun and sand kind of girl.

“Your majesty, allow me to help you to bathe,” she skirted my request, her words turning sympathetic.

“I’m good at bathing myself,” I answered, wincing as I tried to sit up. The remnants of my recurring nightmare came rushing back to me, and I held my hand over my thigh, cringing.

“Are you in much pain?”

“Pain?” I turned my face, watching as she drew the covers back.


Bloodied towels, bloodied washcloths, bloodied nightgown.

Freckles turned a sickening shade of pale, and I forced a quick, broad smile.

“Oh… oh,
no… he was… so very gentle. He’s just- really
. You know what I mean.” I gave her a vulgar wink, and her shocked expression was well worth my completely inappropriate comment. Realizing the bed was empty, I sat up, glancing around. “Where is he?”

“His majesty attends to business this morning. You are to join Eric in the atrium.”


“Eric,” Yvette busily retrieved my robe from the arm chair. “Weaponry?”

She gestured to a folded piece of paper near the bed, and I sat up, reaching for the document. “His majesty has written a letter. He asked me to read your schedule to prepare you for the day.” Her cheeks reddened.

Grinning, I scanned the letter.

Good morning love,

I have detailed your schedule. After last night’s events, I’m sure that
you will need much rest today. When you are ready, please meet Eric in the atrium for weaponry training.

I am counting the moments until I see you this evening.

Do try to eat more than cookies for breakfast.



I glanced at Yvette as she pulled the sheets from the bed.
After last night’s events… counting the moments… yours…


My head firmly lodged in the clouds, I somehow found myself standing in a domed, outdoor range, half-listening to Eric’s lecture on an assault rifle I’d never seen before.

“…locked with a rotary bolt… two lugs that fit into these recesses milled into the receiver… your majesty, are you listening?”

I drug my thoughts away from Will’s
broad, tanned shoulders, turning to Eric. “Of course. Eric, this is just like a Galil. An Israeli assault rifle… in my world. Well, this one in particular is more like the SAR, which is just a carbine variant. Where’s Will?”

Eric stared at me, a lazy smile spreading over his face. “Preoccupied,
your majesty?”

“Give me this,” I reached for the rifle, and he handed me the weapon without a word. “This trigger mechanism determines how you want to fire. This rifle fires in three positions- repetition, which is semi-automatic fire, fully automatic fire, and if you push the level fully forward,” I pushed the apparatus into the forward position, “it activates the safety. Can we learn about… something cool? Like a flail or a mace?”

Eric took the rifle from me, raising his eyebrows. “How are you with a bow?”

“I’m okay with a cross bow, but I’ve never tried a long bow.”

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