Read Rule of Three Online

Authors: Kelly Jamieson

Rule of Three (11 page)

BOOK: Rule of Three
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“Fuck, Kassidy.” The words burst from Dag’s lips and she opened her eyes to look at him, his face tightened into a grimace of pleasure and pain. Her gaze riveted to the compelling sight—his dark hair falling across his forehead, his beautiful mouth parted, eyes flashing. “You’re so fucking tight and hot. When you came…aw, here I go…” And he came inside her in tight, hard jerks of his body, his hands tight on her legs, holding them up, his body a big, dark triangle of muscle between her thighs.

Another ripple of pleasure washed over her, not as intense, more of a warm shimmery glow, and oh god, it was wonderful. Amazing.

Then Chris came too in hot spurts across her breasts. She reached a hand out and laid it on his hard thigh, then with her other hand she reached down and drew her fingers through his semen, rubbed it in slow, languid circles as they collapsed and fought for breath.

Wow. Just…wow.

Chapter Nine


Things got a little weird when they ate breakfast, the three of them in the kitchen, but Chris and Dag kept insulting each other and joking around until they were all laughing and Kassidy had to shake her head. They started talking about last night and the friends Dag hadn’t seen for so long.

“Kevin’s lost half his hair already,” Dag said. “I can’t believe that.”

“Yeah, the poor fucker.”

“Actually, your hairline looks a little higher than the last time I saw you,” Dag said.

“Fuck off, it is not. At least I haven’t packed on the pounds like you have.”

Dag snorted. “As if. You wish you had my svelte physique.”

“Svelte? Ha!”

There wasn’t an ounce of fat on either guy. Chris had always been muscular and he worked out to stay that way. Dag was a couple inches taller, his muscles a little less bulky but no less impressive, his shoulders wide, his hips lean.

“Okay,” Dag finally said, draining his coffee. “I’m off back to the hotel.”

“What’re you up to today?”

“I gotta get some work done. I’ve got more meetings set up for next week.”

“I thought you were done.”

“Nah. After I got this great idea and talked to your most excellent and intelligent girlfriend here, I got on the phone and set up some more. Different people to talk to. I need to get some things ready.”

“Okay. So we’ll talk to you tomorrow maybe.”

“Yeah. Sure.” Dag turned to Kassidy. “If I have questions, can I call you?”

“Of course.”

He was leaving.

Of course he was leaving. They couldn’t have sex twenty-four-seven, and she and Chris had lots to do—new curtains to put up, pictures she wanted hung, and she had her Saturday afternoon yoga class.

When he was gone, she turned to Chris, desperate to talk about it, to reassure herself yet again that he was okay with what had happened, to ask him about what he and Dag had done in the past, and, even though in her head she thought what they’d done was absolutely depraved and kinky, to make sure Chris didn’t think any less of her because of it.

But when she kept asking questions, Chris started to get annoyed. “Yes, I’m sure. I still love you. I’m not mad. I wanted to do it. Can we just drop it for now?”

“But I want to know…you and Dag…you did that before. I want to understand…”

“What’s to understand?” Chris stood on a stepladder in the spare room trying to install the new curtain rod. “Hand me the drill.”

“There’s a lot to understand.” She picked up the power tool and held it up to him. For a moment, the sound of the drill drowned out any further talk. “What we did…that’s not…normal.”

“Sure it is.” Chris drilled again. “What’s normal anyway? If we all wanted it, then it’s fine. We’re not hurting anyone.”

She bit her lip. No. They weren’t hurting anyone.

Chris clearly didn’t want to talk anymore about it. Which was just like him, dammit. He’d never been one to talk about how he felt. In fact, the day he’d told her he loved her she’d damn near died. But right now, she could have exploded with all the questions inside her, the pressure that built up with wanting to know more, including…was it going to happen again?



The next afternoon, Dag met Chris and Kassidy at the beach, lazing away a sunny June Sunday on the shore of Lake Michigan, people watching, but mostly watching each other, Kassidy in a tiny bikini that exposed maximum flesh to the sun for it to turn it a deep golden hue, gleaming with the sunscreen Dag and Chris helped her apply with tantalizing strokes of both their hands.

As they ate dinner together that evening at Chris and Kassidy’s, Dag sensed the tension in Kassidy, from the way she kept looking at him then Chris, then him again. He observed the uncertain flickers of her eyes, the slight tremor in her hands and he knew she was struggling.

She was wondering what was going to happen. She was afraid of what was going to happen. Even though she’d loved it. She’d been more into the threesome than any girl Dag could recall. Why that was, he couldn’t say and didn’t want to think too much about. He certainly didn’t believe it was because she was any less committed to Chris. The bond between the two of them was almost tangible. Substantial. Enviable.

No, she definitely loved Chris. So what she had to be feeling was guilt. Something stirred inside him that he’d made Kassidy feel bad.

After dinner, Chris went to the bathroom and Dag and Kassidy wandered into the living room. Kassidy curled up on the couch and Dag stood in front of her. “Do you want me to leave?” he asked, meeting her eyes steadily.

She just gazed back at him.

“We don’t have to do it again,” he said, voice low and gruff. “It can be a one-time crazy thing that happened. If you want me to apologize and leave and never come back, I will.”

Still she said nothing, looking at him with those big dark eyes.

“Kassidy? Is that what you want? I don’t want to do anything to make you feel bad.”

“You didn’t make me feel bad,” she whispered. The corners of her mouth lifted a tad. “I’m doing that just fine all by myself.”

“Ah hell. Don’t beat yourself up about it, sweetheart.” His heart turned over in his chest.

“I tried to talk to Chris about it, to understand…but he didn’t want to talk.”

“You can talk to me.”

He meant that, even though he knew this wasn’t going to be the time. He sat beside her and took her hand in both his. “Seriously, Kassidy. I never wanted to hurt you.”

“You didn’t,” she said again, turning her hand in his so their palms met, fingers curled around each other. “You can’t take the blame for what happened.”

“I will if you want me to. If it will make you feel better.”

Her eyes went even bigger and liquidy. “Oh Dag.” Her lips quivered. “You’re not such a bad boy after all.”

His cheeks heated and he looked away.

And then she leaned forward and kissed his mouth.

His heart stuttered, his blood sizzled through his veins, and his chest went soft and warm. And his resolve that once would be the only time it ever happened somehow faltered in the face of her sweetness.

“You didn’t answer my question,” he said quietly, their hands still joined.

“No. I don’t want you to go.”

Chris walked back into the room as Kassidy drew back and she and Dag both looked at him. He lifted a brow.

Dag gave a small jerk of his head, indicating Chris should sit on the other side of Kassidy, and Chris gave a slow smile as he did so.

They kissed for a long while, Dag and Chris taking turns kissing Kassidy, their hands getting bolder, touching her, caressing her. She slipped an arm around each of their shoulders, turning her mouth from one to the other. Dag slid his hand beneath her T-shirt as he kissed her, found her soft breast and cupped her through her bra. She moaned into his mouth.

Heat wrapped around his cock, burned in his balls. He watched Chris kiss her, their mouths fused, so close to his own he could see the golden stubble on Chris’s jaw, his gilt-tipped eyelashes, the smooth curve of Kassidy’s cheek. Chris cupped her jaw, his fingers long on her face.

Dag slid both hands now up under her shirt, pushing it up over her breasts, revealing the simple pink cotton T-shirt bra, cut low to reveal enticing softness. When Chris pulled back, Dag said, “Sit forward, babe. That’s it.” And he lifted the shirt over her head. Then his fingers went to the button and zipper of the shorts she wore, opened them and dragged her hips forward on the couch so he could get the shorts off.

“Such a pretty body,” he murmured. His gaze wandered over her body, her tanned skin from their day at the beach a contrast to her pink cotton underwear. She bit her lip.

“Yeah,” Chris agreed, sweeping a hand down her arm. “So sweet, Kass. I wanna lick you all over.”

“I want to see your bodies,” she said, sprawled on the couch, peering at them from beneath lowered lashes. The corners of her mouth tipped up.

Dag willingly reached behind his neck to drag his own T-shirt off, and Chris did the same. Clothing littered the living room floor. Kassidy smoothed a palm up each male chest. Sensations slid through Dag at her touch, hot and sharp, straight to his groin where his dick swelled.

Chris bent his head to fulfill his wish, dragged his tongue from the tip of Kassidy’s shoulder up the side of her neck, making Dag even harder. “Mmm,” Chris said. “Wanna eat you up, sweetheart.”

Dag slid to the floor, dragged Kassidy’s ass right to the edge of the couch so she was almost lying, her head tucked up against the back cushions. While Chris nibbled and licked his way across her chest, Dag dragged her panties off and spread her legs. She was wet, so slick and hot, it made his mind hum and his ears buzz. He could hardly think for wanting to taste her, feel her. Another ragged groan tore from her throat as he gazed at her pussy. Then he leaned in to taste. Sweet. Succulent. She gasped and a small tremor went through her body. Heat slid down his spine and settled deep in his balls.

He barely noticed the bra being tossed aside as he held her thighs wide with his palms, using his thumbs to part her folds for his tongue to probe and lick, her cream like honey on his tongue, her soft cries of pleasure sweet to his ears.

“Good, Dag?” Chris murmured, his mouth against a nipple. Kassidy writhed beneath them.

“Yeah. So good. Love your pussy, Kassidy. So hot and wet.”

Dag kissed and sucked and licked more. She cried out. His cock strained against his jeans, so he reached down and freed it. “Wanna fuck you, babe,” he groaned. “So bad. I want inside you. Inside your tight little pussy.”

She moaned again, hips lifting against his mouth. He pressed a closed-mouth kiss to her clit, then gently sucked it in, flicked his tongue over it.

“Oh yeah!” Her voice sounded thick. “That feels so good. Oh god.”

Her hand had wrapped around the back of Chris’s head as he moved from one nipple to the other, and Dag stood, stripped off his jeans and underwear and rolled on a condom from his pocket. He knelt again between her legs, this time lifting her ankles high, guiding them to his shoulders, and then he pushed into her. He watched himself enter her, her pussy pulling him in, accepting his girth as if she was made for him.

He gritted his teeth. She was tight, and so fucking hot she was scalding his cock. Pleasure licked up every nerve ending like flames, a fiery wave of heat over his body. His balls tightened, pressure gathering, fast and hard. He tightened his buttocks as his hips thrust back and forth, in and out of her. Still holding her ankles, he turned his head and kissed her there, swept his tongue over the fragile bones and soft skin, then pressed her calf to his cheek.

He dragged his gaze up her body, over the flush tinting her chest, breasts rosy from Chris’s attention, and her eyes opened and met his over Chris’s bent head. Awareness sizzled between them, a connection, hot and bright, their gazes locked on each other.

“So good,” she whispered. “It’s so good.”

Chris made a small noise, reached a hand down between her legs and rubbed, seeming to know exactly how she liked it. When she came, her eyes fell closed, her body tightened around him in rippling waves that almost sent him over, soft noises leaking from her mouth.

Chris laid a last kiss on her chest, between her breasts, rolled off the couch and ripped off his pants too, then knelt beside her, offering his stiff dick to her mouth. She turned her head and opened for him. Chris rubbed the head over her lips, around and around, and she turned her gaze up to him, eyes big, gaze fastened on his face as he stroked his cock over her mouth.

“Lick it,” he whispered.

Her tongue came out and stroked over Chris. That was so fucking hot.

Chris pushed inside her then. “Take it all,” he murmured, watching her. “Take it all, sweetheart. You know how to do it. Show Dag how you can do it.”

Dag kept his gaze trained on the sight, Chris’s long, thick flesh disappearing farther and farther into her mouth. She blinked, made a small noise, but held Chris’s gaze as he slowly filled her mouth and throat. He released his cock, slid his hand around the back of her head, pulling her to him. Jesus! Right to the root she took him, until her nose pressed into Chris’s pubes, and then he pulled out. She gave a little gasp.

“Good girl,” Chris said, pushing in again, sliding in and out of her pretty mouth. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked. Dag caught glimpses of tongue then Chris pulled out.

“Put out your tongue,” he ordered her. She did and he tapped his cock on it, one, two, three times. Then again. Chris groaned, on his knees, his muscled body taut, tanned, gleaming in the lamplight, the paler cheeks of his ass clenched tight.

Once again, Dag couldn’t believe this was happening. It had been so long. Seeing Chris like that, enthralled, fucking Kassidy’s mouth in a quick, hard rhythm, the rapture on his face made Dag’s heart expand in his chest. His own cock surged too and now there was no holding back, his orgasm exploding in his balls, pleasure racing through his body, through every vein, out of his cock.

“Aaah,” he cried out. “Ah fuck, Kassidy, baby, coming inside you…” And a long groan tore from him as he poured into her, hands tight on her ankles.

BOOK: Rule of Three
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