Ruined (A Dark Alpha Billionaire Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Ruined (A Dark Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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“Yes, but I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.” Blake pulled himself up and looked at me remorsefully.


“Don’t be sorry,” I protested. “I wanted it.”


“You are too young and sweet to get caught up with me. You should have run while you still could.” A flicker of sadness washed over his face, quickly replaced with his usual hard, emotionless mask. “You should go shower off an head to bed now. I’m going to take you into the city office tomorrow and show you more about how to run a large business.”


Blake stood up and quickly zipped his pants and reached down to grab his shirt and jacket, before reaching a hand down to help me to my feet.


I stood unsteadily, and tried to arrange my gown as best I could to hide the obvious implications of what we had just been doing.


“I am glad that…” I started, but Blake cut me off.


“I understand. Go to bed now.” He turned away from me and opened the door, holding it and looking at me expectantly.


I sighed, wishing I could do something to break through the barrier he kept putting up. I grabbed my clutch and did one final adjustment on my gown before walking to the door. I paused briefly in the doorway and looked up at Blake, but his steely expression revealed nothing. I wanted to reach out and touch him, give him a kiss, let him know he could let his guard down with me. Instead, I turned and walked out the door, flinching slightly as I heard it close firmly behind me.


I walked to my room and showered quickly, washing off the sweat, cum, and champagne. I couldn’t wash off the confusion, excitement, satisfaction, or disappointment that swirled inside of me as I rubbed myself with rose-scented soap.










Chapter 7.







The next morning, Blake brought me to the Harrison Media offices as promised. When I woke up and went down for breakfast, I found him in the kitchen. He was wearing a fresh grey suit with a deep green button-down that brought out the brightness of his eyes and the golden hue of his tan.  I briefly wondered how he maintained such a perfect, effortless tan all the time as he handed me a cup of coffee.


“The car is waiting for us as soon as you finish breakfast,” he told me briskly as I gulped down my coffee.


I nodded and grabbed a piece of toast, biting into it between sips of coffee. Blake watched in amusement as I scarfed down my breakfast.


“You don’t need to rush,” he told me in a gentle voice.


“But you said they were waiting,” I protested.


“I pay them to wait. It isn’t your job to make everyone else’s life easier. Sometimes it is their job to make your life easier. That is your first lesson for the day.”


I nodded and slowed down, enjoying my last few bites of toast and sips of coffee at a more leisurely pace.  Once I had finished, Blake led the way to the front entrance, where his limousine was waiting outside. The same driver who had picked me up at the bus station was leaning against the car. He stood upright and opened the door for us as we walked out.


“Do you always travel like this?” I asked as I climbed into the back seat next to Blake.


“Yes, I take a private car. It gives me the opportunity to get more work done on the way.” He had already flipped open a laptop and was pouring over some documents.


I sat back, feeling a little embarrassed that I hadn’t thought to bring along something useful to do, or at the very least a novel.


“Can I help you with anything?” I asked as he pulled some more documents out of his briefcase.


“No. You can look through these contracts if you like, to get a better idea of some of the more detailed legal issues. I’ll show you the more exciting work when we get to the office.”


I took the documents he handed me and started to page through them as we drove out of the driveway and down the narrow road. The documents were as dense and boring as he had promised and I found myself staring at most of the pages without comprehending what I was supposed to glean from them. After thirty minutes of looking through the thick contracts, I put them on the seat next to me and stared out the window.


We were out of the quiet, expensive neighborhood of the Harrison Estate and were now driving across I-495 towards Manhattan. I watched small suburban towns flash by and couldn’t help but wonder how my family, my friends, and even Daniel, were doing back home. I had deliberately stayed away from my cellphone and my old email address, so I didn’t even know if any of them had attempted to contact me. I wasn’t ready to face them yet. My life seemed so different now. I was no longer the same girl who had left Mercy River only a few months earlier.


I watched the scenery change from suburban homes to dense buildings and realized we were finally approaching the city. I sat up straighter as we emerged from the tunnel and drank in my first breath of New York City air. I had dreamed about this day for so long, it was hard to believe that it was finally happening. I watched the buildings get taller and glossier, the further we drove into the city.


Outside the window, people thronged, moving hurriedly along the sidewalks as they rushed about their day. Everyone looked so different than the people in Mercy River. There were women in business suits, somehow rushing along in stiletto heels, men with facial piercings and eyeliner ambling along, and people in all sorts of crazy fashions milling through the crowds. It was magical to see a place teeming with so many different kinds of people, filled with so much life and energy.


We pulled up to a tall building and the car stopped. I looked up and saw the building shot all the way up, towering above us with thousands of glossy windows. It looked so sophisticated and professional, just like all the busy suited professionals hurrying in and out of the many front doors. I suddenly felt intimidated. I was just a silly small-town girl and didn’t belong in a place like this.


I glanced over at Blake and he gave me a small smile, while gathering up all his papers.


“Welcome to your new home away from home,” he said reassuringly.  “Let’s get moving. There is so much to show you.”


We stepped out of the door that the driver held open for us and onto the busy sidewalk. I readjusted my grey pencil skirt and pink silk blouse, hoping I gave off a serious, professional aura. We were still in the transition from summer to autumn, but the air was starting to develop a chill. I shivered and then hurried after Blake who was already striding through the front door. Security waved us through the lobby and we walked straight back to an elevator and up to the 20


Stepping out into Harrison Media offices, I noticed that everything was very symmetrical and masculine. The office looked like it belonged to Blake Harrison. There was dark wood paneling everywhere, large glass windows in all the offices and conference rooms, and very carefully placed pops of deep masculine colors.


“The office looks like you,” I blurted out in a loud whisper as I hurried after Blake’s long strides.


He turned and cocked his dark eyebrow, then gave me a small smile. “You have a strange way with words, Grace.” He gestured to the open door in front of him. “This is your office, for whenever you are here. You can leave your bag here and I’ll introduce you to some key people.”


I looked around the office, taking in the bare walls and big window. It was a small office, but it had everything I needed, from a comfortable chair and sturdy wooden desk, to a fresh heap of office supplies. Standing in the doorway, I felt a sudden sense of accomplishment. I had worked hard to prove my worth to Blake by planning his launch party and now I was rewarded with my very own office in New York City. It was more than I had ever dared to hope for and it was the first step in some grand adventure that was still being written.


I quickly dropped my purse on the desk, and with one last glance back at my new workspace, I followed after Blake’s long strides. He brought me first to the front desk, where a pretty woman with short red curls was answering the phone. She smiled apologetically at us, and than transferred the call quickly.


“Allison, I would like you to meet my new assistant, Grace. Grace, Allison is our receptionist.”


I reached out to shake her hand, but Blake’s words were ringing in my ears. He had introduced me as his assistant, nothing more. Was that all I was to him? Last night we had shared what I thought was a life-altering intimacy. He had just taken my virginity and I had freely given it to him. I felt something intense for him, something that was more than just lust and respect for my boss. Was I just an employee that he also liked to screw? Allison was pretty too. Maybe he liked to fool around with her as well.


“It’s nice to meet you Allison.” I pasted on smile on my face and blinked back the tears while I shook her hand. I wouldn’t let myself crumble. This was my first day at Harrison Media and I needed to prove myself to everyone here. I would figure out my relationship with Blake Harrison later.


We walked around the office and Blake introduced me as his assistant to a few dozen employees, including the other executives. Then he walked me back to my office and I spent the rest of the day sorting through documents. I tried to focus, but my mind kept wandering back to the night before, when Blake kissed me passionately and fucked me hard. I had assumed it meant something to him, something more than just sex, but now I wasn’t sure.


It was well into the evening by the time Blake knocked on my office door.


“Can I take you out for dinner before we head back?” He looked refreshed and excited, while I felt tired and worn out from the long day. Still, I couldn’t help absorbing some of his infectious enthusiasm.


“Sure, let me just grab my bag and coat,” I replied, placing the stack of papers I had been working through back on my desk.


We headed back down to the lobby and out the large glass doors, but this time there was no car waiting for us. Blake led us down a couple blocks, excitedly telling me about his new plan for the upcoming ad campaigns. I tried to pay attention since I knew it was important to remain focused on my job, but my worries from earlier kept blocking out any other thoughts. I needed to know whether Blake just considered me an employee with benefits or something more.


When we reached a small blue door with no sign on it, he stopped. I looked around, confused. There was no sign to indicate that there was a restaurant here, but Blake pulled on the door anyway. I walked into the dimly lit room and blinked in confusion. Inside the shabby-looking building was an incredibly elegant, upscale restaurant. The room was small, but beautifully designed with clean lines and a very crisp, bright color palette.


A man hurried up to us and held out his arm for our coats.


“Mr. Harrison, it is so wonderful to see you again. It was so wonderful to hear that you would be dining with us again.”


We followed him to a small table in a quiet corner. Everyone in the restaurant looked very wealthy to me, but I got the feeling that even here, Blake Harrison was a very big deal. The restaurant was packed, but we were seated in a private corner and the waiter pulled a gauzy curtain shut, behind him, leaving us in the privacy of our company and the flickering candle light.


I glanced down at the menu as Blake perused his in silence. It was a small menu, but it appeared utterly incomprehensible to me.


In Mercy River, there was one small diner and a hamburger joint. Further out, there were a few fast food restaurants. For special occasions, we would drive out forty minutes to the small Italian restaurant that served lasagna and garlic bread. 


This hidden New York restaurant didn’t have anything on the menu that I could fully pronounce. I looked in dismay at the small menu, trying to figure out what “seared scallops with leek foam and rhubarb soufflé” and “ceviche with grapefruit dust and lime spheres” could be.  The eager waiter returned before I had the chance to figure it out.


I looked up at Blake in a panic and saw his soft, amused expression looking back at me. He gave me a tiny wink and I felt my panic subside.


“Why don’t you ask the chef to send us his favorites for tonight?” Blake suggested to the waiter. “And a bottle of cabernet as well.”


“Very good, sir.”


“Thanks. I had no idea what to order,” I said to Blake as the waiter walked off back towards the kitchen. “I’ve never been to a restaurant like this before.”


“Not to worry. The first time here can be a bewildering and intimidating experience for almost anyone. It is truly a hidden gem though and I’ve missed coming here in recent years.” The familiar cloud of sadness passed over his expression again, but he forced it away and reached out to take my hand. “I’m glad you are here with me.”


“I am too,” I replied carefully, finally seeing my opening to address the worries that had been plaguing me all day. “I just…I’m trying to understand you, and to understand our relationship. Is it a relationship? Am I your assistant or also something else? I’m just confused, Blake.” I realized that I had called him by his first name for the first time and bit my lip, looking up at him through my lashes and trying to read his impenetrable expression.

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