Ruby's Fantasy (5 page)

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Authors: Cathleen Ross

BOOK: Ruby's Fantasy
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She shattered, her groans deep and primal. Her cries seemed to rise from the base of her spine, zing upward and out through her throat and lips. He pushed her thighs wide and devoured her, inserting his fingers and curling them forward at the same time. Her next orgasm slammed into her and she rocked and arched pressing herself against his mouth. She held his head between her hands and he supped on her, her hips jerking with every lick until finally he pulled away.

In what seemed like dazed moments, he stood and pulled his tee-shirt over his head, his jeans, boxers, socks and boots followed.

He was magnificent.

She would have said it but she was fighting to catch her breath. Every muscle in her body had turned rubbery from the life-shattering orgasms except her sex, which seemed to pulse as if it had a life of its own; demanding, waiting, wanting.


‘Come to bed, Princess.' He picked her up cradling her to his chest and walked into her bedroom before depositing her onto her feet.

Pushing the rainbow-coloured pillows that crowded the bed onto the floor, he pulled across the comforter and stepped aside waiting for her. His eyes gleamed with wanting, his face was suffused with blood and his lips were swollen. He took up a box of matches that had been sitting on the dresser next to a vanilla-scented candle, struck the match and lit it.

She was about to succumb when a thought struck her. Protection. She had to have it. ‘Jake, do you have condoms?'

‘Sure I do but I won't be using them tonight.' His erection was big and heavy, his sex thick. He climbed onto the bed, lay on his side and beckoned her. One hand supported his head, while the rest of him stretched across the bed, seemingly relaxed, except she wasn't fooled. His stomach muscles laced and his sex pointed straight up nearly reaching his belly button, the large knob at the end, dusty pink.

She wanted it inside her.

She was desperate for him. Never in her life had she felt like this, but making out with a man she didn't know well meant he had to wear a condom. The sensible part, the part of her that had looked after herself and Emerald all these years, insisted. ‘But you have to use a condom.'

‘No. Tonight is about you.'

Her sex still pulsated. ‘We can't have unprotected sex.' Although the intensity of her orgasm had lessened, she wanted him with a raw, aching need that she'd never known before.

‘We're not going to have sex,' he said with a cheeky smile.

‘What do you call what just happened in the kitchen?'

Jake laughed. ‘Oral sex is not sex.'

She couldn't see what was funny. Oral sex was sex. Well it used to be. ‘I'm going to pay you out for that.'

‘Don't be cross, Princess. I'm going to hold and protect you all night long.'

‘I. Want. You.'

‘You'll have me in good time. Now hit the light and come to bed.'

He had an erection. A big, hard erection. She could see every proud inch of it. So why wasn't he planning on using it? Body aching with sexual frustration, Ruby jabbed at the light switch, stalked across the room and slid into bed beside him. ‘You're playing with me.'

He pulled her close so that she snuggled against him. One thing was for certain, she could feel his sex pressing against her thigh and she couldn't for the life of her understand why he wasn't demanding to be inside of her.

‘You've had a nasty shock. It's made you crave sex. I saw the same thing happen in Ghan. Fear and adrenalin make people do things they normally wouldn't,' he said.

‘You think that's what this is?'

He put his hand to her cheek and nuzzled her neck. ‘That's why I'm saying no. Tonight I said I'd stay and look after you, not take advantage of you. I don't want you to wake up in the morning and have regrets.'

‘I won't. I know I won't.' Ruby reached up and traced her fingers over his profile, loving the slight bump in his nose, the fleshy softness of his lips and the way his regrowth seemed prickly on his strong jaw. He was gorgeous but if things didn't work out, it wasn't as if they had to see each other again. This was the city.

‘Good,' he said. ‘That's what I like to hear.' He gave her a light peck on the cheek.

‘Humph!' She didn't need a hero right now. She wanted sex. Raw, exciting sex. The kind that she saw in movies, the kind she'd never had. Her hand wandered down, over his washboard stomach, her fingers tracing the ridges and valleys of his six pack down to his sex. It jerked under her touch.

He moved her hand away. ‘If you need more orgasms to overcome your shock, I'd be happy to oblige,' he murmured, nibbling at the delicate skin under her ear. ‘Multiples will help you relax.'

She'd thought those were a myth until she'd just experienced it. What she needed was to feel his hard cock inside of her. Frustration made her prickle with irritation. ‘You said you didn't play games.' Who would have thought he could be such a tease?

‘It's important to have something to look forward to,' he said, stroking his fingers over her already sensitised breasts.

Ruby shivered.

‘Have you ever had multiple orgasms before?'

‘Mind your own business.'

‘You haven't, have you?'

‘I've only had one lover before and he always put himself first,' she admitted.

‘It's not going to be that way with me.'

‘It's not anything with you,' she snapped.

Jake chuckled. ‘Don't be grumpy, Princess. You'll thank me tomorrow because I didn't take advantage of you. You've had a shock and we hardly know each other.'

‘No, I won't.'

‘Yes, you will. I want you to get used to my touch.' He pushed her hair from her neck and kissed from her ear lobe down over her neck to her throat. His hand moved to cup her breast and his thumb explored the peak of her nipple. As he stroked her body, her muscles contracted wherever his fingers roamed and she could feel her herself responding with vibrant urgency. Yet when his fingertips sought between her fleshy folds and stroked her clitoris, her hips jerked. Sensitive and aching, she wasn't sure if she could take the pressure of his touch except his fingertip glided over her so softly that a sigh left her lips.

His fingers seemed silken as he caressed her. She wanted to tell him she didn't need him, that she didn't like the way he was so cool, so in command, able to hold back while she was a dependent mess. Still, as his fingers set up a rhythm, all thoughts of rebellion ceased. She closed her eyes and rocked her hips, a slave to his command.

A ripple of pleasure zinged through her body. She took a sharp breath in and vanilla flooded her senses along with her own musky scent.

A growl left Jake's lips. ‘You are so beautiful,' he said. ‘So luscious. Mine.' He drew one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked on it.

With his erection pressed against her hip and his fingers stroking her in an experienced rhythm, she thought about it entering her. She was so wet she knew it wouldn't be uncomfortable like sex had been in the past. It would be wonderful: hard, full and satisfying sliding into her.

‘You're so wet and ready.' He moved between her legs balancing himself on one elbow.

His body felt hot and hard over hers. ‘Condom,' she gasped, though it was getting hard to think straight.

He raised one eyebrow. ‘I'm still practising safe sex. Learn to trust me.' He took the end of his cock and rubbed it over her clitoris.

It was a lovely, slippery, hot sensation. It felt so good she groaned. She closed her eyes and arched her hips thinking about him entering her. The thought sent her over the edge.

Jake bit on her nipple as she came, the sensation intensified as he licked her teat. Her body convulsed and she groaned. Wanting him, wanting him, wanting him. She cried out, her voice hoarse. Another wave rolled through her taking her higher than she'd ever been before. He seemed to know how to touch her in so many inventive ways.

Her back arched, time seemed suspended and she knew nothing except him and what he was doing to her. He rubbed the slick end of his penis over and over her nub driving her orgasm higher. Another climax consumed her with a rich, hot pleasure that had her heart thundering.

Finally she collapsed panting, trying to catch her breath as he shifted to her side and pulled her in close, murmuring endearments.

‘Sleep now, Ruby. You've nothing to worry about now I'm here to look after you.'

She wanted to argue to say that she still wanted him inside of her but her eyes did seem heavy and every limb of her body seemed weighted down with satiation. She didn't want to move. All she wanted to do was curl up and close her eyes. The strain of worrying about her twin, of the broken window downstairs and the imminent danger didn't seem to matter with him by her side.

All she could think of was how good it felt to be in Jake's arms.

Chapter 4

When Ruby awoke the next morning, she immediately felt across the bed for Jake. The bed was empty but the place next to her was still warm. The sheets smelled of cologne and his own male scent. She breathed in deeply, taking in his essence. He couldn't be far. She stretched like a cat, arching her back, awake from the most restful sleep of her life, though her butt muscles ached as if she'd jogged a marathon. Even though Jake had thwarted her she knew she'd be wearing a smile in the shop at the thought of how Jake had explored her allowing no recompense.

He was a tease. Generous beyond doubt. Fantastic affair material.

Glancing at the bedside clock, she saw that it was already seven a.m. A hazy, grey light flowed through the sheer curtains so different from the clean, morning mountain light at home. A horn blasted on the strip outside and in the distance she could hear techno music pulsating from one of the clubs even though the hour was early. She knew the strip would contain the staggering drunks who hadn't made it home, call girls seeking the early morning, married-jogger business from Elizabeth Bay, and office workers searching for their coffee fix.

Senses focused, she heard Jake in her bathroom off the hallway. No doubt he was an early riser. Perhaps he'd come into her bedroom washed, naked and expectant.

She shivered with delight. He'd made her want him in a way that no man had ever done before, but suddenly self consciousness set in when she decided that she could do with cleaning her teeth and showering before encountering Jake. She rose from the bed, pulled her nightgown into place and walked into the kitchen.

Taking in a deep, appreciative breath, she smelled fresh coffee and saw a paper bag stuffed with fresh croissants on her kitchen counter. She took a mug down from the cupboard, picked up the coffee pot and filled it with strong black coffee. Mixing in three heaped teaspoons of sugar, she took a gulp and sensed her brain neural pathways unscrambling, then she saw her garbage bin, the lid askew and inside of it the split saline ampoules and tissues with spotted blood on them.

The heat of the night wore off and she no longer could summon the free, sensual persona that she had been. A long sigh, almost a groan left her lips. The thought of her workload pressed in on her: the broken window downstairs that needed fixing, the importance of getting the shop open for business and tracking where and why Emerald had fled. A shiver of fear edged at her reason.

What if the man with the knife came back?

The sex-induced calm dissipated like wind hitting autumn leaves leaving hard reality in its place. Even though she had taken basic self-defence classes at the community centre in Blackheath, her first instinct when in danger was to flee.

The bathroom door opened and Jake stepped out into the hallway followed by a cloud of steam. Her heart leapt at the sight of him and the smell of soap and freshly-washed man tickled her nostrils. He'd already dressed. He walked towards her into the open-plan kitchen living room area, gave her a cheeky grin, bent down and kissed her.

When his lips pressed against hers the shivery, excited feeling awakened in her body. His skin was taut where he'd freshly shaved and his lips possessive.

‘Good morning, Princess. Sleep well?'


‘Use me for stress relief anytime.'

Ruby laughed. He was funny and cute with it. Just standing near him made her mouth dry. She couldn't stop staring at him, taking in every inch. She noticed that he had a clean black tee-shirt on which read: Syrus Security Systems, and blue denim jeans that were ironed with a crease down the front. He hadn't brought in an overnight bag. How had he come by a new set of clothes? His black boots were spit polished and although the whole effect was casual, he was immaculate.

‘Thanks for organising coffee,' she said, raising her cup and taking a long sip. In the morning light she realised that she didn't even know his last name and the thought sat oddly with her because he made her feel so comfortable.

He glanced at his watch. ‘I've pulled in a few favours to get the bullet-proof glass team out here early to replace your window. Come down when you're ready. I'll mount a surveillance camera above your shop door—'

‘Stop. Wait a minute. I can't afford this.' There wasn't much left in the twin's account and she didn't want to owe Jake money. Did she even want a surveillance camera? Would Jake be looking at her the whole time?

Jake gripped her shoulders, his expression grim. ‘Ruby, you have to update your security. Your life's in danger. Whatever your twin's done, she's annoyed someone big time. You do that in this area: you die. I'm going to put a security grill on your front door, run a wire under your floorboards and hook it to a push button at your counter so you can open it for clients. That way no one can get in without you approving it.'

She should have been delighted that he was doing this for her, instead her stomach churned as panic set in as old memories slammed into her. Security was expensive. Debt. She hated it. Her gambling-addicted father had borrowed from friends and associates back home. Ruby had worked her butt off to pay everyone back after he'd died because she couldn't live with the shame. ‘Jake. I can't take money from you,' she said, her voice firm, final.

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