Royce (5 page)

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Authors: D. Hamilton-Reed

BOOK: Royce
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“No, I’m good with what we have,” he said.  Really all he wanted was her, no games, no toys, just her, but he was spent he didn’t know if he could get it up again tonight, but there were other things. 

              Royce went to her and sat on the edge of the bed.  He pulled her to him and she straddled him.  Joy still had the chocolate covered strawberry she’d been nibbling on and she took a bite and offered him a bite, he took it, then she kissed him.  They played with the bite of strawberry, it was passed between them, chewed between them as they kissed they worked the strawberry and the taste of chocolate in their mouths, it was so erotic.  When the bite of strawberry was gone they kissed a moment longer then broke the kiss.  She took the half eaten strawberry and rubbed it down her throat and offered him her throat, he sucked and kissed it, “Ummm,” he said.  Then she rubbed it around her breast and on her nipple and he knew what to do now, he moved down sucking and kissing tasting the sweetness of the strawberry on her skin, he took a long suck of her strawberry flavored nipple, “Ummmm,” he said.  “Oh that’s nice my blue eyed man,” she said sexily, “Oh that’s nice,” she took the strawberry and rubbed it down her belly and then around and around her clit. 

              Royce was turned on now and he laid her on the bed.  She spread her legs and sensually ran the strawberry up and down her inner thighs, then she took her hands and pulled her legs back and held them open wide for him, “Oh yes my dark eyed lady, I like that, I like that a lot,” he said huskily.  He loved that she was so open with him.  He went to her and she offered him the rest of the strawberry and he took it in his mouth and he kissed her, deeply kissed her and they worked the strawberry between them, it was sweet, sexy and full of her essence.

             “Ummm,” he said over and over and worked his way down, lovingly kissing and sucking her, tasting the strawberry on her skin.  When he was finally down there he took a lick, a nice long lick.  He tasted the sweetness of the strawberry and her essence and he went for it.  He worked her with his tongue, and then he took the dildo and pushed it inside her.

             She cried out, and he worked it like it was him and he wished it was with her legs spread wide like that.  She moved her body against the dildo and met his thrust as he pushed it around this way and that.  He kissed her along her belly tasting the strawberry as he worked the dildo.  He went to her nipples and sucked, and flicked his tongue as he worked the dildo.  She was moving, working her body, writhing in her pleasure.

When she let out a loud, “Ahhhh,” he knew she was climaxing and he worked the dildo.  By now he was so hard.  He removed the dildo and pushed his hard member inside her and kissed her lips in the throes of her passion and she cried out against his lips.  He thrust harder and moved inside her, wanting her, wanting the pleasure of her.

             She cried out, and he moved his hips to her rhythm.  They moved together in sync with him deep inside her.  She held on tight crying out her pleasure and he held her crying out until he erupted and she climaxed with him.  Her body convulsing and moving of its own accord, it seemed he was not in control again as he spilled inside her.            

“Damn blue eyed man, that’s all I can say is damn, damn, damn,” and he laughed.  “I second that,” he said, “Damn, damn, damn,” they laughed and lay there facing each other catching their breath.

               He looked at her, her lips, her smile, her dark eyes.  This was Joy Abrams and he’d never felt anything like her.  He knew who he was, he was Royce Harrington a good ol boy from Amarillo and slightly racist like most white people who didn’t know they were.  He believed the stereotypes; what he’d heard; what he’d seen on TV, never realizing that because of his white skin he’d never had to suffer the indignities, atrocities and the psychological warfare of the black race at the hands of a white run society for generations, and because of that black people never entered his radar.  They weren’t part of his world, he never thought of them at all and here he was completely enamored with a black woman and Royce knew he’d been completely enamored with her from the moment he saw her at the Christmas party when he looked into her eyes and saw her soft, shy and vulnerable and that wild thought came into his mind that he wanted to hold her and he hadn’t been the same since.

All he wanted to do was touch her.  He took the oil he’d given her, it was a nice soft coconut he’d used a few times before, “Turn over,” he said and she did.  She lay on her stomach, crossed her arms and rested her head on top of them, she looked so relaxed and comfortable and he liked that.  He spread her legs and knelt between them and poured the oil in the palm of his hand, rubbed them together and started at her shoulders and did nice strong massages on her shoulders.  “Ummmm that’s nice,” she said.  He rubbed his hands on her skin, he felt the silkiness, “Yes, it is, isn’t it,” he said.  He was referring to her skin and she to the massage.   She relaxed and let him touch her.  “Let me have your arm,” he said.  He went down each arm to her fingers, massaging and at her fingers he stroked them, balled his fist in her palm for just the right pressure, and then he sucked her fingers and did the same to the other arm. “That feels so good my blue eyed man,” she said and Royce saw the smile on her face.

This was not part of his repertoire, women had massaged him and he’d had professional massages but he didn’t give them, but he wanted to know Joy, know her in every way and touching every inch of her was one way to breathe her, to memorize her, he went down her back.  Royce loved the color of her skin against the paleness of his, he rubbed up and down, his hands familiarizing himself with her contours, with her softness, he kissed her several times as he went and when he went down to her round swells he felt his member twitch and jump,
down boy, not yet,
he thought,
there’s still other things I want to do to please her.

He poured more oil in his palm and worked it on her swells, he couldn’t resist he kissed and sucked tasting the sweet oil, he played with her cheeks. 
Man her ass turned him on
, and she didn’t help the situation, she moved sensually to his touch. “Ummmm,” he said, and kissed it and ran his fingers up and down between her cheeks.  He forced himself to continue down her legs, her legs were long, shapely, nice thighs and calves, it was obvious she went to the gym regularly and when he got to her feet he raised one and palmed the soles.

“Oh yeah that’s nice,” she moaned softly, and he sucked her toes, “Oh my, my blue eyed man you are good,” she whispered her voice husky, and when he was done with her back.  “Turn over,” he said and she did with soft languid movements.

He went to drawer number three and took out the vibrator with the tickler on it.  Joy watched him with soft but trusting eyes.  Royce poured the oil in his palm and massaged it in, on her shoulders, her breast, her nipples, stomach, he kissed and licked her and he stayed on her nipples.  Then he turned on the vibrator and touched it to her skin.

She gasped and he touched it to her nipple, she moaned and he went down to her belly, his lips on her bare skin and the vibrator he held at her navel.  She was moaning and crying out now.  He poured oil on her skin, he rubbed it in, and worked the vibrator his lips doing the rest and Joy was moving her body sensually and sexily.  He’d poured oil in the little patch of her pubic area and now he was there.  He rubbed around and around and she opened her legs wider for him.  His hand found the spot he was looking for and he rubbed there, she moaned.  Then he placed the vibrator there and she jumped up.

He took advantage of her sitting upright and leaned in and kissed her lips, passionately he kissed her, his lips wanting nothing more than to be connected to hers.  Her arms went around his neck as she returned the kiss with hunger and passion of her own.  He worked the vibrator up and down her clit, she held her legs open and they kissed on, the heat and fire rising.  Royce couldn’t resist anymore he leaned in so she would lean back, he did this until she was on her back he lay on top of her and now he pushed the vibrator in.

She cried out and held on to him, he worked it, letting it get her to the place he wanted, and just before he felt her body tensing he removed the vibrator and pushed his hard member inside her, she gasped and cried out and he thrust deep filling her with him, feeling the hot wet heat of her.

“Come with me, come with me,” he implored of her, his voice raw with sex.  They moved together.  Their moans showing their pleasure and together they came and came and came.

After they caught their breath and were back to normal Joy lay in his arms and he played with her fingers, entwining them with his, “You think you might want to join?”  He asked and he hoped she would, he had to see her again.  “I don’t know, it’s really not up to me, my husband will decide,” she said. “Oh, but do you think you could…if it were up to you?”  “I have to admit my blue eyed man,” she said with a smile, “This was fun and you were right I am very pleased with my choice tonight,” Royce laughed a soft laugh, “But I don’t know…I mean…I know every time isn’t going to be like this, so I don’t know I’ll talk it over with my husband.” 

“I understand, but I hope you join and you know…we can always choose each other,” he said and the thought had just come to him.  He knew he’d always choose her if they chose to come on the same night.

“That’s nice my blue eyed man,” he smiled, at least he knew he’d pleased her enough to want to be with him again, and before they knew it they heard Patty on the intercom.

“I hope you had fun and lots of pleasure Pleasure Seekers, but the night is over until the next time at The Club
and then they heard the two bell warning.

The night’s over already!
  Royce thought, it was too quick, he could kick himself for sleeping through two sessions, but she’d wiped him out, he was weak and drained of his strength. 

They got up slowly and dressed and he zipped up her dress and kissed her along the neck as he did so she smiled.  She sat on the bed to put on her shoes, “I’ll help you with those,” he said and this was not normal for Royce, unless the woman asked for his help he didn’t bother her nor they him, but Joy, he still wanted to be near her, touching her, interacting with her.  He squatted in front of her and took her foot in his hand and he smiled up at her, “You have nice feet,” he said. “Thanks,” she smiled down at him and he put on her shoe and strapped it on, then he did the other. 

She went into the bathroom and when she came out her hair was back into the sleek twist behind her neck. “I didn’t want anyone to know what we’ve been up to in here,” she joked and he laughed.  He took her in his arms and kissed her, “I hope you join.”  “I don’t know, I can’t make any promises, but you took off all my lipstick,” she used her thumb and rubbed it off his lips, and he didn’t care.  He leaned in and kissed her again, a deep kiss, he kissed her and spoke what he wanted, “Try and sway him,” his lips against hers, “I would love to see you again…I was very happy, more than happy with my choice tonight,” he said his lips still against hers.

This was new too, Royce had never kept a woman in his arms his lips against hers not wanting to let her go, but it was Joy she made him feel things he’d never felt before.  He did this until they heard the sound of the last bell.  The night was over. 

He took her hand and led her out the door and still holding her hand he escorted her to the family room where the remaining couples stood talking.  They were the last to arrive.              Michael hurriedly came up to them, “Hey man,” he said to him, “Our car is waiting,” he said to Joy, and Tammy was right behind Michael, “What took you so long, you have our ticket?”  He reached in his pocket and walked towards Patty, but he watched Michael holding Joy’s hand leading her out the front door.

And when he and Tammy were in the car heading home, “You have lipstick on you,” she said and reached over and wiped a smudge Joy had missed in the dim light.  Royce smiled and licked his lips, and Tammy missed that she was reaching for a tissue or she might have been more cautious.

Michael and Joy drove home and he didn’t know what to say to her.  He didn’t know how to ask if she’d enjoyed being with another man, a white man at that.  Michael knew this was all his doing; when he’d been approached he’d vehemently scorned the idea. 
Letting other men have Joy, 
his mind screamed,
No fucking way!
  But later he thought about it, thought about the contacts he could make, the business he could get, and he rationalized if this is the game rich white men are playing well he’d better play it too.  It wasn’t just on the golf course anymore, it was in the bedroom.  Joy was his hold back; could he let white men have her?  He had to think hard on that one, Joy was the reason he breathed, the reason he did anything, the reason he worked so hard. 

He’d known that since the day he met her.  He was a senior at Princeton University and his buddies heard about this party the African American Student Liberties Union was putting on at the University of Pennsylvania.

“Aw man it’s too close to finals and I’m knee deep into my thesis, I don’t have time for that right now,” he’d argued.

“Aw come on man, it’s one night, let’s check out some Penn ladies, it’s still Ivy League, I know you like that,” Keith had come back at him and he gave in.  He was trying to graduate and go to law school not find a lady.  But he found himself crushed in the back seat riding to Philadelphia and his only consolation it wasn’t a long drive, a little less than an hour, so maybe it wouldn’t be a long night.  They arrived at the party and right away they thought it was a bust, “Aw, look at this, there’s only a couple of fine ladies here.  The rest we can find anywhere,” Gerald the ladies man of the group said disappointed.  “Well we’re here now, you all dragged me all the way here we’re going to make the best of it,” and about thirty minutes later Joy walked in and all their mouths dropped.

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