Royal Pain in the Ass (54 page)

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Authors: Heather Trudy

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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Richie pulled me into a hug.
He had the same blonde hair as Chase, but with honey brown eyes.
How are you?

Better than you

ve been.
  I can

t apologize enough for what my brother did.

I shrugged.

s not your fault Chase can be a dunderhead.

Richie started laughing, it was a rich, rolling laugh that was contagious.

s what you call him?
  Oh I

ve missed you.
You remember Elsie, right?


s wife, Elsie.
She was drop dead gorgeous.
She had beautiful curly blonde hair that was carefully piled in a neat bun atop her head.
She was warm and gentle and everything that complimented Richie.
Elsie had always been kind to me.

Elsie, you look just as gorgeous as ever.

I smiled and she pulled me into a hug too.

You look good darling.
When Chase told us what happened we were all so worried.

m glad you

re doing better now.

I nodded.
Yes, things are much better for me now.

Good to hear.

It looks like things are well for you two as well.
I swear Elsie, you look like you

re glowing.

I smiled and then her cheeks flushed and her hand went to her stomach.
Oh my god, are you?

She bit her lip and smiled.

“Oh my god!  Congratulations!”  
I wide grin broke across Richie

s face.

Thanks, we

re so excited.

How far along are you?

Only nine weeks, it

s still early.
We haven

t announced it yet.

Elsie whispered.
We don’
t want anyone to know yet.

I nodded.
Got it.
You two are going to be great parents.

“I hope so.”

Who is your friend?

This is Xavier.
Xavier, this is Chase

s oldest brother Richie and his lovely wife, Elsie.

Richie shook Xavier

s hand and gave him a strange look.

s a pleasure to meet you.
Ladies, would you excuse us for a moment?

Richie led Xavier off for a moment and Elsie and I caught up.
I was surprised how much time had passed when they returned.

d been gone almost a half an hour.

Well, Juliet, I hope everything keeps going well, but I

ve been
neglecting my other guests, I must be off.
  Take care.”

What were you two talking about for so long?

Just politics.

Xavier replied smoothly, not looking me in the eye.
Should we begin heading to the tables?

I nodded.
  “Sure.  Let

s go.”

To my displeasure, I had a seat right next to Chase at the Senator

s table. 
They tried to seat Xavier elsewhere, when I decided I would go to the table Xavier was at anyway, they made room for him.
This was going to be a long night.
I could feel it now.

We took our seats and it wasn

t long before everyone was seated.
Xavier was to my right, unfortunately, Chase was to my left.

Glad you could come, babe,

Chase whispered.


m not your babe.

I snipped back.

You know what I meant.

Yes, that

s why I said what I said.

“Oh Jules,”
Chase shook his head smirking.

re still the same.

“No, Chase, I

m really not.

m different from what you remember.

I like it.

Well, stop.

I noticed the tension in Xavier

s jaw, the way he pointedly wasn

t looking at us, but watching from his peripheral vision.
I jumped when a hand touched my leg.
I glared at Chase and took his hand off of me.

’t touch me.

I growled.
I noticed Xavier

s eyes watching Chase like a hawk.
While his face looked pleasant, I knew it was a mask.
I could see the dangerous look in his eye.

Or what?

Chase breathed and I shuddered.
It was out of disgust, but he took it another way.
I knew you couldn

t resist me.

The only thing I

m currently resisting is the urge to vomit.
Keep your hands and every other part of you off of and away from me.
I was relieved when the first course came. It gave me an excuse to ignore Chase.

Are you alright?

Xavier whispered to me.

I shook my head.
Not really.
I think this was a bad idea.

Xavier nodded.
Well, I

ll be right here all night.

t worry.
You have me for whatever you need.

I smiled.
  “Thank you. 
You have no idea how comforting that thought is right now.


s hand found mine under the table and I couldn

t explain it but I suddenly felt more relaxed.
I didn

t question it, I just went with it.

Chase kept trying to make sly little moves under the table which I continued to shoot down.
It was tolerable until Senator Evans stood to make a speech.

Ladies and gentleman, I

m so glad all of you could make it tonight.
Tonight, I am pleased to inform all of you, that I will be running for reelection.
He paused for applause.
Now, this is the start for another long journey and I hope to have all of your support once again.
I would like to congratulate my son, Richard, for following in my footsteps.

ll be running for Congress as well.

Richie looked a little sheepish but smiled politely and waved.
Congratulations son, my second son, Harrison will be graduating Harvard Law next semester with honors, unfortunately it

s about time for midterms so he couldn

t join us. 
My third son, Chase, has seen the error of his ways and has happily agreed to begin his life anew with his fianc
, Juliet.


I hissed at Chase.


s alright, sweetie.
They can all know, it doesn

t have to be a secret anymore.

Chase purred.

Excuse me, Senator,

Juliet, it is not polite to interrupt.

I would hate for you to be misinformed though.

I replied in the most polite voice I could muster.
I am not now, nor have I ever been your son

s fiancé.”

Juliet, you

re embarrassing me,

Chase hissed.


re embarrassing yourself.

I snapped back.

Juliet, we will discuss this later.
Please sit down.

Senator Evans warned through clenched teeth.
As I was saying,

If you

ll excuse me,

I snipped and stood and walked away from the tables.
I was so angry right now.
Really Chase?
Did he seriously think he could just decide something like that?
What the fuck was wrong with him?

Someone grabbed my arm.
Juliet, you are embarrassing my family.

Chase snarled at me.
Get your ass back in there and stop making a scene.

I warned you not to touch her again.

Came Xavier

s bass rumble.
I looked at Xavier and saw the rage on his face.
Remove your hands from her or I will do it for you.

Oh yeah?
You think you

re a big man?”

I looked up to see Senator Evans.
You better check yourself.
Juliet, a word?

Anything you have to say, you can say in front of Xavier.

Juliet, you don

t want this conversation in public.

No sir, you don

You want this conversation kept quiet.

Juliet, I

m warning you.

Senator, I sincerely hope you are not threatening me.

Juliet, you have singlehandedly ruined my son

s hopes for a career and his life.
I hope you

re happy.

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