Royal Pain in the Ass (37 page)

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Authors: Heather Trudy

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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Well, try it on.

Xavier smiled and walked over to a chair.

Zis vay.
I was led to a screen that I guessed neither of them could see through.
The dress fit like a glove.
I looked at myself in the mirror and I smiled.
I walked out and Xavier just stared for a long moment.
I vould have razer not had sleeves, but Meester Xavier insisted upon it at least zee one.
So I did vat I had to.

m not sure how I feel about zis.

I love it.

I smiled.
  “Thank you Paolo.”

As long as you

re happy.
  Zat is vat matters.  I

ll let you two discuss.

Paolo hurried out, closing the door behind himself.


I asked.
Xavier still hadn

t said a word.

You look, you

re so . . .

Xavier cleared his throat.
You look beautiful.

I smiled.
You think so?

No doubt of it.
How are you feeling?


Is your face still tender?


d forgotten all about that.
I reached up and winced.
Yeah, I guess it is.

I was afraid of that.

ll warn the makeup artists.

ll be sure they

re gentle.” Xavier

s hand traced around my face where his fist had made contact and I couldn

t read the expression on his face.

What are you thinking right now?

I asked, looking up at him.

How much of a monster I am for hurting you.

You are no such thing.

ve met a few monsters, but you aren

t one of them.

Xavier gave me a sad smile.
  “You don

t know everything.
Xavier ran his hand through my hair and stepped away from me.
There is much you do not know, but this is hardly the time.

Xavier, whatever you

re afraid to tell me, it can

t be that bad.
I don’
t see anything wrong with you, other than your arrogance with servants.

Xavier shook his head.
You are too kind sometimes.
Now, get changed.

ll wonder if we

re gone too long.
Xavier left the room without another word.
That boy confused me beyond belief.
I pulled my jeans back on and the sweater and hung the dress over the screen.
Not knowing what else to do, I started wandering.
It wasn

t long until I, quite literally, ran into Ian.

we both muttered.

When did you get here?

I shrugged.
A few hours ago.
Ian offered me a hand and helped me to my feet.
How are you?


m well.
And yourself?


m good.
What are you up to?

I asked raising an eyebrow.
He looked like he was nervous, like something important was going on.

Just, something.

I crossed my arms and shifted my weight to one side.

Yes, erm, something.

Just tell me, I

m going to find out.

I have something very important to ask tonight.

Are you popping the question?

Ian hushed motioning with his hands which I found hilarious and adorable.

Ah, so I

m right.
It better not be that Amelia I met last time.

Oh, no it isn



You haven

t heard?

I shook my head.
I felt so out of the loop.
What have I missed?


m seeing Lana now.

Mhmm, that makes sense.
I noticed the two of you before.
So, that

s the girl you were in love with.

Yes, yes, you were right.
Are you happy now?


I nodded.

I didn

t expect to see you, but can I get your opinion anyway?
You seem the sort to be honest no matter the consequence.

I shrugged.
That was true.
Sure, what

s up?

Ian pulled out a small box and opening it.
Perched inside was one of the most beautiful rings I had ever seen.


s gorgeous.”

Do you think she

ll like it?

That girl is head over heels for you.
You could give her a quarter machine ring and because it

s from you she

d love it.

Ian sighed and seemed to visibly relax.
  “Thank you, Juliet.”

No problem.
I seem to have lost everyone else, do you need any help with whatever you

re up to?

Actually . . .

I was giggling like a school girl.
I was helping Ian set up for the big moment which would be happening later tonight.
I was so excited.
I loved having secrets.
Especially this kind.

And remember she mustn

t suspect a thing.

Ian reminded me for the umpteenth time.

Okay, so I should go find a bull horn and scream into it, right?

Ian smiled and let out a sigh.
You might want to go get ready.
Christine is looking for you.

How do you . . . ?

Ian help up his cell phone and I nodded.
That makes sense.
Where should I be?

Greg is on his way here, I

m sure he won

t mind visiting Christine for another moment.

ll have him take you to her room.

An hour later Christine looked like the princess she was.
Christine, you

re going to be the belle of the ball.

I smiled.

You too, just look at yourself.

Greg is going to love it.

I saw Christine flush.

Do, do you think so?

she stammered looking at herself in the mirror again.

Yes, if he doesn

t he

s an idiot.

So, why don

t you like Raleigh?

He blackmailed me into a date.” I answered, my tone flat.
“Then went to my father rather than asking me.


s because you said no to him.
” Christine smiled.  “
He really does like you.


m just fresh meat.

m the new girl without any history with them.

I can assure you Raleigh isn

t like that.

s persistent when he wants something.
He really does like you.

Well too bad.
I don’
t feel that way about him.

Is there someone else?

I shook my head.
  “No, I

m not seeing anyone.

Christine raised an eyebrow.
Then what is it?

I shrugged.
I just don’
t feel like that about him.

If you could dance with anyone tonight, who would it be?

I have no idea.

Christine gave me a coy little smile.

What does that mean?

If you won

t be honest with yourself, then I can

t expect you to be honest with me.

s okay.  You

ll figure it out.

m so excited.

Wait, Christine, what are you talking about?

Oh Juliet!

Christine grabbed my hands and spun me.

s about time!

Before I knew it I was on Raleigh

s arm and being announced to a room full of mostly strangers.
I was beyond excited to see Fiore again.
I watched with baited breath as Christine was properly introduced into society.
She was every bit a princess.
It was too cute the way she and Greg looked at one another.

May I have this dance?

Raleigh asked offering his arm.

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